Roadmap for Setting Up Order-to-Cash

Use this road map as the high-level procedure you use to implement order-to-cash.

  • Do the tasks that this topic references in the same sequence that the topic displays them.

  • Steps after step 3 primarily reference tasks in the Orders functional area. Do each of these tasks depending on your business requirements.

  • To do a task, click each one in the Orders area. If the Orders area doesn't display a task, then search for it in the Search Tasks field.

  • The set up you do depends on your business requirements. You typically do most or all of the tasks that integrate Order Management. Other tasks depend on your requirements, such as tasks that control order status, constrain changes, or modify an orchestration process.

  • Use the Details column to get help with the task.

  • The Prepare column describes what you do to prepare for implementation. Do this set up before you administer order-to-cash. It will help to avoid interruption and downtime during administration. Use the Prepare column to check off preparation work as you finish it.

  • To monitor progress, add a check mark to the Done column when you finish each functional area or task.

  • Learn how implement drop ship. For details, see Overview of Drop Ship in Order Management.

Implement order-to-cash.

  1. For details, see Guidelines for Setting Up Order-to-Cash. It contains details that help to make the implementation go smoothly.

  2. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area, then select the Order Management offering.

  3. This topic assumes you will modify the predefined implementation that's available through Setup. For details about setting up a new implementation, see Points to Consider When Implementing Order-to-Cash.

  4. Set up these functional areas.

    Functional Area


    Initial Users


    Enterprise Profile


    Organization Structures


    Users and Security








    These areas reference common tasks. A typical implementation requires that you complete most or all common tasks. Learn how to set them up. For details, see Implementing Common Features for Oracle SCM.

  5. In the Functional Areas list, click Orders.

  6. In the Orders area, click Required Tasks > All Tasks

  7. Integrate Order Management.




    Manage Web Service Details

    Integrate Order Management with Source Systems

    _____Gained access to the administrator privilege and administrator role so we can use Oracle Wallet Manager.

    Manage Trading Community Source Systems

    Manage Upstream and Fulfillment Source Systems

    Manage External Interface Web Service Details

    Integrate Order Management with Source Systems

    _____Located the time zone where the server that the source system uses is located.

    _____Identified the URL that locates the connector that resides on the source system.

    _____Identified the User Name and Password that the Status Update service requires.

    Manage Trading Community Source Systems

    Manage Item Relationships

    Guidelines for Using Web Services to Integrate Order Management

    _____Identified source system details

    _____Identified role and privilege requirements

    _____Identified cross-reference requirements

    Manage External Interface Web Service Details

    Example of Integrating Order Management with Your Fulfillment System

    _____Identified an integrated development environment we can use to create a transformation style sheet.

    _____Acquired the user credentials that the service provider needs when calling their web service.

    _____Acquired contact details for the IT administrator who works for the service provider.

    _____Identified the URL that locates the web service that resides on the fulfillment system.

    _____Acquired the security certificate from the service provider.

    Manage External Interface Routing Rules

    Route Requests from Order Management to Fulfillment Systems

    _____Created a list that includes the names of the items we must route to fulfillment systems, the unique identifier for each item, and the name of each fulfillment system where Order Management must route the request.

  8. Control application behavior. For details, see the section that starts with Use Order Profiles to Control Order Management Behavior.




    Manage Order Management Parameters

    Manage Order Management Parameters

    _____ Determined whether our business requirements will allow or disallow the Configurator to select items in a configuration and to modify a configuration after the user adds a configured item.

    _____ Determined the date that Order Management must use when it determines the configure options that it displays for a configured item.

    _____ Determined how Order Management will display the Ship-to Address and the Bill-to Location for each customer during order entry.

    _____ Determined whether the Configurator stops processing when it encounters an error.

    _____ Identified the item validation organization that Order Management must use to validate and display items.

    _____ Identified an Order Management user that the buyer can contact to resolve a problem that happens with a drop ship.

    _____ Determined whether the Configurator validates each order that includes a configured item during order import.

    Manage Order Profiles

    Use Order Profiles to Control Order Management Behavior

    _____ Identified the value to use when converting a currency.

    _____ Identified the currency to display in the Order Management work area.

    _____ Identified the customer to use when filtering status data on the Overview page of the Order Management work area.

    _____ Determined whether use the source order number as the order number during transformation.

    _____ Determined the number of seconds to wait after an action finishes.

  9. Administer pricing. For details, see Overview of Oracle Pricing.

  10. Import source orders. If you use a source system, then you must import source orders.




    Not applicable

    Import Orders Into Order Management

    ____ Acquired access to our source order data.

    ____ Identified a tool we can use to manipulate source order data, such as SQL (Structured Query Language), or ODI (Oracle Data Integrator).

