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ABANDONED_CONNECTION_CALLBACK - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
abort() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Calling abort() on an open connection does the following: marks the connection as closed, closes any sockets or other primitive connections to the database, and insures that any thread that is currently accessing the connection will either progress to completion of the JDBC call or throw an exception.
abort() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
abort(Executor) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
ABORT - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseShutdownMode
Does not wait for current calls to complete or users to disconnect from the database.
abs() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the absolute value of NUMBER.
ACCESS_FORWARD - Static variable in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
ACCESS_REVERSE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
ACCESS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
accessDatum() - Method in class oracle.sql.ANYDATA
Returns the embedded object.
ACCESSMODE_BOTH - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Bitmask which can be applied to the CONNECTION_PROPERTY_{name}_ACCESSMODE constants defined in this interface.
ACCESSMODE_FILEPROP - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Bitmask which can be applied to the CONNECTION_PROPERTY_{name}_ACCESSMODE constants defined in this interface.
ACCESSMODE_JAVAPROP - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Bitmask which can be applied to the CONNECTION_PROPERTY_{name}_ACCESSMODE constants defined in this interface.
ACCESSMODE_SYSTEMPROP - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Bitmask which can be applied to the CONNECTION_PROPERTY_{name}_ACCESSMODE constants defined in this interface.
accessToken(AccessToken) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
Specifies the accessToken to be used when creating a connection.
AccessToken - Interface in oracle.jdbc
An access token generated by an authentication service.
acos() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the arc cosine value of NUMBER.
acProxy - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
activateServerTranslation(Connection) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.Translator
The Translator by default starts in Local mode since the translator can be used to translate connection attempt errors.
ACTIVE - oracle.jdbc.NotificationRegistration.RegistrationState
State of this registration: active.
activeXid - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
add(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Appends the specified boolean to the end of this array.
add(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Appends the specified byte array to the end of this array.
add(double) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Appends the specified double to the end of this array.
add(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Appends the specified integer to the end of this array.
add(long) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Appends the specified long to the end of this array.
add(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Appends the specified string to the end of this array.
add(BigDecimal) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Appends the specified decimal to the end of this array.
add(LocalDateTime) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Appends the specified LocalDateTime to the end of this array.
add(OffsetDateTime) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Appends the specified OffsetDateTime to the end of this array.
add(NUMBER) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of the addition of the NUMBER value and n.
addBatch(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.Statement#addBatch(java.lang.String)
addConnectInfo(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Creating a new ConnectInfo using the given host and port value and adds to the ConnectInfoList.
addConnectInfo(OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectInfo) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Adds the given ConnectInfo to the ConnectInfoList which will be used for creating the TNS connect string.
addConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
Add an event listener.
AdditionalDatabaseMetaData - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface defines additional Oracle specific methods for DatabaseMetaData.
addJulianDays(int, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Add Julian days to a date.
addListener(AQNotificationListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationRegistration
addListener(AQNotificationListener, Executor) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationRegistration
addListener(DatabaseChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeRegistration
Register a listener with this registration.
addListener(DatabaseChangeListener, Executor) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeRegistration
Register a listener with this registration.
addLogicalTransactionIdEventListener(LogicalTransactionIdEventListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Registers a listener to Logical Transaction Id events.
addLogicalTransactionIdEventListener(LogicalTransactionIdEventListener) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
addLogicalTransactionIdEventListener(LogicalTransactionIdEventListener, Executor) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This flavor of addLogicalTransactionIdEventListener can be used to register a listener with an executor.
addLogicalTransactionIdEventListener(LogicalTransactionIdEventListener, Executor) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
addMonths(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Add months to a date.
addNull() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Appends OracleJsonValue.NULL to the end of this array.
addRefProperties(Reference) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
addStatementEventListener(StatementEventListener) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
afterClose(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroCloseCallback
AL16UTF16_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AL16UTF16BytesToJavaChars(byte[], int, char[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of bytes in AL16UTF16 to an array of chars caller needs to allocate the chars array
AL16UTF16BytesToString(byte[], int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of bytes in AL16UTF16 to a String this function will allocate a chars array
AL16UTF16LE_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AL24UTFFSS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AL32UTF8_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AL32UTF8ToJavaChar(byte[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Converts an AL32UTF8 byte array to an array of char.
AL32UTF8ToString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of bytes in AL32UTF8 format to a String.
AL32UTF8ToString(byte[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ALL_CONNECTION_CALLBACKS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
ALL_ROWS - oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription.TableOperation
The table is completely invalidated and row level information isn't available.
allowGlobalTxnModeOnly(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
allProceduresAreCallable() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can all the procedures returned by getProcedures be called by the current user?
allStatistics() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatisticsMXBean
Obtains replay statistics accumulated so far on all known driver data source instances.
allTablesAreSelectable() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can all the tables returned by getTable be SELECTed by the current user?
ALTER - oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription.TableOperation
ANYDATA - Class in oracle.sql
This class is the Java mapping of the SYS.ANYDATA SQL type.
ANYDATA - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
ANYDATASET - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
ANYDATASETTOID - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
ANYDATATOID - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
ANYTYPE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
ANYTYPETOID - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
append(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterBuffer
Append the (posibly multi-byte) representation of c.
applyConnectionAttributes(Properties) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The Implicit Connection Cache (ICC) has been desupported since 12.1. This method throws UnsupportedOperationException, and will be removed soon in the future.
AQ_USE_HOST_CONNECTION_ADDR_INFO - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Set the value of AQ_USE_HOST_CONNECTION_ADDR_INFO to 'false' to use the address info returned by the server for establishing the client initiated Connection for JMS Message Listener .
AQAgent - Interface in oracle.jdbc.aq
An Agent represents and identifies a user of the queue, either producer or consumer of the message, either an end-user or an application.
AQDequeueOptions - Class in oracle.jdbc.aq
Specifies the options available for the dequeue operation.
AQDequeueOptions() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Constructs the default dequeue options.
AQDequeueOptions.DeliveryFilter - Enum in oracle.jdbc.aq
AQDequeueOptions.DequeueMode - Enum in oracle.jdbc.aq
AQDequeueOptions.NavigationOption - Enum in oracle.jdbc.aq
AQDequeueOptions.VisibilityOption - Enum in oracle.jdbc.aq
AQEnqueueOptions - Class in oracle.jdbc.aq
Specifies the options available for the enqueue operation.
AQEnqueueOptions() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
Construct the default enqueue options.
AQEnqueueOptions.DeliveryMode - Enum in oracle.jdbc.aq
AQEnqueueOptions.SequenceDeviationOption - Enum in oracle.jdbc.aq
AQEnqueueOptions.VisibilityOption - Enum in oracle.jdbc.aq
AQFactory - Class in oracle.jdbc.aq
Factory class for AQ.
AQFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQFactory
AQMessage - Interface in oracle.jdbc.aq
A message is the unit that is enqueued or dequeued.
AQMessageProperties - Interface in oracle.jdbc.aq
This interface contains the message properties such as Correlation, Sender, Delay and Expiration, Recipients, and Priority and Ordering.
AQMessageProperties.DeliveryMode - Enum in oracle.jdbc.aq
AQMessageProperties.MessageState - Enum in oracle.jdbc.aq
AQNotificationEvent - Class in oracle.jdbc.aq
An AQNotificationEvent will be created whenever a new message is enqueued in a queue for which you have registered your interest (see OracleConnection.registerAQNotification).
AQNotificationEvent(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent
AQNotificationEvent.AdditionalEventType - Enum in oracle.jdbc.aq
AQNotificationEvent.EventType - Enum in oracle.jdbc.aq
AQNotificationListener - Interface in oracle.jdbc.aq
The listener interface for receiving AQ notification events.
AQNotificationRegistration - Interface in oracle.jdbc.aq
This class represents your interest in being notified when a new message is enqueued in a particular queue.
AR8ADOS710_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8ADOS710T_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8ADOS720_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8ADOS720T_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8APTEC715_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8APTEC715T_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8ARABICMAC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8ARABICMACS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8ARABICMACT_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8ASMO708PLUS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8ASMO8X_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8EBCDIC420S_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8EBCDICX_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8HPARABIC8T_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8ISO8859P6_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8MSAWIN_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8MSWIN1256_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8MUSSAD768_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8MUSSAD768T_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8NAFITHA711_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8NAFITHA711T_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8NAFITHA721_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8NAFITHA721T_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8SAKHR706_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8SAKHR707_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8SAKHR707T_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
AR8XBASIC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
archive(int, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This method will be removed in a future version.
archive(int, int, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
ARGS - oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData.DataTypeSource
ARRAY - Class in oracle.sql
Use java.sql.Array interface for declaration instead of using concrete class oracle.sql.ARRAY.
ARRAY - oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Kind
ARRAY - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonArray
ARRAY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
ARRAY(ArrayDescriptor, Connection, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.ARRAY
ArrayDescriptor - Class in oracle.sql
Use factory method OracleConnection.createOracleArray to create an instance of java.sql.Array directly.
ASCII_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
asciiStreamValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Convert to an ascii stream representation of the datum object
asciiStreamValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert to an ascii stream representation of the datum object
asciiStreamValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to an ascii stream representation of the datum object
asin() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the arc sine value of NUMBER.
asJsonArray() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonArray.
asJsonBinary() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonBinary.
asJsonDate() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonDate.
asJsonDecimal() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonDecimal.
asJsonDouble() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonDouble.
asJsonFloat() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonFloat.
asJsonIntervalDS() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonIntervalDS.
asJsonIntervalYM() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonIntervalYM.
asJsonNumber() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonNumber.
asJsonObject() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonObject.
asJsonString() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonString.
asJsonTimestamp() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonTimestamp.
asJsonTimestampTZ() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns this value as OracleJsonTimestampTZ.
assertNotNull(Connection) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection
assertNotNull(TypeDescriptor) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection
atan() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the arc tangent value of NUMBER.
atan2(NUMBER) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of atan2(NUMBER/x).
ATTACHED_EXPLICIT - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DRCPState
The connection is attached after making an explict request for a tagged server process.
ATTACHED_IMPLICIT - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DRCPState
The connection is attached after making an implicit request for a server process.
attachServerConnection() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This method needs to be called before using a DRCP connection.
attachServerConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Notifies the server that the DRCP enabled connection will be in use so that the server can associate a server process to the connection.
AttributeDescriptor - Class in oracle.sql
autoCommit - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
autoCommitFailureClosesAllResultSets() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Oracle does not close ResultSets when autocommit fails.
AZ8ISO8859P9E_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet


BabelfishCallableStatement - Class in oracle.jdbc.babelfish
Proxy Superclass for java.sql.CallableStatement interface.
BabelfishCallableStatement() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishCallableStatement
BabelfishConnection - Class in oracle.jdbc.babelfish
Proxy Superclass for java.sql.Connection interface.
BabelfishConnection() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
BabelfishGenericProxy - Class in oracle.jdbc.babelfish
Defines the common behavior needed by all the babelfish proxies to support auto translation of queries or errors.
BabelfishGenericProxy() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishGenericProxy
BabelfishPreparedStatement - Class in oracle.jdbc.babelfish
Proxy Superclass for java.sql.PreparedStatement interface.
BabelfishPreparedStatement() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
BabelfishStatement - Class in oracle.jdbc.babelfish
Proxy Superclass for java.sql.Statement interface.
BabelfishStatement() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
BDA - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad day: above range
BDAL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad day: below range
BDT - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad date format
BEFORE - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.SequenceDeviationOption
The message is enqueued ahead of the message specified by setRelativeMessageId().
beforeClose(OracleConnection, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroCloseCallback
beginRequest() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Declares that a request to the server is starting on this connection.
beginRequest() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
beginRequest() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayableConnection
Declares that a request to the server is starting on this connection.
BFILE - Class in oracle.sql
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile interface for declaration instead of using concrete class oracle.sql.BFILE.
BFILE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
BFILE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
BFILE() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BFILE
BG8MSWIN_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
BG8PC437S_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
BHR - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad hour: above range
BHRL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad hour: below range
bigDecimalValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE
Convert this to a BigDecimal type.
bigDecimalValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT
Convert this to a BigDecimal type.
bigDecimalValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert this data object into a BigDecimal.
bigDecimalValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a BigDecimal representation of the datum object
bigDecimalValue() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonNumber
Returns this number as a BigDecimal value.
bigDecimalValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Calls toBigDecimalto convert internal Oracle Number into a Java BigDecimal.
BIGINT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
bigIntegerValue() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonNumber
Returns this number as a BigInteger.
bigIntegerValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Calls toBigInteger to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java BigInteger.
bigIntegerValueExact() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonNumber
Returns this number as a BigInteger.
BINARY - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonBinary
BINARY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
BINARY_DOUBLE - Class in oracle.sql
The BINARY_DOUBLE class is a representation of the Oracle BINARY_DOUBLE datatype.
BINARY_DOUBLE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
BINARY_DOUBLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
BINARY_DOUBLE(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE
Construct a BINARY_DOUBLE from a byte array.
BINARY_DOUBLE(double) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE
Construct a BINARY_DOUBLE from a primitive double.
BINARY_DOUBLE(Boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE
Construct a BINARY_DOUBLE from an instance of java.lang.Boolean.
BINARY_DOUBLE(Double) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE
Construct a BINARY_DOUBLE from an instance of java.lang.Double.
BINARY_DOUBLE(String) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE
Construct a BINARY_DOUBLE from an instance of java.lang.String.
BINARY_FLOAT - Class in oracle.sql
The BINARY_FLOAT class is a representation of the Oracle BINARY_FLOAT datatype.
BINARY_FLOAT - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
BINARY_FLOAT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
BINARY_FLOAT(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT
Construct a BINARY_FLOAT from a byte array.
BINARY_FLOAT(float) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT
Construct a BINARY_FLOAT from a primitive float.
BINARY_FLOAT(Boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT
Construct a BINARY_FLOAT from an instance of java.lang.Boolean
BINARY_FLOAT(Float) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT
Construct a BINARY_FLOAT from an instance of java.lang.Float.
BINARY_FLOAT(String) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT
Construct a BINARY_FLOAT from an instance of java.lang.String.
binaryStreamValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert to a binary stream representation of the datum object
binaryStreamValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a binary stream representation of the datum object
BIT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
BLOB - Class in oracle.sql
Use java.sql.Blob interface for declaration instead of using concrete class oracle.sql.BLOB.
BLOB - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
BLOB - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
BLOB() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BLOB
BLOB(OracleBlob) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.BLOB
Call from empty lob static method
BLT8CP921_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
BLT8EBCDIC1112_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
BLT8EBCDIC1112S_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
BLT8ISO8859P13_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
BLT8MSWIN1257_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
BLT8PC775_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
BMN - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad minute: above range
BMNL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad minute: below range
BMO - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad month: above range
BMOL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad month: below range
BN8BSCII_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
The constant in the Java programming language, somtimes referred to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type BOOLEAN.
booleanValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert to a boolean representation of the datum object
booleanValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a boolean representation of the datum object
booleanValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Calls toBoolean to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java boolean.
BOTTOM - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.SequenceDeviationOption
The message in enqueued at the bottom of the queue.
BROWSE - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DequeueMode
Read the message without acquiring any lock on the message.
BSC - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad second: above range
BSCL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad second: below range
BUFFERED - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DeliveryFilter
BUFFERED - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.DeliveryMode
The message will be buffered (resides in memory in the server which is faster but less reliable in case of a server crash).
BUFFERED - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.DeliveryMode
This message was enqueued in a non-persistent manner (buffered).
build() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
Builds the connection object.
build() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Builds the TNS ConnectString using the provided values and returns the built value.
build() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePooledConnectionBuilder
Builds the OraclePooledConnections object.
build() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleShardingKeyBuilder
Builds the Sharding key.
build() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleXAConnectionBuilder
Builds a new XAconnectionConnection object.
build() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyBuilderImpl
Builds the sharding key with the sub keys provided and their default metadata.
buildAsyncOracle() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
Returns a CompletionStage that completes with a Connection having the same state as if it were built by calling build on this ConnectionBuilder.
buildConnectionPublisherOracle() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
Returns a Publisher that publishes a single Connection object with the same state as if it were built by calling build on this ConnectionBuilder.
buildShardKeys(List<byte[]>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl.Decoder
Builds the sharding keys given the decodes byte[] representing the sharding keys
buildThinStyleURL() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
It works the same way as OracleConnectionStringBuilder.build(), but It adds the prefix required by the JDBC Thin Driver to resolve the driver type.
BYR - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad year: above range
BYRL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Bad year: below range
bytesEqual(Datum) - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
bytesHashCode() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
byteValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert to a byte representation of the datum object
byteValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a byte representation of the datum object
byteValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Calls toByte to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java byte.


