Editing Subscription Lines on Subscriptions

The information in this section applies to subscriptions that use the enhanced UI supported by Subscription Billing Enhanced UI SuiteApp.

When you create a subscription, the initial pricing intervals of subscription lines are generated based on the subscription plan and price book that you selected in the header fields.

You can edit a subscription lines in Draft status.

To edit the subscription lines on a subscription:

  1. Create a new subscription or edit a subscription with a Draft status. For information about creating subscriptions, see Creating Subscriptions with Subscription Billing Enhanced UI.

  2. On the Lines subtab, edit the subscription line–level fields if necessary:

    • Include – For optional items, you can check or clear this box. When you check this box for an optional item, the subscription line status changes from Not Included to Draft. For required items, this box is checked by default and is not editable.

    • Status – Click the dropdown field to change the status of the subscription line from Draft to Pending Activation, or vice versa. This field is editable only if the subscription line is included and its status is Draft or Pending Activation.

    • Class, Department, Location – Set or modify the values for the classification fields. You can change the values for these fields only if the subscription line status is Draft or Not Included.

      For information about how the Class, Department, and Location fields on subscription lines are populated, see Class, Department, and Location Fields on Subscription Lines.

      By default, these fields show all active classes, departments, and locations. You can also use public saved searches to define the list of options for these fields. For more information, see Setting Up the List of Class, Department, and Location Options for Subscription Lines.

  3. To edit a pricing interval for a subscription line, click the ellipsis icon on the top right corner of the box and select Edit. You can also click anywhere on the pricing interval box to open it for editing (if the subscription line is included) or viewing (if the subscription line is not included).

    The price plan fields that you can edit vary depending on the subscription line type and sequence of the pricing interval. These fields are available in the price plan details:

    • Start – Enter a different date or select from the date picker.

    • Pricing Model – Select one of the following:

      • Tiered – This pricing model is based on the incremental quantity sold. It is commonly used for recurring items. Tiered pricing charges a specified rate for all items sold in the tier (for example, the first 10 items). When the quantity sold exceeds the upper limit for the tier, NetSuite charges the price specified for the next tier for the additional items.

      • Volume – This pricing model is based on the aggregate quantity sold. It is commonly used for usage pricing. For volume pricing, the total quantity sold defines the charge rate for all items in the order.

    • Charge Frequency and Repeat Every – For recurring and usage lines, set how often you want the charge to occur. You can set the values for these fields only on the first pricing interval.

      In the Repeat Every field, you can enter any positive integer from 1 up to the maximum value, depending on the value set for Charge Frequency:

      • If Charge Frequency is set to Annually, maximum value for Repeat Every field is 10.

      • If Charge Frequency is set to Monthly or Weekly, maximum value for Repeat Every field is 120.

    • Total Interval Value – If you want to set the charge amount for the interval instead of using the price plan value, enter the charge amount in this field. This field is available only for recurring and one-time lines. You can set the value for this field only if the line status is Draft. In addition, for recurring lines, this field is editable only if the initial term for the subscription is not Evergreen.

      Take note of the following when using the total interval value:

      • When you set a total interval value and confirm that you want to use it instead of the price plan value, the price plan value will be cleared. When you save the subscription, the price plan value will be calculated based on the total interval value that you set.

      • If you modify the price plan value after setting the total interval value, the total interval value will be cleared when you confirm that you want to use the price plan value. If total interval value is not set, its value will be calculated based on the price plan value when you save the subscription.

    • Prorate By – For recurring lines, select a proration option. You can set the value for this field only on the first pricing interval of a recurring line. The default setting is Prorate by Day. If the charge frequency is more than one month, you have the option to select Prorate by Day or Month.

    • Quantity – For recurring or one-time lines, enter a quantity that is greater than zero. Initial value for an existing pricing interval is 1. However, if you make a copy of an existing pricing interval or add a new interval, the Quantity field on the new pricing interval is set to blank.

    • Included Quantity – For usage lines, enter a value that is greater than zero for included quantity, if applicable.

    • Discount – Both percentage and flat rate discounts are supported. To enter a percentage discount, include the percentage sign (%) after the positive number that you enter in the Discount field. To enter a flat rate discount, enter the numeric value only.

    • Recurring Amount – For recurring lines, this field shows the recurring amount value based on the rate or fixed amount, quantity, and discount.

    • Price tiers – Edit the existing values for Above Quantity, Pricing Option, Value, Min Amount, and Max Amount as needed. You can also create new tiers by clicking the plus (+) icon on the right side of an existing price tier.

  4. When you are finished editing a pricing interval, click the check icon on the top right corner of the box to save your changes. If you want to discard your changes, click the X icon instead.

  5. To create additional intervals for recurring and usage lines, do any of the following:

    • To create a single pricing interval for a subscription line, click the plus (+) icon on the right side of the last pricing interval.

    • To copy an existing pricing interval, click the ellipsis icon on the top right corner of the pricing interval and select Make Copy.

    • To create a new interval for all recurring and usage lines in the subscription, click the Add Interval To All button at the top of the Lines subtab. This action creates a new pricing interval for all recurring and usage lines in Draft status. For more information, see Adding a Price Interval to All Items at One Time.

    Edit the pricing information for additional or copied pricing intervals as needed.


    Pricing intervals that are located next to each other must be unique. If you have two identical adjacent pricing intervals, NetSuite combines them into one interval.

  6. If you want to delete a pricing interval, click the ellipsis icon on the pricing interval and select Delete. You cannot delete the first interval for any subscription line.

  7. When you are finished editing the subscription lines and pricing intervals on the Lines subtab, click the Save button on the subscription record to save your changes.

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