Business Process Automation

GTM Transaction Line Agent Actions

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Automation Agent.

If you select GTM TRANSACTION LINE in the Agent Type field and do not select anything in the Data Type Association field, the agent actions listed here are available.

To use agent actions from other agent types (business objects), select the appropriate data type association. By selecting a data type association, an automation agent of one agent type (business object) can run related agent actions of a different agent type (business object). For example, an automation agent with a shipment agent type can run agent actions available for the order release agent type. To do this, select a data type association of SHIPMENT TO ORDER RELEASE.



Ad Hoc Notify Contact

This is a utility agent action. See Ad Hoc Notify Contact.

Assign Classification To Transaction Line

This agent action will assign the designated product classification to the transaction line. Also see Assembled-to-Order Transaction.


Classification Type

Classification Code

Assign License to Transaction Line

This agent action will assign a license to the transaction line.

Assign Remark To Transaction Line

This agent action will assign the designated remark to the transaction line. See also Assembled-to-Order Transaction.


Remark Qualifier

Remark Text

Assign Variable

This is a utility agent action. See Assign Variable.

Call Service

This is a utility agent action. See Call Service.

Copy Data from Transaction Line

Use this agent action to copy different sets of sales information from a Sales Order Line (Transaction Line Type) to a Fulfillment Line or Shipment Line (Transaction Line Type), and quickly build the necessary data with shipment line as the trade document for customs declaration and/or filing. Specific information like reference numbers, remarks, values, quantities, user-defined codes, Incoterms and Incoterm locations, percentages, country of origin, country of manufacture, involved parties, product classification, etc. can be copied from one transaction line to another. Also see Copy Data from Transaction Lines.


Data Config ID

Saved Query

Copy from Preceding Transaction Line

Copy Flexfields

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Flexfields.

Copy Flexfields To

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Flexfields To.

Create Declarations

Use this action to consolidate and then aggregate transaction lines into declarations, based on a selected declaration type. You can also use this agent action to add more transaction lines to an existing declaration. For details, see Create/Add to Existing Declarations.


Declaration Type

Add to Existing Declarations

Direct SQL Update

This is a utility agent action. See Direct SQL Update.

Dont Persist

This is a utility agent action. See Dont Persist.


This is a utility agent action. See Else.


This is a utility agent action. See Elseif.

Estimate Distance

This is a utility agent action. See Estimate Distance.

Execute Compliance Screening

Use this agent action to screen transaction lines against the selected compliance rule set group.


Compliance Rule Set Group ID


This is a utility agent action. See For.

For Each

This is a utility agent action. See For Each.

Generate Refnum

his is a utility agent action. See Generate Refnum.


This is a utility agent action. See If.

If - Line Item

This agent action will work exactly like the generic IF agent action with the additional ability to take in a parameter to indicate whether the agent action should evaluate all sub-lines, any sub-line or the current line.


Line Options: The All sub lines options means that all lines need to match the criteria. The Any sub line option means that any of the sub-lines need to match the criteria. The Current line option means that the current line needs to match the criteria.

Associated Objects

Complex Expression

Attribute Rule

Saved Condition

Threshold: If within threshold tolerance, no agent action will occur. Passing Threshold Tolerance results in the agent actions defined in the If agent action  to occur. For example, if a weight tolerance was set up for an Order Base at 50 pounds, no agent actions would occur up until 50 pounds. Any weight greater then 50 pounds triggers the agent actions defined within the If agent action to occur.


Plugin Class

Pass Always: the default is to process the action only if the saved condition is true. Mark the check box to always process the action regardless of the saved condition.


This is a utility agent action. See Lock.


This is a utility agent action. See Log.

Log to Transmission Report

This is a utility agent action. See Log to Transmission Report.

Look Up Classification - GTM Transaction Line

Use this agent action to determine the classification status of the products included in a selected transaction line.


Service Preference ID

Look Up Country of Origin

Use this agent action to  look up and assign the country of origin of the item associated with the trade transaction line.

Note: The agent action will run based on the parameters configured in GTM Logic Configuration and GTM Transaction Configuration.

Look Up Trade Program - GTM Transaction Line

Use this action to copy item information over to transaction line/declaration line.

Note: The agent action will run based on the parameters configured in GTM Logic Configuration and GTM Transaction Configuration.

