Displaying Multiple Saved Searches on Your Home Page

Currently, you can add up to six custom search portlets to a home page dashboard.


When placed in the right or left columns of a dashboard, custom search portlets display only the first 2 results columns of the saved search. When placed in the center column, they display the first 7 results columns. Custom search portlets also include New, Edit, and View columns with clickable links for each result record.

If you would like to display results for more than six saved searches on this page, you can do one of the following:

See the following topics:

Setting Up a Custom Tab for a Standard Page

To display results from more than six saved searches on your home page, you can set up a custom tab for a standard page, add multiple Custom Search portlets to the tab, and make the tab your landing page.

To set up a custom tab for a standard page:

  1. Click Set Up Custom Tab in the upper right corner of a standard page.

  2. On the Custom Center Tab page, click the Portlets subtab of the Content tab, and add multiple Custom Search portlets.

    For more information about setting up custom tabs, see Creating Center Tabs.

  3. After you have saved the custom tab, you can define it to be the landing page when you log in, instead of the home page, by going to Home > Set Preferences, and on the Appearance subtab, in the Centers & Dashboards section, selecting the tab name from the Landing Page dropdown list.

Creating a New Custom Tab

To display results from more than six saved searches on your home page, you can create a new custom tab, add multiple Custom Search portlets, and make it your landing page.

To create a new custom tab:

  1. Go to Customization > Centers and Tabs > Custom Center Tabs > New.

  2. On the Custom Center Tab page, click the Portlets subtab of the Content tab, and add multiple Custom Search portlets. (You can define any other tab characteristics as well.)

    For more information about setting up custom tabs, see Creating Center Tabs.

  3. After you have saved the custom tab, you can define it to be the landing page when you log in, instead of the home page, by going to Home > Set Preferences, and on the Appearance subtab, in the Centers & Dashboards section, selecting the tab name from the Landing Page dropdown list.

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