Checkout Process with PayPal Express Checkout

PayPal Express Checkout lets Commerce web store customers to select their payment method at various points in the checkout process. This attribute contributes to a lower cart abandonment rate.

The PayPal Express Checkout button is displayed in the shopping cart and the address information page. If the customer decides to select PayPal on the payment methods page, they see the classic Pay with PayPal button, with Express Checkout functionality, on the last checkout page of checkout.

Customers click the PayPal Express Checkout button and are temporarily redirected to the PayPal site for confirmation of payment and address information.

The following diagram shows the PayPal Express Checkout process for Commerce websites:

redirection to PayPal site

After the sales order record is created in NetSuite, the following PayPal fields are displayed on the sales order form:

Field Name

Field ID

Field Type


PayPal Status



Status of the payment. Populated from the PayPal response. Possible status values are:

  • None – No status.

  • Canceled-Reversal – This means a reversal has been canceled. For example, you won a dispute with the customer and the funds for the reversed transaction have been returned to you.

  • Completed – The payment has been completed and the funds have been added to your account balance. This is the only value status for point-of-sale transactions.

  • Denied – You denied the payment.

  • Expired – The authorization period for this payment has expired.

  • Failed – The payment has failed. This happens only if the payment was made from your customer's bank account.

  • Pending – The payment is pending.

  • Refunded – You refunded the payment.

  • Reversed – A payment was reversed due to a chargeback or other type of reversal. The funds have been removed from your account balance and returned to the buyer.

  • Processed – Payment has been accepted.

  • Voided – An authorization for this transaction has been voided.

PayPal Order ID



The ID of the order submitted through PayPal Express Checkout. Populated from the PayPal response.

PayPal Tran. ID



Unique transaction identification number of the payment. Populated from the PayPal response.

Authorization ID



Authorization identification number. Populated from the PayPal response.

Process PayPal Payment



If checked, the payment or refund will be processed by PayPal.

If not checked, the data entered in the other PayPal fields will be stored in NetSuite but not sent to PayPal. Defaults to checked for PayPal Express Checkout orders.

Override PayPal Settings



If checked, the user can override the PayPal Tran. ID and PayPal Status fields.

If not checked, these field IDs are disabled and populated with the PayPal response.

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