Upgrade Logic for Custom Forms

When the backend upgrade process runs against a custom form, the standard fields on the form are rearranged to match the new field location of the standard fields on the upgraded standard form. For example, when a custom Customer form is upgraded, the standard fields on the custom Customer form are rearranged to match the layout of the standard fields on the upgraded standard Customer form.


The exception to this is standard fields placed on a custom subtab. When a custom form is upgraded, standard fields that have been placed on a custom subtab will remain on the custom subtab.

The location of custom fields on custom forms will also remain unchanged during the upgrade process. Custom fields will be moved only if they are on a subtab that is removed during the upgrade process.

See the following table for details. Also see the Upgrade Logic for Fields (Diagram) for a visual description of these field upgrade changes.

Existing Form

Upgraded Form

Custom Fields

Custom fields that are on a valid standard subtab.

Will be kept on the same subtab when the form is upgraded.

Custom fields on a subtab that is removed when the form is upgraded.

Will be moved to a subtab called Custom.

After previewing the new autogenerated layout, you can manually edit the layout and move your custom fields off of the Custom subtab.

See Editing the Layout of Custom Forms Prior to Deployment.

Custom fields that are on a custom subtab.

Will be kept on the same custom subtab.

Custom fields that are in the main area of the form.

Will be placed at the bottom of the main area, under the autogenerated field groups.

After previewing upgraded custom forms, if you are not satisfied with the autogenerated layout, you can reassign fields to alternate groups, relabel or remove field groups, and create your own custom fields groups. You can also move fields between the new subtabs that were autogenerated. For more information, see Previewing Undeployed Custom Forms and Editing the Layout of Custom Forms Prior to Deployment.

To create custom layouts, go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Form PDF Layouts or Customization > Forms > Transaction Form HTML Layouts, and click the Customize link next to a layout. Make your changes and click Save. You can choose default layouts to apply to one or more types of forms by checking boxes in the Preferred column at Customization > Forms > Transaction Form PDF Layouts or Customization > Forms > Transaction Form HTML Layouts, and clicking Submit.

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