System-Defined Reminders Table

The following table describes reminders that may be available, depending on your role and the features enabled in your account.


Custom reminders may also be available to you. See Creating Custom Reminders.

For more information about setting reminders, see Setting Up Reminders.



Allocation Schedules due

Reminds you of allocation schedules that are due.

Amortization Entries pending

Reminds you of amortization entries that are pending.

Clicking this reminder takes you to the Amortization Journal Entries page filtered to show only transactions for the current period.

Assemblies to Build

Reminds you of assembly work orders you need to enter.

Assemblies to Order

Reminds you of assembly work orders to order.

Bills to Pay

Reminds you of bills you need to pay. You can customize this reminder by choosing how many days before the due date you would like this reminder to appear. Clicking this reminder takes you to the page.

Calls that are overdue

Reminds you of phone calls that are overdue.

Clicking this reminder takes you to a list of phone calls filtered to show only calls that are overdue.

Calls to complete

Reminds you of phone calls that are not complete.

Clicking this reminder takes you to a list of phone calls filtered to show only calls you need to complete.

Campaigns to Email

Reminds you of campaigns you need to email. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Campaign Calendar page.

Campaigns to Print

Reminds you of marketing campaigns you need to print.

Cases to respond to

Reminds you of cases you need to resolve. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Cases page. The number corresponds to the number of open or escalated cases assigned to you and awaiting support reply.

Checks to Print

Reminds you of checks you need to print. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Print Checks and Forms page.

Commissions Rejected by Accounting

Shows the number of commissions that have been rejected by the your company's accounting department. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Commissions list filtered to show only commissions that have been rejected by accounting.

Credit Cards to Approve

Reminds you of credit card payments you need to approve. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Unapproved Payments Register.

Credit Memos to Print

Reminds you of credit memos you need to print. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Print Credit Memos page.

Customers to Bill

Reminds you of customers that need to be billed. Clicking this reminder takes you to the page you use for billing, which varies according to how you process customer billing.

Customers to Renew

Reminds you of the number of customers you need to renew. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Customers & Projects page.

Direct Deposits Returned

Reminds you of the number of returned Direct Deposits. Clicking this reminder takes you to the View Direct Deposit Status page filtered to list all payments returned with an Unreachable or Unknown Error status.

Direct Deposits to Approve

Reminds you of direct deposits you need to approve. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Approve Direct Deposit Payments page filtered to list all payments pending approval.

Direct Deposits to Print

Reminds you of direct deposit vouchers you need to print. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Print Checks and Forms page.

Electronic Funds Transfers Returned

Reminds you of the number of returned electronic funds transfers. Clicking this reminder takes you to the View Electronics Funds Transfer Status page filtered to list all payments returned with a Failed, Unreachable or Unknown Error status.

Electronic Funds Transfers to Approve

Reminds you of electronic funds transfer you need to approve. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Approve Electronic Funds Transfers page filtered to list all transfers pending approval.

Employees to Pay

Reminds you of the number of employees awaiting a payroll run. You can customize this reminder by choosing how many days before the next pay period you would like this reminder to appear. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Payroll Run page.

Employees to Review

Reminds you of the number of employees you need to review. Clicking this reminder takes you to your Employees list.

Employees with an Expiring Authorization

Reminds you of employees who have authorizations expiring.

Employees with an Expiring Visa

Reminds you of employees who have visas expiring.

Employees with an Upcoming Anniversary

Reminds you of employees who have upcoming anniversaries.

Employees with an Upcoming Birthday

Reminds you of employees who have upcoming birthdays.

Estimates to Print

Reminds you of estimates you need to print. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Print Estimates page.

Event Invitations to respond to

Reminds you of invitations you need to respond to. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Events List page.

Expense Reports to Approve

Reminds you of expense reports you need to approve. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Approve Expense Reports page.

Invoices Overdue

Reminds you of overdue invoices. You can customize this reminder by choosing how many days after the due date you would like this reminder to appear. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Open Invoices report filtered to show only invoices that are overdue.

Invoices Rejected

Reminds you of invoices that were rejected.

Invoices to Approve Due to Credit Hold

Reminds you of invoices that you must approve due to credit hold.

Invoices to Approve Due to Inconsistent Payment Terms

Reminds you of invoices that you must approve due to inconsistent payment terms.

Invoices to Approve Due to Unknown Tax Amount

Reminds you of invoices that you must approve due to unknown tax amount.

Invoices to Approve

Reminds you of invoices that you must approve.

Invoices to Print

Reminds you of invoices you need to print. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Print Invoices page.

Items to Order

Reminds you of items you need to order. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Inventory Stock Status By Item list filtered to show only items you need to order or build.

Journals to Approve

Reminds you of journal entries to approve.

Memorized Transactions due

Reminds you of memorized transactions that are due. You can customize this reminder by choosing how many days before the due date you would like this reminder to appear. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Memorized Transactions page.