CACHE_ALL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
CACHE_LAST - Static variable in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
CACHE_NONE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
CACHE_SIZE_NOT_SET - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
callbackFn(Connection, Object, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover
canBeMigratablySuspended - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
cancel() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Performs an immediate (asynchronous) termination of any currently executing operation on this connection.
cancel() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
canReadBasicLobDataInLocator() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Can the lob data be read directly from the locator?
canReadBasicLobDataInLocator() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Can the lob data be read directly from the locator?
ccFactory - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSetWithConverter
CDN8PC863_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CE8BS2000_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ceil() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the ceiling of NUMBER value.
CEL8ISO8859P14_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CH7DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CHAR - Class in oracle.sql
The Oracle specific representation of characters.
CHAR - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
CHAR - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
CHAR() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.CHAR
CHAR(Object, CharacterSet) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.CHAR
Construct a CHAR from an Object.
CHAR(String, CharacterSet) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.CHAR
Constructor for CHAR.
CHAR(String, CharacterSet, int) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.CHAR
Constructor for CHAR.
CharacterBuffer - Class in oracle.sql
This class allows the program to construct an array of bytes in some representation using the 32 bit values returned by a CharacterWalker.
CharacterBuffer(CharacterSet) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.CharacterBuffer
CharacterSet - Class in oracle.sql
This class encapsulates methods and attributes of the character sets defined by Oracle.
CharacterSetWithConverter - Class in oracle.sql
This is an abstract base class that all character sets that use CharacterConverter are based on.
characterStreamValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert to a character stream representation of the datum object
characterStreamValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a character stream representation of the datum object
CharacterWalker - Class in oracle.sql
A CharacterWalker lets you walk through the characters that are represented as a sequence of bytes in some CharacterSet.
CharacterWalker(CharacterSet, byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.CharacterWalker
checkAndGetACProxyConnection(OracleConnection) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ConcreteProxyUtil
Check whether connection object from proxified or not.
checkError(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
checkError(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
checkError(int, SQLException) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
CHECKSUM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
checkValidity(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Checks the DATE passed in.
CL8BS2000_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8EBCDIC1025_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8EBCDIC1025C_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8EBCDIC1025R_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8EBCDIC1025S_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8EBCDIC1025X_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8EBCDIC1158_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8EBCDIC1158R_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8ISO8859P5_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8ISOIR111_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8KOI8R_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8KOI8U_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8MACCYRILLIC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8MACCYRILLICS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
CL8MSWIN1251_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
cleanup() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
clearAllApplicationContext(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This is deprecated since 12.1 in favor of the standard JDBC API setClientInfo(). It is not recommended to use this API intermingled with get/setClientInfo APIs.
clearAllApplicationContext(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
clearDefines() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Lets you clear previously defined types for the define-columns of this statement.
clearDoneDumpOnMemoryPressure() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
clearReplayStatistics() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
clearReplayStatistics() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
Clears replay statistics accumulated so far on all connection created by this data source.
clearReplayStatistics(ReplayableConnection.StatisticsReportType) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayableConnection
Clears replay statistics accumulated so far.
clearWarnings() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
CLIENT_INFO_KEY_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Separate the namespace from the key the name of a client info.
clientChecksum11203x - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
clientChecksum12x - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
CLOB - Class in oracle.sql
Use java.sql.Clob interface for declaration instead of using concrete class oracle.sql.CLOB.
CLOB - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
CLOB - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
CLOB() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.CLOB
CLOB(OracleClob) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.CLOB
Call from empty lob static method
CLOB(OracleConnection, byte[], short) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.CLOB
clone() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleRow
Creates and returns a persistent copy of this row.
clone() - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
close() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Releases this Connection object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released.
close() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Close a previously opened external LOB.
close() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Close a previously opened BLOB.
close() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleClob
Close a previously opened CLOB.
close() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
close() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
This will destroy the connection pool, and close all the connections opened from this data source.
close() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
Close the physical connection.
close() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Close a previously opened external LOB.
close() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Close a previously opened BLOB.
close() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Close a previously opened CLOB.
close() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Closes this generator and frees any resources associated with it.
close() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Closes the parser and closes any resources associated with it.
close(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If opt is OracleConnection.INVALID_CONNECTION : Closes the given Logical connection, as well the underlying PooledConnection without returning the connection to the cache when called with the parameter INVALID_CONNECTION.
close(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
close(Properties) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The Implicit Connection Cache (ICC) has been desupported since 12.1. This method throws UnsupportedOperationException, and will be removed soon in the future.
close_callback_string - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
closeArchiveforInsert() - Method in class oracle.sql.ConverterArchive
closeArchiveforRead() - Method in class oracle.sql.ConverterArchive
closeAsyncOracle() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Releases this Connection object's database and JDBC resources immediately.
closeAsyncOracle() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
CLOSED - oracle.jdbc.NotificationRegistration.RegistrationState
State of this registration: closed.
closeFile() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Close the FILE.
closeFile() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Close the FILE.
CloseInvocationHandler(OracleConnectionWrapper) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper.CloseInvocationHandler
closeOnCompletion() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Specifies that this Statement will be closed when all its dependent result sets are closed.
closeOption - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
closeWithKey(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
The underlying cursor is not closed and the Statement handle is cached on the Key.
COLS - oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData.DataTypeSource
commit() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
commit(EnumSet<OracleConnection.CommitOption>) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Commits the transaction with the given options.
commit(EnumSet<OracleConnection.CommitOption>) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
commit(Xid, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroResource
Commit work done by global transaction specified by xid.
commit(Xid, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
commit() -- Commit work done by global transaction specified by xid.
commit(Xid, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
commit() -- Commit work done by global transaction specified by xid.
commitAsyncOracle() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Asynchronously make all changes made since the previous commit/rollback permanent and releases any database locks currently held by this Connection object.
commitAsyncOracle() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
compareBytes(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Do an unsigned compare on byte arrays m and n
compareTo(OracleShardingKey) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
Used to compare two OracleShardingKey keys.
compareTo(ShardingMetadata.SubKeyMetadata) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata.SubKeyMetadata
Method used to defined natural ordering for the sub key column info based on the column index.
compareTo(DATE) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Returns -1 if DATE is less than date, 0 if DATE and date are equal (==), 1 if DATE is greater than date.
compareTo(NUMBER) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns -1 if NUMBER is less than n, 0 if NUMBER and n are equal (==), 1 if NUMBER is greater than n.
COMPLETE - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation
everything that can be checked is working.
ConcreteProxyUtil - Class in oracle.sql
This class has helper methods for all concrete class needs proxification.
ConcreteProxyUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.ConcreteProxyUtil
CONNECT - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseShutdownMode
Further connects are prohibited.
connect_auto_commit_string - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
ConnectInfo() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectInfo
connection - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
connection - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
connection - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
CONNECTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNECTION_POOL - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNECTION_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
connection_properties_string - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ACCESS_TOKEN - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property configures an access token that Oracle JDBC uses for authentication with Oracle Database.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ACCESS_TOKEN_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ACCESS_TOKEN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ACCUMULATE_BATCH_RESULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
When using Oracle style batching, JDBC determines when to flush a batch to the database.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ACCUMULATE_BATCH_RESULT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ACCUMULATE_BATCH_RESULT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ALLOW_ABSOLUTE_JNDI_URLS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property enables loading absolute JNDI URLs.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ALLOW_ABSOLUTE_JNDI_URLS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ALLOW_ABSOLUTE_JNDI_URLS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Minimum authentication protocol required by the client.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_AUTO_COMMIT_SPEC_COMPLIANT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Alters the auto-commit behavior of the driver.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_AUTO_COMMIT_SPEC_COMPLIANT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_AUTO_COMMIT_SPEC_COMPLIANT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_AUTOCOMMIT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to change the default value of autoCommit.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_AUTOCOMMIT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_AUTOCOMMIT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE_UPDATEABLE_RESULTSET - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If set to true, use the old, pre, updateable ResultSet behavior.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_COMMIT_OPTION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This connection property lets you define a default commit option that will be used when calling connection.commit();.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_COMMIT_OPTION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_COMMIT_OPTION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property provides the location of one or more properties files.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONFIG_FILE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONNECTION_CLASS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify the connection class name for Database Resident Connection Pool (DRCP).
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONNECTION_CLASS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONNECTION_CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONNECTION_PURITY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify the connection purity for a Database Resident Connection Pool (DRCP) connection.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONNECTION_PURITY_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONNECTION_PURITY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONTINUE_BATCH_ON_ERROR - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This connection property specifies whether to continue batch execution when server encounters an erroneous row in the batch.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONTINUE_BATCH_ON_ERROR_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONTINUE_BATCH_ON_ERROR_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONVERT_NCHAR_LITERALS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Convert NCHAR literals to Unicode literals when equal "true".
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONVERT_NCHAR_LITERALS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CONVERT_NCHAR_LITERALS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CREATE_DESCRIPTOR_USE_CURRENT_SCHEMA_FOR_SCHEMA_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The user has to provide fully qualified ADT name ([username].[adt name]) for all ADT operations.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DATABASE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DATABASE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DATABASE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_VALIDATION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This connection property is used to specify how much effort to put into validating a Connection.
This property controls what isValid() does.
The possible values for this property are - "NONE", "LOCAL", "SOCKET", "NETWORK", "SERVER" and "COMPLETE".
The values are case-sensitive, setting any other value throws exception.
The default value of this property is "NETWORK".
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_VALIDATION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_VALIDATION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_EXECUTE_BATCH - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Oracle-Style batching is desupported. Standard JDBC batch execution is recommended instead.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_EXECUTE_BATCH_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_EXECUTE_BATCH_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_LOB_PREFETCH_SIZE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The value of this property is used as the default LOB prefetch size for this connection.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_LOB_PREFETCH_SIZE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_LOB_PREFETCH_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_ROW_PREFETCH - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The value of this property is used as the default number of rows to prefetch.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_ROW_PREFETCH_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_ROW_PREFETCH_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_USE_NIO - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
In case of Jdbc-OCI drivers the data is copied from C layer to Java using Jni array copy api.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_USE_NIO_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_USE_NIO_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULTNCHAR - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If the value of this property is "true", the default mode for all character data columns will be NCHAR.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULTNCHAR_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DEFAULTNCHAR_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DISABLE_DEFINECOLUMNTYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Disable the method OracleStatement.defineColumnType when equal "true".
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DISABLE_DEFINECOLUMNTYPE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DISABLE_DEFINECOLUMNTYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DMS_PARENT_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Override the default DMS parent name.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DMS_PARENT_NAME_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DMS_PARENT_NAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DMS_PARENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Override the default DMS parent type.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DMS_PARENT_TYPE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DMS_PARENT_TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DMS_STMT_CACHING_METRICS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DMS_STMT_CACHING_METRICS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DMS_STMT_CACHING_METRICS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DMS_STMT_METRICS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Property which enables/disables DMS Statement metrics
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DMS_STMT_METRICS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DMS_STMT_METRICS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DOWN_HOSTS_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
To specify the amount of time in seconds that information about the down state of server hosts is kept in driver's cache.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DOWN_HOSTS_TIMEOUT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DOWN_HOSTS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DRCP_MULTIPLEXING_IN_REQUEST_APIS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies whether to enable DRCP-attach in beginRequest and DRCP-detach in endRequest.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DRCP_MULTIPLEXING_IN_REQUEST_APIS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DRCP_MULTIPLEXING_IN_REQUEST_APIS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DRCP_PLSQL_CALLBACK - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This is PL/SQL "fix-up" callback name which is provided by the application, and it is used to transform a session checked out from the pool to the desired state requested by the application.
"fix-up" callback can provide performance improvements to applications by running the "session state fix-up" logic on the server, thereby eliminating application round-trips to the database to run the "fix-up" logic.
This is an optional configuration.
This property is valid only for thin driver.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DRCP_PLSQL_CALLBACK_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DRCP_PLSQL_CALLBACK_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DRCP_TAG_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This is the tag name that for Database Resident Connection Pool (DRCP).
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DRCP_TAG_NAME_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DRCP_TAG_NAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DRIVER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The value passed to the server for the OCI_ATTR_DRIVER_NAME.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DRIVER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_DRIVER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_EDITION_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This connection property can be used to specify a name for the "session edition".
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_EDITION_NAME_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_EDITION_NAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_AC_SUPPORT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies whether driver support for Application Continuity (AC) is enabled.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_AC_SUPPORT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_AC_SUPPORT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_DATA_IN_LOCATOR - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The value of this property is used to control the use of the Data in Locator feature of the server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_DATA_IN_LOCATOR_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_DATA_IN_LOCATOR_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_IMPLICIT_REQUESTS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies whether to enable implicit request boundary support for Application Continuity (AC).
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_IMPLICIT_REQUESTS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_IMPLICIT_REQUESTS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_QUERY_RESULT_CACHE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property is introduced in 18c.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_QUERY_RESULT_CACHE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_QUERY_RESULT_CACHE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_READ_DATA_IN_LOCATOR - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The value of this property is used to control the use of the Data in Locator feature by the client.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_READ_DATA_IN_LOCATOR_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_READ_DATA_IN_LOCATOR_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_RESULTSET_CACHE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property is ignored in 18c.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_RESULTSET_CACHE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_RESULTSET_CACHE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_TEMP_LOB_REF_COUNT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
By default the JDBC thin driver counts the temp LOB references and only closes them on the server when this count is down to zero.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_TEMP_LOB_REF_COUNT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_TEMP_LOB_REF_COUNT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_TG_SUPPORT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies whether driver support for Transaction Guard (TG) is enabled.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_TG_SUPPORT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ENABLE_TG_SUPPORT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_FAN_ENABLED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies whether driver High Availability (HA) or FAN (Fast Application Notification) is enabled.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_FAN_ENABLED_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_FAN_ENABLED_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_FIXED_STRING - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If the value of this property is "true", JDBC will use FIXED CHAR semantic when setObject is called with a String argument.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_FIXED_STRING_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_FIXED_STRING_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_IMPLICIT_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The maximum number of statements that will be stored in this connection's statement cache.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_IMPLICIT_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_IMPLICIT_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_IN_BAND_NOTIFICATION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies whether driver in-band notification support is enabled.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_IN_BAND_NOTIFICATION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_IN_BAND_NOTIFICATION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_INCLUDE_SYNONYMS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If the value of this property is "true", JDBC will include synonyms when getting information about a column.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_INCLUDE_SYNONYMS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_INCLUDE_SYNONYMS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_INTERNAL_LOGON - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The value of this property is used as the user name when performing an internal logon.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_INTERNAL_LOGON_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_INTERNAL_LOGON_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_J2EE13_COMPLIANT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property could be removed in the future and the default will be true. So if this property is used as workaround to turn off compliant behavior, consider changing the application.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_J2EE13_COMPLIANT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_J2EE13_COMPLIANT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_JDBC_STANDARD_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Ensures the driver is in strict compliance with the JDBC specification.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_JDBC_STANDARD_BEHAVIOR_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_JDBC_STANDARD_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_LOB_STREAM_POS_STANDARD_COMPLIANT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Previous releases allowed the value of 0L to be set for the position parameter of Blob.setBinaryStream and Clob.setAsciiStream and setCharacterStream which is not correct in the specification.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_LOB_STREAM_POS_STANDARD_COMPLIANT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_LOB_STREAM_POS_STANDARD_COMPLIANT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_LOGIN_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Configures a timeout for creating a new connection.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_LOGIN_TIMEOUT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_LOGIN_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_MAP_DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This connection property lets you define how the driver will map SQL DATE values in the database to Java types.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_MAP_DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_MAP_DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_MAX_CACHED_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The log base 2 of the size of the largest internal char or byte data buffer that the driver should cache.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_MAX_CACHED_BUFFER_SIZE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_MAX_CACHED_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NET_KEEPALIVE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Enables TCP keep alive on the network connection.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NET_KEEPALIVE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NET_KEEPALIVE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NETWORK_COMPRESSION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Enables compression of the protocol data sent over network.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NETWORK_COMPRESSION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NETWORK_COMPRESSION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NETWORK_COMPRESSION_LEVELS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The value is a comma separated list of supported levels in the user preference order surrounded by brackets.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NETWORK_COMPRESSION_LEVELS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NETWORK_COMPRESSION_LEVELS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NETWORK_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Minimum size of data in packet required to perform compression.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NETWORK_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NETWORK_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NEW_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property enables users to set a new password during connection creation if user's password got expired.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NEW_PASSWORD_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NEW_PASSWORD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_COMPARTMENT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
When OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION is set to "OCI_TOKEN", this property specifies the Oracle Cloud ID (OCID) of the compartment for the database identified by OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_DATABASE.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_COMPARTMENT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_COMPARTMENT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_DATABASE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
When OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION is set to "OCI_TOKEN", this property specifies the Oracle Cloud ID (OCID) of the database that JDBC requests access to.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_DATABASE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_DATABASE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_DRIVER_CHARSET - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_DRIVER_CHARSET_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_DRIVER_CHARSET_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_ENV_HANDLE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_ENV_HANDLE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_ENV_HANDLE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_ERR_HANDLE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_ERR_HANDLE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_ERR_HANDLE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_IAM_URL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
When OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION is set to "OCI_TOKEN", this property must specify the full path of the Identity and Access Management (IAM) endpoint that Oracle JDBC authenticates with, as in:
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_IAM_URL_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_IAM_URL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_SVC_CTX_HANDLE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_SVC_CTX_HANDLE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_SVC_CTX_HANDLE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_TENANCY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
When OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION is set to "OCI_TOKEN", this property must specify the Oracle Cloud ID (OCID) of the cloud tenant for the user that Oracle JDBC authenticates as.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_TENANCY_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_OCI_TENANCY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ONS_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify the ONS connection protocol, as either "TCP" or "TCPS".
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ONS_PROTOCOL_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ONS_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ONS_WALLET_FILE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify the ONS wallet file, when you need Oracle Fast Application Notification (FAN).
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ONS_WALLET_FILE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ONS_WALLET_FILE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ONS_WALLET_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify the ONS wallet password, which is only required if you don't enable auto-login in the ONS wallet.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ONS_WALLET_PASSWORD_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_ONS_WALLET_PASSWORD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The value of this property is used as the password when connecting to the database.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PASSWORD_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Configures how Oracle JDBC performs authentication with a user name and password.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PASSWORD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PRELIM_AUTH - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If this property is set to "true", JDBC drivers connect in PRELIM_AUTH mode, which is the only mode that is permitted when the database is down.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PRELIM_AUTH_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PRELIM_AUTH_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PROCESS_ESCAPES - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If the value of this property is "false" then the default setting for Statement.setEscapeProccessing is false.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PROCESS_ESCAPES_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PROCESS_ESCAPES_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PROTOCOL_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PROXY_CLIENT_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The value of this property is used to specify the name of the proxy client during proxy authentication.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PROXY_CLIENT_NAME_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PROXY_CLIENT_NAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_READONLY_INSTANCE_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property allows connection creation to a read-only instance if the value is set to true.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_READONLY_INSTANCE_ALLOWED_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_READONLY_INSTANCE_ALLOWED_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_REPORT_REMARKS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If the value of this property is "true", OracleDatabaseMetaData will include remarks in the meta data.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_REPORT_REMARKS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_REPORT_REMARKS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_REQUEST_SIZE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies the maximum request size, in terms of number of JDBC calls, beyond which AC replay will be disabled.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_REQUEST_SIZE_LIMIT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_REQUEST_SIZE_LIMIT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_RESOURCE_MANAGER_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_RESOURCE_MANAGER_ID_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_RESOURCE_MANAGER_ID_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_RESTRICT_GETTABLES - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If the value of this property is "true", JDBC will return a more refined value for DatabaseMeta.getTables.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_RESTRICT_GETTABLES_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_RESTRICT_GETTABLES_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_RETAIN_V9_BIND_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This is applicable only for the thin driver.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_RETAIN_V9_BIND_BEHAVIOR_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_RETAIN_V9_BIND_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SERVER - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SERVER_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SERVER_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SET_FLOAT_AND_DOUBLE_USE_BINARY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If the value of this property is "true", the JDBC PreparedStatement setFloat and setDouble API's convert float and double values to the internal binary format for BINARY_FLOAT or BINARY_DOUBLE before sending to the database.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SET_FLOAT_AND_DOUBLE_USE_BINARY_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SET_FLOAT_AND_DOUBLE_USE_BINARY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SET_NEW_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SET_NEW_PASSWORD_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SET_NEW_PASSWORD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SOCKS_PROXY_HOST - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This connection property is used to configure the host name of the SOCKS proxy server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SOCKS_PROXY_HOST_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SOCKS_PROXY_HOST_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SOCKS_PROXY_PORT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This connection property is used to configure the port value of the SOCKS proxy server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SOCKS_PROXY_PORT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SOCKS_PROXY_PORT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SOCKS_REMOTE_DNS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This connection property is used to specify whether the DNS lookup for the DB Host should be performed locally or remotely when a SOCKS5 Proxy is being used.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SOCKS_REMOTE_DNS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SOCKS_REMOTE_DNS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SQL_ERROR_TRANSLATION_FILE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Path to an xml file which provides the Error code translations for those errors which occur if a connection can not be established to the server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SQL_ERROR_TRANSLATION_FILE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SQL_ERROR_TRANSLATION_FILE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SQL_TRANSLATION_PROFILE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The string identifier for the translation profile or the translator to be used.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SQL_TRANSLATION_PROFILE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SQL_TRANSLATION_PROFILE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SSL_CONTEXT_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies a protocol name for the driver to use when obtaining an instance of SSLContext from SSLContext.getInstance(String) for a TLS enabled database connection.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SSL_CONTEXT_PROTOCOL_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SSL_CONTEXT_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_STRICT_ASCII_CONVERSION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The Oracle JDBC has been doing quick ASCII conversion (use only the low bytes) in different areas for the sake of performance.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_STRICT_ASCII_CONVERSION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_STRICT_ASCII_CONVERSION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TCP_KEEPCOUNT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies a maximum number of keep alive probes to be sent before a connection is considered broken.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TCP_KEEPCOUNT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TCP_KEEPCOUNT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TCP_KEEPIDLE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies a number of seconds for a network connection to remain idle before initiating a keep alive probe.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TCP_KEEPIDLE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TCP_KEEPIDLE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TCP_KEEPINTERVAL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies a number of seconds to wait before retransmitting a keep alive probe.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TCP_KEEPINTERVAL_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TCP_KEEPINTERVAL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_FORCE_DNS_LOAD_BALANCING - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
When a hostname resolves to multiple addresses, the JDBC thin driver retrieves an array of addresses by calling "InetAddress.getAllByName()" and attempts to connect to first address in the array.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_FORCE_DNS_LOAD_BALANCING_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_FORCE_DNS_LOAD_BALANCING_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_HTTPS_PROXY_HOST - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to set the hostname or address of the https proxy server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_HTTPS_PROXY_HOST_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_HTTPS_PROXY_HOST_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to set the port of the https proxy server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_KEYSTORE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify the file system path of a key store file which contains private keys and certificates used for TLS/SSL/TCPS authentication with a database.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_KEYSTORE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_KEYSTORE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_KEYSTOREPASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify the password of a key store file specified by OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_KEYSTORE.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_KEYSTOREPASSWORD_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_KEYSTOREPASSWORD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_KEYSTORETYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify the format of a key store file specified by OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_KEYSTORE.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_KEYSTORETYPE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_KEYSTORETYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_TRUSTSTORE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify the file system path of a trust store file which contains certificate authorities that can be trusted when authenticating a database's certificate.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_TRUSTSTOREPASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify the password of a trust store file specified by OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_TRUSTSTORE.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_TRUSTSTOREPASSWORD_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_TRUSTSTOREPASSWORD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_TRUSTSTORETYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify the format of a trust store file specified by OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_TRUSTSTORE.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_TRUSTSTORETYPE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_TRUSTSTORETYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JNDI_LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify a timeout, in milliseconds, to apply when establishing a connection to an LDAP server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JNDI_LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JNDI_LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JNDI_LDAP_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify a timeout, in milliseconds, to apply when reading a response from an LDAP server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JNDI_LDAP_READ_TIMEOUT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JNDI_LDAP_READ_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies the authentication mechanism to be used by the LDAP service provider in the JDK.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to configure the password which will be used while authenticating with the LDAP server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SECURITY_PRINCIPAL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify the value of the username(DN) which will be used while authenticating with the LDAP server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SECURITY_PRINCIPAL_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SECURITY_PRINCIPAL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify the set of cipher suites to be used while SSL negotiation with LDAP server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_CONTEXT_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specifies a protocol name for the driver to use when obtaining an instance of SSLContext from SSLContext.getInstance(String) for a TLS enabled LDAP connection.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_CONTEXT_PROTOCOL_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_CONTEXT_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_KEYMANAGER_FACTORY_ALGORITHM - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to override the default algorithm used by KeyManagerFactory.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_KEYMANAGER_FACTORY_ALGORITHM_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_KEYSTORE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property is used to specify the path to the KeyStore file which will be used while SSL negotiation with LDAP server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_KEYSTORE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_KEYSTORE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property is used to specify the password for the KeyStore file which will be used while SSL negotiation with LDAP server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify type of the configured KeyStore file to be used while SSL negotiation with LDAP Server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_TRUSTMANAGER_FACTORY_ALGORITHM - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to override the default algorithm used by TrustManagerFactory.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_TRUSTSTORE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property is used to specify the path to the TrustStore file which will be used while SSL negotiation with LDAP server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property is used to specify the password for the TrustStore file which will be used while SSL negotiation with LDAP server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify type of the configured TrustStore file to be used while SSL negotiation with LDAP Server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_VERSIONS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify the valid SSL protocol version(s) used while SSL negotiation with LDAP Server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_VERSIONS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_VERSIONS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_WALLET_LOCATION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify the wallet location.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_WALLET_LOCATION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_WALLET_LOCATION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_WALLET_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify the password of the wallet file which will be used while SSL negotiation with LDAP server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_WALLET_PASSWORD_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_LDAP_SSL_WALLET_PASSWORD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_ALLOW_WEAK_CRYPTO - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Starting in release 23, the driver can be configured to use strong session keys and weak ciphers can be disabled when Native Network Encryption is used.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_ALLOW_WEAK_CRYPTO_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_ALLOW_WEAK_CRYPTO_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_KRB_JAAS_LOGIN_MODULE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to specify the name of the JAAS login module which will be used for initializing javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_KRB_REALM - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to specify the realm used for Kerberos authentication.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_KRB_REALM_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_KRB_REALM_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_KRB5_CC_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to specify the location of the Kerberos credential cache.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_KRB5_CC_NAME_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_KRB5_CC_NAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_KRB5_MUTUAL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
To turn on Kerberos mutual authentication, set this property to "true".
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_KRB5_MUTUAL_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_KRB5_MUTUAL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to turn on the authentication adaptors.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CHECKSUM_LEVEL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify the level of security for the integrity service.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CHECKSUM_LEVEL_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CHECKSUM_LEVEL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CHECKSUM_TYPES - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to specify the list of integrity algorithms that you want to activate.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CHECKSUM_TYPES_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CHECKSUM_TYPES_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The connect timeout controls how much time is allowed to connect the socket to the database.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CONNECTIONID_PREFIX - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property oracle.net.connectionIdPrefix can be used to customize the first 8 characters of the Net connection id that's sent to the listener during connection establishment for tracing purposes.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CONNECTIONID_PREFIX_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CONNECTIONID_PREFIX_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CRYPTO_SEED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to specify the encryption seed (between 10 and 70 random characters).
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CRYPTO_SEED_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_CRYPTO_SEED_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_DISABLE_OUT_OF_BAND_BREAK - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Thin uses out of band breaks by default from 11g onwards.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_DISABLE_OUT_OF_BAND_BREAK_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_DISABLE_OUT_OF_BAND_BREAK_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_ENCRYPTION_LEVEL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify the level of security for the encryption service.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_ENCRYPTION_LEVEL_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_ENCRYPTION_LEVEL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_ENCRYPTION_TYPES - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to specify the list of encryption algorithms that you want to activate.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_ENCRYPTION_TYPES_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_ENCRYPTION_TYPES_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_OLDSYNTAX - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_OLDSYNTAX_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_OLDSYNTAX_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_PROFILE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_PROFILE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_PROFILE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_SET_FIPS_MODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to enable FIPS140-2 mode for native network encryption.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_SET_FIPS_MODE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_SET_FIPS_MODE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_USE_ZERO_COPY_IO - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The thin driver uses the zero-copy IO codepath for SecureFile Lobs by default from 11gR2 onwards.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_USE_ZERO_COPY_IO_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_NET_USE_ZERO_COPY_IO_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_OUTBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The outbound connect timeout controls the time allowed to connect the socket, let the server accept the connection to the desired service, negotiate the NS protocol as well as complete the ASO negotiation.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_OUTBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_OUTBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Read timeout while reading from the socket.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_READ_TIMEOUT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_READ_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_ALLOW_WEAK_DN_MATCH - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to enable or disable the authentication of the server during the SSL handshake using the service name specified in the connection string.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_ALLOW_WEAK_DN_MATCH_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_ALLOW_WEAK_DN_MATCH_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_CERTIFICATE_ALIAS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
When a keystore (either wallet or jks file) contains multiple certificates, this property can be used to specify the alias name of the certificate to be used by the driver during the client authentication part of the SSL handshake.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_CERTIFICATE_ALIAS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_CERTIFICATE_ALIAS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify a comma separated list of cipher suites to enable for TLS communications with a database.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_KEYMANAGERFACTORY_ALGORITHM - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify the algorithm to use when managing the key meterial of the key store file specified by OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_KEYSTORE.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_KEYMANAGERFACTORY_ALGORITHM_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_SERVER_CERT_DN - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to specify the distinguished name (DN) of the server used during the SSL handshake to authenticate the server.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_SERVER_CERT_DN_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_SERVER_CERT_DN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_SERVER_DN_MATCH - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to enable or disable the authentication of the server during the SSL handshake.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_SERVER_DN_MATCH_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_SERVER_DN_MATCH_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_TRUSTMANAGERFACTORY_ALGORITHM - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Specify the algorithm to use when managing the meterial of the trust store file specified by OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_JAVAX_NET_SSL_TRUSTSTORE.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_TRUSTMANAGERFACTORY_ALGORITHM_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_VERSION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Sets the SSL version which will be used for SSL protocol negotiation.
This is an optional property.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_VERSION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_SSL_VERSION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_TCP_NO_DELAY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If the value of this property is "true", the TCP_NODELAY property is set on the socket when using the Thin driver.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_TCP_NO_DELAY_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_TCP_NO_DELAY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_USE_JCE_API - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If the value of this property is "true" and Data Encryption service is enabled, then JDK Crypto(JCE) APIs are used for encryption and decryption of the data between the JDBC client and the Oracle Server, otherwise the built-in crypto implementation is used.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_USE_JCE_API_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_USE_JCE_API_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_ENAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_ENAME_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_ENAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_INAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_INAME_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_INAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_MACHINE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to change the value that will show up in the "machine" column of the "v$session" table for this connection.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_MACHINE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_MACHINE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_OSUSER - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
By default, the driver retrieves the OS username from the "user.name" system property which is set by the JVM.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_OSUSER_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_OSUSER_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_PROCESS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to change the value that will show up in the "process" column of the "v$session" table for this connection.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_PROCESS_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_PROCESS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_PROGRAM - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to change the value that will show up in the "program" column of the "v$session" table for this connection.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_PROGRAM_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_PROGRAM_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_TERMINAL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this connection property to change the value that will show up in the "terminal" column of the "v$session" table for this connection.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_TERMINAL_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_THIN_VSESSION_TERMINAL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TIMESTAMPTZ_IN_GMT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Obtain TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE value in GMT than adjusting the same to local time zone.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TIMESTAMPTZ_IN_GMT_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TIMESTAMPTZ_IN_GMT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TIMEZONE_AS_REGION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use JVM default timezone as specified rather than convert to a GMT offset.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TIMEZONE_AS_REGION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TIMEZONE_AS_REGION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TNS_ADMIN - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This property is used for setting the TNS Admin path.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TNS_ADMIN_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TNS_ADMIN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Enables the use of access tokens that are stored in a file system location when authenticating with Oracle Database.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TOKEN_LOCATION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
When OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION is set to "OCI_TOKEN" or "OAUTH", this property specifies the file system path to obtain access tokens from.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TOKEN_LOCATION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_TOKEN_LOCATION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_1900_AS_YEAR_FOR_TIME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
setTime used to set the date component to 01 Jan, 1900 by default in earlier versions (version < 10g).
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_1900_AS_YEAR_FOR_TIME_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_1900_AS_YEAR_FOR_TIME_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_DRCP_MULTIPLE_TAG - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Enables multiple tagging feature in DRCP.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_DRCP_MULTIPLE_TAG_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_DRCP_MULTIPLE_TAG_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_FETCH_SIZE_WITH_LONG_COLUMN - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If the value of this property is "true", then JDBC will prefetch rows even though there is a LONG or LONG RAW column in the result.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_FETCH_SIZE_WITH_LONG_COLUMN_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_FETCH_SIZE_WITH_LONG_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_SHARDING_DRIVER_CONNECTION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This is applicable only for the thin driver.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_SHARDING_DRIVER_CONNECTION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_SHARDING_DRIVER_CONNECTION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_THREADLOCAL_BUFFER_CACHE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If true, the statement data buffers are cached on a per thread basis.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_THREADLOCAL_BUFFER_CACHE_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USE_THREADLOCAL_BUFFER_CACHE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USER_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The value of this property is used as the user name when connecting to the database.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USER_NAME_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_USER_NAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_WALLET_LOCATION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to specify the wallet location.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_WALLET_LOCATION_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_WALLET_LOCATION_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_WALLET_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use this property to set the wallet password which is only required if you don't enable enable auto-login in the wallet.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_WALLET_PASSWORD_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_WALLET_PASSWORD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_WEBSOCKET_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This connection property is used to configure the password of the webserver, when the JDBC Thin driver is configured to connect to a webserver using the Secure Websocket protocol (WSS).
The webserver acts as a reverse proxy for the Oracle Database.
The default value of this property is null.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_WEBSOCKET_PASSWORD_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_WEBSOCKET_PASSWORD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_WEBSOCKET_USER - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This connection property is used to configure the username of the webserver, when the JDBC Thin driver is configured to connect to a webserver using the Secure Websocket protocol (WSS).
The webserver acts as a reverse proxy for the Oracle Database.
The default value of this property is null.
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_WEBSOCKET_USER_ACCESSMODE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_PROPERTY_WEBSOCKET_USER_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_RELEASE_HIGH - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_RELEASE_LOCKED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
CONNECTION_RELEASE_LOW - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
connectionClosed(OracleOCIConnection) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
ConnectionInitializationCallback - Interface in oracle.jdbc.replay
This callback allows applications to re-establish session initial starting point after a failover and before replay starts.
connectionProperties - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
connectTimeout(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Used to configure the value of CONNECT_TIMEOUT in the DESCRIPTION node.
CONNPOOL_ACTIVE_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNPOOL_ALIASED_CONNECTION - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNPOOL_CONNECTION - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNPOOL_INCREMENT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNPOOL_IS_POOLCREATED - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNPOOL_LOGON_MODE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNPOOL_MAX_LIMIT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNPOOL_MIN_LIMIT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNPOOL_NOWAIT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNPOOL_OBJECT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNPOOL_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNPOOL_PROXY_CONNECTION - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
CONNPOOL_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
convert(String) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a String to bytes in oracleId representation.
convert(String) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSetWithConverter
convert(CharacterSet, byte[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Converts bytes in some representation to oracleId representation.
convert(CharacterSet, byte[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSetWithConverter
convertAL16UTF16BytesToJavaChars(byte[], int, char[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Converts a sequence of bytes in AL16UTF16 to an array of char's.
convertAL16UTF16LEBytesToJavaChars(byte[], int, char[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Converts a sequence of bytes in AL16UTF16LE to an array of char's.
convertAL32UTF8BytesToJavaChars(byte[], int, char[], int, int[], boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of bytes in AL32UTF8 to an array of char's.
convertAL32UTF8BytesToJavaChars(byte[], int, char[], int, int[], boolean, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Same as convertAL32UTF8BytesToJavaChars(byte[],int,char[],int,int[],boolean) with an additional argument 'charSize' which is the number of chars available in the char array.
convertASCIIBytesToJavaChars(byte[], int, char[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
convert a byte array in ascii to a Java char array.
convertDatum(Datum) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ANYDATA
Constructs an ANYDATA instance from any instance of Datum.
ConverterArchive - Class in oracle.sql
This class allows a program to serialize an object and put it into a regular file or archive it into a zip file.
ConverterArchive() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.ConverterArchive
convertError(SQLException, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
Convert a SQLException into an XAException.
convertJavaCharsToAL16UTF16Bytes(char[], int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
convertJavaCharsToAL16UTF16LEBytes(char[], int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
convertJavaCharsToAL32UTF8Bytes(char[], int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert char's to the UTF-8 representation.
convertJavaCharsToASCIIBytes(char[], int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
convert a Java char array to a byte array in ascii.
convertJavaCharsToASCIIBytes(char[], int, byte[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
convertJavaCharsToISOLATIN1Bytes(char[], int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
convertJavaCharsToUTFBytes(char[], int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert char's to the UTF8 representation.
convertUnshared(CharacterSet, byte[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Converts bytes in some representation to oracleId representation.
convertUTF32toUTF16(long) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
convertUTFBytesToJavaChars(byte[], int, char[], int, int[], boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of bytes in UTF8 to an array of char's.
convertUTFBytesToJavaChars(byte[], int, char[], int, int[], boolean, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of bytes in UTF8 to an array of char's.
convertWithReplacement(char[], int, byte[], int, int[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Similar to convertWithReplacement(String s); Instead of a string, a char[] + offset with a length stored in nchars[0] will be converted.
convertWithReplacement(char[], int, byte[], int, int[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSetWithConverter
convertWithReplacement(String) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a String to bytes in oracleId representation.
convertWithReplacement(String) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSetWithConverter
convToUpperCase(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
Convert the String to UpperCase character by character
cos() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the cosine value of NUMBER.
cosh() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the hyperbolic cosine value of NUMBER.
create(Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleDataFactory
Create an OracleData from a jdbc Object
create(Datum, int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.CustomDatumFactory
create an Object from SQL Type and return it.
create(Datum, int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.ORADataFactory
Create an ORAData from a oracle.sql.Datum
createAQAgent() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQFactory
Constructs a new AQ agent.
createAQMessage(AQMessageProperties) - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQFactory
Constructs a new AQMessage with given mess properties.
createAQMessageProperties() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQFactory
Constructs a new instance of AQMessageProperties.
createArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new mutable JSON array.
createArray(OracleJsonArray) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a mutable copy of a JSON array.
createARRAY(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates an ARRAY object with the given type name and elements.
createARRAY(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates an ARRAY object with the given type name and elements.
createArrayOf(String, Object[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
createBinary(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON binary value.
createBINARY_DOUBLE(double) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a BINARY_DOUBLE that has the given value.
createBINARY_DOUBLE(double) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a BINARY_DOUBLE that has the given value.
createBINARY_FLOAT(float) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a BINARY_FLOAT that has the given value.
createBINARY_FLOAT(float) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a BINARY_FLOAT that has the given value.
createBlob() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
createBoolean(boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON boolean value.
createClob() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
createConnectionBuilder() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Creates a new instance
createConnectionBuilder() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleDataSource
Create a new OracleConnectionBuilder instance
createDate(LocalDateTime) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON date value.
createDATE(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(Date) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(Date) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(Date, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(Date, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(Time) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(Time) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(Time, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(Time, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(Timestamp) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(Timestamp) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDATE(Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a DATE that has the given value.
createDecimal(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON decimal.
createDecimal(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON decimal.
createDecimal(BigDecimal) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON decimal.
createDescriptor(String, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
Descriptor factory.
createDescriptor(String, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.sql.OpaqueDescriptor
Descriptor factory.
createDescriptor(String, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
Descriptor factory.
createDescriptor(String, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
Descriptor factory.
createDescriptor(String, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
Descriptor factory.
createDescriptor(SQLName, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
Descriptor factory.
createDescriptor(SQLName, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.sql.OpaqueDescriptor
Descriptor factory.
createDescriptor(SQLName, Connection) - Static method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
createDescriptor(SQLName, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
Descriptor factory.
createDescriptor(SQLName, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
createDouble(double) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON double.
createFloat(float) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON float.
createIntervalDS(Duration) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON interval value.
createINTERVALDS(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates an INTERVALDS that has the given value.
createINTERVALDS(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates an INTERVALDS that has the given value.
createIntervalYM(Period) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON interval value.
createINTERVALYM(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates an INTERVALYM that has the given value.
createINTERVALYM(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates an INTERVALYM that has the given value.
createJsonBinaryGenerator(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a JSON generator to write binary JSON to a byte stream.
createJsonBinaryParser(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a binary JSON parser from the given byte stream.
createJsonBinaryParser(ByteBuffer) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a binary JSON parser from the given buffer.
createJsonBinaryValue(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a OracleJsonValue from the given binary JSON stream.
createJsonBinaryValue(ByteBuffer) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a JsonValue from the given binary JSON buffer.
createJsonTextGenerator(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a JSON generator to write JSON text to a byte stream.
createJsonTextGenerator(Writer) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a JSON generator to write JSON to a character stream.
createJsonTextParser(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a JSON text parser from the given byte stream.
createJsonTextParser(Reader) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a JSON text parser from the given character stream.
createJsonTextValue(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a OracleJsonValue from the given textual JSON stream.
createJsonTextValue(Reader) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a OracleJsonValue from the given textual JSON stream.
createJsonWebToken(char[]) - Static method in interface oracle.jdbc.AccessToken
Creates an AccessToken representing a JSON Web Token (JWT).
createJsonWebToken(char[], PrivateKey) - Static method in interface oracle.jdbc.AccessToken
Creates an AccessToken representing a JSON Web Token (JWT) that requires proof of possession (PoP) of a privateKey.
createJsonWebTokenCache(Supplier<? extends AccessToken>) - Static method in interface oracle.jdbc.AccessToken
Returns a Supplier that caches access tokens generated by a tokenSupplier.
createNClob() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
createNull() - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Returns OracleJsonValue.NULL.
createNUMBER(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(byte) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(byte) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(double) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(double) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(float) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(float) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(long) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(short) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(short) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value and scale.
createNUMBER(String, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value and scale.
createNUMBER(BigDecimal) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(BigDecimal) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(BigInteger) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createNUMBER(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new NUMBER that has the given value.
createObject() - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new mutable JSON object.
createObject(OracleJsonObject) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a mutable copy of a JSON object.
createOracleArray(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates an Array object with the given type name and elements.
createOracleArray(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates an Array object with the given type name and elements.
createOrUpdateXid(Xid, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
craeteOrUpdateXid () - Pushes the current xid.
createPooledConnectionBuilder() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
createPooledConnectionBuilder() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
Creates a new OraclePooledConnectionBuilder instance
createShardingKeyBuilder() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Creates a new OracleShardingKeyBuilder instance.
createSQLXML() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
createStatement() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Creates a Statement with translation features enabled
createStatement() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
createStatement(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Similar to createStatement() but with an additional translation flag.
createStatement(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Returns a Statement with translation features enabled
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
createStatement(int, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Similar to createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) but with an additional translation flag.
createStatement(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Returns a Statement with translation features enabled
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
createStatement(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Similar to createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) but with an additional translation flag.
createStatement(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
createString(String) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON string.
createStruct(String, Object[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
createTemporary(Connection, boolean, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Create a temporary blob.
createTemporary(Connection, boolean, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Create a temporary clob.
createTemporary(Connection, boolean, int, short) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Create a temporary clob or nclob.
createTimestamp(LocalDateTime) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON timestamp value.
createTIMESTAMP(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMP with the given value.
createTIMESTAMP(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMP with the given value.
createTIMESTAMP(Date) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMP with the given value.
createTIMESTAMP(Date) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMP with the given value.
createTIMESTAMP(Time) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMP with the given value.
createTIMESTAMP(Time) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMP with the given value.
createTIMESTAMP(Timestamp) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMP with the given value.
createTIMESTAMP(Timestamp) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMP with the given value.
createTIMESTAMP(Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMP with the given value.
createTIMESTAMP(Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMP with the given value.
createTIMESTAMP(DATE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMP with the given value.
createTIMESTAMP(DATE) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMP with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPLTZ(String, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPLTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPLTZ(String, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPLTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPLTZ(Date, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPLTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPLTZ(Date, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPLTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPLTZ(Time, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPLTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPLTZ(Time, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPLTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPLTZ(Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPLTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPLTZ(Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPLTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPLTZ(DATE, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPLTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPLTZ(DATE, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPLTZ with the given value.
createTimestampTZ(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON timestamp value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(String, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(String, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Date) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Date) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Date, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Date, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Time) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Time) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Time, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Time, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Timestamp) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Timestamp) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Timestamp, ZoneId) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Timestamp, ZoneId) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Creates a new TIMESTAMPTZ with the given value.
createTIMESTAMPTZ(DATE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
createTIMESTAMPTZ(DATE) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
createValue(Datum) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
Creates a new JSON value from a Datum.
createXAConnectionBuilder() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleXADataSource
Creates a new OracleXAConnectionBuilder instance
createXAConnectionBuilder() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource
Creates a new Oracle XA ConnectionBuilder instance
createXAConnectionBuilder() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXADataSource
Creates a new Oracle XA ConnectionBuilder instance
creationState() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
CURSOR - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
CustomDatum - Interface in oracle.sql
This is an interface for encapsulating SQL Types into Java types of the user's choice.
CustomDatumFactory - Interface in oracle.sql
This interface complements CustomDatum.


