Mapping Addresses on Records and Transactions

You can quickly view maps for addresses on records and transactions by clicking the Map links.

To select the mapping website to use to display maps, go to Home > Set Preferences. In the Address Mapping Type field on the General subtab under Defaults, select whether to open maps in Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps, or Mapquest.


There is also a Custom option; if you select this option, the mapping type set by the account administrator for each country is used. For information about setting address mapping types for different countries, see Supported Countries.

This feature is especially useful for:

Transactions or records with address fields have a Map link next to the address. After you fill in the street address, city, state, zip code and country fields on records, you can click the icon to view a map of the address location. This map opens in a new window, where you can zoom in or out for a bigger picture or more detail, and you can print step-by-step driving directions to this address from any location.

The Map link shows on transactions next to Bill To and Ship To fields. On records, the icon shows next to Billing Address and Shipping Address fields.

When viewing a record, click the text of the underlined address to view the map. When you are finished viewing your map or driving directions, close the map window to return to NetSuite.

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