Shipment Management

Assign Equipment (to Shipment)

This page is accessed via Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipments > Actions > Fleet Management > Assign > Equipment.

Use this action to assign equipment to the shipment. You can have the system display all valid equipment and then select one or have the system do the assignment.

Note: This action cannot be run for static routes until the reservation status of the shipment is RESERVATION_CLOSED. The status may be set to this value by running the Release Schedule Instance action. You cannot assign equipment without first assigning equipment type.

Note: This action will function for CLOSED-DETACHABLE shipments, but not for STATIC or DYNAMIC shipments.

Assigning equipment will not add a stop. Assigning an equipment type will add a stop if necessary.

Note: If the equipment is part of a kit, the act of assigning the equipment to a shipment will also result in both the power unit and the driver being assigned.

A pickup equipment is allowed at the location if:

  1. The Available Count is greater than 0.

  2. The Check inventory bucket exists and the Surplus (Count - Target) is greater than 0. (If Check inventory bucket does not exist, ignore check).

For Dropoff, the second check above is done in reverse; if the Check inventory bucket exists and the Surplus (Count - Target) is less than 0. (If Check inventory bucket does not exist, ignore check).

Assigning Equipment:

Select the Assign Equipment action. The Assign Equipment to Shipment - Override Criteria page opens. See the Override Criteria for Fleet Planning topic to complete the page.

Assignment Section

The following fields exist for the rows displayed. You can have multiple rows if multiple shipment equipment exists. You must select at least one row. You can only select equipment that has an equipment type assigned to it. You can only process one row at a time.

  1. The Process check box indicates whether this leg is to be considered in this action.
  2. The Pickup Location ID is where the equipment will be picked up.
  3. The Dropoff Location ID if blank indicates that the driver will retain the equipment after dropoff.
  4. The Equipment ID indicates the optional equipment for that leg.
  5. The Equipment Type ID indicates the equipment type for that leg.
  6. The Freight check box is read-only and indicates that the equipment is loaded.

Assignment Section on Assign Equipment

The assignment of equipment to a shipment can be done the following ways:
  • Manual/Best Option: After you enter criteria and click OK, the system will automatically select the best option.
  • All options: Use the Show Options button (after clicking the More Options button) to show all valid equipment. A new page opens that displays valid options along with the following fields for review:
    • Weighted Cost is from the shipment
    • Equipment Type ID: the ID of the available equipment
    • Available Count and Target refer to the Available Bucket count and the Check Inventory Bucket target level for the pickup location for the equipment instance.

After reviewing the options, select the option button for the preferred equipment type and click OK.

Drag-and-drop on a Workbench Layout

Assign equipment (to shipment): Select a single piece of equipment in a table and drag and drop it on a shipment in another table.

  • When the equipment is dropped on a shipment, the action Assign Equipment (to shipment) runs in the background.
    • The affected shipment, shipment equipment (s-equipment), and driver (if modified) are updated on any tables, maps, or Gantt charts included in your layout.
    • If the action fails, you see the OTM error message.
  • The action Assign Equipment (to shipment) runs with the following limitations:
    • The selected equipment must:
    • If there is no equipment type assigned to the shipment, the Assign Equipment Type action runs and assigns both the equipment and the equipment type.
    • The selected equipment cannot be a combination equipment group.
    • Show Options is not available.
    • All criteria are considered. You do not see the Planning Ignore or Fleet Ignore pages and cannot ignore any criteria.
    • This Assign Equipment (to shipment) action works for CLOSED-DETACHABLE shipments, but not for STATIC or DYNAMIC shipments.
    • If the equipment is part of a kit, the act of assigning the equipment to a shipment will also result in both the power unit and the driver being assigned.


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