Shipment Management

Shipment Events Actions and SmartLinks

Click Actions on the Shipment Manager page to launch the following actions. These actions are accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Visibility > Buy Shipment Events
  • Shipment Management > Visibility > Sell Shipment Events

Action Category



Add Event for Location

Add Shipment Tracking Event

View Shipment Tracking Events


Right-click on any ID to launch any of the following SmartLinks.



Content View

This displays the Visibility Content view page.


Documents results page showing Document IDs that are linked to this shipment.

Full Audit

This displays the Audit Trails results page displaying all changes that were made to the shipment.

Related Invoices

This displays the Invoice Results page listing the invoices that were generated from this shipment.

Related Order Releases

This displays the Order Release Results page listing the order releases that are on the shipment.

Shipment Documents

This displays the Print Manager for printing shipment documents such as a billing of lading or packing list.

Track and Trace

This displays the Track and Trace page that typically appears when running the Track and Trace action against a shipment in Visibility.

View Related Remarks

This displays a hierarchy of remark records from the shipment.

Online Booking/Tendering

This displays the Tender Responses for this shipment.

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