Shopping Cart and Checkout Setup

When you integrate your web site with the NetSuite shopping cart, your online customers can browse products on your site, and then go to the shopping cart page to view a list of all the items they added to the cart. Note that cart and checkout customization procedures are different depending on the type of site you operate: SuiteCommerce Advanced or Site Builder.

To integrate your Site Builder site with the NetSuite

shopping cart, choose Full Web Store as the Web Site Scope preference on the Web Site Setup page. Next, you can use the Cart tab on the Web Site Setup page to organize the display of item order information in the shopping cart. You can also use the Extended Cart preference which allows shoppers on your site to enter coupon codes, gift certificates, and shipping information on the shopping cart page (as opposed to entering this information on different areas of the checkout workflow). You can also use Scriptable cart to add SuiteScripts to Web order forms.

For more information about shopping cart and checkout customization options for Site Builder, read the following topics:

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General Notices