D7DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
D7SIEMENS9780X_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
D8BS2000_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
D8EBCDIC1141_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
D8EBCDIC273_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
DATA_SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
DATABASE_CLOSED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Define return values for pingDatabase api The physical database connection is closed.
DATABASE_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
DATABASE_NOTOK - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Define return values for pingDatabase api The physical database connection is not closed but the database is not reachable.
DATABASE_OK - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Define return values for pingDatabase api The physical database connection is not closed and the database is reachable.
DATABASE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Define return values for pingDatabase api The call timed out before any positive or negative acknowledgement was received.
DatabaseChangeEvent - Class in oracle.jdbc.dcn
Once you have registered your interest into certain objects in the database, you get notified when these objects change.
DatabaseChangeEvent(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent
DatabaseChangeEvent.AdditionalEventType - Enum in oracle.jdbc.dcn
DatabaseChangeEvent.EventType - Enum in oracle.jdbc.dcn
DatabaseChangeListener - Interface in oracle.jdbc.dcn
The listener interface for receiving Database Change Notification (DCN) events.
DatabaseChangeRegistration - Interface in oracle.jdbc.dcn
databaseName - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does a data definition statement within a transaction force the transaction to commit?
dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is a data definition statement within a transaction ignored?
DATALINK - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
The constant in the Java programming language, somtimes referred to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type DATALINK.
dataSourceName - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
datatypeQuery(OracleDatabaseMetaData.DataTypeSource) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
datatypeQuery(OracleDatabaseMetaData.DataTypeSource, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
DATE - Class in oracle.sql
DATE Class
DATE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
DATE - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonDate
DATE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
DATE() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Constructs a DATE object initialized to 1/1/1970.
DATE(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Create a DATE object represented by the given Oracle Date.
DATE(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Constructs a DATE object initialized to the value specified by the object
DATE(Object, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Constructs a DATE object initialized to the value specified by the object and a Calendar
DATE(String) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Create a DATE object given a Java String object.
DATE(String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Create a DATE object given a Java String object.
DATE(String, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Create a DATE object given a Java String object and a Calendar
DATE(Date) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Create a DATE object given a Java Date object.
DATE(Date, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Create a DATE object given a Java Date object and a Calendar
DATE(Time) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Create a DATE object given a Java Time object.
DATE(Time, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Create a DATE object given a Java Time object and a Calendar
DATE(Timestamp) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Create a DATE object given a Java Timestamp object
DATE(Timestamp, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DATE
Create a DATE object given a Java Timestamp object and a Calendar
dateValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert to a Date representation of the datum object
dateValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Calls toDate to convert internal Oracle DATE to a Java Date.
dateValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a Date representation of the datum object
dateValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Calls toDate to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMP to a Java Date.
dateValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Calls toDate(Connection, byte[]) to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java Date.
dateValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Calls toDate to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ to a Java Date.
dateValue(Connection, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Calls toDate(Connection, byte[], Calendar) to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java Date.
dateValue(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Calls toDate to convert internal Oracle DATE and Calendar to a Java Date.
Datum - Class in oracle.sql
The root of Oracle native datatype hierarchy.
Datum() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.Datum
Creates an empty datum
Datum(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.Datum
Create a new datum with the given byte array as representation.
DatumWithConnection - Class in oracle.sql
A supper class for some Oracle specific datatypes, such as BFILE, BLOB, etc.
DatumWithConnection() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection
DatumWithConnection(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection
dblink - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
DBURITYPE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
DCN_BEST_EFFORT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
DCN_CLIENT_INIT_CONNECTION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Set the value of DCN_CLIENT_INIT_CONNECTION to 'true' for using the Client initiated DCN connection.
DCN_IGNORE_DELETEOP - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
DCN_IGNORE_INSERTOP - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
DCN_IGNORE_UPDATEOP - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
DCN_NOTIFY_CHANGELAG - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
DCN_NOTIFY_ROWIDS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
DCN_QUERY_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
DCN_USE_HOST_CONNECTION_ADDR_INFO - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Set the value of DCN_USE_HOST_CONNECTION_ADDR_INFO to 'false' to use the address info returned by the server for establishing the client initiated DCN Connection.
debug(Logger, Level, Executable, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
AC specifc
debug(Logger, Level, Executable, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
debug(Logger, Level, Executable, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
debug(Logger, Level, Executable, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
debug(Logger, Level, Executable, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource
debug(Logger, Level, Executable, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroCloseCallback
debug(Logger, Level, Executable, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroResource
debug(Logger, Level, Executable, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleMultiPhaseArgs
debug(Logger, Level, Executable, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
DEBUG_SERIALIZATION - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
DECIMAL - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDecimal.TargetType
DECIMAL - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonDecimal
DECIMAL - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
decodeKeys(InputStream, ShardingMetadata, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
Builds a list of sharding keys from the key data available as input stream from the database sharding metadata table LOCAL_CHUNKS.
Decoder(ShardingMetadata) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl.Decoder
decrement() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the NUMBER value decremented by 1.
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CHAR
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Special value.
DEFAULT_ORA_HASH - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyBuilderImpl
DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
DEFAULT_XA_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
defineColumnType(int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Defines the type you will use to retrieve data from a particular database table column.
defineColumnType(int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Defines the type you will use to retrieve data from a particular database table column.
defineColumnType(int, int, int, short) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
defineColumnType(int, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Defines the type you will use to retrieve data from a particular database table column and specifies the column type name.
defineColumnTypeBytes(int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
defineColumnTypeChars(int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
defineParameterType(int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Define the type under which you will bind the parameter and the maximum size (in characters) of data you will bind in binds.
defineParameterTypeBytes(int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Define the type under which you will bind the parameter and the maximum size (in bytes) of data you will bind in binds.
defineParameterTypeChars(int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Define the type under which you will bind the parameter and the maximum size (in characters) of data you will bind in binds.
DELETE - oracle.jdbc.dcn.RowChangeDescription.RowOperation
DELETE - oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription.TableOperation
deletesAreDetected(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData.deletesAreDetected.
dequeue(String, AQDequeueOptions, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Dequeues an AQ message from the queue specified by its name.
dequeue(String, AQDequeueOptions, byte[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
dequeue(String, AQDequeueOptions, byte[], int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Dequeues an AQ message from the queue specified by its name.
dequeue(String, AQDequeueOptions, byte[], int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
dequeue(String, AQDequeueOptions, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Dequeues an array of AQ messages from the queue specified by its name.
dequeue(String, AQDequeueOptions, byte[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
dequeue(String, AQDequeueOptions, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Dequeues an AQ message from the queue specified by its name.
dequeue(String, AQDequeueOptions, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
dequeue(String, AQDequeueOptions, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Dequeues an array of AQ messages from the queue specified by its name.
dequeue(String, AQDequeueOptions, String, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
DEQUEUE_NO_WAIT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
DEQUEUE_WAIT_FOREVER - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
DEREG - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent.EventType
Event type: unregistered or timed out.
DEREG - oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.EventType
Event type: unregistered or timed out.
DEREG - oracle.jdbc.dcn.QueryChangeDescription.QueryChangeEventType
The query is dropped from the registration.
description - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
descType() - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
Describe the collection type.
descType() - Method in class oracle.sql.OpaqueDescriptor
Describe this type.
descType() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
Describe this type.
DETACHED - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DRCPState
The connection is not attached to a server process.
detachServerConnection(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Notify the server that this connection will not be used.
detachServerConnection(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Notify the server that this connection will not be used.
diffInJulianDays(DATE, int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Calculates the difference between two dates in Julian days.
diffInMonths(DATE) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Calculates the difference between two dates in months.
DISABLED - oracle.jdbc.NotificationRegistration.RegistrationState
State of this registration: disabled(only used by JMS).
disableLogging() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Disables the logging for the connection.
disableLogging() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Disables the logging for the underlying connection.
disableReplay() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayableConnection
Allows disabling replay at runtime on a per-connection basis.
div(NUMBER) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the division of NUMBER value by n.
DK7SIEMENS9780X_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
DK8BS2000_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
DK8EBCDIC1142_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
DK8EBCDIC277_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
doCommit(Xid, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
doDoTwoPhaseAction(int, int, String[], Xid[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
doEnd(Xid, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Did getMaxRowSize() include LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY blobs?
doForget(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
doneDumpOnMemoryPressure - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
doPrepare(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
doRollback(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
doStart(Xid, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
doTwoPhaseAction(int, int, String[], Xid[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
DOUBLE - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonDouble
DOUBLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
doubleValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE
Convert this to a double type.
doubleValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT
Convert this to a double type.
doubleValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert to a double representation of the datum object
doubleValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a double representation of the datum object
doubleValue() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonNumber
Returns this value as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Calls toDouble to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java double.
driver - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
driverType - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
DROP - oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription.TableOperation
dump() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Create a string which show the contents of this Array and of all its component parts.
dump() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Create a string which show the contents of this Object and of all its component parts.
dump(Object, PrintStream) - Static method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
dump(Object, PrintWriter) - Static method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
dumpLog() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Dumps the log for the connection to the configured dump location.
dumpLog() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Dumps the log for the underlying connection to the configured dump location.
DURATION_CALL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.BLOB
DURATION_CALL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CLOB
DURATION_INVALID - Static variable in class oracle.sql.BLOB
DURATION_INVALID - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CLOB
DURATION_SESSION - Static variable in class oracle.sql.BLOB
DURATION_SESSION - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CLOB


e() - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of e.
E7DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
E7SIEMENS9780X_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
E8BS2000_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EE8BS2000_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EE8EBCDIC870_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EE8EBCDIC870C_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EE8EBCDIC870S_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EE8ISO8859P2_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EE8MACCE_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EE8MACCES_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EE8MACCROATIAN_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EE8MACCROATIANS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EE8MSWIN1250_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EE8PC852_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EEC8EUROASCI_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EEC8EUROPA3_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8EBCDIC423R_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8EBCDIC875_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8EBCDIC875R_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8EBCDIC875S_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8GCOS7_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8ISO8859P7_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8MACGREEK_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8MACGREEKS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8MSWIN1253_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8PC437S_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8PC737_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8PC851_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
EL8PC869_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
empty_lob() - Static method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
use getEmptyBLOB instead
empty_lob() - Static method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
use getEmptyCLOB instead
ENABLE_AC_SUPPORT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
enableACAndProxifyIfNecessary(Connection, OracleConnectionBuilderImpl) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
ENABLED - oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData.SecurityAttribute
Column Security policy is enabled for the column.
enableLogging() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Enables logging for the connection.
enableLogging() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Enables logging for the underlying connection.
encodedByteLength(char[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Return the length of the byte array which would result if the char array were encoded in this character set
encodedByteLength(String) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Return the length of the byte array which would result if the String were encoded in this character set
encodeKeyinB64Format() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
Encodes the sharding key as per the standard Base 64 format to be added into the connect string during connection creation.
end(Xid, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroResource
End work performed on behalf of a transaction branch.
end(Xid, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
end()-- End work performed on behalf of a transaction branch.
end(Xid, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
end()-- End work performed on behalf of a transaction branch.
END_ARRAY - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
END_OBJECT - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
END_TO_END_ACTION_INDEX - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
END_TO_END_CLIENTID_INDEX - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
END_TO_END_ECID_INDEX - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
END_TO_END_MODULE_INDEX - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
END_TO_END_STATE_INDEX_MAX - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
endRequest() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Declares that the request that was in progress on this connection has completed.
endRequest() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
endRequest() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayableConnection
Declares that the request that was in progress on this connection has completed.
enqueue(String, AQEnqueueOptions, AQMessage) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Enqueues the given AQ message to the queue specified by its name.
enqueue(String, AQEnqueueOptions, AQMessage) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
enqueue(String, AQEnqueueOptions, AQMessage[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Enqueues the given array of AQ messages to the queue specified by its name.
enqueue(String, AQEnqueueOptions, AQMessage[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
enquoteIdentifier(String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Returns a SQL identifier.
enquoteLiteral(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Returns a String enclosed in single quotes.
enquoteNCharLiteral(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Returns a String enclosed in single quotes and prefixed with 'N'.
enterGlobalTxnMode() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
Compares this ShardingKey with the specified Object for equality
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXid
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Two CharacterSet's are equal when their oracleId's are equal
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Test any object for equality with an Datum.
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonBinary
Compares the specified object with this OracleJsonBinary.
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDate
Compares the specified object with this OracleJsonDate.
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDecimal
Compares the specified object with this OracleJsonDecimal.
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDouble
Compares the specified object with this OracleJsonDouble.
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFloat
Compares the specified object with this OracleJsonFloat.
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonIntervalDS
Compares the specified object with this OracleJsonIntervalDS.
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonIntervalYM
Compares the specified object with this OracleJsonIntervalYM.
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonString
Compares the specified object with this OracleJsonString.
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonTimestamp
Compares the specified object with this OracleJsonTimestamp.
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonTimestampTZ
Compares the specified object with this OracleJsonTimestampTZ.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
errorConvert(int, int) - Static method in exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
ET8MSWIN923_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
event_listener_string - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
execute(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.Statement#execute(java.lang.String)
execute(String, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.Statement#execute(java.lang.String, int)
execute(String, int[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.Statement#execute(java.lang.String, int[])
execute(String, String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.Statement#execute(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
executeAsyncOracle() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Asynchronously executes the SQL statement in this PreparedStatement object, which may be any kind of SQL statement.
executeBatchAsyncOracle() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Submits a batch of commands to the database for asynchronous execution and if all commands execute successfully, the returned Publisher publishes the update counts.
executeQuery(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.Statement#executeQuery(java.lang.String)
executeQueryAsyncOracle() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Executes the SQL query in this PreparedStatement object asynchronously and returns a Publisher which publishes a single ResultSet containing the rows produced.
executeUpdate(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.Statement#executeUpdate(java.lang.String)
executeUpdate(String, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.Statement#executeUpdate(java.lang.String, int)
executeUpdate(String, int[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.Statement#executeUpdate(java.lang.String, int[])
executeUpdate(String, String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.Statement#executeUpdate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
executeUpdateAsyncOracle() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Asynchronously executes the SQL statement in this PreparedStatement object, which must be a SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE; or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as a DDL statement.
executorOracle(Executor) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
Set the Executor used for asynchronous tasks by this ConnectionBuilder and any Connection objects built by it.
exitGlobalTxnMode() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
exp() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of e raised to NUMBER value.
EXPIRED - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.MessageState
The message has moved to exception queue.
EXPLICIT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
explicit_caching_enabled - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
EXPLICIT_CACHING_ENABLED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
explicitCachingEnabled - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
explicitCachingEnabledSet - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
ExplicitStatementCachingEnabled - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection


F7DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
F7SIEMENS9780X_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
F8BS2000_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
F8EBCDIC1147_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
F8EBCDIC297_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
FAILOVER_RESTORE_AUTO - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
FAILOVER_RESTORE_LEVEL1 - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
FAILOVER_RESTORE_LEVEL2 - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
FAILOVER_RESTORE_NONE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
FAILOVER_RESTORE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
FAILOVER_TYPE_AUTO - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
FAILOVER_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
FAILOVER_TYPE_TRANSACTION - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
FALSE - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonValue equal to OracleJsonValue.FALSE
FALSE - Static variable in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
JSON false.
fileExists() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Find out if a given BFILE (whose locator) points to a file that actually exists on the server's filesystem.
fileExists() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Find out if a given BFILE (whose locator) points to a file that actually exists on the server's filesystem.
FINAL - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseShutdownMode
Shuts down the database.
finalize() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
FIRST_MESSAGE - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.NavigationOption
Retrieve the first available message that matches the search criterion.
FIXED_CHAR - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
Use this type when binding to a CHAR column in the where clause of a Select statement.
FLOAT - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
FLOAT - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonFloat
FLOAT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
floatingPointRound(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to Number rounded to precision significant decimal digits.
floatValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT
Convert this to a float type.
floatValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert to a float representation of the datum object
floatValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a float representation of the datum object
floatValue() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonNumber
Returns this value as a float.
floatValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Calls toFloat to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java float.
floor() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the floor of NUMBER value.
flush() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Flushes the underlying output source.
FO_ABORT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover
FO_BEGIN - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover
FO_END - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover
FO_ERROR - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover
FO_EVENT_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover
FO_NONE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover
FO_REAUTH - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover
FO_RETRY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover
FO_SELECT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover
FO_SESSION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover
FO_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover
FOR_ALL_CONNECTIONS - oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayableConnection.StatisticsReportType
The statistics reported are for all connections known at the time of report generation.
FOR_CURRENT_CONNECTION - oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayableConnection.StatisticsReportType
The statistics reported are for the current connection only.
FORCE - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseStartupMode
Attempt to shutdown the database in the abort mode before starting a new instance.
forget(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroResource
Tell RM to forget about a heuristically completed txn branch
forget(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
forget() -- Tell RM to forget about a heuristically completed txn branch
forget(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
forget() -- Tell RM to forget about a heuristically completed txn branch
FORM_CHAR - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Specifies the "form of use" for SQL CHAR datatypes (CHAR, VARCHAR2 and CLOB).
FORM_NCHAR - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Specifies the "form of use" for SQL NCHAR datatypes (NCHAR, NVARCHAR2 and NCLOB).
formattedTextToNumber(String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a NUMBER converted from Num controlled by the format fmt.
free() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Currently does nothing.
free() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Free the resources the blob holds.
free() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Free the resources the clob holds.
freeAsyncOracle() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Returns a Publisher that publishes the result of freeing the Blob object and the resources that it holds.
freeAsyncOracle() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleClob
Returns a Publisher that publishes the result of freeing the Clob object and the resources that it holds.
freeAsyncOracle() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Returns a Publisher that publishes the result of freeing the Blob object and the resources that it holds.
freeAsyncOracle() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Returns a Publisher that publishes the result of freeing the Clob object and the resources that it holds.
freeTemporary() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Free the contents and the locator of the temporary blob.
freeTemporary() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Free the contents and the locator of the temporary clob.
freeTemporary(BLOB) - Static method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Free the contents and the locator of the temporary blob.
freeTemporary(CLOB) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Free the contents and the locator of the temporary clob.
fromJulianDays(int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert given julian days and seconds to an Oracle Date.
fromText(String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert a string to a DATE object.


