Modifying IBLPNs

LPNs can be modified via the RF module Modify IBLPN. Here you can modify either the LPN’s SKU, Quantity, or Putaway Type.

  1. Enter the RF module Modify IBLPN.
  2. Scan the IBLPN to modify.
  3. In the “Qty:” field, enter the new quantity (you must input the current quantity even if the current quantity remains the same).
  4. To modify the Putaway Type, select option Ctrl-R: Putaway Type. This prompts a list of Putaway Types in the system – select the appropriate Putaway Type to modify.
  5. Once all the modifications are done, the LPN’s attributes should be displayed in the RF screen. When done, select option Ctrl-N: End Modify.
  6. In the “Reason Code:” prompt, input the appropriate Reason Code for that transaction.
    • A list of configured Reason Codes can be viewed in the Reason Code screen.