Business Process Automation

Order Release Agent Actions

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Automation Agent.

If you select ORDER RELEASE in the Agent Type field and do not select anything in the Data Type Association field, the agent actions listed here are available.

To use agent actions from other agent types (business objects), select the appropriate data type association. By selecting a data type association, an automation agent of one agent type (business object) can run related agent actions of a different agent type (business object). For example, an automation agent with a shipment agent type can run agent actions available for the order release agent type. To do this, select a data type association of SHIPMENT TO ORDER RELEASE. See the actions topic for more details.



Add Order to Job

This agent action automates the ability to add orders to a job. Job ID can be populated using an agent variable.


Job ID

Add Transactional Interest

This is a utility agent action. See Add Transactional Interest.

Ad Hoc Notify Contact

This is a utility agent action. See Ad Hoc Notify Contact.

Apply Buyer Template

See the Apply Buyer Template action.


Buyer Template copy type: Values are Do not copy, Copy If null, and Replace

Apply Customer Template

For this order release, the agent action finds the involved party on order/freight forwarder which has the configurable involved party qualifier ID. This involved party qualifier value is used as a customer ID to find a customer template and apply to order/freight forwarder.

See the Apply Customer Template action.

Apply Order Schedule

This agent action overrides the current date with the template and calculates the delivery dates.

See the Apply Order Schedule action.

Apply Services

For this order release, the agent action finds all order templates for the services and applies them to this order.

See the Auto Apply Services action.

Assign Commitment Based Serv Prov

This agent action assigns the service provider, who is "furthest behind" on his commitment, as a constraint on the order release.


Commitment Type: Count or Allocation

Assign Document Sets

This action allows you to assign document sets to selected objects. You can assign a single or multiple document sets to an object or multiple objects.

Note: If a document set is already assigned to an object, the action will proceed with assigning the remaining document sets.


Document Set

Assign Order General Ledger Codes

See the Assign General Ledger Codes actions for buy or sell shipments.


Perspective: Values are B (buy), S (sell), or A (all)

Assign Order Routing Rule

This agent action invokes the corresponding business action to determine the best matching order routing rule and assigns the results to the order release as constraints.

Assign Services

This agent action finds predefined services by checking the destination location, source location, and packaged item. Once found, they are added to the order release (services section).

Assign Transaction Data - Hazmat

Running this agent action populates hazmat information onto the order release line and freight forwarding line, including the specific hazardous items and their packaging information.

Assign Transaction Data - Product

Running this agent action populates product related information onto the order release line. This information includes packaged item and commercial invoice descriptions.

Assign Variable

This is a utility agent action. See Assign Variable.

Build Shipment

See the Create Buy Shipment or Create Sell Shipment > Direct actions.


Perspective: Values are B (buy), S (sell), or A (all)

Parameter Set

Build Shipment on Primary Leg

See the Build Shipment on Primary Leg action.


Perspective: Values are B (buy) or S (sell)

Build Trade Transaction

See Create Transactions - Order Release and Build Trade Transaction.


Transaction Type

Data Configuration

Calculate Direct Cost

See the Calculate Best Direct Cost action.


Perspective: Values are B (buy), S (sell), or A (all)

Call Service

This is a utility agent action. See Call Service.

Compare Order Sell Charges to Quote

Finds the Quote Cost Option the order was created from since the order will point to its quote cost option. The sell side shipments must be allocated.


  • Allowable Percent Above Quoted: Sell cost above quoted cost tolerance percent. The allowable percent the allocated sell charges may be above the quoted.

  • Allowable Percent Below Quoted: Sell cost below quoted cost tolerance percent. The allowable percent the allocated sell charges may be below the quoted.

  • Comparison Type: This determines whether to include non-freight related charges (NFRCs) in the comparison.

Copy Flexfields To

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Flexfields To..

Copy Involved Parties from Order

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Involved Parties from <object>.

Copy Involved Parties to Order

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Involved Parties to <object>.

Copy Refnums from Order Release

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Refnums from <object>.

Copy Refnums to Order Release

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Refnums to <object>.

Copy Remarks from Order Release

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Remarks from <object>.

Copy Remarks to Order Release

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Remarks to <object>.

Create Job

See the Create Job action.


Consolidation Type

Create Order Movement

See the Create Order Movement action.


