Record and Transaction Data Fields

Enter data on record and transaction forms using fields, boxes, and buttons. Some fields require a particular type of entry like a date or currency.


If you are not sure which fields to include when building a report, you can use the SuiteAnalytics Connect Browser to view table summaries and domain diagrams for the most widely used domains. For more information, see Working with the Connect Browser.

Text Fields

Text fields can have only letters, numbers, and basic punctuation. You cannot enter any special characters or HTML codes in text fields.

Date Fields

Click the calendar icon next to a date field to open a popup calendar in which you can click the date. If you know the date format your company uses, you can type the date in the field. For tips, see Keyboard Shortcuts.

Amount Fields

Amount fields support addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You do not need to calculate the value before you enter it in the field. For example, John Wolfe of Wolfe Electronics wants to write a check for automobile expenses. The business spent $87.45 on gas for one catering van, and $125.36 on gas for another van. If John wants to add these expenses together in the same check, he can compute the total in the Amount field.

To compute amounts:

  1. In the Amount field, type = (equal sign).

  2. After the equal sign, enter numbers and the computation symbols.

    For example, type =125.36+87.45

    To separate actions, use parenthesis, for example, =(10+10)*2.

  3. Click another field on the page, or press Enter, to complete the calculation.

    The result appears in the Amount field.

    The results for the examples in step 2 appear as 212.81 and 40.00.

For more information, see Currency Field Limitations.

Related Topics

General Notices