NetSuite System Alerts to Acknowledge

Reminds you of problems encountered in processing transactions and provides suggestions on how to resolve the problem.

Opportunities to Close

Reminds you of the number of open opportunities. You can customize this reminder by entering the number of days before the expected close date you would like this reminder to appear. Clicking this reminder takes you to a list of your open opportunities.

Orders to Fulfill

Reminds you of sales orders you need to fulfill. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Fulfill Sales Order page.

Orders to Pack

Reminds you of sales orders you need to pack. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Pack Orders page.

Orders to Receive

Reminds you of the number of purchase orders you need to receive. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Receive Purchase Orders page.

Orders to Ship

Reminds you of sales orders you need to ship. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Mark Orders Shipped page.

Overdue Projects

Reminds you of projects that are overdue. You can customize this reminder by choosing how many days before the estimated end date you would like this reminder to appear. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Customer & Projects page filtered to show only the overdue projects.

Paychecks to Print

Reminds you of paychecks you need to print. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Print Checks and Forms page.

Payments to Deposit

Reminds you of payments you need to deposit. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Deposit page filtered to show deposits you need to make.

Payroll Batches to Commit

Reminds you of payroll batches you need to commit. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Payroll batch list where you can view or edit each uncommitted payroll before committing.

Periods to Close

Reminds you of accounting periods you need to close. You can customize this reminder to remind you to close a period in a specific number of days after the period ends. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Manage Accounting Periods page.

Purchase Orders to Bill

Reminds you of the number of purchase orders you need to bill. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Bill Purchase Orders page.

Purchase Orders to Print

Reminds you of purchase orders you need to print. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Print Purchase Orders page.

Purchase Requests to Approve

Reminds you of purchase requests entered by employees that you need to approve. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Approve Purchase Requests page.

Receipts to Print

Reminds you of receipts to print.

Rejected Intercompany Purchase Orders

Reminds you of the rejected intercompany purchase orders.

Rejected Intercompany Vendor Returns

Reminds you of the rejected intercompany vendor returns.

Resource Allocations to Approve

Reminds you of resource allocations that you need to approve.

Return Authorization Requiring Revenue Commitment Reversals

Reminds you of the number of sales orders that need revenue commitments. Drills down to the Generate Revenue Commitment page.

Return Authorizations to Approve

Reminds you of returns you need to approve. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Approve Return Authorizations page filtered to show only returns you need to approve.

Return Authorizations to Print

Reminds you of return authorizations you need to print. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Return Authorizations page where you can select the authorization that needs to be printed.

Return Authorizations to Receive

Reminds you of returns you need to receive. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Receive Returns page.

Return Authorizations to Refund

Reminds you of returns you need to refund. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Credit Returns page.

Revenue Recognition Entries pending

Reminds you of revenue recognition entries that are pending. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Revenue Recognition Journal Entries page filtered to show only transactions for the current period.

Sales Orders Requiring Revenue Commitments

Reminds you of the number of sales orders that need revenue commitments. Drills down to the Generate Revenue Commitment page.

Sales Orders to Approve

Reminds you of sales orders you need to approve. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Approve Sales Orders page filtered to show only sales orders you need to approve.

Sales Orders to Bill

Reminds you of sales orders you need to bill. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Bill Sales Order page.

Sales Orders to Print

Reminds you of sales orders you need to print. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Print Sales Order page.

Solutions to Approve

Reminds you of knowledge base solutions you need to approve.

SuiteBundles to Update

Reminds you that one or more installed bundles have an updated version available.

Clicking this reminder takes you to the Installed Bundles page, where you can click links to update bundles.

This reminder is added by default for an account's administrators and users with SuiteApp Marketplace permission when the first bundle is installed in the account.

Tasks due today

Reminds you of tasks assigned to you that are due today.

Clicking this reminder takes you to a tasks lists filtered to show only tasks due today.

Tasks that are overdue

Reminds you of tasks assigned to you that are overdue.

Clicking this reminder takes you to a tasks list filtered to show only your overdue tasks.

Tasks to complete

Reminds you of tasks assigned to you that are not complete.

Clicking this reminder takes you to a tasks list filtered to show only tasks you need to complete.

Time Records to Approve

Reminds you if you need to approve the time of subordinates. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Approve Time task.

Transfer Orders to Approve

Reminds you of transfer orders due to be processed. All transfer orders that are pending approval or pending fulfillment are included in this count. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Approve Transfer Orders page.

Vendor Return Authorizations to Approve

Reminds you of vendor returns you need to approve. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Approve Return Authorizations page filtered to show only returns you need to approve.

Vendor Return Authorizations to Refund

Reminds you of vendor returns you need to refund. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Refund Vendor Return Authorization page.

Vendor Return Authorizations to Return

Reminds you of vendor returns you need to send. Clicking this reminder takes you to the Ship Vendor Return Authorization page.

Work Orders to Build

Reminds you of assembly work orders you need to build.

Work Orders to Close

Reminds you of assembly work orders to close.

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