Perspective: Values are B (buy), S (sell), or A (all)

Create Trade Transaction

See Create Transactions - Order Release and Create Trade Transaction.

Delete Order Movement

See the Delete Order Movement action.


Perspective: Values are B (buy), S (sell), or A (all)

Determine Order Release Quantity Validation

This agent action determines and sets the quantity validation status on an order release.


Quality Validation Type: Source or Destination

Direct SQL Update

This is a utility agent action. See Direct SQL Update.

Dont Persist

This is a utility agent action. See Dont Persist.


This is a utility agent action. See Else.


This is a utility agent action. See Elseif.


This is a utility agent action. See Endfor.


This is a utility agent action. See Endif.


This is a utility agent action. See Endlock.

Estimate Distance

This is a utility agent action. See Estimate Distance.


This is a utility agent action. See For.

For Each

This is a utility agent action. See For Each.

Generate Refnum

This is a utility agent action. See Generate Refnum.

Generate Ship Units

See the Generate Ship Units action.

The GENERATE SHIP UNITS agent action is useful when the order configuration is set to not create ship units automatically. This enables an order with only lines to be modified more easily since there is no impact to ship units. Ship units may then be created when the order is ready for planning. This action may also be used to re-create the ship units from the lines.

When configuring the GENERATE SHIP UNITS agent action, be aware of the ORDER RELEASE - INSERT agent action, and make sure the two do not get triggered for the same event. ORDER RELEASE - INSERT is a pre-persist agent action which listens to Order - Created from integration and build/calculate ship units.


This is a utility agent action. See If.

If on Editable Shipment for Order Release

The IF ON EDITABLE SHIPMENT FOR ORDER RELEASE agent action determines if the shipment can be edited. The shipment is NOT editable if one of the following is yes (true):

  • Has the order release been split?
  • There are no order movements or shipments found for the order release.
  • The related shipments are too complicated. In other words, there are pools or cross-docks in the scenario.
  • The order release is split into multiple equipment.
  • The order release time window is not compatible with one or more stops.

Note: Since the ORDER RELEASE- MOD - EDIT SHIPMENT agent action can only run if the shipment is editable, you should precede it with this agent action. Refer to the PUBLIC automation agent ORDER RELEASE - MODIFY for an example.

Note: Using this agent action to make changes to the source and destination of the order does not affect the stop location of the related shipments, as it is not a part of the functionality since location change involves stop changes on the shipment. The original rate may not work for the new stop. When location change is involved, it is recommended to unassign and replan the order.

If Shipment has Undeletable Work Invoice

This agent action determines if the work invoice can be deleted or not. If the statuses are set as follows then the invoice is deletable:



If the statuses are set to anything else, then the work invoice cannot be deleted.

This agent action is included in the FLEET ORDER - MODIFY public automation agent.

Insert Order

This agent action searches for the best existing shipment (least cost option) on which to place the order release based on valid itineraries.  

This agent action does the following:

  • Finds all the itineraries for the order and for each itinerary build route.
  • Sorts all the route options by cost in ascending order.
  • Iterates through all the routing options and for each routing option performs the following:
  • Retrieves all the shipments built on this itinerary from database into separate connected graphs. The itinerary used for building the route can be multi-leg itinerary.
  • Iterates through the connected graphs:

For each connected graph: if itinerary has multi-legs, from first leg, iterate through each leg and merge the shipment on current leg to the shipments that has the same leg in the connected graph. If this leg is not the last leg, re-drive down stream shipment. If all the shipments can be merged to the corresponding shipments in the graph and still feasible, exit. Otherwise try next available connected graph and repeat.

  • If the best route shipments cannot be merged into the existing shipments after the previous step, insert the route into database.

    Note: The insertion algorithm also uses the leg's AUTO_CONSOLIDATION_TYPE to do the consolidation. It follows the same rules with the auto consolidation process.

The MAX NUM SHIPMENTS TRIED WHEN INSERT ORDER parameter controls the number of shipments that are evaluated during processing.


Perspective: Values are B (buy), S (sell), or A (all)


This is a utility agent action. See Lock.


This is a utility agent action. See Log.

Log to Transmission Report

This is a utility agent action. See Log to Transmission Report.

Move Order to Shipment

See Move Order to Existing Shipment action.


Shipment ID

Consolidate Equipment

Notify Contact

This is a utility agent action. See Notify Contact.

