Honoring Tolerance Percentage while Packing Against Allocated Quantity

In the following transactions, the system allows you to pick more than the allocated quantity, when the respective allocated order is defined with a maximum shipping tolerance percentage as greater than zero. Oracle WMS Cloud also updates the respective order detail status based on the inventory picked honoring the shipping tolerance percentage.

  • RF Pack NC Active
  • Order Pick {iblpn}
  • Pick Cart
  • Pick Confirm API
  • Distribute OBLPN for Allocation mode "Distribution residuals OK"
    Note: When the distribution mode is set as “Distribution residuals OK”, LPNs allocated by the system may have more inventory than the allocated quantity. In this mode, you can pickup extra inventory available to over pack within thetolerance%.

You can pick excess quantity against the allocated quantity and tolerance% is considered with respect to the allocated quantity:

Example 1::Let's say you have an order with 100 units with a max% of 10. If there are 2 allocations of 50 and 50, you can pick a max of 55 (subject to inventory availability) against each allocation.

Whilepicking against allocated quantity if you pick in a single instance, then the overall max quantity that can be packed against an order detail may vary.

Example 2::Let's say you have an order with 100 units with max% of 10. If there is one allocation of 100 units against the order, you can pick up to 110 (subject to inventory availability) if the picking is done in a single instance.

But if you pick 60 in the fist instance, then the system asks you to pack the remaining 40. You can pick up to a max of 44 (subject to inventory availability.) In this case, the total packed quantity against the order detail will be 104.

Allow Over Packing

Oracle WMS Cloud allows over packing based on the maximum shipping tolerance defined on the order detail during picking using the MHE API.
  • When the maximum tolerance on the order detail is defined with greater than a zero value, then during MHE picking, the system calculates the maximum quantity that can be picked against the order detail by applying the maximum tolerance % on the allocated quantity against the respective allocation detail.
  • Whenthe maximum tolerance on the order detail is not defined or zero, then the system doesn’t allow over packing of inventory. Upon over packing, the error message "Only(Available Quantity) units availablefor packing" displays.
Note: Over Packing is allowed only when the respective inventory is available (not allocated to any order) in the sourcelocation.