Documenting a Bundle

For every bundle you create, you should attach a document that describes the purpose of the bundle, how to install and use it, and where bundle users can get support when needed. This document should be aimed at administrators. There is a separate mechanism you can use to publish user documentation to the NetSuite Help Center. See Publishing SuiteApp Help Content to the NetSuite Help Center.

You specify a bundle documentation file in the Admin Documentation field, on the Step 2 Bundle Properties page of the Bundle Builder. NetSuite provides a template for this purpose and you should use this template as the basis for your file. For details, see:

You also can enter a URL in the Admin Documentation field, to link to an externally hosted site that provides documentation. For more information, see Using a Website to Provide Bundle Documentation.

Using the Template to Create a Bundle Documentation File

To facilitate the creation of your bundle document, NetSuite provides a Microsoft Word template (.dot file) that you can upload and use to structure your document. The template has been designed specifically for bundle documents and can be filled in. By using it, you ensure that the key documentation your customers require is presented in an efficient and consistent manner.

The template includes the following elements or sections:

Although you can adapt this template, you should use this structure to ensure correct installation by administrators and effective adoption by users of the SuiteBundler.

To create a document using the bundle document template:

  1. Start the Bundle Builder, at Setup > Customization > SuiteBundler > Create Bundle.

  2. On the Bundle Properties page, click the inline text Template link, or click the label for the Admin Documentation field, and then click Template in the field level help.

  3. Choose whether to open the template using Microsoft Word or to save the template file.

  4. Before you begin entering your text, save the template as a Word .doc type file.

  5. In the Word .doc file, replace the text in the grey fields with your own text.


    You must include the entire NetSuite Disclaimer provided in the Support section.

  6. When you have completed entering the text in your Word .doc file, generate a PDF file.

  7. Return to the Bundle Properties page of the Bundle Builder.

  8. In the Admin Documentation field, click New from the dropdown list for the field.

  9. In the File popup window, select Computer in the Attach From field, check the Available for SuiteBundles box, click the Browse button, browse to the file, and click Save.

    The selected file is listed in the Documentation field.

Selecting a Bundle Documentation File from the File Cabinet

To use a previously created document that has already been uploaded to the NetSuite File Cabinet as your bundle documentation file:

  1. Go to the Bundler Properties page of the Bundle Builder , at Setup > Customization > SuiteBundler > Create Bundle.

  2. In the Admin Documentation field, click List from the dropdown list for the field.

  3. In the Choose Documentation popup, select the file.

    The selected file is listed in the Documentation field.


If you do not see the file in the list and you are sure it was uploaded to the File Cabinet, it is possible it was not marked Available for SuiteBundles. You can edit the File Cabinet record to check this box.

Selecting a Bundle Documentation File from Your Computer

To use a previously created document that has not been uploaded to the NetSuite File Cabinet as your bundle documentation file:

  1. Go to the Bundle Properties page of the Bundle Builder , at Setup > Customization > SuiteBundler > Create Bundle.

  2. In the Admin Documentation field, click New from the dropdown list for the field.

  3. In the File popup, select Computer in the Attach From field, check Available for SuiteBundles, click the Browse button, browse to the file, and click Save.

    The selected file is listed in the Documentation field.

Using a Website to Provide Bundle Documentation

To use an externally hosted website to provide bundle documentation:

  1. Go to the Bundle Properties page of the Bundle Builder , at Setup > Customization > SuiteBundler > Create Bundle.

  2. In the Admin Documentation field, click New from the dropdown list for the field.

  3. In the File popup, select Web in the Attach From field and enter the URL in the URL field, and click Save.

    The entered URL is listed in the Documentation field.

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