Notify Involved Parties

This is a utility agent action. See Notify Involved Party.

Order Priority Modify

This agent action takes in the mandatory value Order Priority and sets the priority to that value for the object on which the agent got fired. An example may be as follows: you run an automated data query daily that polls for order releases/order movements whose early/late pickup date is past due. The output of this data query can then be applied thereby escalating the priority.


Order Priority

Order Release - Delete

This agent action performs the following:

  • For sell shipment, delete bills if any exist.
  • For buy shipment, delete or un-match invoice if any exist.
  • Delete all order movements related to the order releases.
  • Withdraw tender only if Auto Withdraw Tender when Only One Order is on Shipment check box on the agent action is selected.
  • Un-assign the order release.
  • Delete the order release.

ORDER RELEASE - DELETE is not a stand alone agent action to delete order releases. It is an order release modify and delete agent action that is available for use within the context of an order release delete transaction (via integration or via the user interface).

The appropriate use of the agent action is in an agent listening to the ORDER - REMOVED event (before persist). This agent action is used in the PUBLIC agent of ORDER RELEASE - DELETE.


Auto Withdraw Tender when Only One Order is on Shipment: Select the check box to withdraw tenders when only one order is on a shipment.

Parameter Set: To select a planning parameter.

Order Release - Insert

This agent action does the following:

  • Persists order release data.
  • Immediately processes the order according to the settings specified on the order configuration designated on the order release.

This action differs from Order Base - Insert in that the agent action itself will not automatically plan a shipment after an order release is created.

ORDER RELEASE - INSERT is not a stand alone agent action to insert order releases. It is an ORMD (order release modify and delete) agent action that is available for use within the context of an order release insert transaction (via integration).

The appropriate use of the agent action is in an agent listening to the ORDER - CREATED event (before persist). This agent action is used in the PUBLIC agent of ORDER RELEASE - INSERT.

Order Release - Mod - Edit Shipment

Note: Since this agent action can only run if the shipment is editable, you should precede this action with the IF ON EDITABLE SHIPMENT FOR ORDER RELEASE agent action. Refer to the PUBLIC automation agent ORDER RELEASE - MODIFY for an example.

For an order release on an editable shipment, this agent action does the following:

  • Update order release according to order configuration and release shipment ship units with new shipment ship units generated from the modified order release.

  • Sets order release status to ORDER MODIFIED_MODIFIED.

  • Replaces shipment ship units with new ones created from modified order release.

  • Recalculates shipment cost and service time for all impacted shipments.

  • Sets status of impacted shipments to SHIPMENT MODIFIED_MODIFIED.

  • For buy shipments, deletes all invoices that are auto-generated for the modified shipments and then re-generates them.

  • For sell shipments, deletes all the bills associated with the modified shipments, and then re-generates them.

  • Modifies tenders for edited shipments if Retender Shipment agent action parameter option is selected.

The property controls if changes on order release lines are propagated to the ship unit. If true (default) all changes on the order release lines will be propagated to the ship unit. If false, changes are not propagated.

The property determines if an order release line with a quantity of zero will be kept or deleted if using order release modification actions. (There's no difference for ship units or ship unit lines).

The parameter OMD SMD WITHDRAW TENDER BEFORE REMOVING SHIPMENT controls if OTM withdraws a tender before a shipment is deleted when running this agent action.

Note: This does not work when a shipment with more than one piece of equipment needs to be edited. Instead use "ORDER RELEASE - MOD - PROPAGATE CHANGES: Ship Unit Quantities" action to perform the task.


Recalculate Service Time

Retender Shipment - Select the check box to retender the shipment. Sometimes an order modification is so late in the process that a tender modification is unnecessary.

Note: Order Release - Mod - Edit Shipment should not be set as an active agent when Order Release - Mod - Propagate Changes is active.

Status Type Enables Ship Unit Actual

Status Value Enables Ship Unit Actual

When Ship Unit Actual is enabled for the order release, this action applies line mod and ship unit mod on an order release mod independently which means OTM applies all changes you specified directly to this order release bypassing the ship unit building logic. When Ship Unit Actual is not enabled, order config (release method) is used to decide how the line changes are propagated to ship units for line based orders (ONE TO ONE, PREPACK, AUTOCALC) and ship units to lines for ship unit based orders (SHIP_UNITS, SHIP_UNIT_LINES).

