Transform Record Action

Use the Transform Record action to transform the data on a transaction record into another transaction record type. When the action executes, a new instance of the target record type is created. You can create workflows that processes transaction by transforming them into the next record type in a transaction record life cycle. For example, you can create a workflow to process sales orders and create invoices based on the appropriate date range, amounts, or other criteria.


Workflow definitions require a trigger configuration that initiates the workflow, executes an action within a workflow or transitions the workflow from one state to another.

Transform Record Action Parameters

The following table describes the Transform Record action parameters:



Record Type

Type of record to create by transforming the workflow's current record. Only supported record types for the workflow's current record appear.

Store Result In

Workflow field or state field in which to store a reference to the created record. Create the field before configuring the Transform Record action.

Use this field to subscribe to a created record with the Subscribe To Record action. See Creating and Subscribing to a Record.

Redirect without saving

Select to permit the user to edit the transaction before saving.


Field values to populate when creating the new record instance of the selected Record Type. For each field, select the field name, set the appropriate properties in the corresponding columns, and click Add.

The list of properties in the Field column changes depending on the selected Record Type.

For more information, see Setting Field Values in Action Definitions.


For more information about adding actions to a workflow, including common action properties and conditions, see Action Conditions and Creating an Action.

Transform Record Action Guidelines

Use the following guidelines when working with the Transform Record action.

Related Topics

General Notices