    Create Source System

    Manage Upstream and Fulfillment Source Systems

    Manage Standard Lookups

    Manage Item Relationships

    Automatically Import Source Orders into Order Management

    ____ Identified the attributes we will use in the Request Payload.

  11. Transform source orders. If you use a source system, then you must transform source orders.




    Manage Product Transformation Rules

    Set Up Transformation

    ____ Acquired the user and password that we need to sign into the Product Information Management work area.

    Manage Product Transformation Rules

    Create Transformation Rules

    ____ Described the structure of the source order data.

    ____ Identified the type of transformation that must happen so Order Management can support our source data.

    ____ Described requirements for pretransformation rules.

    ____ Described requirements for transformation rules.

    ____ Described requirements for posttransformation rules.

    Manage Product Transformation Rules

    Create Transformation Rules

    ____ Described requirements for advanced posttransformation rules, if necessary.

  12. Set up statuses.




    Manage Task Status Conditions

    Manage Task Status Conditions

    ____ Described our requirements for managing the statuses that our fulfillment systems provide.

    Manage Status Values

    Manage Orchestration Process Definitions

    Add Status Conditions to Fulfillment Lines

    ____ Described our requirements for managing the statuses for each fulfillment line.

    Manage Status Values

    Orchestration Process Status

    ____ Described our requirements for grouping orchestration process statuses so they're meaningful.

    Manage Orchestration Process Definitions

    Add Status Conditions to Orchestration Processes

    ____ Described our requirements that specify when to set statuses for orchestration processes.

  13. Set up processing constraints.




    Manage Processing Constraints

    Manage Processing Constraints

    ____ Described requirements regarding who can change a sales order, what can change in the sales order, and when the change can happen.

    Manage Constraint Entities

    Constrain Changes to Attributes

    ____ Described requirements regarding the order attributes that can change.

  14. Control change orders.




    Manage Order Attributes That Identify Change

    Manage Order Attributes That Identify Change

    ____ Described our requirements regarding what changes Order Management will allow on an existing sales order, and when it allows the change, including order attributes, users, and timing.

    Manage Orchestration Process Definitions

    Measure the Cost of Change

    ____ Estimated the business cost associated with each change.

    Manage Orchestration Process Definitions

    Compensate Sales Orders That Change

    ____ Described our requirements regarding the order compensation we will allow Order Management to do.

  15. Notify systems when orders change.




    Manage Business Event Trigger Points

    Overview of Sending Notifications from Order Management to Other Systems

    ____ Described our requirements regarding when Order Management must notify another system that a sales order changed.

  16. Use jeopardy to manage delays.




    Manage Jeopardy Priorities

    Manage Orchestration Process Definitions

    Manage Jeopardy Thresholds

    Set Up Jeopardy and Lead Time to Manage Delay

    ____ Described our requirements regarding when Order Management must notify an order manager that a sales order is in jeopardy, including the threshold when to notify for each step in an orchestration process.

    ____ Described requirements regarding the amount of lead time that Order Management must use to finish each orchestration process step.

  17. Manage task types.




    Manage Task Types

    Create Your Own Task Type

    ____ Described our requirements regarding setting up task types.

  18. Set up flexfields.




    Manage Order Extensible Flexfields

    Guidelines for Setting Up Extensible Flexfields in Order Management

    ____ Described our requirements regarding what details we must display in fields, including the data and location in the user interface.

  19. Set up orchestration processes.




    Manage Orchestration Process Definitions

    Guidelines for Setting Up Orchestration Processes

    ____ Confirmed that the predefined orchestration processes don't meet our requirements.

    ____ Identified configuration details for each orchestration process that we must create, such as task type to use, change logic, process planning, jeopardy, statuses, and so on.

    Manage Orchestration Process Definitions

    Set Up Orchestration Processes

    ____ Described the IF/THEN rules that we need for each orchestration process.

    ____ Described orchestration planning and replanning that we need for each orchestration process.

    ____ Specified the behavior that we need for each orchestration process step, such as the task type to use, the service to call, lead-times, and so on.

    ____ Created a flowchart mock-up for each orchestration process.

    Manage Orchestration Process Definitions

    Deploy Orchestration Processes

    Not applicable.

    Manage Orchestration Process Definitions

    Set Up Lead-Times for Orchestration Process Steps

    ____ Described the IF/THEN rules and conditions that determine the lead-time to use for each orchestration process step.

    Manage Orchestration Process Definitions

    Select Fulfillment Lines for Orchestration Process Steps

    ____ Described the IF/THEN rules that select the fulfillment line to run for each orchestration process step.

    Manage Orchestration Process Definitions

    Pause Orchestration Processes for Events

    ____ Specified the IF/Then rules that Order Management must use when it pauses each of our orchestration processes and each orchestration process step.

    Manage Orchestration Process Assignment Rules

    Assign Orchestration Processes

    ____ Specified the IF/Then rules that Order Management must use when it assigns each of our orchestration processes and each orchestration process step.

    Not applicable

    Resume Paused Orchestration Processes

    ____ Identified the pause tasks we will release to resume a paused orchestration process.