Order Release - Mod - Full Impact

For all orders and shipments related to the order release, this agent action performs the following:

  • For buy shipment, delete or un-match invoice.
    • If it is auto-generated invoice, delete the invoice.
    • If it fails to delete, set invoice modification status to INVOICE MODIFIED_DENIED, and then un-match the invoice.
    • If the invoice is from integration, un-match the invoice from the shipment and set the invoice status MATCH_UNMATCHED.
  • For sell shipment, delete the bill.
  • Withdraw tenders on all related shipments.
  • Un-assign the order release from any shipments.
  • Modify the order release according to order configuration and sets the order release status to ORDER MODIFIED_MODIFIED.
  • Build either buy or sell shipments based on selected parameter.
  • Move shipment to execution and set shipment status to SHIPMENT MODIFIED_MODIFIED.


Build Buy Side Shipment

Build Sell Side Shipment

Planning Parameter Set - Use this parameter to unassign and re-plan the order release. 

Order Release - Mod - Future Processing

This agent action does the following:

  • Updates the order release record only. It does not modify any shipments.
  • Sets the order release modified status to ORDER MODIFIED_MODIFIED.

Order Release - Mod - No Processing

This agent action does the following:

  • Discards order release modifications found in the Release XML.
  • Does not save (persist) the order release modifications to the database.
  • Sets the order release ORDER MODIFIED status to ORDER MODIFIED_DENIED.

Order Release - Mod - Propagate Changes

This agent action propagates certain changes to shipments and order movements, or just order movements when there are no shipments. These changes include the following:

  • order quantities,
  • equipment (applies to order equipment only),
  • pickup and delivery dates, or
  • special services.

Order quantities modifications include modifying existing ship units and inserting new ship units. However, if you configure the agent as a pre-persist agent, the system can also delete existing ship units and add/delete/modify an order release line. You cannot modify an order release line if it is built into a ship unit using the AUTO_CALC order configuration with multiple lines (mixed pallet).

When complete, this sets the status of impacted shipments to SHIPMENT MODIFIED_MODIFIED.

The property controls if changes on order release lines are propagated to the ship unit. If true (default) all changes on the order release lines will be propagated to the ship unit. If false, changes are not propagated.

The property determines if an order release line with a quantity of zero will be kept or deleted if using order release modification actions. (There's no difference for ship units or ship unit lines).

The behavior of this agent is also affected by the STATUS TYPE PREVENTS SHIPMENT MOD and STATUS VALUE PREVENTS SHIPMENT MOD parameters.

The property glog.agent.order.mediateOMDPropagateChanges determines if related order movements and shipments will be locked using mediator before invoking Order Release - Mod - Propagate Changes. The default is false.

The parameter OMD SMD WITHDRAW TENDER BEFORE REMOVING SHIPMENT controls if OTM withdraws a tender before a shipment is deleted when running this agent action.

Note: Order Release - Mod - Propagate Changes should not be included in an active automation agent when Order Release - Mod - Edit Shipment is included in an active automation agent. Unless the agent is written so only one action is triggered at a time. You must guarantee they are triggered exclusively.


Propagate Ship Unit Quantities

and Recalculate Cost for Quantity Change

Note: The Recalculate Cost for Quantity Change is only effective when the Propagate Ship Unit Quantities check box is selected.

Propagate Order Release Pickup Dates

Propagate Order Release Delivery Dates

Propagate Order Release Equipment Change

Propagate Order Release Special Service Change


Status Type Enables Ship Unit Actual

Status Value Enables Ship Unit Actual

When “Ship Unit Actual” is enabled for the order release, this action applies line mod and ship unit mod on an order release mod independently which means OTM applies all changes you specified directly to this order release bypassing the ship unit logic. When “Ship Unit Actual” is not enabled, order config (release method) is used to decide how the line changes are propagated to ship units for line based orders (ONE TO ONE, PREPACK, AUTOCALC) and ship units to lines for ship unit based orders (SHIP_UNITS, SHIP_UNIT_LINES).



This is a utility agent action. See Persist.

Prepare Document

This is a utility agent action. See Prepare Document.

Prepare Report

This is a utility agent action. See Prepare Report.

Print Document

This is a utility agent action. See Print Document.

Propagate Changes to Trade Transaction

See Propagate Changes to Trade Transaction topic.