generatedKeyAlwaysReturned() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
getAccessBanner() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.AdditionalDatabaseMetaData
Returns the access banner on this connection.
getAccessBanner() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Returns the access banner on this connection.
getAccessDirection() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Performance hint.
getACProxy() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
getAction() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleMultiPhaseArgs
getActiveSize() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Return the number of active or busy connections in the connection pool Note that the count cannot be guaranteed on any invoking subsequent OracleOCIConnectionCacheImpl method.
getAdditionalEventType() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent
Retrieve the additional event type.
getAdditionalEventType() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent
Retrieve the additional event type.
getAddress() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQAgent
getAliasedConnection(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
For creating aliased sessions.
getAllByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleHostnameResolver
getAllTypeDescriptorsInCurrentSchema() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Obtain all the type descriptors associated with object types or array in the schema of this connection.
getAllTypeDescriptorsInCurrentSchema() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getAnyDataEmbeddedObject(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
As of Oracle 11R1 there is full support for ANYTYPE and ANYDATA. Please use oracle.sql.ANYDATA for new code and plan on replacing any use of this method by the next major release. Note that in 11R1 this method is reimplemnted using the ANYDATA support and will now also function in all the drivers, not just oci. In the previous implementation it was possible to call registerOutParameter with a sqlType of either oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes.OPAQUE or oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes.STRUCT The new implemention requires the correct type which is OPAQUE.
getANYDATAPayload() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Retrieves the payload as an ANYDATA.
getArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Implements Array interface method Retrieve the contents of the SQL array designated by the object.
getArray() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns the current array value and advances the current state to the corresponding END_ARRAY event.
getArray(long, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Implements Array interface method Like getArray() above, but returns an array containing a slice of the SQL array, beginning with the given index and containing up to count successive elements of the SQL array.
getArray(long, int, Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Implements Array interface method Like getArray() above, but returns an array containing a slice of the SQL array, beginning with the given index and containing up to count successive elements of the SQL array.
getArray(Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Implements Array interface method Retrieve the contents of the SQL array designated by this object.
getARRAY(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.ARRAY object.
getARRAY(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getARRAY(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getArrayStorage() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Array
Return the database type of the array.
getArrayStorage() - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
Return the database type of the array.
getArrayType() - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
Return the database type of the array.
getAsciiOutputStream() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
This method is deprecated. Use setAsciiStream( 1L );
getAsciiOutputStream(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
This method is deprecated. Use setAsciiStream.
getAsciiStream() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Implements the Clob interface method.
getAsciiStream(boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Implements the Clob interface method.
getAsciiStream(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an java.io.InputStream object.
getAsciiStream(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Read from the CLOB as a stream at the requested position.
getAttributeJavaName(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.StructMetaData
Gets a JAVA_STRUCT attribute's external name.
getAttributeName() - Method in class oracle.sql.AttributeDescriptor
Returns the name of the attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Implements the Struct interface function.
getAttributes(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves a description of the given attribute of the given type for a user-defined type (UDT) that is available in the given schema and catalog.
getAttributes(Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Implements the Struct interface function.
getAttributesDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
getAuditBanner() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.AdditionalDatabaseMetaData
Returns the audit banner on this connection.
getAuditBanner() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Returns the audit banner on this connection.
getAuthenticationAdaptor() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation
Returns the type of the authentication mechanism used for authenticating the user to the Oracle Database Server.
getAuthenticationAdaptorName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns the name of the adaptor that is used for authentication by the thin driver.
getAuthenticationAdaptorName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getAuthorizationIndicator(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Retrieves the column security visibility attribute of the designated column in the current row of this OracleResultSet object.
getAuthorizationIndicator(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Retrieves the column security visibility attribute of the designated column in the current row of this OracleResultSet.
getAutoBuffering() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Performance hint.
getAutoBuffering() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Performance hint.
getAutoClose() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The driver is always in auto-close mode.
getAutoClose() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getAutoCommit() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getAutoIndexing() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Performance hint.
getBaseName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Array
In case the elements are named types the fully qualified name of their type.Otherwise, return type name used by the database
getBaseName() - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
In case the elements are named types the fully qualified name of their type.Otherwise, return type name used by the database
getBaseType() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Array
Return element's type code.
getBaseType() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Implements Array interface method Determine the code, from java.sql.Types, of the type of the elements of the array.
getBaseType() - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
Return element's type code.
getBaseTypeName() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Implements Array interface method Returns the SQL type name of the elements in the array designated by this Array object.
getBaseTypeName() - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
Implements the Ref interface method.
getBestRowIdentifier(String, String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of a table's optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row.
getBfile(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.BFILE object.
getBfile(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getBfile(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getBFILE(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.BFILE object.
getBFILE(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getBFILE(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getBigDecimal() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns the current value as a decimal value.
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Returns the double at the specified position in the JSON array.
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the decimal to which the specified key is mapped.
getBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the long to which the specified key is mapped.
getBigInteger() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns a value equal to getBigDecimal().toBigInteger().
getBinaryOutputStream() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
This method is deprecated. Use setBinaryStream(1L).
getBinaryOutputStream(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
This method is deprecated -- use setBinaryStream
getBinaryStream() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Retrieve the entire BFILE as a stream.
getBinaryStream() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Retrieve the entire BFILE as a stream.
getBinaryStream() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Implements the Blob interface function.
getBinaryStream(boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Implements the Blob interface function.
getBinaryStream(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an java.io.InputStream object.
getBinaryStream(long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Read from the external LOB as a stream at the requested position.
getBinaryStream(long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Read from the BLOB as a stream at the requested position.
getBinaryStream(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Read from the external LOB as a stream at the requested position.
getBinaryStream(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Read from the BLOB as a stream at the requested position.
getBinaryStream(long, long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Return a binary stream beginning at the specified position and ofthe specified length.
getBinaryStream(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an java.io.InputStream object.
getBLOB(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.BLOB object.
getBLOB(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getBLOB(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getBoolean(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Returns the boolean at the specified position in the JSON array.
getBoolean(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the boolean to which the specified key is mapped.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the boolean to which the specified key is mapped.
getBranchQualifier() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXid
getBranchQualifier() -- Obtain the txn branch qualifier of the XID
getBufferSize() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Oracle extension.
getBufferSize() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Oracle extension.
getBuildDate() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
Returns a String that specifies exactly when the jar file was built.
getBytes() - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterBuffer
The accumulated data
getBytes() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Create a new Java byte array containing a copy of the RDBMS data.
getBytes() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonBinary
Returns this binary value as a byte array.
getBytes() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Return the current binary value as a byte array
getBytes(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Returns the binary value at the specified position in the JSON array.
getBytes(long, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Return a copy of the contents of the BFILE at the requested position.
getBytes(long, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Return a copy of the contents of the BFILE at the requested position.
getBytes(long, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Implements the Blob interface function.
getBytes(long, int, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Copy the contents of the BFILE at the requested position to suppied buffer.
getBytes(long, int, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Oracle extension.
getBytes(long, int, byte[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Copy the contents of the BFILE at the requested position to suppied buffer.
getBytes(long, int, byte[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Oracle extension.
getBytes(OutputStream) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Return the current binary value to the specified output stream.
getBytes(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the binary value to which the specified key is mapped.
getBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the binary value to which the specified key is mapped.
getBytesValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.OPAQUE
Return a byte array that represents the attributes into the format that is actually used in the database.
getCallWithKey(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Searches the explicit cache for a match on key.
getCallWithKey(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
getCallWithKey Searches the explicit cache for a match on key.
getCallWithKey(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getCallWithKey(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
getCallWithKey Searches the explicit cache for a match on key.
getCatalog() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getCatalogs() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get the catalog names available in this database.
getCatalogSeparator() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the separator between catalog and table name?
getCatalogTerm() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the database vendor's preferred term for "catalog"?
getCHAR() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonString
Returns this value as a java.sql.CHAR
getCHAR(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.CHAR object.
getCHAR(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getCHAR(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getCharacterOutputStream() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
This method is deprecated. Use setCharacterStream( 1L ).
getCharacterOutputStream(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
This method is deprecated. Use setCharacterStream.
getCharacterStream() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Implements the Clob interface method.
getCharacterStream(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an java.io.Reader object.
getCharacterStream(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Read from the CLOB as a stream at the requested position.
getCharacterStream(long, long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Return a character stream beginning at the specified position and ofthe specified length.
getChars() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonString
Returns this value as a CharSequence.
getChars(long, int, char[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Oracle extension.
getChecksumLevel() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation
Returns the checksumming level configured to negotiate Native Network Encryption with the server.
getChecksummingAlgorithm() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation
Returns the checksumming algorithm name used for protecting the data packets transferred over the network with Native Network Encryption.
getChecksumProviderName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If network integrity service is enabled, returns the name of the checksum provider, otherwise returns null.
getChecksumProviderName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getChunkSize() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Oracle extension.
getChunkSize() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Oracle extension.
getClientInfo() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getClientInfo(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getClientInfoProperties() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
getCLOB(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.CLOB object.
getCLOB(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getCLOB(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DeliveryFilter
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DequeueMode
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.NavigationOption
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.VisibilityOption
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.DeliveryMode
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.SequenceDeviationOption
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.VisibilityOption
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.DeliveryMode
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.MessageState
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent.AdditionalEventType
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent.EventType
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.AdditionalEventType
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.EventType
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.QueryChangeDescription.QueryChangeEventType
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.RowChangeDescription.RowOperation
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription.TableOperation
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.LargeObjectAccessMode
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.CommitOption
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getCode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.ArrayStorage
getColumnPrivileges(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of the access rights for a table's columns.
getColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of table columns available in a catalog.
getCompileKey() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getCondition() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Returns the dequeue condition.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Attempt to establish a database connection.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData.getConnection.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
Create an object handle for this physical connection.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAConnection
Create an object handle for this physical connection.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection
since 9.0.0. Use getJavaSqlConnection() or getInternalConnection(), or Use getOracleConnection() instead.
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Attempt to establish a database connection.
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
For getting a connection to the database.
getConnection(String, OpaqueString) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Attempt to establish a database connection.
getConnection(Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
getConnection(OracleConnectionBuilderImpl) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Attempt to establish a database connection.
getConnectionAttributes() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The Implicit Connection Cache (ICC) has been desupported since 12.1. This method throws UnsupportedOperationException, and will be removed soon in the future.
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.Translator
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSourceFactory
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroCloseCallback
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXADataSource
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXid
Compares the given transaction identifiers with this.
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.sql.ANYDATA
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.sql.RAW
getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling() - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
getConnectionIncrement() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Return the Increment for increasing the connections for the Cache.
getConnectionInformation() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent
Retrieves a description of the TCP connection on which the notification was received.
getConnectionInformation() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent
Retrieves a description of the TCP connection on which the notification was received.
getConnectionInitializationCallback() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getConnectionInitializationCallback() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
Obtains the registered connection initialization callback, if any.
getConnectionNoProxy(OracleConnectionBuilderImpl) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getConnectionProperties() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Gets the connection properties that are set on this data source object.
getConnectionProperties() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Gets the connection properties that are set on this data source object.
getConnectionProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Gets the specified connection property that is set on this data source.
getConnectionProperty(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Gets the specified connection property that is set on this data source.
getConnectionReleasePriority() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The Implicit Connection Cache (ICC) has been desupported since 12.1. This method throws UnsupportedOperationException, and will be removed soon in the future.
getConsumerName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Returns the consumer name.
getConsumerName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent
Retrieves the name of the consumer.
getCorrelation() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Returns the correlation criterion.
getCorrelation() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
getCreateStatementAsRefCursor() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Retrieves the current setting of the createStatementAsRefCursor flag which you can set with the setCreateStatementAsRefCursor method.
getCreateStatementAsRefCursor() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getCreator() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishCallableStatement
getCreator() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
getCreator() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishGenericProxy
getCreator() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
getCreator() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
getCrossReference(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of the foreign key columns in the foreign key table that reference the primary key columns of the primary key table (describe how one table imports another's key.) This should normally return a single foreign key/primary key pair (most tables only import a foreign key from a table once.) They are ordered by FKTABLE_CAT, FKTABLE_SCHEM, FKTABLE_NAME, and KEY_SEQ.
getCurrentDate() - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Gets current date and time
getCurrentRequestSize() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains the size of the current request, in terms of the number of JDBC calls.
getCurrentSchema() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Obtains the current schema of the current connection.
getCurrentSchema() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getCursor(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an java.sql.ResultSet object.
getCursor(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getCursor(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getCustomDatum(int, CustomDatumFactory) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
getCustomDatum(int, CustomDatumFactory) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
getCustomDatum(String, CustomDatumFactory) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
getData() - Method in class oracle.sql.ANYDATA
Returns the linearized form of the embedded object value.
getDatabaseChangeRegistration(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Maps an existing registration identified by its ID 'regid' with a new DatabaseChangeRegistration object.
getDatabaseChangeRegistration(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getDatabaseMajorVersion() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves the major version number of the underlying database.
getDatabaseMinorVersion() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves the minor version number of the underlying database.
getDatabaseName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get the name of the database set on this DataSource instance.
getDatabaseName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Gets the name of the database set on this DataSource instance.
getDatabaseName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent
Retrieves the name of the database.
getDatabaseName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.NotificationRegistration
getDatabaseProductName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the name of this database product?
getDatabaseProductVersion() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the version of this database product?
getDatabaseTimeZone() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Returns the database timezone.
getDataIntegrityAlgorithmName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns the name of the algorithm that is used for data integrity checking by the thin driver on the network.
getDataIntegrityAlgorithmName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getDataSourceName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get the datasource name for this instance if set.
getDataSourceName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Gets the datasource name for this instance if set.
getDATE() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDate
Returns this value as a SQL DATE.
getDATE(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.DATE object.
getDATE(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getDATE(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getDatumArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
getDatumArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
getdbLinks() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleMultiPhaseArgs
getDefaultExecuteBatch() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
As of 12.1 all APIs related to oracle-style statement batching are deprecated in favor of standard JDBC batching. We recommend using the standard model going forward as it is spec compliant and provides more information and control to the application.
getDefaultExecuteBatch() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getDefaultRowPrefetch() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Retrieves the value of row prefetch for all statements associated with this connection and created after this value was set.
getDefaultRowPrefetch() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getDefaultTimeZone() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns the TimeZone set through setDefaultTimeZone.
getDefaultTimeZone() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Returns the TimeZone set through setDefaultTimeZone.
getDefaultTransactionIsolation() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the database's default transaction isolation level? The values are defined in java.sql.Connection.
getDelay() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
getDelegate() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishCallableStatement
getDelegate() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
getDelegate() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishGenericProxy
getDelegate() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
getDelegate() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
getDeliveryFilter() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Returns the delivery option.
getDeliveryMode() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
Returns the delivery option.
getDeliveryMode() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
After a dequeue operation, call this method to find out if the message was enqueued in a persistent manner or not.
getDeliveryMode(int) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.DeliveryMode
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getDequeueAttemptsCount() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
Returns the number of attempts that have been made to dequeue the message.
getDequeueMessageId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Returns the message id of the message the be dequeued.
getDequeueMode() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Returns the dequeue mode.
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get the Desciption of this data source.
getDescription() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Get the Desciption of this data source.
getDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.sql.OPAQUE
Oracle extension.
getDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
Oracle extension.
getDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Oracle extension.
getDescriptor(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Gets a Descriptor object corresponding to a sql type.
getDescriptor(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getDirAlias() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Gets the Bfile's directory alias.
getDirAlias() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Gets the Bfile's directory alias.
getDNMatchStatus() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation
After connection establishment, calling this method returns the server DN verification status.
getDouble() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns current event as a double.
getDouble(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Returns the double at the specified position in the JSON array.
getDouble(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the double to which the specified key is mapped.
getDouble(String, double) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the double to which the specified key is mapped.
getDOUBLE() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDouble
Returns this value as a oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE
getDoubleArray() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
getDoubleArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getDoubleArray(long, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
getDoubleArray(long, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getDRCPPLSQLCallbackName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns the PL/SQL Fix-up callback name if configured, otherwise returns Null
getDRCPPLSQLCallbackName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Returns the PL/SQL Fix-up callback name if configured, otherwise returns Null
getDRCPReturnTag() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns the tag associated with this DRCP pooled server.
getDRCPReturnTag() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Returns the tag associated with this DRCP pooled server.
getDRCPState() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns an enum indicating if the connection is attached to a DRCP server process.
getDRCPState() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getDriverMajorVersion() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's this JDBC driver's major version number?
getDriverMajorVersionInfo() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
-- use standard getDriverMajorVersion()
getDriverMinorVersion() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's this JDBC driver's minor version number?
getDriverMinorVersionInfo() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
-- use JDBC standard method getDriverMinorVersion
getDriverName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the name of this JDBC driver?
getDriverNameInfo() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the name of this JDBC driver?
getDriverType() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get the Oracle JDBC driver type set for this datasource instance
getDriverVersion() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the version of this JDBC driver?
getDriverVersion() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
Returns a String that specifies the Oracle version number of the driver.
getDriverVersionInfo() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
-- use standard getDriverVersion()
getDuration() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
return the duration of a temporary LOB
getDuration() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
return the duration of a temporary LOB
getDuration() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonIntervalDS
Returns this interval as a Duration.
getDuration() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Return the current interval as a duration.
getDuration(BLOB) - Static method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
return the duration of a temporary LOB
getDuration(CLOB) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
return the duration of a temporary LOB
getEmptyBLOB() - Static method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Return a empty lob.
getEmptyCLOB() - Static method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Return a empty lob.
getEncryptionAlgorithm() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation
Returns the encryption algorithm which is used for encrypting the data packets transferred over the network with Native Network Encryption.
getEncryptionAlgorithmName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns the name of the algorithm that is used for data encryption by the thin driver on the network.
getEncryptionAlgorithmName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getEncryptionLevel() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation
Returns the encryption level configured to negotiate Native Network Encryption with the server.
getEncryptionProviderName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
If network encryption service is enabled, returns the name of the encryption provider, otherwise returns null.
getEncryptionProviderName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getEndToEndECIDSequenceNumber() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This is deprecated since 12.1 in favor of getClientInfo(). It is not recommended to use this API intermingled with get/setClientInfo APIs.
getEndToEndECIDSequenceNumber() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getEndToEndMetrics() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This has been deprecated since 12.1 in favor of getClientInfo(). It is not recommended to use this API intermingled with get/setClientInfo APIs.
getEndToEndMetrics() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getEnqueueTime() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
Returns the time the message was enqueued.
getErrorPosition() - Method in exception oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseException
In case of a parsing error, this method returns the position of the error in the actual SQL which has failed in the server.
getEventType() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent
Retrieve the event type.
getEventType() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent
Retrieve the event type.
getEventType(int) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent.AdditionalEventType
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getEventType(int) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.AdditionalEventType
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getEventType(int) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.EventType
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getExceptionQueue() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
getExecuteBatch() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
As of 12.1 all APIs related to oracle-style statement batching are deprecated in favor of standard JDBC batching. We recommend using the standard model going forward as it is spec compliant and provides more information and control to the application.
getExpiration() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
getExplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getExplicitCachingEnabled Returns the current value of the explicitCachingEnabled property.
getExplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Returns the current value of the explicitCachingEnabled property.
getExplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Checks if explicit cache is currently enabled.
getExplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
getExplicitCachingEnabled Returns true if the explicit cache is currently enabled, false otherwise.
getExplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getExplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
getExplicitCachingEnabled Returns true if the explicit cache is currently enabled, false otherwise.
getExplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
Returns the current value of the explicitCachingEnabled property.
getExportedKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of a foreign key columns that reference a table's primary key columns (the foreign keys exported by a table).
getExtraNameCharacters() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get all the "extra" characters that can be used in unquoted identifier names (those beyond a-z, 0-9 and _).
getFailedReplayCount() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains the number of replays that failed.
getFloat() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns current event as a float.
getFLOAT() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFloat
Returns this value as a oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE
getFloatArray() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
getFloatArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getFloatArray(long, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
getFloatArray(long, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getFormatId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXid
getFormatId() -- Obtain the format identifier part of the Xid.
getFormOfUseFromLocator(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
getFunctionColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Retrieves a description of the given catalog's system or user function parameters and return type.
getFunctions(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Return a result set that describes the matching functions.
getGlobalTransactionId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXid
getGlobalTransactionId() -- Obtain the global txn id of the XID
getHoldability() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getIdentifierLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
getIdentifierQuoteString() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the string used to quote SQL identifiers? This returns a space " " if identifier quoting isn't supported.
getImplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getImplicitCachingEnabled Returns the current value of the implicitCachingEnabled property.
getImplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
getImplicitCachingEnabled Returns the current value of the implicitCachingEnabled property.
getImplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Checks if implicit cache is currently enabled.
getImplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
getImplicitCachingEnabled Returns true if the implicit cache is currently enabled, false otherwise.
getImplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getImplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
getImplicitCachingEnabled Returns true if the implicit cache is currently enabled, false otherwise.
getImplicitCachingEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
getImplicitCachingEnabled Returns the current value of the implicitCachingEnabled property.
getImportedKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of the primary key columns that are referenced by a table's foreign key columns (the primary keys imported by a table).
getIncludeSynonyms() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Checks whether or not synonyms information is included in DatabaseMetaData.getColumns.
getIncludeSynonyms() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getIndexInfo(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of a table's indices and statistics.
getInt() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns a value equal to getBigDecimal().intValue().
getInt(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Returns the int at the specified position in the JSON array.
getInt(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the integer to which the specified key is mapped.
getInt(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the integer to which the specified key is mapped.
getIntArray() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
getIntArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getIntArray(long, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
getIntArray(long, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getInternalTypeCode() - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
getINTERVALDS() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonIntervalDS
Returns this value as a oracle.sql.INTERVALDS
getINTERVALDS(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.INTERVALDS object.
getINTERVALDS(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Obtain an oracle.sql.INTERVALDS value from the ResultSet.
getINTERVALDS(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Obtain an oracle.sql.INTERVALDS value from the ResultSet.
getINTERVALYM() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonIntervalYM
Returns this value as a oracle.sql.INTERVALYM
getINTERVALYM(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.INTERVALYM object.
getINTERVALYM(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Obtain an oracle.sql.INTERVALYM value from the ResultSet.
getINTERVALYM(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Obtain an oracle.sql.INTERVALYM value from the ResultSet.
getJavaClassName() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
Returns the external name of the JAVA_STRUCT type.
getJavaMap() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Analogous to getArray except that it returns indices and elements of the SQL associative array as java.util.Map.
getJavaMap() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Implements Array interface method Retrieves the contents of the SQL associative array designated by the object.
getJavaObject(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
getJavaObject(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getJavaSqlConnection() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
getJavaSqlConnection() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
getJavaSqlConnection() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
getJavaSqlConnection() - Method in class oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection
Oracle extension Return the java.sql.Connection associated with the receiver.
getJavaSqlConnection() - Method in class oracle.sql.OPAQUE
getJavaSqlConnection() - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
getJavaSqlConnection() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
getJavaYear(int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
getJDBCMajorVersion() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves the major JDBC version number for this driver.
getJDBCMinorVersion() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves the minor JDBC version number for this driver.
getJDBCVersion() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
Returns a String that specifies the version of the JDBC spec supporte by the driver.
getJSONPayload() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Retrieves the payload as JSON type.
getKind() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData
Return the kind of type.
getKind() - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
getKind() - Method in class oracle.sql.OpaqueDescriptor
getKind() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
getKind() - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
getLanguage() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
The Implicit Connection Cache (ICC) has been desupported since 12.1. This method throws UnsupportedOperationException, and will be removed soon in the future.
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
getLength() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Struct
The number of fields in the Object Type.
getLength() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Retreive the length of a datum.
getLength() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
The number of fields in the Object Type.
getLobMaxLength() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.AdditionalDatabaseMetaData
The max size of a lob on the server for this connection.
getLobMaxLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
The max size of a lob on the server for this connection.
getLobPrecision() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
getLobPrefetchSize() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Returns the LOB prefetch size.
getLocalAttributeCount() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Struct
Returns the number of attributes defined in the subtype.
getLocalAttributeCount() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
Returns the number of attributes defined in the subtype.
getLocalColumnCount() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.StructMetaData
Get number of local attributes i.e.
getLocalDateTime() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDate
Returns this value as an LocalDateTime.
getLocalDateTime() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns the current date or timestamp as a LocalDateTime value.
getLocalDateTime() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonTimestamp
Returns this value as a LocalDateTime.
getLocalDateTime(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Returns the timestamp or date value at the specified position in the JSON array.
getLocalDateTime(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped.
getLocalDateTime(String, LocalDateTime) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped.
getLogger() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns the SecuredLogger instance of the OracleConnection.
getLogger() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Returns the SecuredLogger instance of the underlying OracleConnection.
getLogicalHandle() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Return the logical handle to the caller.
getLogicalHandle() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
Return the logical handle to the caller.
getLogicalTransactionId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.LogicalTransactionIdEvent
getLogicalTransactionId() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Gets the current Logical Transaction Id which are sent by the server in a piggy back message and hence this method call doesn't make a roundtrip.
getLogicalTransactionId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Gets the maximum time in seconds that this data source can wait while attempting to connect to a database.
getLogWriter() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get the log writer for this data source.
getLong() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns a value equal to getBigDecimal().longValue().
getLong(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Returns the long at the specified position in the JSON array.
getLong(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the long to which the specified key is mapped.
getLong(String, long) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the long to which the specified key is mapped.
getLongArray() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
getLongArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getLongArray(long, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
getLongArray(long, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
How many hex characters can you have in an inline binary literal?
getMaxCatalogNameLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum length of a catalog name?
getMaxCharLiteralLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the max length for a character literal?
getMaxColumnNameLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the limit on column name length?
getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum number of columns in a "GROUP BY" clause?
getMaxColumnsInIndex() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum number of columns allowed in an index?
getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum number of columns in an "ORDER BY" clause?
getMaxColumnsInSelect() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum number of columns in a "SELECT" list?
getMaxColumnsInTable() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's maximum number of columns in a table?
getMaxConnections() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
How many active connections can we have at a time to this database?
getMaxCursorNameLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum cursor name length?
getMaximumBufferLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Returns the max buffer size for RAW queues.
getMaxIndexLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum length of an index (in bytes)?
getMaxLength() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Array
Return the maximun number of elements this array object can hold.
getMaxLength() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Opaque
Return the maximun number of bytes this opaque object can hold.
getMaxLength() - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
Return the maximun number of elements this array object can hold.
getMaxLength() - Method in class oracle.sql.OpaqueDescriptor
Return the maximun number of bytes this opaque object can hold.
getMaxLimit() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Return the Max limit on Connections.
getMaxProcedureNameLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum length of a procedure name?
getMaxRowSize() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum length of a single row?
getMaxSchemaNameLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum length allowed for a schema name?
getMaxStatementLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum length of a SQL statement?
getMaxStatements() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getMaxStatements Returns the current value of the maxStatements property.
getMaxStatements() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Returns the current value of the maxStatements property.
getMaxStatements() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
How many active statements can we have open at one time to this database?
getMaxStatements() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
Returns the current value of the maxStatements property.
getMaxTableNameLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum length of a table name?
getMaxTablesInSelect() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum number of tables in a SELECT?
getMaxUserNameLength() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the maximum length of a user name?
getMessage() - Method in exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
getMessageId() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Gets the id (16 bytes) of this message.
getMessageId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent
Retrieves the ID of the new message.
getMessageProperties() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Gets the AQMessageProperties that goes with this AQMessage.
getMessageProperties() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent
Retrieves the properties of the new message.
getMessageState(int) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.MessageState
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getMetaData() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getMetaData() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Struct
Gets the metadata regarding this type.
getMetaData() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
Gets the metadata regarding this type.
getMinLimit() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Note: There are no individual setMin, setMax and setIncrement since that needs to be done in one call to setPoolConfig Return the minimum limit on the no of Connections.
getMode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseShutdownMode
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getMode() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseStartupMode
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getMonitorLock() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getMonitorLock() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getMonitorLock() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
getMonitorLock() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
getMonitorLock() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroCloseCallback
getMonitorLock() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
getName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQAgent
getName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Gets the Bfile's file name.
getName() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleType
getName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData
Return fully qualified type name.
getName() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Gets the Bfile's file name.
getName() - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
Return fully qualified type name.
getNavigation() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Returns the position criterion.
getNetConnectionId() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns the Net Connection ID associated with this connection.
getNetConnectionId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getNetworkProtocol() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get the network protocol set.
getNetworkProtocol() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Gets the network protocol set on the datasource.
getNetworkTimeout() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getNoWait() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Return the connection No-wait parameter This attribute determines if retrial for a connection has to be done when all connections in the pool are found to be busy and the number of connections already reached max.
getnsite() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleMultiPhaseArgs
getNUMBER() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDecimal
Returns this binary value as a oracle.sql.NUMBER
getNUMBER(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.NUMBER object.
getNUMBER(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getNUMBER(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getNumElems() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
getNumericFunctions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a comma separated list of math functions.
getObjArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
getObject() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns the current object and advances the current state to the corresponding END_OBJECT event.\
getObject() - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves the SQL structured type instance referenced by this Ref object.
getObject(int, Class<T>) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleRow
Retrieves the value of the designated column of this OracleRow object and will convert from the SQL type of the column to the requested Java data type, if the conversion is supported.
getObject(int, OracleDataFactory) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Returns an instance of OracleData, which is returned by the factory's "create" method
getObject(int, OracleDataFactory) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension Get the column value as an instance of a subclass of OracleData.
getObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleRow
Retrieves the value of the designated column of this OracleRow object and will convert from the SQL type of the column to the requested Java data type, if the conversion is supported.
getObject(String, OracleDataFactory) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension Get the column value as an instance of a subclass of OracleData.
getObject(Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
getObjectArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSourceFactory
getObjectNumber() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription
Returns the object number (Oracle internal information).
getOffsetDateTime() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns the current timestamptz as anOffsetDateTime value.
getOffsetDateTime() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonTimestampTZ
Returns this value as a OffsetDateTime.
getOffsetDateTime(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Returns the timestamptz value at the specified position in the JSON array.
getOffsetDateTime(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped.
getOffsetDateTime(String, OffsetDateTime) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped.
getOPAQUE(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.OPAQUE object.
getOPAQUE(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getOPAQUE(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getOracleArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getOracleArray(long, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getOracleAttributes() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Oracle extension.
getOracleColumnClassName(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.StructMetaData
Return the fully-qualified name of the Datum class whose instances are manufactured if the method OracleResultSet.getOracleObject is called to retrieve a value from a column.
getOracleConnection() - Method in class oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection
Oracle extension.
getOracleConnectionPoolDataSource() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSourceFactory
Obtains an OracleConnectionPoolDataSource instance.
getOracleDataFactory(Hashtable, String) - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
getOracleDataSource() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSourceFactory
Obtains an OracleDataSource instance.
getOracleError() - Method in exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
getOracleError returns the Oracle Error code corresponding to this exception.
getOracleErrorNumber() - Method in exception oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseException
Returns the Oracle error number for this failure.
getOracleId() - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
The integer that identifies the character set.
getOracleJsonType() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns the type of this JSON value.
getOracleMetaData() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
getOracleMetaData() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOpaque
Oracle extension.
getOracleMetaData() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleRef
Oracle extension.
getOracleMetaData() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStruct
Oracle extension.
getOracleMetaData() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Return the type data for this object
getOracleMetaData() - Method in class oracle.sql.OPAQUE
Return the type data for this object
getOracleMetaData() - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
Return the type data for this object
getOracleMetaData() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Return the type data for this object
getOracleObject(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.Datum object.
getOracleObject(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getOracleObject(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getOraclePlsqlIndexTable(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
since 18.1 Use java.sql.CallableStatement.getObject(int parameterIndex) method.
getOracleTypeMetaData(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.AdditionalDatabaseMetaData
Return the type metadata for a named type.
getOracleTypeMetaData(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
getOracleXADataSource() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSourceFactory
Obtains an OracleXADataSource instance.
getOracleYear(Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
getORAData(int, ORADataFactory) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
getORAData(int, ORADataFactory) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getORAData(String, ORADataFactory) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getOriginalSql() - Method in exception oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseException
Returns the original SQL used to create the Statement.
getParentLogger() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getPassword() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getPayload() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Retrieves the payload in its linearized form.
getPayload() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent
Retrieves the payload of the new message.
getPayloadTOID() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Retrieves the TOID of the payload.
getPeriod() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonIntervalYM
Returns this interval as a Period.
getPeriod() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Return the current interval as a period.
getPhysicalConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
Get a Physical Connection with default url, user name, and password
getPhysicalConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
Returns the physical connection that this OracleXAResource object should use.
getPhysicalConnection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
Get a Physical Connection with the user name and password & default URL
getPhysicalConnection(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
Get a Physical Connection with the given url, user name, and password
getPhysicalConnection(String, String, OpaqueString) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
Get a Physical Connection with the given url, user name, and password
getPhysicalConnection(String, OpaqueString) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
Get a Physical Connection with the user name and password & default URL
getPhysicalConnection(Properties, AbstractConnectionBuilder) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get a connection to the database specified by this datasource.
getPhysicalHandle() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
getPlsqlIndexTable(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
since 18.1. Use java.sql.CallableStatement.getObject(int parameterIndex) method.
getPlsqlIndexTable(int, Class<?>) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
since 18.1. Use java.sql.CallableStatement.getObject(int parameterIndex, Class type) method.
getPoolConfig() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
getPooledConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
Attempt to establish a database connection.
getPooledConnection() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
Attempts to establish a database connection.
getPooledConnection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
Attempt to establish a database connection.
getPooledConnection(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
Attempts to establish a database connection.
getPooledConnection(OracleConnectionBuilderImpl) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
getPoolSize() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Return the number of physical connections in the connection pool Note that the count cannot be guaranteed on any invoking subsequent OracleOCIConnectionCacheImpl method.
getPortNumber() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get the port number on which server is listening for requests.
getPortNumber() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Gets the port number on which server is listening for requests.
getPrecision() - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
getPrefetchedDataSize() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
getPrefetchedDataSize() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
getPreviousQueueMessageId() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
The ID of the message in the last queue that generated this message.
getPrimaryKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of a table's primary key columns.
getPriority() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
getProcedureColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of a catalog's stored procedure parameters and result columns.
getProcedures(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of stored procedures available in a catalog.
getProcedureTerm() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the database vendor's preferred term for "procedure"?
getProperties() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Determines the connection properties.
getProperties() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getProtocol() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQAgent
getProxyConnection(String, Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
For creating a proxy connection.
getProxyFactory() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getProxyObject(OracleConnection, T, Class, Object) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ConcreteProxyUtil
getProxyObject(T, Class, Object) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ConcreteProxyUtil
Get the proxy object.
getPseudoColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
getQueryChangeDescription() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent
For query change (EVENT_TYPE_QUERYCHANGE) kind of events, this method returns the description of the changes for each query which result has changed.
getQueryChangeEventType() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.QueryChangeDescription
Returns the type of query change event.
getQueryChangeEventType(int) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.QueryChangeDescription.QueryChangeEventType
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getQueryId() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.QueryChangeDescription
Returns the id of the query which result has changed.
getQueueName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent
Retrieves the name of the queue.
getQueueName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationRegistration
Returns the name of the queue for which we have register our interest in being notified.
getRAW() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonBinary
Returns this binary value as a oracle.sql.RAW
getRAW(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.RAW object.
getRAW(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getRAW(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getRAWPayload() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Retrieves the payload as a RAW.
getRecipientList() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
getREF(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.REF object.
getREF(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getREF(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getReference() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getReference() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Inherited from referenceable
getRegId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent
Retrieves the identification of the registration that generated this event on the server.
getRegId() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeRegistration
Returns the registration id provided by the database.
getRegisteredQueryId() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Returns the id of the query that has been added in the registration (only for query change notification).
getRegisteredTableNames() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Returns the name of the tables that have been added to the registration if any.
getRegistration() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent
Retrieves the registration name which is the name that you provided when you registered for AQ notification with the registerAQNotification method.
getRegistrationException() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.NotificationRegistration
Gets any registration related exception.
getRegistrationId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent
Use getRegId instead.
getRegistrationId() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeRegistration
This method is deprecated in 11.2. Use getRegId() instead.
getRegistrationOptions() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.NotificationRegistration
getRelativeMessageId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
Returns the relative message id.
getRemarksReporting() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Checks whether or not a call of getTables or getColumns of the DatabaseMetaData interface will report the REMARKS column.
getRemarksReporting() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getReplayDisablingCount() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains the number of times that replay is disabled.
getReplayStatistics() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getReplayStatistics() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
Obtains replay statistics accumulated so far.
getReplayStatistics(ReplayableConnection.StatisticsReportType) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayableConnection
Obtains replay statistics accumulated so far.
getReplayStatisticsString() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getRequestSizeHistogram() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains a histogram of request sizes, in terms of the number of JDBC calls in each request.
getRequestSizeLimit() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getRestrictGetTables() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Gets the restriction status of the returned data in DatabaseMetaData.getTables.
getRestrictGetTables() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getResultSet() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Implements Array interface method Returns a result set that contains the elements of the array designated by this Array object.
getResultSet(long, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Implements Array interface method Returns a result set holding the elements of the subarray that starts at index index and contains up to count successive elements.
getResultSet(long, int, Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Implements Array interface method Returns a result set holding the elements of the subarray that starts at index index and contains up to count successive elements.
getResultSet(Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Implements Array interface method Returns a result set that contains the elements of the array designated by this Array object and uses the given map to map the array elements.
getResultSetHoldability() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves the default holdability of this ResultSet object.
getRetrieveMessageId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Returns the value of the option that can be set to force the server to return the id of the message during dequeue.
getRetrieveMessageId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
Returns the value of the enqueued message id option.
getReturnResultSet() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Returns result set that contains data returned from DML Returning.
getRoleName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Gets the datasource role name.
getRoleName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Gets the data source role name.
getRoleName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
Gets the data source role name.
getRowChangeDescription() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription
Returns the row level change description of the notification.
getRowid() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.RowChangeDescription
Returns the row id of the row.
getROWID(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.ROWID object.
getROWID(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getROWID(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getRowIdLifetime() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Oracle rowids are valid across all sessions.
getRowOperation() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.RowChangeDescription
This method is deprecated in 21. Use getRowOperations() instead.
getRowOperation(int) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.RowChangeDescription.RowOperation
This method is deprecated in 21. Use getRowOperations(int) instead.
getRowOperations() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.RowChangeDescription
Returns the operation kind: this row was either inserted, updated or deleted.
getRowOperations(int) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.RowChangeDescription.RowOperation
getRowPrefetch() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Retrieves the value or row prefetch for all result sets created from this statement.
getRuntimeKey() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getScale() - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
getSchema() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getSchemaName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData
Return sql schema name.
getSchemas() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get the schema names available in this database.
getSchemas(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Return the schemas that match the given pattern.
getSchemaTerm() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the database vendor's preferred term for "schema"?
getSearchStringEscape() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
This is the string that can be used to escape '_' or '%' in the string pattern style catalog search parameters.
getSecurityAttribute(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData
Returns the eXtensible Data Security (XDS) attribute of this column.
getSender() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
getSequenceDeviation() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
Returns the sequence deviation.
getServerDN() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation
Returns the DN received from the TLS certificate of the server.
getServerName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get the name of the server on which database is running.
getServerName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Gets the name of the server on which database is running.
getServerSessionInfo() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Exposes some of the key/value pairs that the server returns at connection time.
getServerSessionInfo() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getServerSessionInfo(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns the value associated to a key that the server returns at connection time.
getServerSessionInfo(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getServiceName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get the service_name To distinguish services from instances, a new URL using service_name is added, existing url with SID will be supported, but deprecated.
getSessionTimeZone() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Obtain Oracle session time zone region name.
getSessionTimeZone() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getSessionTimeZoneOffset() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Obtain the time zone offset in hours of the current database session.
getSessionTimeZoneOffset() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getShardingKeyColumns() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata
getShardingKeyOraHash() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
Returns the hash value of the Sharding key as per Oracle's internal hash function.
getShardingType() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata
getShortArray() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
getShortArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getShortArray(long, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
getShortArray(long, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
getSql() - Method in exception oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseException
Returns the actual SQL which was sent to the server.
getSQLKeywords() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a comma separated list of all a database's SQL keywords that are NOT also SQL92 keywords.
getSQLName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData
Fully parsed named
getSQLStateType() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Indicates whether the SQLSTATEs returned by SQLException.getSQLState is X/Open (now known as Open Group) SQL CLI or SQL99.
getSqlTranslationVersions(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Returns a map of all the translation versions of the query during SQL Translation.
getSqlTranslationVersions(String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
Returns a map of all the translation versions of the query during SQL Translation.
getSQLType(Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
getSQLType(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getSQLTypeName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
getSQLTypeName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOpaque
Implements the Struct interface function Retrieves the SQL type name of the SQL structured type that this Struct object represents.
getSQLTypeName() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
getSQLTypeName() - Method in class oracle.sql.OPAQUE
Implements the Struct interface function Retrieves the SQL type name of the SQL structured type that this Struct object represents.
getSQLTypeName() - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
Oracle extension.
getSQLTypeName() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Implements the Struct interface function Retrieves the SQL type name of the SQL structured type that this Struct object represents.
getState() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
Returns the state of the message at the time of the dequeue.
getState() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.NotificationRegistration
Returns the state of this registration.
getStatementCacheSize() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Returns the current size of the application cache.
getStatementCacheSize() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
getStatementCacheSize Returns the current size of the application cache.
getStatementCacheSize() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getStatementCacheSize() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
getStatementCacheSize Returns the current size of the application cache.
getStatementWithKey(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Searches the explicit cache for a match on key.
getStatementWithKey(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
getStatementWithKey Searches the explicit cache for a match on key.
getStatementWithKey(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getStatementWithKey(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
getStatementWithKey Searches the explicit cache for a match on key.
getStatisticsForDataSource(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatisticsMXBean
Obtains replay statistics accumulated so far on the specified driver data source instance.
getStmtCacheSize() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use getStatementCacheSize() instead.
getStmtCacheSize() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getStmtCacheSize() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Return the size of Statement Cache.
getStmtCacheSize() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
getStream() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Create an input stream so the raw data may be read.
getString() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Converts the sequence of characters represented by this to a String.
getString() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonBinary
Returns this binary value as a base-16 encoded string.
getString() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDate
Returns this date as a String in ISO 8601 format.
getString() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonIntervalDS
Returns this interval as an ISO 8601 String.
getString() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonIntervalYM
Returns this interval as an ISO 8601 String.
getString() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Gets a string for the current event.
getString() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonString
Returns this value as a String.
getString() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonTimestamp
Returns this date as a String in ISO 8601 format.
getString() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonTimestampTZ
Returns this date as a String in ISO 8601 format.
getString(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Returns the string at the specified position in the JSON array.
getString(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the string to which the specified key is mapped.
getString(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns the string to which the specified key is mapped.
getStringFunctions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a comma separated list of string functions.
getSTRUCT() - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
Oracle extension.
getSTRUCT(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.STRUCT object.
getSTRUCT(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getSTRUCT(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
getStructAttrCsId() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Obtain the Oracle identifier of the character set used in STRUCT attributes.
getStructAttrCsId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getStructPayload() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Retrieves the payload as java.sql.Struct
getSTRUCTPayload() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Retrieves the payload as an ADT.
getSubString(long, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Implements the Clob interface method.
getSubtypeName(OracleConnection, byte[], long) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
getSubtypeNames() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Struct
Returns the SQL type names of the direct subtypes.
getSubtypeNames() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
Returns the SQL type names of the direct subtypes.
getSuccessfulReplayCount() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains the number of replays that succeeded.
getSuperShardingKeyColumns() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata
getSuperShardingType() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata
getSuperTables(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves a description of the table hierarchies defined in a particular schema in this database.
getSupertypeName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Struct
Returns the SQL type name of the direct subtype.
getSupertypeName() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
Returns the SQL type name of the direct subtype.
getSuperTypes(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves a description of the user-defined type (UDT) hierarchies defined in a particular schema in this database.
getSystemFunctions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a comma separated list of system functions.
getSystemProperty(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
getTableChangeDescription() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent
For object change (EVENT_TYPE_OBJCHANGE) kind of events, this method returns the description of the changes for each table that was changed.
getTableChangeDescription() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.QueryChangeDescription
Returns the table level change description of this query result.
getTableName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription
Returns the name of the table.
getTableOperations() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription
Returns the table operations that affected this table.
getTableOperations(int) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription.TableOperation
Implementation detail (for internal use only).
getTablePrivileges(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of the access rights for each table available in a catalog.
getTables() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeRegistration
Returns the name of the tables associated with this registration.
getTables(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of tables available in a catalog.
getTableTypes() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get the table types available in this database.
getTarget() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
getTarget() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
getTarget() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
getTarget() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
getTarget() - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
getTarget() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
getTargetType() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDecimal
Indicates if this value is intended to be stored in a Java int, long, or BigDecimal/BigInteger.
getThinDriverReplayableConnectionDelegate(OracleConnection) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ConcreteProxyUtil
getTimeDateFunctions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a comma separated list of time and date functions.
getTimeout() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Return the timeout The connections idle for more than this time (seconds) are terminated periodically, to maintain optimum number of open connections.This attribute can be set dynamically.
getTIMESTAMP() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonTimestamp
Returns this value as a SQL TIMESTAMP.
getTIMESTAMP(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP object.
getTIMESTAMP(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Obtain an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP value from the ResultSet.
getTIMESTAMP(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Obtain an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP value from the ResultSet.
getTIMESTAMPLTZ(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ object.
getTIMESTAMPLTZ(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Obtain an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ value from the ResultSet.
getTIMESTAMPLTZ(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Obtain an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ value from the ResultSet.
getTIMESTAMPTZ() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonTimestampTZ
Returns this value as a SQL TIMESTAMPTZ.
getTIMESTAMPTZ(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ object.
getTIMESTAMPTZ(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Obtain an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ value from the ResultSet.
getTIMESTAMPTZ(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Obtain an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ value from the ResultSet.
getTimeZone() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
getTLSCipherSuite() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation
Returns the name of the CipherSuite used for securing the underlying TCPS connection.
getTLSVersion() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation
Returns the TLS version negotiated with the server.
getTNSEntryName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get the TNS entry name for this instance if set.
getTotalCalls() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains the total number of JDBC calls executed so far.
getTotalCallsAffectedByOutages() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains the number of JDBC calls affected by outages.
getTotalCallsAffectedByOutagesDuringReplay() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains the number of JDBC calls affected by outages in the middle of replay.
getTotalCallsTriggeringReplay() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains the number of JDBC calls that triggered replay.
getTotalCompletedRequests() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains the total number of completed requests so far.
getTotalProtectedCalls() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains the total number of JDBC calls executed so far that are protected by AC.
getTotalReplayAttempts() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains the number of replay attempts.
getTotalRequests() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayStatistics
Obtains the total number of successfully submitted requests so far.
getTransactionGroup() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
For transaction-grouped queues, this identifies the transaction group of the message.
getTransactionId() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent
Returns the id of the transaction (xid) that when committed was responsible for generating this event.
getTransactionId(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent
Returns the id of the transaction (xid) that when committed was responsible for generating this event.
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getTransactionTimeout() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
Obtain the current transaction timeout value set for this XAResource instance.
getTransformation() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Returns the value of transformation option.
getTransformation() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
Returns the value of transformation option.
getTranslator(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.TranslationManager
Get the query and error translator with an internal reference to the translation cache if one is available for the unique url, user and translation profile combination or a new cache if its not available.
getTxnReplayableBaseOfConnection(OracleConnection) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ConcreteProxyUtil
getTypeCode() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData
Returns type code.
getTypeCode() - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
getTypeCode() - Method in class oracle.sql.OpaqueDescriptor
Return the type code: OracleTypes.SQLXML if type is SYS.XMLTYPE else return the OPAQUE type code OracleTypes.OPAQUE
getTypeCode() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
getTypeCode() - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
Returns type code.
getTypeCodeName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData
Returns the type code name.
getTypeCodeName() - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
Returns the type code name.
getTypeDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.sql.ANYDATA
Returns the type description of this ANYDATA instance.
getTypeDescriptor() - Method in class oracle.sql.AttributeDescriptor
getTypeDescriptorsFromList(String[][]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Obtain the type descriptors associated with object types or arrays from an array of scheama and type names.
getTypeDescriptorsFromList(String[][]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getTypeDescriptorsFromListInCurrentSchema(String[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Obtain the type descriptors associated with object types or array in a schema from an array of type names.
getTypeDescriptorsFromListInCurrentSchema(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getTypeInfo() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of all the standard SQL types supported by this database.
getTypeMap() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getTypeVersion() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Struct
getTypeVersion() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
getUDTs(String, String, String, int[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData::getUDTs.
getUnicodeStream(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an java.io.InputStream object.
getUnicodeStream(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Retrieves data into an java.io.InputStream object.
getUnMatchedConnectionAttributes() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The Implicit Connection Cache (ICC) has been desupported since 12.1. This method throws UnsupportedOperationException, and will be removed soon in the future.
getURL() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get the URL for this datasource.
getURL() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Gets the URL for this datasource.
getURL() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's the url for this database?
getUser() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Get the user name for this datasource.
getUser() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Gets the user name for this datasource.
getUserName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.NotificationRegistration
getUserName() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Gets the user name of the current connection.
getUserName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getUserName() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
What's our user name as known to the database?
getUsingXAFlag() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
getUsingXAFlag() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getValue() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleOpaque
Return the Opaque value.
getValue() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Return the value at the current parser event.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.OPAQUE
Return the Opaque value.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
Oracle extension.
getValue(Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
Oracle extension.
getValuesAs(Class<T>) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Returns a view of this array for the given element type.
getVendor() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleType
getVendorTypeNumber() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleType
getVersion() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata
getVersionColumns(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Get a description of a table's columns that are automatically updated when any value in a row is updated.
getVisibility() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Returns the visibility parameter.
getVisibility() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
Returns the transactional behavior.
getWait() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Returns the wait option.
getWarnings() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getXAConnection() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleXADataSource
Attempts to establish a database connection that can be used in a distributed transaction.
getXAConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource
Attempt to establish a database connection.
getXAConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXADataSource
Attempt to establish a database connection.
getXAConnection(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleXADataSource
Attempts to establish a database connection that can be used in a distributed transaction.
getXAConnection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource
Attempt to establish a database connection.
getXAConnection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXADataSource
Attempt to establish a database connection.
getXAConnection(OracleXAConnectionBuilderImpl) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource
getXAError() - Method in exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
getXAError returns the XA Error code corresponding to this exception.
getXAErrorFlag() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
getXAErrorFlag() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
getXAErrorMessage(int) - Static method in exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
getXAResource() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Return an XA resource to the caller.
getXAResource() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
Return an XA resource to the caller.
getXAResource() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAConnection
Return an XA resource to the caller.
getXAResource() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroConnection
Return an XAResource object to the caller.
getXAResource() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAConnection
Return an XA resource to the caller.
getXids() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleMultiPhaseArgs
getXMLTypePayload() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Retrieves the payload as an XMLType.
GROUPING - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent.AdditionalEventType
Addtional event type: grouping.
GROUPING - oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.AdditionalEventType
Addtional event type: grouping.
gssCredential(GSSCredential) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
Provide the GSSCredential used to authenticate the connection.
gssCredential(GSSCredential) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePooledConnectionBuilder
Provide the GSSCredential used to authenticate the connection.
gssCredential(GSSCredential) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleXAConnectionBuilder
Provide the GSSCredential used to authenticate the connection.


