Quick Search Portlet

You can add a Quick Search portlet on most pages. In this portlet, you can search for data that matches your entered keywords for the selected field.

Quick Search portlet

After you add the portlet, you can click its setup link to specify the type of data to be searched. You also can set user-level preferences to include inactive data in searches, and to alter the logic for keyword matching.

For information about using Quick Search, see:

Adding a Quick Search Portlet

  1. Click Personalize on the page where you want to add the portlet.

  2. In the Standard Content tab of the Personalize Dashboard palette, click or drag the Quick Search icon.

Setting Up a Quick Search Portlet

  1. Click Set Up on the portlet menu to open the Quick Search Setup popup window.

    Quick Search Setup portlet
  2. In the Search Type list, select the type of search you want.

    • General means a search for data that NetSuite defines as records, such as customers, campaigns, and vendors.

    • Transaction means a search for data that NetSuite defines as transactions, such as cash sales, sales orders, and purchase orders.

  3. In the Default General Search Type list, you can select a type of record to be searched. If you do not make a selection, all records are searched.

  4. In the Default Transaction Search Type list, you can select a type of transaction to be searched. If you do not make a selection, all transactions are searched.

  5. Click Save.

Setting Quick Search Preferences

  1. Go to Home > Set Preferences, and click the Analytics subtab.

  2. To include inactive records in searches, check the Include Inactives in Global and Quick Search box. (By default, only active records are included.)

  3. If you want Quick Search to return records with names/IDs that start with keywords you enter and records with names/IDs that contain those keywords, check the Quick Search Uses Keywords box.

    If you do not enable this preference, the Quick Search portlet includes Starts With and Contains option buttons. Searches can return either records with names/IDs that start with keywords or records with names/IDs that contain keywords, based on the option button selection. Enabling this preference removes the option buttons.

  4. Click Save.

Finding Records with the Quick Search Portlet

  1. In the Quick Search portlet, enter keywords to match to the name or ID of the record you want to find.

    If available, select the Starts With or Contains option button to determine keyword matching logic. For more information, see Setting Quick Search Preferences.

  2. In the Search For list, select the field name of the name or ID to be used for keyword matching.

  3. Click the Search button.

    A page opens with a list of results. depending on your permissions, you may be able to do the following:

    • Click an Edit or View to open an individual record.

    • Click Return to Criteria to open a search form that includes your entered keywords.

    • Click Save this Search to create a saved search.

    • Click on of the export icons Export icons to export the list the list of results.

    • Click the print or email icons Email and print icons to print or to email search results to one or more recipients.

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