Setting Up PayPal Express Checkout

PayPal Express Checkout lets your customers checkout using payment and address information stored in their PayPal accounts without having to enter this information in your Commerce website.

PayPal Express Checkout lets you take advantage of specials and offers from PayPal and PayPal's partners. Also, after you integrate PayPal Express Checkout with NetSuite, you can issue returns through PayPal.

After you set up PayPal Express Checkout, customers click the PayPal button displayed in your Commerce website’s shopping cart to be temporarily redirected to the PayPal site to confirm or change their payment and address information. Customers are then returned to your website to enter any gift certificates or coupon codes and to submit the order.


Customers must have a PayPal account to complete a payment using PayPal Express Checkout in your Commerce website.

Complete the following tasks to set up PayPal Express Checkout in NetSuite:

To set up your PayPal account with API access to NetSuite transactions:

  1. If you do not already have a PayPal merchant account, go to PayPal to set one up.

    In NetSuite, you can go to Setup > Accounting > PayPal Accounts > New and click the link near the top of the page. This link redirects you to the PayPal Business website.


    Your PayPal account type must be either Premier or Business to set up the API access required for PayPal Express Checkout.

  2. Log in to your PayPal merchant account and, depending on your environment, use one of the following API usernames for granting API Access to NetSuite:

    • For production accounts:

    • For sandbox or demo accounts:

  3. Check the following options in the list of APIs:

    • Use Express Checkout to process payments.

    • Issue a refund for a specific transaction.

    • Obtain information about a single transaction.

    • Search your transactions for items that match specific criteria and display the results.

    • Authorize and capture your PayPal transactions.

To set up PayPal Express Checkout in NetSuite:

  1. Confirm the PayPal Integration feature is enabled in NetSuite.

    Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

  2. Go to the Transactions tab.

  3. In the Payment Processing area, check the PayPal Integration box to enable PayPal as a payment method on your Commerce website.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Create a PayPal account record in NetSuite that corresponds with your PayPal account.

    Go to Setup > Accounting > PayPal Accounts > New.

  6. Enter the following information in the Account Basics area:

    • Account Name — Enter a name for the PayPal payment method.

    • Primary PayPal Email Address — Enter the email address you use to log in to your PayPal merchant account.


      To receive customer payments, this email address must match the email address you use for your PayPal merchant account. This field is case sensitive. To confirm your primary email address, log in to your PayPal account and go to your profile.

    • Check Test Mode if you are using the PayPal sandbox environment for testing the workflow.

    • Check Inactive if you do not want this PayPal account to be available for use on your website.

    • Check Use Express Checkout to use PayPal Express Checkout in your Commerce website.


      API access must be set up in your PayPal Express merchant account to enable integration with NetSuite.

    • Check Use Express Checkout With Bill Me Later to offer customers the option to use their PayPal Credit accounts when making a purchase.

  7. In the Payment Method area, complete the following steps to select an account for PayPal transactions:

    • Select your subsidiary from the Subsidiary list.


      The subsidiary must be the same as the one you select in Step 12.

    • Check Deposit To.

    • Select PayPal from the Account list.

  8. Click Submit.


    Integration with PayPal is validated after you click Save on the PayPal Accounts page. If PayPal Express Checkout is set up correctly, the PayPal Accounts page will save successfully.

  9. Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List to associate your PayPal account with your subsidiary.

  10. Click Edit next to the name of your website.

  11. Go to the Setup tab.

  12. At the bottom of the Setup tab, in the Subsidiaries area, go to the row for your subsidiary and select your PayPal account from the PayPal Account list.


    The subsidiary must be the same as the one you selected in Step 7.

  13. Click Save.

To associate multiple PayPal accounts with your NetSuite account, see Using Multiple PayPal Accounts.

When the customer completes checkout, a sales order is created in NetSuite with payment authorized by PayPal. Depending on your accounting settings, the sales order status in NetSuite is either Pending Fulfillment or Pending Approval. After the order is billed, payment is received from PayPal.


NetSuite does not send an email notification indicating that the order cannot be processed. If a funding error occurs in PayPal, the customer is redirected back to PayPal where they can view information about the error. The customer can then select a new funding source and resubmit the order.

If you do not want to use Express Checkout, do not check the Use Express Checkout box when you enable the PayPal Integration feature in NetSuite. Customers can still choose PayPal as a payment option during checkout. See PayPal Integration Without Express Checkout

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