Determine Back Order Quantity As Order Details Are Shipped/Cancelled

In the warehouse when orders are received, the warehouse tries to fulfill the order up to the ordered quantity. But sometimes, due to unavailability of inventory, orders cannot be fulfilled completely. To handle these scenarios, Oracle WMS Cloud communicates to the host system how much quantity was not fulfilled, and based on that information, the host system creates back orders for further processing.

The system determines the Back Order quantity when an order detail is Shipped. It will then populate the back order quantity on the reference field for Order Detail Status change Inventory History Transaction (IHT) (ref value 4.)

When the system cancels the Order Detail, Back Order Quantity against the Order detail is computed and displays in the Ref Code 4 (Back Order Quantity) of the Order Detail Status change Inventory History Transaction (IHT- 85). When order detail is cancelled, Back Order Quantity will be equal to the Original Order Quantity.

The following are the some of the trigger points associated when the order detail is cancelled:

  • Wave (when Cancel Fully Unallocated flag is enabled)
  • IB Shipment UI ("Unallocated order details to cancel on ASN verify" mode on the IB Shipment Type)
  • Interface
  • Order Interface

The following RF Transactions are triggered (when allocated inventory against the order detail is shorted and the Only deallocate on short flag is disabled on the Order Type)

  • RF Pack NC Active Order
  • Modify Cancel {oblpn}
  • Pick {iblpn}
  • Distribute {oblpn}
  • Pack {oblpn}
  • Pick Cart
  • Outbound Audit
  • Repack OBLPN
  • RF Move LPN

The following APIs are triggered (when allocated inventory against the order detail is shorted and the Deallocate on Short flag is disabled on the Order Type)

  • Pick_Confirm API
  • Legacy Pick_Confirm API