Setting Up Event Reminders

Event reminders are sent either as email messages, or they appear as popup messages in NetSuite. Reminders show the day, date, time, title and location of the upcoming event.

Event reminders are helpful when an event is scheduled far in advance.

When you receive a popup reminder, you can choose from the following:

By default, reminders are set to include audio. You can change this preference, and set other preferences for event reminders on the Activities subtab at Home > Set Preferences.

When you are logged in to NetSuite with your default role, the preference you set for Default Reminder Type determines the type of reminder you receive for events. If you are not logged in with your default role, then the type of reminder you receive is determined by a company-wide preference set by an account administrator. For more information, see Personal Preferences for Activities.

You set event reminders when you create or edit an event, or when you accept or tentatively accept an event invitation. For instructions, see the following help topics:

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