Inventory History

Inventory history records various WMS transactions taking place in the facility for purposes of informing the

ERP or any other external system that may be interested.

For more information about the Iventory History UI fields, see the Interface Specifications document.

Note: not all columns will be included in each IHT record.

Enable/Disable Auto Process

To help customize your view of inventory history records, from the Inventory History Activity Parameters UI you can click the Enable Auto Process or Disable Auto Process buttons.

enable auto process

Once you click the Enable or Disable Auto Process buttons, a dialogue box appears asking for your password. Enter your password and click Submit.

Note: By default, all of the IHT records have the auto process option set to no. In order for IHT records to be considered, you need to select them and click Enable or Disable Auto Process.

For any inventory records where you have selected and clicked the AutoProcess flag, the associated inventory history record will display as Processed in the Inventory History UI.

processed status

Enable Auto Send of Inventory History

In the past the main way to extract WMS transaction records would be via scheduled jobs at pre-determined intervals. Scheduling too frequently may place unnecessary load on the system and scheduling too infrequently may caused delays in notifying the ERP or other systems of critical WMS updates. You can now automatically send inventory history records as and when they are created.

They are sent via the Output Interface setup just like other outgoing messages. The new fields "enable_auto_send" and "disable_auto_send" are available in the Inventory History Activity Parameter. From the Inventory History Activity Parameter screen, you can select all history activities that are crucial for you to monitor. If the enable_auto_send flag is enabled, then the system will post the relevant IHT records as soon as the records are written to the relevant webservice end point setup in the Output Interface Configuration screen.

Note: If the auto-send is enabled for an IHT record, the auto-send takes precedence. The default value for

the flag is No. Auto send is supported if the file format is XML and also if the interface type is Rest


To enable Auto-Send of Inventory History, do the following:

  1. From the Inventory History Activity Parameter screen > Select the IHT Record.
  2. Click on enable_auto_send.

Set Inventory History Transactions to Not Ready (Un-Processed)

From the Inventory History UI, you can click the “Mark Unprocessed” button to change the IHT status of a record to Un-Processed (Not Ready).

The Mark Unprocessed button allows you to reprocess the IHT records and let the system to pick up inventory again.

Note: The “Inventory History/ Can mark Inventory History unprocessed” permission should be enabled at the group level for user role SUPERVISOR/EMPLOYEE/GUARD/MANAGEMENT to perform this action.


  1. Go to the Inventory History UI.
  2. Select the IHT record. You can select one or more IHT records to process the request at the same time.
    Note: The system enables the button only if the selected IHT records is in status “Processed/Processing/Cancelled”.
  3. Click the Mark Unprocessed button. The system prompts for password.
  4. Enter your OCWMS password. Click Submit. To discard, click Cancel.
  5. Upon success, the system displays a confirmation message “Updated 1 record”, and the IHT status for that particular record is changed to “Not Ready”.
Note: You need to turn-off the Auto-Process parameter in the Inventory History Activity parameter screen in order for the system to change the status of the IHT record status. Otherwise, if the Auto-process is configured for the IHT, then the record continues to remain in Processed status and the activity will not be reset to “Not Ready”.