Shipment Management

Shipment Visibility

Note: Shipment Visibility has been deprecated as of the 22C release and is no longer available from the default menus.

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > SmartLinks > Shipment Visibility.

Use this page to view detailed information about a shipment and its related stops and events.

Shipment Status

This section is divided into various cells that give you an overview of the shipment including the status, number of stops completed, the latest recorded event for the shipment, the shipment ID and basic details, service provider and rate information, weight utilization, and the number of order releases.


This cell displays the basic en route status of the overall shipment - whether delayed, on time, or early - based on the actual date and time of arrival of the shipment at the last stop. The amount of time deviated from the planned date and time is also shown in this cell.

Stops Completed

This cell displays the number of stops completed out of the total number of stops on the shipment.

Note: A stop is considered complete only if an actual arrival time of shipment is available for the stop.

Last Event

This cell displays the latest tracking event that is recorded for the shipment. Information displayed includes the serial number of the event and a brief description of the event, the stop number and location details, and the date and time of the event.

If an event is recorded without location information, it is indicated in the cell as “No Event Location”.

If no event has occurred, the cell displays “No Events Received”.

Note: If an event is recorded at a specific latitude/longitude but more details the name of the place cannot be determined, no further information will be populated in this cell.

Shipment Details

This cell displays shipment details like the shipment ID, transport mode (name or ID) used for the shipment, first equipment group, and the total gross weight of the shipment.

Click the shipment ID (for example, 01001) to access the following additional details about the shipment:

Service Provider

This cell displays information about the service provider used for the shipment, including the ID and name of the service provider, the total actual cost of the shipment, and the currency of the cost value.

Click the service provider ID (for example, GREEN TRUCKING) to access additional details including the SCAC, address, and primary contact details, including name, phone number, fax number, and email address.

Weight Utilization

This cell displays the percentage of total weight used by the shipment.

Order Releases

This cell displays the number of order releases included in the shipment.


Click Refresh to update the data displayed in this page and view latest information about a shipment.

Route and Status

This section graphically illustrates the shipment's stop details and associated events.


Each shipment stop is represented by a circle of a particular color. Stop details including stop number, location ID and name, city, state, country, and arrival date are displayed above the circle.

Note: If an actual arrival date/time is not available, the estimated arrival date/time is displayed. If no estimated value is available, the system displays the planned arrival date/time.

The color of a circle is based on the following:

  • Green: The circle is green if the actual arrival date/time of the shipment is equal to or within 30 minutes after the planned arrival date/time.
  • Yellow: The circle is yellow if the actual arrival date/time of the shipment is between 30 and 60 minutes after the planned arrival date/time.
  • Red: The circle is red if the actual arrival date/time of the shipment is more than 60 minutes later than the planned arrival date/time.
  • Gray: The circle is gray if no event is recorded for the stop and no actual arrival date/time is present - even though events might be recorded for any of the next stops.

Progress information for the stop is displayed within the stop’s circle, including whether the shipment arrived at a stop on time or it was late by how many minutes/hours/days.

The time inside the circle is calculated as follows:

  1. If available, actual arrival time minus estimated arrival time on the shipment is shown.
  2. If estimated arrival time is not available on the shipment, then actual arrival time minus planned arrival time is shown.
  3. If actual arrival time is not available on the shipment, then time from previous stop is shown.

Click on a stop's circle to view the following additional information about the shipment stop:

  • stop location details (location ID/name/address/role/stop activity)
  • planned, estimated, actual dates and times
  • appointments
  • number of order releases
  • the number of ship units
  • total gross weight and volume

Link between Stops

The line between two circles indicates the route link between two consecutive stops and the associated text indicates the calculated distance and actual time taken for the shipment to cover that distance.

If an actual arrival date/time is not present for a stop, a dotted line is shown to connect this stop and the previous one. In such cases, only the distance between the two stops is displayed; and the time of travel is '0 (zero) hours'.


An event is represented by a small circle placed either under a stop or under the line linking two stops, depending on whether the event is recorded at a specific shipment stop or during transit between the stops. The number of events recorded for a location is indicated inside the circle. When there is more than one event recorded at a location or between two stops, the events will be represented in the form of stacked circles with the number of events within.

The last recorded event is indicated with a green up arrow placed below the associated event circle.

Click an event circle to view the complete list of events recorded. The following information is displayed for each event:

Note: The most recent event recorded will always be displayed in the first row at the top of the list.

Control Panel

The control panel is displayed in the upper left corner in the Route and Status section. Use the icons provided in this panel to adjust the view.

The icons are:

  • control panel icon (Control Panel): By default, this icon is selected and the control panel is displayed. Click this icon to hide the panel. Click again to display the panel.
  • zoom to fit icon (Zoom to Fit): Click this icon to adjust the graphic display according to the size of your screen.
  • zoom in icon (Zoom In): Click this icon to view an enlarged graphic.
  • zoom out icon (Zoom Out): Click this icon to view a compressed graphic.

Overview Panel

By default, the overview panel is displayed at the bottom right of the page. A picture overview of the total number of stops associated with the shipment is displayed in this panel. Also, only those stops that are displayed in the Route and Status section at any given moment, will be highlighted in blue in this panel.

Click the  overview icon (Overview) to hide the panel. Click again to display the panel.

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