handleAbandonedConnection(OracleConnection, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheCallback
Use Oracle Universal Connection Pool instead.
hasFixedSize() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Opaque
Indicates whether the Opaque type has fixed size.
hasFixedSize() - Method in class oracle.sql.OpaqueDescriptor
Indicates whether the Opaque type has fixed size.
HASH - oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata.ShardingType
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
Returns the hashcode for this sharding key object.
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXid
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Implements a hash based on oracleId
hashCode() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonBinary
The hashCode of this binary value.
hashCode() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDate
Returns a hash code that is equal to java.util.Arrays.hashCode(getDATE().getBytes())
hashCode() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDecimal
Returns a hash code equal to this bigDecimalValue().hashCode().
hashCode() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDouble
Returns a hash code equal to java.lang.Double.hashCode(doubleValue()).
hashCode() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFloat
Returns a hash code equal to java.lang.Float.hashCode(floatValue()).
hashCode() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonIntervalDS
Returns a hash code equal to Arrays.hashCode(getINTERVALDS().getBytes()) .
hashCode() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonIntervalYM
Returns a hash code equal to Arrays.hashCode(getINTERVALYM().getBytes()) .
hashCode() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonString
Returns a hash code that is equal to getString().hashCode().
hashCode() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonTimestamp
Returns a hash code that is equal to java.util.Arrays.hashCode(getTIMESTAMP().getBytes())
hashCode() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonTimestampTZ
Returns a hash code that is equal to java.util.Arrays.hashCode(getTIMESTAMPTZ().getBytes())
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
hasMoreCharacters() - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterWalker
Reports whether there are more bytes waiting to be converted.
hasNext() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns true if there are additional parsing events.
hasSqlWildcard(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
hasUnboundedSize() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Opaque
Indicates whether the Opaque type has unbounded size ().
hasUnboundedSize() - Method in class oracle.sql.OpaqueDescriptor
Indicates whether the Opaque type has unbounded size ().
hexString2Bytes(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.RAW
Converts a String of hex digits into a byte array with the corresponding byte values.
host(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectInfo
Configures host name of the Oracle Database in the connection string.
hostnameResolver(OracleHostnameResolver) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
Sets a custom hostname resolver implementing OracleHostnameResolver used to provide a custom DNS name resolution strategy to locate the database host.
HRZER0 - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Zero valued hour
HTTPURITYPE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
HU8ABMOD_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
HU8CWI2_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet


