Pick and Allocate and Shipping Tolerance Limits

You can overpick quantity greater than the ordered quantity within the shipping tolerance limit applied. During Pick and Allocate,when LPNs with a higher quantity than the ordered quantity are packed based on the shipping tolerance%, the original allocated quantity will not be more than the original order quantity on the allocation record.

The following table is an example of the resulting Order Detail and OrderHeader statusduring RF Pick and Allocatebased on the minimum and maximum shipping tolerance set:

Ordered QTY Allocated QTY Packed Qty

Min ToI


Max ToI


Mode Ord Detail Status Ord Header Status
100 100 50 10 10 System Directed Allocated In Packing
100 100 90 10 10 System Directed Allocated Packed
100 100 110 10 10 System Directed Allocated Packed
100 50 50 10 10 User Directed Created Partly Allocated
100 90 90 10 0 User Directed Allocated Packed
100 90 90 0 10 User Directed Created Partly Allocated
100 110 100 0 10 User Directed Allocated Packed