Mark Object for Delete on HD

This allows you to unload (soft delete) data from the historical database  (HD) for the GTM transaction line. This agent action is intended for use with Global Trade Intelligence.

See the Data Flow to Global Trade Intelligence - Unload Data from HD help topic for complete details.

This action must be added to an automation agent listening for the GTM TRANSACTION LINE - REMOVED agent event.

This agent action is included in the PUBLIC automation agent MARK GTM TRANSACTION LINE ON HD AS DELETE.


Notify Contact

This is a utility agent action. See Notify Contact.

Notify Involved Party

This is a utility agent action. See Notify Involved Party.


This is a utility agent action. See Persist.

Prepare Document

This is a utility agent action. See Prepare Document.

Print Document

This is a utility agent action. See Print Document.

Propagate Changes to Declarations

Use this action to sync the declarations with any modified transaction line data. For details, see Propagate Changes to Declarations.

Qualify for Trade Agreement

Use this agent action to qualify a trade transaction line for a trade agreement. (Also see Qualify for Trade Agreement).


Trade Agreement

Product Classification Type


Minimum Operations Requirements Met?

Exchange Rate ID

Exchange Rate Date


Queue Event

This is a utility agent action. See Queue Event.

Raise Error

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Error.

Raise Event

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Event.

Raise Internal Event

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Internal Event.

Record Entries into Programs - GTM Transaction Line

Use this agent action to record inventory entry movement of a trade transaction line against a trade incentive program.

(Also see Record Entries into Programs.)

Re-Evaluate License on Transaction Line

Use this action to evaluate a license existing on a transaction line by taking into account any data modification done on the line. See Re-Evaluate License.

Remove from Declarations

Use this action to remove a trade transaction line from a declaration. See Remove Transaction Lines/Declaration Lines from Declarations.


Saved Query

Note: If you don't provide a saved query, the application removes the transaction line from all the related declaration lines using an SQL as follows: 
select gtm_transaction_gid as decl_gid from gtm_transaction_line declLine 
where declLine.gtm_transaction_line_gid in (select gtm_transaction_line_gid 
from gtm_trans_line_reference gtlr where gtlr.trans_line_ref_gid =? )

You can provide a saved query to remove the transaction line from specific types of declaration. When the saved query is provided, it is executed on the transaction line and fetches the related declaration from which the line needs to be removed. This saved query should be of type GtmShipmentQuery (GTM_SHIPMENT), and it should take a GTM_TRANSACTION_LINE_GID as an input. This saved query should be similar to the above SQL with some additional criteria.

Remove Empty Declaration

Schedule Event

This is a utility agent action. See Schedule Event.

Screen Restricted Parties - GTM Transaction Line

This agent action performs restricted party screening on all the parties of the trade transaction line and its trade transaction.

Then its sets TL_RPLS status for the trade transaction line as follows:

  1. TL_RPLS=TL_RPLS_FAILED if status of one of the parties is RPLS_FAILED.
  2. TL_RPLS=TL_RPLS_PASSED if status of all the parties is RPLS_PASSED.

Then it sets TS_RPLS trade transaction status  as follows:

  1. TS_RPLS=TS_RPLS_FAILED if status of one of the trade transaction lines is TL_RPLS_FAILED.
  2. TS_RPLS=TS_RPLS_PASSED if status of all the trade transaction lines is TL_RPLS_PASSED.

Note: You can define gtm.rps.involved_party_qual.exclude property with comma separated involved party qualifiers to exclude corresponding involved parties from restricted party screening and the above-mentioned status consideration.


GTM Service Preference

Send Integration

This is a utility agent action. See Send Integration.

Set Indicator

This is a utility agent action. See Set Indicator.

Set Internal Status

This is a utility agent action. See Set Internal Status.

Set Status

This is a utility agent action. See Set Status.

Set User Defined Image

This is a utility agent action. See Set User Defined Image.


This is a utility agent action. See Stop.

Unassign License from Transaction Line

Use this action to unassign licenses which have been associated with transaction lines.

Update Classification Code

See Update Classification Code action.

Verify Classification Transaction Line

Use this agent action to verify that a product classification is accurate and correct for the current data version.


This is a utility agent action. See Wait.


Related Topics

Trade Transaction Overview

Trade Transaction Line

Transaction Line Control

Trade Transaction Line Actions

GTM Transaction Agent Actions

Assembled-to-order Transaction

Agent Actions

Utility Agent Actions