
How to Switch to Legacy Rate Maintenance UIs

Starting in 23A, the Rate Maintenance user-interface has been redesigned and enhanced. By default the Sourcing > Rate Maintenance menu items open the enhanced user interfaces.

Note: The use of pre-23A or legacy Rate Maintenance UIs is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. You should start using the enhanced Rate Maintenance pages instead.

To use the legacy Rate Maintenance pages, you can to complete the following to switch to the legacy Rate Maintenance pages.

  1. Review and update the legacy screen sets
  2. Create a legacy-based menu
  3. Add the legacy menu to your user
  4. Set up email links to redirect to the legacy pages

Reviewing the Legacy Screen Sets

The following legacy screen sets are provided. You can update these screen sets to fit your business process.


Creating a Legacy Menu

You can create a new menu using the legacy pages as follows:

  1. Go to Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Menu Manager.
  2. Create a new menu or edit an existing menu.
  3. Add a menu group. For example, Legacy Rate Maintenance.
  4. Add the following menu links as External URLs:.
    • Manage Rate Load Definition: /OTM-ADF/faces/RateLoadDefFinder?FinderSetGid=LEGACY_RATE_LOAD_DEFINITION&FromMenu=true&QueryBasedAction=false
    • Download Rates: /OTM-ADF/WEB-INF/glog/fusion/ratemaintenance/downloadrates/BulkDownloadRatesFinderTaskFlow.xml#BulkDownloadRatesFinderTaskFlow
    • Upload Rates: /OTM-ADF/WEB-INF/glog/fusion/ratemaintenance/uploadrates/UploadRatesTaskFlow.xml#UploadRatesTaskFlow
    • Approval Summary: /OTM-ADF/faces/ApprovalSummaryFinder?FinderSetGid=LEGACY_RATE_LOAD_SUMMARY&FromMenu=true&QueryBasedAction=false
  5. Save the new menu.

Add the Legacy Menu to Your User

Next, you assign the new menu to a user via user access. 

  1. Go to Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manage User Access.
  2. Select a User Access Type of User Menu.
  3. Specify the User ID, Level, and User Role ID required by your organization.
  4. Click Edit User Access.
  5. On the Manage User Access page, add the newly created User Menu ID where appropriate.
  6. Click Finished.
  7. Log out and then back in to OTM to see the new menul

Set up Email Links to Redirect to the Legacy UIs

With the enhanced Rate Maintenance pages, all links included in the emails received from Rate Maintenace actions open the Approval Summary Details Workbench. 

If you are using the legacy Rate Maintenance pages, you must opt-out of the optional feature USE ENHANCED RATE MAINTENANCE LINKS IN EMAILS to recieve emails with links pointing to the legacy Upload History and Approval Summary Details pages.

To opt out:

  1. Log in as DBA.ADMIN.
  2. Go to Configuration and Administration > Property Management > Optional Features.
  3. Search for and edit the optional feature of USE ENHANCED RATE MAINTENANCE LINKS IN EMAILS.
  4. Click Actions > Opt Out.

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