I7DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
I7SIEMENS9780X_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
I8EBCDIC1144_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
I8EBCDIC280_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
IGNORE_AC_CONTEXT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
IMMEDIATE - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.VisibilityOption
The dequeue operation is not part of the current transaction.
IMMEDIATE - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.VisibilityOption
The enqueue is not part of the current transaction.
IMMEDIATE - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseShutdownMode
Does not wait for current calls to complete or users to disconnect from the database.
IMPLICIT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
implicit_caching_enabled - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
IMPLICIT_CACHING_ENABLED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
implicitCachingEnabled - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
implicitCachingEnabledSet - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
ImplicitStatementCachingEnabled - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
IN8ISCII_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
increment() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the NUMBER value incremented by 1.
initialize(Connection) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.ConnectionInitializationCallback
Initializes the connection.
INITIATION_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
initMetadataRecursively() - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
initNamesRecursively() - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
INSERT - oracle.jdbc.dcn.RowChangeDescription.RowOperation
INSERT - oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription.TableOperation
insertObj(Object, String) - Method in class oracle.sql.ConverterArchive
entryName is the name of the obj inside the zip file, include directory
insertObjtoFile(String, String, Object) - Method in class oracle.sql.ConverterArchive
insertsAreDetected(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData.insertsAreDetected.
insertSingleObj(String, Object, String) - Method in class oracle.sql.ConverterArchive
entryName is the name of the obj inside the zip file, include directory zipName is the name of the zip file.
instanceName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Used to configure the value of INSTANCE_NAME in the CONNECT_DATA node.
INT - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDecimal.TargetType
INTEGER - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
INTERVALDS - Class in oracle.sql
INTERVALDS - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonIntervalDS
INTERVALDS - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
INTERVALDS() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.INTERVALDS
Constructs a INTERVALDS object initialized with .
INTERVALDS(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.INTERVALDS
Create an Oracle INTERVALDS object represented by the given intervalDS byte array
INTERVALDS(String) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.INTERVALDS
Create an Oracle INTERVALDS object represented by the given String
INTERVALYM - Class in oracle.sql
INTERVALYM - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonIntervalYM
INTERVALYM - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
INTERVALYM() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.INTERVALYM
Constructs a INTERVALYM object initialized with YY:MM to 0:0.
INTERVALYM(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.INTERVALYM
Create an Oracle INTERVALYM object represented by the given intervalYM byte array
INTERVALYM(String) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.INTERVALYM
Create an Oracle INTERVALYM object represented by the given String
intValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert to a integer representation of the datum object
intValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a integer representation of the datum object
intValue() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonNumber
Returns this number as an int.
intValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Calls toInt to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java int.
intValueExact() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonNumber
Returns this number as an int.
INVALID_CONNECTION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Values used for close(int).
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper.CloseInvocationHandler
IS_CONNECTION_POOLING - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
IS8MACICELANDIC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
IS8MACICELANDICS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
IS8PC861_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
isANYDATAPayload() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Returns true if the payload type is ANYDATA and false otherwise.
isAutoACEnabled - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
isCatalogAtStart() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does a catalog appear at the start of a qualified table name? (Otherwise it appears at the end)
isClearMetaData - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
isClosed() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
isColumnInvisible(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData
Returns the column visibility information of the specified column.
isColumnJSON(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData
Returns true if the specified column contains JSON data otherwise returns false.
isCompatible122OrGreater() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
isConvertibleFrom(CharacterSet) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Are conversions supported.
isConvertibleFrom(CharacterSet) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSetWithConverter
isConvertibleTo(Class) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDatum
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Test whether this data object can be converted to the specified Java data type.
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE
Test whether this data object can be converted to the specified Java data type.
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT
Test whether this data object can be converted to the specified Java data type.
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Oracle extension.
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Test whether this data object can be converted to the specified Java data type.
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Test whether this data object can be converted to the specified Java data type.
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Determines if the object can be converted to a particular class
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Determines if datum object can be converted to a particular class
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALDS
Determines if the object can be converted to a particular class
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALYM
Determines if the object can be converted to a particular class
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Determines if the object can be converted to a particular class
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.OPAQUE
Determines if datum object can be converted to a particular class
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.RAW
Test whether this data object can be converted to the specified Java data type.
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
Test whether this data object can be converted to the specified Java data type.
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.ROWID
Test whether this data object can be converted to the specified Java data type.
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Determines if datum object can be converted to a particular class
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Determines if the object can be converted to a particular class
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Determines if the object can be converted to a particular class
isConvertibleTo(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Determines if the object can be converted to a particular class
isDebug() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
Returns true if this jar includes debug code.
isDistributedTransEnabled() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
isDMS() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
Returns true if this jar includes DMS instrumentaion.
isDRCPEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns true if the connection is participating in DRCP.
isDRCPEnabled() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Returns if the connection is participating in DRCP.
isDRCPMultitagEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns true if multiple tags are allowed with DRCP Connection.
isDRCPMultitagEnabled() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Returns true if multiple tags are allowed with DRCP Connection.
isEmptyLob() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Return true if the lob locator points to a empty blob.
isEmptyLob() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleClob
Return true if this is a empty lob.
isEmptyLob() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Return true if the lob locator points to a empty blob.
isEmptyLob() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Return true if this is a empty lob.
isFileOpen() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Find out whether a BFILE was opened
isFileOpen() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Find out whether a BFILE was opened with the give BFILE.
isFinalType() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Struct
Indicates whether the object type is a final type.
isFinalType() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
Indicates whether the object type is a final type.
isFirstConnection - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
isFromResultSetCache() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
isId() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonBinary
Returns true if this binary value is annotated as an identifier
isInf() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns true if NUMBER value is positive or negative infinity and a false otherwise.
isInherited(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.StructMetaData
Indicates whether the attribute is inherited from its supertype.
isInServer() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
Returns true if this jar was built to run in the Oracle Java VM.
isInstantiable() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Struct
Indicates whether the object type is instantiable.
isInstantiable() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
Indicates whether the object type is instantiable.
isInt() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns true if NUMBER value is finite and integral.
isIntegral() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonNumber
Returns true when bigDecimalValue().scale() == 0.
isIntegralNumber() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns true if the current event is an integral number.
isJavaObject() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
Indicates whether the object type is a JAVA_STRUCT type or a STRUCT type.
isJDK14() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
isJSONPayload() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Returns true if the payload type is JSON, false otherwise.
isLocalTransaction(Xid) - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXid
isLogicalConnection() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Method that returns a boolean indicating whether its a logical connection or not.
isLogicalConnection() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
isLossyFrom(CharacterSet) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
A conversion looses information if the mapping is not invertible.
isLossyFrom(CharacterSet) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSetWithConverter
isModeledInC() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Opaque
Indicates whether the Opaque type is modelled in C language.
isModeledInC() - Method in class oracle.sql.OpaqueDescriptor
Indicates whether the Opaque type is modelled in C language.
isNationalCharacterSet() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleType
Does this type use the national character set?
isNativeEncryptionEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation
Returns true if the underlying network connection is protected by Native Network Encryption, otherwise returns false.
isNCHAR(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData
isNCHAR (int)
isNCHAR(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
isNCHAR (int)
isNCLOB() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
isNegInf() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns returns true if NUMBER is negative infinity and false otherwise.
isNull() - Method in class oracle.sql.ANYDATA
Returns true if the data part of this ANYDATA instance is null and false otherwise.
isNull() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Test if this Datum is empty
isNull(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Returns true if the value at the specified position in the array is equal to JsonValue.NULL.
isNull(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Returns true if the specified key is mapped to a value equal to OracleJsonValue.NULL.
ISO_LATIN_1_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
isOnStack(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
isOpen() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Check whether the external LOB is opened.
isOpen() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Check whether the BLOB is opened.
isOpen() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleClob
Check whether the CLOB is opened.
isOpen() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Check whether the external LOB is opened.
isOpen() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Check whether the BLOB is opened.
isOpen() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Check whether the CLOB is opened.
isOracleDataSource - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
isPoolCreated() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
check if the pool has been created.
isPosInf() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns true if NUMBER is positive infinity and false otherwise.
isPrivateDebug() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
Returns true if this jar includes Oracle internal debug code.
isProxySession() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns true if the current session associated with this connection is a proxy session.
isProxySession() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
isRAWPayload() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Returns trus if the payload type is RAW and false otherwise.
isReadOnly() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
isReadOnly() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is the database in read-only mode?
isREF() - Method in class oracle.sql.ANYDATA
Returns true if the embedded object is a REF and false otherwise.
isReplayInDynamicMode - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
isSameRM(XAResource) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
This method is called to determine if the resource manager instance represented by the target object is the same as the resouce manager instance represented by the parameter xares.
isSecureFile() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Returns true if this is a SecureFile (LOBs with the STORE AS SECUREFILE option, which were introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 1).
isSecureFile() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleClob
Returns true if this is a SecureFile (LOBs with the STORE AS SECUREFILE option, which were introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 1).
isSecureFile() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Returns true if this is a SecureFile (LOBs with the STORE AS SECUREFILE option, which were introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 1).
isSecureFile() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Returns true if this is a SecureFile (LOBs with the STORE AS SECUREFILE option, which were introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 1).
isServerBigSCN() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
isSimpleIdentifier(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Retrieves whether identifier is a simple SQL identifier.
isSqlRewritten() - Method in exception oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseException
Returns true if the executed SQL includes expressions that were added by the Oracle JDBC Driver, such as a ROWID in the SELECT clause, or a RETURNING ...
isStatementCacheInitialized() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
isStateRestorationAuto - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
isStmtCacheEnabled() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Check whether Statement Caching is enabled for this pool or Not.
isStrongCryptoUsed() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation
Returns true if strong key and IV are used to protect the data packets transferred over the network with Native Network Encryption.
isSTRUCTPayload() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Returns true if the payload is a STRUCT (in other words if the payload is an object) and false otherwise.
isSubtype() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Struct
Indicates whether the object type is a subtype.
isSubtype() - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
Indicates whether the object type is a subtype.
isSuperShardingKey() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
Checks if the the key is a super sharding key
isSupported() - Method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleType
Does this driver support this database type?
isTemporary() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Return true if the lob locator points to a temporary blob.
isTemporary() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleClob
Return true if the lob locator points to a temporary clob.
isTemporary() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Return true if the lob locator points to a temporary blob.
isTemporary() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Return true if the lob locator points to a temporary clob.
isTemporary(BLOB) - Static method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Return true if the lob locator points to a temporary blob.
isTemporary(CLOB) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Return true if the lob locator points to a temporary clob.
isThinDriverConnection(Object) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ConcreteProxyUtil
Check for connection is from Thin driver or not.
isThinDriverReplayableConnection(OracleConnection) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ConcreteProxyUtil
isTransactionReplayEnabled - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
isTransient() - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
isTrustedLibrary() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Opaque
Indicates whether the Trusted Library implementing Support functions are specified for the Opaque type.
isTrustedLibrary() - Method in class oracle.sql.OpaqueDescriptor
Indicates whether the Trusted Library implementing Support functions are specified for the Opaque type.
isUnicode() - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Is this a Unicode Character Set.
isUnknown() - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
isUsable() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Identifies whether this connection is still usable for JDBC operations.
isUsable() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
isV2available(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
isValid(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Checks if a given Oracle Number is valid
isValid(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
isValid(OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns true if this connection was working properly to the extent specified by effort at the instant during this call it was checked.
isValid(OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
isValid(ShardingMetadata) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
Checks if this sharding key is valid for the sharded database represented by the metadata
isVariableLength() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Determines if this instance represents a variable or fixed length character sequence.
isVariableScale(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData
If the scale of Oracle NUMBER, FLOAT, DECIMAL and DOUBLE database datatype is unspecified this method returns true.
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Since this class is not a wrapper, just check to see if this implements the requested interface.
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Return true if this object implements the argument or if the wrapped connection implements the argument.
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Since this class is not a wrapper, just check to see if this implements the requested interface.
isXAResourceTransLoose - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAConnection
isXidListEmpty() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
isXidSuspended(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
isXidSuspended(Xid) - Checks if the passed Xid is suspended or not.
isXMLTypePayload() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Returns trus if the payload type is XMLType and false otherwise.
isZero() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns true if NUMBER is zero.
IW7IS960_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
IW8EBCDIC1086_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
IW8EBCDIC424_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
IW8EBCDIC424S_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
IW8ISO8859P8_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
IW8MACHEBREW_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
IW8MACHEBREWS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
IW8MSWIN1255_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
IW8PC1507_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet


JA16DBCS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
JA16EBCDIC930_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
JA16EUC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
JA16EUCTILDE_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
JA16EUCYEN_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
JA16MACSJIS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
JA16SJIS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
JA16SJISTILDE_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
JA16SJISYEN_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
JA16TSTSET_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
JA16TSTSET2_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
JA16VMS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
JAVA_OBJECT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
JAVA_STRUCT - Class in oracle.sql
A class for structured data type.
JAVA_STRUCT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
JAVA_STRUCT(StructDescriptor, Connection, Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.JAVA_STRUCT
javaCharsToAL16UTF16Bytes(char[], int, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of chars in UCS2 to an array of bytes caller needs to allocate the bytes array
javaCharsToAL16UTF16LEBytes(char[], int, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of chars in UCS2 to an array of bytes caller needs to allocate the bytes array
JDBC_MARKER_CONVERTED - oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.SqlTranslationVersion
JDBC parameter markers ('?') replaced with Oracle style parameter markers (':b<n>').
JSON - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
JSON - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
JSONTOID - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor


KERBEROS - oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.AuthenticationAdaptorType
Authenticated by Kerberos.
KEY_NAME - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
KO16DBCS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
KO16KSC5601_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
KO16KSCCS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
KO16MSWIN949_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
KO16TSTSET_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
KOIDFLEN - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor


LA8ISO6937_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
LA8PASSPORT_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
LargeObjectAccessMode - Enum in oracle.jdbc
lastDayOfMonth() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
returns a DATE object intialized to the last day of the month .
length() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
length() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
The length of the BFILE in bytes.
length() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
length() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
The length of the BFILE in bytes.
length() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Implements the Blob interface function.
length() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Implements the Clob interface method.
LIST - oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata.ShardingType
ln() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the natural logarithm of the NUMBER value.
ln10() - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of ln(10).
loadBalance(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Used to configure the value of LOAD_BALANCE in the ADDRESS_LIST node.
LOCAL - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation
OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation.NONE plus check local resources.
localDateTimeValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Calls toLocalDateTime to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ to a Java LocalDateTime.
localDateTimeValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Calls toLocalDateTime(Connection, byte[]) to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java LocalDateTime.
locatorsUpdateCopy() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0
LOCKED - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DequeueMode
Read and obtain a write lock on the message.
log(NUMBER) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the logarithm to the base base of the NUMBER value.
logicalHandle - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
LogicalTransactionId - Interface in oracle.jdbc
The logical transaction id is a globally unique id that uniquely defines a database transaction from the application perspective.
LogicalTransactionIdEvent - Class in oracle.jdbc
The event that corresponds to a new Logical Transaction Id.
LogicalTransactionIdEvent(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.LogicalTransactionIdEvent
LogicalTransactionIdEventListener - Interface in oracle.jdbc
A class that is interested in processing Logical Transaction Id events must implement this interface.
loginTimeout - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
LoginTimeout - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
logWriter - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
LONG - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
LONG - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDecimal.TargetType
LONG_RAW - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
LONGNVARCHAR - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
longValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert to a long representation of the datum object
longValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a long representation of the datum object
longValue() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonNumber
Returns this number as a long.
longValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Calls toLong to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java long.
longValueExact() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonNumber
Returns this number as an long.
LONGVARBINARY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
LONGVARCHAR - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
LT8MSWIN921_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
LT8PC772_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
LT8PC774_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
LV8PC1117_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
LV8PC8LR_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
LV8RST104090_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet


m_connection_pool - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
m_stmtCacheSize - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
m_stmtClearMetaData - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
Prints a description of the Oracle JDBC driver .jar file to System.out.
make(int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
makeJdbcArray(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Returns a JDBC array representation of the datum
makeJdbcArray(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Returns a JDBC array representation of the datum
makeJdbcArray(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALDS
Returns a JDBC array representation of the datum
makeJdbcArray(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALYM
Returns a JDBC array representation of the datum
makeJdbcArray(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDatum
makeJdbcArray(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a JDBC array representation of the datum
makeJdbcArray(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Returns a JDBC array representation of the datum
makeJdbcArray(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Returns a JDBC array representation of the datum
makeJdbcArray(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Returns a JDBC array representation of the datum
makeURL() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
markSuperShardingKey(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
Marks the key to be used as a super sharding key
MAX_CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.BFILE
MAX_CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.BLOB
1907584: Changed MAX_CHUNK_SIZE from 32512 to 32768.
MAX_CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CLOB
MAX_RAW_PAYLOAD - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Default maximum buffer size of a RAW payload.
MAX_STATEMENTS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
MAXBQUALSIZE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXid
MAXGTRIDSIZE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXid
maxStatements - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
maxStatementsSet - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
MESSAGE_NO_DELAY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
Possible value for setDelay.
MESSAGE_NO_EXPIRATION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
The message will never expire.
MIZERO - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Zero valued minute
mod(NUMBER) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the remainder of the division of NUMBER/n.
MODE_READONLY - oracle.jdbc.LargeObjectAccessMode
MODE_READONLY - Static variable in class oracle.sql.BFILE
MODE_READONLY - Static variable in class oracle.sql.BLOB
MODE_READONLY - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CLOB
MODE_READWRITE - oracle.jdbc.LargeObjectAccessMode
MODE_READWRITE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.BFILE
MODE_READWRITE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.BLOB
MODE_READWRITE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CLOB
MSD - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Day is one of those "missing" from the year 1582
mul(NUMBER) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to product of NUMBER and n.


