Customer Payment Import

NetSuite Customer Payment transactions are records of payments. You can use the customer payment import to import historical sales data.


To maintain performance, 5000 lines per transaction is the maximum limit for transactions submitted through CSV import. The number of lines a record can contain is specific to the record.

You can import unapplied payment amounts, or apply some or all payment amounts to invoices. If you are importing both customer payments and invoices, and you want to apply imported payments to imported invoices, you need to import invoices first. Include unique IDs, preferably external IDs, for your invoice records. You then can reference invoices in your customer payment import file by including their unique IDs as Invoices sublist field values.


A payment can be associated with an invoice through the internal ID or external ID only. The transaction ID is not unique and cannot be used.

Customer Payment Import Examples

The following example shows a customer payment import where the payment amounts are not applied to invoices.

External ID


Payment Amount



John King




Marie LaBelle




Tim Johnson



The following example shows a customer payment import where the payment amounts are applied to invoices.

External ID



Invoice ID

Payment Amount


John Woodhouse





Tim Johnson





Ellen Guest




For details about fields that can be mapped in the customer payment record, see the SOAP Schema Browser’s customer payment reference page. You can use the field definitions here as a basis for creating your own CSV import template file. For information about working with this tool, see SOAP Schema Browser.

Review the following guidelines for Customer Payment imports:

Supported Customer Payment Sublist Data Imports

The Customer Payment import supports the import of Invoices sublist data. Each line in this sublist represents an invoice to which the payment is applied. The sum of Payment field values for sublist records represents the total amount of the payment.

In this sublist, the required Invoice key field holds the transaction IDs for invoices to which payments are applied. An additional, optional Line key field holds the line numbers for the invoice lines to which payments are applied, if payments need to be applied to specific lines.


If you use only the Invoice key, the following error may be returned to indicate that a unique reference was not found, “Ambiguous sublist reference; multiple matches exist for key value <>”.

An import can add new invoices or invoice lines to which a payment is applied, change the amounts applied to existing invoices or invoice lines, or remove invoices or invoice lines.

When the Overwrite Sublists advanced option is not enabled (which is the default), CSV file sublist data selectively updates existing invoices data, based on the Invoice key field. When this option is enabled, CSV file sublist data completely replaces existing invoices data. For example:

The Customer Payment import also supports the import of Accounting Book Detail sublist data. The Accounting Book Detail sublist is available only when the Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled, and only when more than one active accounting book exists. This sublist is selectively updateable based on the Accounting Book key field.

Complete deletion of sublist data currently is not supported. For more information, see Sublist Data Import.

Using Import Assistant for Customer Payments Mass Update

You can perform a mass update of existing Customer Payments main fields by exporting Customer Payments saved search results, changing data externally, then using the Import Assistant to import modified data, using the Update data handling option. For more information, see Creating Transaction Saved Searches for Reimport.

The Import Assistant is available at Setup > Import/Export > Import Tasks > Import CSV Records. After you select the record type for import, you choose the import character encoding. For more information, see Select a Record Type for Import and Choose Import Character Encoding.

Additional Information

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General Notices