Inactivating Records

As your business grows, you may no longer need certain records in your NetSuite account. Rather than deleting a record you do not currently use, you can mark the record as inactive.

When you mark a record as inactive, the record remains in the system for future reference. However, the inactive record does not show on transactions for selection in lists.

Inactivating records is a quick and useful way to clean up your lists and keep your records up to date. By keeping only current records active, it is easier to find the right selection in lists on transactions because outdated choices do not show in the list. This makes form entry easier, accurate, and less prone to error.

You can make records inactive one at a time by checking the Inactive box on individual records. The Inactive box shows for users with the appropriate permission to change records.

You can also make many records inactive at one time by marking them on a list page, as described below.

To inactivate list records:

  1. Check the Show Inactives box. The page automatically reloads to display the Inactive column.

  2. In the Inactive column, check the boxes next to the records you want to inactivate.

  3. Click Submit.

After a record is marked inactive, it no longer appears in dropdown lists or popup lists in NetSuite. You can see inactive records on list pages by checking the Show Inactives box.


After you inactivate a record, it will not show on transactions for selection in lists. However, if the Search option shows in the dropdown list for a field, the search will return inactive records if the Inactive filter is set to Either or Yes. Inactive records in these search results can be added to transactions. To filter inactive records out of search results, be sure to set the Inactive filter to No in the search criteria.

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