Keywords Summary Report

The Keywords Summary report tracks the search terms your visitors used to find your website. NetSuite records both the referring URL and the exact search keyword phrases your customers used each time they visited your site.

The report tells you exactly how much money was generated from each keyword, how many visitors submitted information that created lead records, and how many visitors made purchases. It then calculates revenue per visitor and revenue per customer, which provides ROI analysis.


Data for this report may differ from data you receive using Google Analytics. Instead of counting hits for the exact keyword phrase, Google reports hits for the phrase and for each keyword in the phrase.

For example, John Rogers searches for printer cartridges in Google. From his search results, Rogers navigates to Wolfe Electronics. The Wolfe Electronics' Keywords Summary reports show this customer searched for the keywords printer cartridge one time he visited your site, and he searched for hard drive on another visit.

For optimal usage, you can filter this report by referrer. This lets you display revenue and conversion information related to each keyword by referrer.

To track paid keywords, you must create a keyword marketing campaign. You can then include the campaign ID parameter in the URL you provide to the search engine service.

For more information, see Keyword Marketing With Search Engines.


The Keywords Detail report includes both natural and paid keywords. To filter this report by natural or paid keywords, you must customize the report to include the Campaign ID component. Only paid keywords have campaign IDs.

To see the Keywords Summary report:

Go to Reports > Web Presence > Keywords Summary.

If the report does not display immediately, a message appears indicating that your report is loading. Click Cancel to stop the report from loading.

The table below displays the Keywords Summary report columns and their descriptions:

Column Name



Search keyword used to find your site.

Last Visit

Date of last visit with a keyword.


Number of visits to the site.

Number of Visitors

Number of visitors who searched with a keyword.

Number of Leads

Number of registered visitors who used the keyword.

Number of Purchasers

Number of visitors who placed orders on the site.

Total Revenue

Total sales that resulted from a keyword.

Revenue per Visitor

Calculated by dividing revenue by the number of visitors.

Revenue per Purchaser

Calculated by dividing revenue by the number of visitors who made a purchase.


Calculated by dividing number of visitors by the number of purchasers.

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