Queue Event

This is a utility agent action. See Queue Event.

Raise Error

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Error.

Raise Event

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Event.

Raise Internal Event

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Internal Event.

Reevaluate Auto Assign

This is a utility agent action.

Remove from Trade Transaction

See Remove from Trade Transaction topic.

Remove Order From Job

This agent action automates the ability to remove orders from a job. Job ID can be populated using an agent variable.


Job ID

Remove Transactional Interest

This is a utility agent action. See Remove Transactional Interest.


This agent action can be used to configure an agent that can process order modifications that have related over movements.

This agent action does the following:

  • Unassign order release on all legs while also deleting corresponding order movements. Note that since all order movements are deleted, production lot/delivery lines may be lost and will need to be applied again via the Order Movement Replace interface. Capture and hold any booking amendment raised (for example, when the order is removed from a voyage).
  • Plan order release and build shipment on the primary leg. Note that this will schedule the order release on the primary leg. If the leg is a voyage leg, the order release will be "booked" onto the appropriate voyage. If it is a truckload/rail leg, an appropriate shipment will be built. While appropriate order movements will be created, no other leg will be scheduled.
  • Capture and hold any booking amendment raised.
  • Compare the two booking amendments and send them both out only if they are different from each other (either the voyage, quantities, etc., are different).


Perspective: Values are B (buy), S (sell), or A (all)

Replan Last Leg

This agent action can be used to configure an agent that can process order modifications that have related over movements. The agent action determines the list of order movements that correspond to the last leg of this order release and for each of the order movements, the action unassigns it from any shipments it may be scheduled on and sets the order movement destination to that of the corresponding order release and re-plans the order movement.


Perspective: Values are B (buy), S (sell), or A (all)

Schedule Event

This is a utility agent action. See Schedule Event.

Send Allocation

This is a utility agent action. See Send Allocation.

Send Document Sets

This agent action follows the same logic as the web action Send Documents with the option of sending document sets.

The agent action  will check if  the given document sets are assigned to the business object. If not, the agent action fails and will not send the document sets to the user.
Also, if any document set is not provided in the agent action, it fails.


Document Set

Send Integration

This is a utility agent action. See Send Integration.

Send Transorder Status XML

When a order release event is received, this action forwards the TransOrderStatus that was just received to the external system defined in the agent. Also, you cannot send transorder status XML if your agent is listening to a non-order release status event, such as Order Release - Created. In this case a warning is logged stating that the action is not going to be run (It is only a warning so this does not halt the execution of the agent so it will continue with whatever actions may be after this action).


Send ID Only: Oracle Transportation Management only sends the ID of the order release.

External System: The ID of external system where the XML document is transmitted.

Notify Method

Set Indicator

This is a utility agent action. See Set Indicator.

Set Internal Status

This is a utility agent action. See Set Internal Status.

Set Order Release Type

This agent action assigns a specified order release type to any order release that meets the conditions of the event or saved condition.


Order Release Type

Set Status

This is a utility agent action. See Set Status.

Set User Defined Image

This is a utility agent action. See Set User Defined Image.


This is a utility agent action. See Stop.

Unassign Order

See the Unassign Order action.


Perspective: Values are B (buy), S (sell), or A (all)

Delete Order Movement: Select this check box if you want to delete any related order movements that exist for the order.

Planning Parameter Set

Unload Order Release from HD

This allows you to unload (soft delete) data from HD for data query type Order Release. This agent action is intended for use with Transportation Intelligence. This is similar to the Unload Object from HD available via power data.

This agent action inserts a record into the DEL_OBJ_FROM_HD table with the following values:



This agent action must be configured with the Order Release - Removed agent event.

Update Commercial Invoice

This agent action calculates the commercial invoice amounts. Oracle Transportation Management then saves the updated commercial invoice calculations.

Update SKU Quantity - Order Release

Update SKU quantity record using the quantities in the order release. The default behavior of this agent action increments quantities for inbound transactions and decrements for outbound transactions. However for certain quantity types such as "In Transit" the opposite makes more sense. The check box, Decrement Quantity for Inbound Transaction, enables such reverse behavior.


Quantity Type

Link Criteria

Decrement Quantity for Inbound Transaction

Update Status for External Event

This is a utility agent action. See Update Status for External Event.


This is a utility agent action. See Wait.


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