Emailing Transactions

Email is now the accepted method of sending transactions to customers for the vast majority of users. With NetSuite you can email the transaction directly from the active screen. NetSuite automatically saves a copy of the message and records the audit trail. Users with the Email Templates and Custom Transaction Forms permissions can select which transaction email template to use for each transaction type when sending transaction emails with a PDF attachment. For information about determining the content of the email message, see Working with Email Templates and Assigning an Email Template to a Transaction Type.

No special permission is required to email a transaction, but your account needs to be set up to enable the action. An administrator must do the setup. For information, see Setting Email Preferences.

Following are methods to email a transaction:

To send a saved transaction by email in view mode, from the Actions list, select Email.


Transactional email is not subject to monthly send limits. You can send an unlimited number of transactional email messages during the month.


To send a bulk e-mail with a mass update on a transaction, don't exceed the 4000 character limit for the field (including HTML tags), otherwise, the e-mail doesn't save.

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