Creating Subscriptions with Subscription Billing Enhanced UI

After creating items, subscription plans, and price books, you can create a subscription.

For instructions on how to create the prerequisite parts of a subscription, see the following topics:

You can activate a subscription only after you create and save the subscription’s required components.


Creating subscriptions with the Subscription Billing Enhanced UI SuiteApp is the same as creating a standalone subscription using the Time-Based Pricing feature without the SuiteApp.

To create a new subscription using the Subscription Billing Enhanced UI SuiteApp:

  1. Go to Transactions > Subscriptions > Create Subscriptions.

  2. In the Primary Information section, select from the list or enter values for the following fields in any order:

    • Indicate the customer for whom you are creating the subscription:

      • From the Customer field, select an active customer from the list.

      • To create a new customer, click the plus icon next to the Customer field and select -New-.

      You can select any active customer, regardless of whether they have a billing account. When you select a customer, the Subsidiary and Currency fields contain the values you specified for those fields for that customer. When you select values for the Customer and Subsidiary and leave Currency blank, the Billing Account field shows the billing accounts that are available for that customer.


      Depending on the order in which you select the values for the Customer, Subsidiary, Currency, and Billing Account fields, NetSuite fills the values of fields dependent on the Subscription and Billing Account records.

    • You can set a subsidiary to use in a new billing account before creating it. If the customer has subsidiaries, indicate them as follows:

      • From the list in the Subsidiary field, select an active subsidiary. NetSuite populates the Subsidiary fields of the subscription record with the field’s values from the billing account.

      • You can change the subsidiary from the primary subsidiary to a secondary subsidiary. The subscription must be in Draft or Pending Activation status to change the subsidiary.

      • To create a new subsidiary, click the plus icon and select -New-.

    • You can set a currency to use in a new billing account before creating it. Indicate the currency as follows:

      • From the list in the Currency field, select an active currency. NetSuite populates the Currency fields of the subscription record with the field’s values from the billing account.

      • You can change the currency when the subscription is in Draft or Pending Activation status.

      • To create a new currency, click the plus icon and select -New-.

    • (Optional) You can create a subscription without a billing account until you activate the subscription. You can select a billing account from the list in the Billing Account field, or to create a new billing account, click the plus icon and select -New-. To create a create a new billing account, follow the instructions in Creating Billing Accounts.

      On the subscription record, the Customer, Subsidiary, and Currency fields are required for creating a billing account. When you have selected a customer on the subscription record, the Billing Account field contains the customer’s default billing account. When all lines in the subscription are in Draft or Pending Activation status, you can change the billing account to another billing account for the same customer. When you select a billing account, the Subsidiary and Currency fields are read only and contain the values for those fields from the billing account.

      The billing account is not required on default forms. Any automation or import templates work when you set a billing account value when you create the subscription.

      You cannot activate a subscription until you select a billing account that matches the values of the Customer, Currency, and Subsidiary fields on the subscription record.


    To ensure accurate data, select the Billing Account, Customer, or Subsidiary before selecting the subscription plan and price book

  3. From the Subscription Plan list, select a subscription plan. The Subscription Plan field lists the subscription plans for the selected billing account. If you have not selected a billing account, you must select values for the Currency and Subsidiary fields to select a subscription plan.

    Only subscription plans with price books in the currency that corresponds to the selected price book currency are available to select.

  4. If required, from the Price Book list, choose a different price book.

  5. From the Initial Term list, select a term, or select -New- to define a different term.

  6. In the Start Date field, enter or select a start date for the subscription. The default value is today’s date.

  7. You can define the Class, Department, and Location fields for subscription records in Draft status. These fields, located in the Plan and Term section, are useful for reporting. The values of these fields on the subscription record are automatically populated in the following order:

    1. If the selected subscription plan has values in any of the Class, Department, and Location fields, the field on the subscription record shows its subscription plan value.

    2. If a field does not have a value in the subscription plan, NetSuite checks the billing account and the field on the subscription record shows its billing account value, if any.

    3. If neither the subscription plan nor the billing account have values in these fields, they are empty on the subscription record.

      If the subscription is in Draft status, you can change the values of the Class, Department, and Location fields. You cannot change the values in these fields when the subscription is in Pending Activation or Active status.


      If you enabled per-line classifications, you can also set or modify the classifications at the subscription line level. For more information, see Class, Department, and Location Fields on Subscription Lines.

  8. Edit the subscription lines on the Lines subtab as needed. For information about the actions that you can perform on subscription lines, see Editing Subscription Lines on Subscriptions.

  9. If required, define one or more add-on items. See Managing Add-On Items on Subscriptions.

  10. If Revenue Recognition is enabled, set revenue recognition options. To enable Revenue Recognition, see Enabling the Revenue Recognition Feature.


    After you click Save, you cannot change the subscription’s customer, currency, or subsidiary. In this case, you must create a new subscription.

  11. Click Save.

If a billing account that you expect to process during billing operations does not process, run billing operations a second time or schedule billing operations for a convenient time for your business. Reasons why a billing account is not processed during billing operations include:

Running a subsequent billing operation may process any remaining invoices. For more information on Billing Operations, see Billing Operations.

After you have created the subscription, you must individually activate each line item. For more information, see Activating Subscription Line Items.

After creating the subscription, you can either associate it with a sales transaction or activate it.

General Notices