Return Authorization

A return authorization transaction, also known as a return materials authorization (RMA), records information about an expected return of items from a customer, including the item IDs, vendors, quantities, and prices (which determine the amounts to be credited or refunded to the customer. This transaction is non-posting. It is available when the Return Authorizations feature is enabled.

For help working with this record in the UI, see Customer Return Management.

The internal ID for this record is returnauthorization.

See the SuiteScript Records Browser for all internal IDs associated with this record.


For information about using the SuiteScript Records Browser, see Working with the SuiteScript Records Browser in the NetSuite Help Center.

For information about scripting with this record in SuiteScript, see the following help topics:

Supported Script Types

The return authorization record is scriptable in both client and server SuiteScript.

Supported Functions

The return authorization record is fully scriptable, which means that the record can be created, updated, copied, deleted, and searched using SuiteScript. It can also be transformed.

Usage Notes

See the following sections for more details on working with this record:



Est. Gross Profit

When this field is on the body of the form in edit mode, this field is scriptable and can be returned in a transaction search.

When this field appears on the sublist line level, this field is not scriptable.


Est. Gross Profit Percent

When this field is on the body of the form in edit mode, this field is scriptable and can be returned in a transaction search.

When this field appears on the sublist line level, this field is not scriptable.


Est. Extended Cost

When this field is on the body of the form in edit mode, this field is scriptable and can be returned in a transaction search.

The Multi-Partner Management feature must be enabled in your account for the Partners sublist to appear.


This record has available transforms. See the SuiteScript Records Browser for available transforms. In the NetSuite Help Center, see record.transform(options) for examples on how to transform records.

Email Operations

NetSuite enables a user to email a copy of a transaction to a customer or another recipient.

If you deploy a beforeLoad user event script on a transaction, in general the script executes when the transaction is emailed. In these cases, the sending of the email is considered an operation of type email on the transaction. However, if the companywide preference Use Popup for Main Transaction Email Button is enabled, a beforeLoad script will not execute in certain cases, depending on how the email is sent. That is, the script will not execute if the user views the transaction and selects Actions Email, or edits the transaction and sends the email by using the Communications tab. In these cases, the system displays a popup window that the user can work with to manually edit and send the email. Actions taken with this window are not considered operations on the transaction. If you have your system configured this way, and you want to deploy a beforeLoad script on emails sent using the popup, deploy the script on the Message record type.

An additional way of emailing a transaction is by editing the transaction and using the Save & Email button. Note that, even if the Use Popup for Main Transaction Email Button preference is enabled, the popup window is not available for emails sent this way. For that reason, a beforeLoad user event script deployed on the transaction will always be triggered by use of the Save & Email button.

For more information about the Use Popup for Main Transaction Email Button preference, see Setting Email Preferences. For details about emailing transactions, see Emailing Transactions.

Related Topics

General Notices