N7SIEMENS9780X_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
N8PC865_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
nativeSQL(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Converts the given foreign dialect SQL statement into the system's native SQL grammar.
nativeSQL(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
NCHAR - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
NCHAR - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
NCLOB - Class in oracle.sql
Use java.sql.NClob interface for declaration instead of using concrete class oracle.sql.NCLOB.
NCLOB - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
NCLOB - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
NCLOB() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NCLOB
NDK7DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
NE8ISO8859P10_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
NEE8ISO8859P4_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
needToPurgeStatementCache() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Returns if the client side Statement cache has to be purged.
needToPurgeStatementCache() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Connection Pool manager will invoke this method to check if the server session is the same as the old one and if the Statement cache should be purged.
negate() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the negated NUMBER value.
negInf() - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to negative infinity.
NESTED_TABLE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
NESTED_TABLE - oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.ArrayStorage
NETWORK - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation
OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation.SOCKET plus the network is intact (network PING).
NETWORK_COMPRESSION_AUTO - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NETWORK_COMPRESSION_LEVEL_HIGH - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NETWORK_COMPRESSION_LEVEL_HIGH_VALUE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NETWORK_COMPRESSION_LEVEL_LOW - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NETWORK_COMPRESSION_LEVEL_LOW_VALUE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NETWORK_COMPRESSION_OFF - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NETWORK_COMPRESSION_ON - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NETWORK_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD_MIN - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Minimum value supported by the connection property CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NETWORK_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD.
NETWORK_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
networkProtocol - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
NEW - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
newInstance() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectInfo
Factory method for building a new instance of ConnectInfo.
newInstance() - Static method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Factory method for creating a new instance of OracleConnectionBuilder.
newRAW(Object) - Static method in class oracle.sql.RAW
Creates a new RAW from an Object in the manner of the RAW(Object) constructor beginning in 10i R1.
newXAException(OracleConnection, int) - Static method in exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
newXAException(OracleConnection, int, int) - Static method in exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
newXAException(OracleConnection, int, SQLException) - Static method in exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
newXAException(OracleConnection, SQLException, int) - Static method in exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
next() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Return the next parsing event.
NEXT_MESSAGE - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.NavigationOption
Retrieve the next available message that matches the search criterion.
NEXT_TRANSACTION - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.NavigationOption
Skips the remainder of the current transaction group (if any) and retrieves the first message of the next transaction group.
nextCharacter() - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterWalker
Returns the next character in the sequence and advances the CharacterWalker over it.
NL7DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
NO_IMPLICIT_BEGIN_REQUEST_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
NO_RESTRICTION - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseStartupMode
Startup the database with no restriction.
NONE - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent.AdditionalEventType
Addtional event type: no further information about the notification.
NONE - oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.AdditionalEventType
Addtional event type: no further information about the change notification.
NONE - oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.EventType
Event type: no further information about the change notification.
NONE - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation
isValid fails only if the Connection is closed.
NONE - oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet.AuthorizationIndicator
The access to the data is authorized.
NONE - oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData.SecurityAttribute
No XDS policy for the column or the policy is not enabled.
NONE - oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata.ShardingType
NOT_VERIFIED - oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.DNMatchStatus
Server's DN is not verified.
NotificationRegistration - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface is extended by oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationRegistration and oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeRegistration.
NotificationRegistration.RegistrationState - Enum in oracle.jdbc
NOWAIT - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.CommitOption
"No wait" commit option.
NTF_AQ_PAYLOAD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_ASYNC_DEQ - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_GROUPING_CLASS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_GROUPING_CLASS_NONE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_GROUPING_CLASS_TIME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_GROUPING_REPEAT_FOREVER - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_GROUPING_REPEAT_TIME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_GROUPING_START_TIME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_GROUPING_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_GROUPING_TYPE_LAST - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_GROUPING_TYPE_SUMMARY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_GROUPING_VALUE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_LOCAL_HOST - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_LOCAL_TCP_PORT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_QOS_AUTO_ACK - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_QOS_PURGE_ON_NTFN - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_QOS_RELIABLE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_QOS_SECURE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_QOS_TX_ACK - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NTF_USE_SSL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
NULL - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonValue equal to OracleJsonValue.NULL
NULL - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
NULL - Static variable in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
JSON null.
nullPlusNonNullIsNull() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are concatenations between NULL and non-NULL values NULL? A JDBC compliant driver always returns true.
nullsAreSortedAtEnd() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are NULL values sorted at the end regardless of sort order?
nullsAreSortedAtStart() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are NULL values sorted at the start regardless of sort order?
nullsAreSortedHigh() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are NULL values sorted high?
nullsAreSortedLow() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are NULL values sorted low?
NUMBER - Class in oracle.sql
NUMBER - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
NUMBER - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
NUMBER shares same value as NUMERIC as it is synonym defined for convenience when using the oracle.sql.NUMBER type.
NUMBER() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to zero.
NUMBER(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified boolean value.
NUMBER(byte) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified byte value.
NUMBER(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the value specified by the byte array.
NUMBER(double) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified double value.
NUMBER(float) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified float value.
NUMBER(int) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified integer value.
NUMBER(long) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified long value.
NUMBER(short) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a Number object initialized to the specified short value.
NUMBER(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the value specified by the object
NUMBER(String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the specified String value.
NUMBER(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the specified BigDecimal value.
NUMBER(BigInteger) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Constructs a NUMBER object initialized to the specified BigInteger value.
numberToJulianDays(NUMBER, int[], int[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Converts an Oracle NUMBER to Julian days and seconds
NUMERIC - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
NVARCHAR - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
NVARCHAR - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes


O5LOGON - oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.AuthenticationAdaptorType
Authenticated by a database user name and password, using the O5LOGON protocol of Oracle Database.
OAUTH - oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.AuthenticationAdaptorType
Authenticated by an OAUTH access token.
OBJCHANGE - oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.EventType
Event type: Object change notification.
OBJECT - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
OBJECT - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonObject
object_type_map - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
OCSID_ACTION_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
OCSID_CLIENT_INFO_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
OCSID_CLIENTID_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
OCSID_DBOP_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
OCSID_ECID_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
OCSID_MODULE_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
OCSID_NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Special namespace for sending end-to-end metrics.
OCSID_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
of(Connection, LocalDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Creates TIMESTAMPLTZ from the LocalDateTime.
of(Connection, LocalDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Creates TIMESTAMPTZ from the LocalDateTime.
of(Connection, OffsetDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Creates TIMESTAMPLTZ from the OffsetDateTime.
of(Connection, OffsetTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Creates TIMESTAMPLTZ from the OffsetTime.
of(Connection, ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Creates TIMESTAMPLTZ from the ZonedDateTime.
of(LocalDate) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Creates DATE from the LocalDate.
of(LocalDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Creates DATE from the LocalDateTime.
of(LocalDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Creates TIMESTAMP from the LocalDateTime.
of(LocalTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Creates DATE from the LocalTime.
of(OffsetDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Creates TIMESTAMPTZ from the OffsetDateTime.
of(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Creates TIMESTAMPTZ from the ZonedDateTime.
offsetDateTimeValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Calls toOffsetDateTime(Connection, byte[]) to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java OffsetDateTime.
offsetDateTimeValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Calls toOffsetDateTime to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ to a Java OffsetDateTime.
offsetTimeValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Calls toOffsetTime(Connection, byte[]) to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java OffsetTime.
ojiOracleDatumWithConnection - Variable in class oracle.sql.Datum
OLD_WRONG_DURATION_CALL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.BLOB
OLD_WRONG_DURATION_CALL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CLOB
OLD_WRONG_DURATION_SESSION - Static variable in class oracle.sql.BLOB
OLD_WRONG_DURATION_SESSION - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CLOB
oldRAW(Object) - Static method in class oracle.sql.RAW
Creates a new RAW from an Object in the manner of the RAW(Object) constructor in versions of Oracle JDBC 9.2 and earlier.
ON_COMMIT - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.VisibilityOption
The dequeue operation will be part of the current transaction.
ON_COMMIT - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.VisibilityOption
The enqueue is part of the current transaction.
onAQNotification(AQNotificationEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationListener
This method will be invoked whenever an AQ event occurs.
onDatabaseChangeNotification(DatabaseChangeEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeListener
This method will be invoked whenever a Database Change event occurs.
onLogicalTransactionIdEvent(LogicalTransactionIdEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.LogicalTransactionIdEventListener
This method is executed whenever the server sends a new Logical Transaction Id event.
OPAQUE - Class in oracle.sql
Use oracle.jdbc.OracleOpaque interface for declaration instead of using concrete class oracle.sql.OPAQUE.
OPAQUE - oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Kind
OPAQUE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
OPAQUE(OpaqueDescriptor, Connection, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.OPAQUE
OpaqueDescriptor - Class in oracle.sql
OPAQUE types cannot be created on the client side.
open() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Open a external LOB in the readonly mode.
open(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Open a external LOB in the indicated mode.
open(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Open a BLOB in the indicated mode.
open(LargeObjectAccessMode) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Open a external LOB in the indicated mode.
open(LargeObjectAccessMode) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Open a BLOB in the indicated mode.
open(LargeObjectAccessMode) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleClob
Open a CLOB in the indicated mode.
open(LargeObjectAccessMode) - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Public method using enum instead of int
open(LargeObjectAccessMode) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Public method using enum instead of int
open(LargeObjectAccessMode) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Public method using enum instead of int
openArchiveforInsert(String) - Method in class oracle.sql.ConverterArchive
openArchiveforRead() - Method in class oracle.sql.ConverterArchive
openFile() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Open the FILE.
openFile() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Open the FILE.
openProxySession(int, Properties) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Opens a new proxy session with the username provided in the prop argument and switches to this new session.

This feature is supported for both thin and oci driver.

Three proxy types are supported :
OracleConnection.PROXYTYPE_USER_NAME : In this type PROXY_USER_NAME needs to be provided in prop.
openProxySession(int, Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
oracle.jdbc - package oracle.jdbc
Beginning in Oracle9i, the Oracle extensions to JDBC are captured in the package oracle.jdbc.
oracle.jdbc.aq - package oracle.jdbc.aq
This package is an Oracle JDBC extension that provides interfaces to access the Advanced Queuing feature of Oracle for enterprise messaging applications.
oracle.jdbc.babelfish - package oracle.jdbc.babelfish
Provides the classes necessary for the support for application migration feature.
oracle.jdbc.datasource - package oracle.jdbc.datasource
Beginning in Oracle Release 12.2, some of the Oracle extensions to JDBC are captured in the package oracle.jdbc.datasource.
oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl - package oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl
This package holds data source and connection builder classes that implement the Oracle JDBC extension interfaces in the oracle.jdbc.datasource and oracle.jdbc packages.
oracle.jdbc.dcn - package oracle.jdbc.dcn
This package is an Oracle JDBC extension that provides interfaces to access the Database Change Notification feature of Oracle.
oracle.jdbc.pool - package oracle.jdbc.pool
A package of connection cache and pooling related classes.
oracle.jdbc.replay - package oracle.jdbc.replay
Provides interfaces and factory methods for Application Continuity.
oracle.jdbc.xa - package oracle.jdbc.xa
Provides classes that implement the JDBC XA APIs.
oracle.jdbc.xa.client - package oracle.jdbc.xa.client
Provides classes that implement the JDBC XA APIs.
oracle.sql - package oracle.sql
A package of classes that represent java SQL types and Oracle specific SQL types.
oracle.sql.json - package oracle.sql.json
The API for JSON type in Oracle Database.
OracleArray - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface Array.
OracleBfile - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface defines methods for Oracle specific Bfile.
OracleBlob - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface Blob .
OracleCallableStatement - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface extends the OraclePreparedStatement (which extends the OracleStatement interface) and incorporates standard JDBC callable statement functionality.
OracleClob - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface extends the standard JDBC interface Clob and defines methods for Oracle specific Clob .
OracleCommonDataSource - Interface in oracle.jdbc.datasource
Interface that defines the methods which are common between OracleDataSource, OracleXADataSource and OracleConnectionPoolDataSource and defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface CommonDataSource.
OracleConnection - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface java.sql.Connection.
OracleConnection.CommitOption - Enum in oracle.jdbc
OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation - Enum in oracle.jdbc
Specifiers for how much effort to put into validating a Connection.
OracleConnection.DatabaseShutdownMode - Enum in oracle.jdbc
OracleConnection.DatabaseStartupMode - Enum in oracle.jdbc
OracleConnection.DRCPState - Enum in oracle.jdbc
OracleConnectionBuilder - Interface in oracle.jdbc
A builder created from a OracleDataSource object, used to establish a connection to the database that the OracleDataSource object represents.
OracleConnectionBuilderImpl - Class in oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl
Oracle Implementation class for Connection Builder
OracleConnectionBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionBuilderImpl
OracleConnectionCacheCallback - Interface in oracle.jdbc.pool
Use Oracle Universal Connection Pool instead. Callback functionality for the Implicit Connection Cache
OracleConnectionPoolDataSource - Class in oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl
A DataSource object is a factory for Connection objects.
OracleConnectionPoolDataSource - Class in oracle.jdbc.pool
A DataSource object is a factory for Connection objects.
OracleConnectionPoolDataSource - Interface in oracle.jdbc.datasource
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface ConnectionPoolDataSource.
OracleConnectionPoolDataSource - Interface in oracle.jdbc.replay
A data source that supports transparent failover replay of JDBC operations.
OracleConnectionPoolDataSource() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
OracleConnectionPoolDataSource() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
OracleConnectionPoolDataSourceImpl - Class in oracle.jdbc.replay
OracleConnectionPoolDataSourceImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleConnectionPoolDataSourceImpl
OracleConnectionStringBuilder - Interface in oracle.jdbc
OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectInfo - Class in oracle.jdbc
This class represents the ADDRESS node of the TNS Connect String.
OracleConnectionWrapper - Class in oracle.jdbc
A simple implementation of a connection wrapper which may be nested to any depth.
OracleConnectionWrapper() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
OracleConnectionWrapper(Monitor.CloseableLock) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Construct an instance which will use the specified lock when this object acts as a synchronization monitor.
OracleConnectionWrapper(OracleConnection) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Construct an instance which wraps the arguement
OracleConnectionWrapper.CloseInvocationHandler - Class in oracle.jdbc
OracleData - Interface in oracle.jdbc
Oracle interface for customize user-defined types.
OracleDatabaseException - Exception in oracle.jdbc
Provides additional information about the Oracle error.
OracleDatabaseException(int, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseException
OracleDatabaseException(int, int, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseException
OracleDatabaseMetaData - Class in oracle.jdbc
The oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData class along with oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDatabaseMetaData implement the JDBC 3.0 DatabaseMetaData interface and in ojdbc6.jar and above, the JDBC4.0 DatabaseMetaData interface.
OracleDatabaseMetaData(OracleConnection) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
-- Please use the factory method java.sql.Connection.getMetaData()
OracleDatabaseMetaData.DataTypeSource - Enum in oracle.jdbc
OracleDataFactory - Interface in oracle.jdbc
OracleData factory interface.
OracleDataSource - Class in oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl
A DataSource object is a factory for Connection objects.
OracleDataSource - Class in oracle.jdbc.pool
A DataSource object is a factory for Connection objects.
OracleDataSource - Interface in oracle.jdbc.datasource
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface DataSource.
OracleDataSource - Interface in oracle.jdbc.replay
A data source that supports transparent failover replay of JDBC operations.
OracleDataSource() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
OracleDataSource() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
OracleDataSourceFactory - Class in oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl
A factory for creating an Oracle datasource.
OracleDataSourceFactory - Class in oracle.jdbc.pool
A factory for creating an Oracle datasource.
OracleDataSourceFactory - Class in oracle.jdbc.replay
Data source factory for creating instances of OracleDataSource, OracleConnectionPoolDataSource, and OracleXADataSource that provide transparent failover replay support.
OracleDataSourceFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSourceFactory
OracleDataSourceFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSourceFactory
OracleDataSourceFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSourceFactory
OracleDataSourceImpl - Class in oracle.jdbc.replay
JDBC Data Source that supports transparent JDBC operation replay upon a failover.
OracleDataSourceImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSourceImpl
oracleDriver - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
OracleDriver - Class in oracle.jdbc
The Oracle JDBC driver class that implements the java.sql.Driver interface.
OracleDriver() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
OracleGetParameterMetaData() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Retrieves the number, types and properties of this PreparedStatement object's parameters.
OracleHostnameResolver - Interface in oracle.jdbc
oracleId() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
The integer that identifies the character set.
OracleJsonArray - Interface in oracle.sql.json
A JSON array (an ordered sequence of zero or more values).
OracleJsonBinary - Interface in oracle.sql.json
A raw binary value (in any format) stored within JSON data.
OracleJsonDate - Interface in oracle.sql.json
OracleJsonDatum - Class in oracle.sql.json
Represents a JSON type value and holds Oracle binary JSON.
OracleJsonDatum(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDatum
Creates a new datum with the given byte array containing Oracle binary JSON.
OracleJsonDecimal - Interface in oracle.sql.json
A SQL/JSON fixed decimal value.
OracleJsonDecimal.TargetType - Enum in oracle.sql.json
Marker indicating if this value is intended to be mapped to Java int, long, or BigDecimal/BigInteger.
OracleJsonDouble - Interface in oracle.sql.json
A 64-bit, double-precision floating-point number.
OracleJsonException - Exception in oracle.sql.json
Indicates that a problem occurred during JSON processing.
OracleJsonException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonException
Constructs a new exception with the specified message.
OracleJsonException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonException
Constructs a new exception with the specified message and cause.
OracleJsonFactory - Class in oracle.sql.json
A factory for reading, writing, and creating SQL JSON values.
OracleJsonFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory
OracleJsonFloat - Interface in oracle.sql.json
A 32-bit, single-precision floating-point number.
OracleJsonGenerationException - Exception in oracle.sql.json
Indicates that a problem occurred during JSON generation.
OracleJsonGenerationException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified message.
OracleJsonGenerationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified message and cause.
OracleJsonGenerator - Interface in oracle.sql.json
Writes a JSON type value to an output source.
OracleJsonIntervalDS - Interface in oracle.sql.json
A SQL/JSON time interval in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
OracleJsonIntervalYM - Interface in oracle.sql.json
A SQL/JSON time interval in years and months.
OracleJsonNumber - Interface in oracle.sql.json
OracleJsonObject - Interface in oracle.sql.json
A JSON object (an unordered collection of zero or more key/value pairs).
OracleJsonParser - Interface in oracle.sql.json
Reads a JSON type value from an input source as a stream of events.
OracleJsonParser.Event - Enum in oracle.sql.json
OracleJsonParsingException - Exception in oracle.sql.json
Indicates that a problem occurred during JSON parsing.
OracleJsonParsingException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParsingException
Constructs a new exception with the specified message.
OracleJsonParsingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParsingException
Constructs a new exception with the specified message and cause.
OracleJsonString - Interface in oracle.sql.json
A SQL/JSON string value.
OracleJsonStructure - Interface in oracle.sql.json
OracleJsonTimestamp - Interface in oracle.sql.json
A SQL/JSON timestamp (without a timezone).
OracleJsonTimestampTZ - Interface in oracle.sql.json
A SQL/JSON timestamp (with a timezone).
OracleJsonValue - Interface in oracle.sql.json
The interface for JSON type in Oracle Database.
OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType - Enum in oracle.sql.json
OracleMultiPhaseArgs - Class in oracle.jdbc.xa
Utility class.
OracleMultiPhaseArgs() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleMultiPhaseArgs
OracleMultiPhaseArgs(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleMultiPhaseArgs
OracleMultiPhaseArgs(int, int, Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleMultiPhaseArgs
OracleNClob - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface extends the standard JDBC interface NClob and defines methods for Oracle specific NClob .
OracleOCIConnectionPool - Class in oracle.jdbc.pool
A type-2 driver connection pool.
OracleOCIConnectionPool() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
This will use the user-id, password and connection pool name values set using the methods setUser, setPassword, setConnectionPoolName.
OracleOCIConnectionPool(String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
OracleOCIConnectionPool(String, String, String, Properties) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Notes: Choose a userid and password that can act as proxy for the users in the getProxyConnection() method.
OracleOCIFailover - Interface in oracle.jdbc
An interface for Transparent Application failover.
OracleOpaque - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface defines methods for Oracle specific Opaque.
OracleParameterMetaData - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface java.sql.ParameterMetaData.
OraclePooledConnection - Class in oracle.jdbc.pool
An OraclePooledConnection object is a connection object that provides hooks for connection pool management.
OraclePooledConnection - Interface in oracle.jdbc.datasource
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface PooledConnection.
OraclePooledConnection() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
OraclePooledConnection(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
Creates a PooledConnection.
OraclePooledConnection(String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
Creates a PooledConnection.
OraclePooledConnection(Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
Create a Pooled Connection.
OraclePooledConnection(Connection, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
Create a Pooled Connection.
OraclePooledConnectionBuilder - Interface in oracle.jdbc
A builder created from a OracleConnectionPoolDataSource object, used to establish a connection to the database that the OracleConnectionPoolDataSource object represents.
OraclePooledConnectionBuilderImpl - Class in oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl
Oracle Implementation class for Connection Builder
OraclePooledConnectionBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OraclePooledConnectionBuilderImpl
OraclePreparedStatement - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface java.sql.PreparedStatement.
OracleRef - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface Ref.
oracleReleaseSavepoint(OracleSavepoint) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Removes the given OracleSavepoint object from the current transaction.
oracleReleaseSavepoint(OracleSavepoint) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
OracleResultSet - Interface in oracle.jdbc
A table of data representing a database result set, which is usually generated by executing a statement that queries the database.
OracleResultSet.AuthorizationIndicator - Enum in oracle.jdbc
eXtensible Data Security (XDS) authorization indicator.
OracleResultSetMetaData - Interface in oracle.jdbc
An object that can be used to get information about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet object.
OracleResultSetMetaData.SecurityAttribute - Enum in oracle.jdbc
eXtensible Data Security (XDS) attribute.
oracleRollback(OracleSavepoint) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Undoes all changes made after the given OracleSavepoint object was set.
oracleRollback(OracleSavepoint) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
OracleRow - Interface in oracle.jdbc
One row of a sequence of rows represented by a ResultSet.
OracleSavepoint - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface java.sql.Savepoint.
oracleSetSavepoint() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
oracleSetSavepoint() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
oracleSetSavepoint(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Creates a savepoint with the given name in the current transaction and returns the new OracleSavepoint object that represents it.
oracleSetSavepoint(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
OracleShardingKey - Interface in oracle.jdbc
Interface used to indicate that this object represents a Oracle Sharding Key.
OracleShardingKeyBuilder - Interface in oracle.jdbc
A builder created from a OracleDataSource or OracleXADataSource or OracleConnectionPoolDataSource object, used to create a OracleShardingKey with sub-keys of supported data types.
OracleShardingKeyBuilderImpl - Class in oracle.jdbc.pool
OracleShardingKeyBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyBuilderImpl
OracleShardingKeyImpl - Class in oracle.jdbc.pool
OracleShardingKeyImpl(OracleShardingKeyBuilderImpl) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
OracleShardingKeyImpl.Decoder - Class in oracle.jdbc.pool
This class is used to decode the sharding keys that are stored in the DB tables using the standard Base 64 notation
OracleSQLPermission - Class in oracle.jdbc
The Permission class for Java security permissions unique to the Oracle JDBC drivers.
OracleSQLPermission(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.OracleSQLPermission
OracleSQLPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.OracleSQLPermission
OracleStatement - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface java.sql.Statement and is the superinterface of the OraclePreparedStatement and OracleCallableStatement interfaces.
OracleStruct - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface Struct.
OracleTemporalField - Class in oracle.jdbc
TemporalFields specific to Oracle Database.
OracleTranslatingConnection - Interface in oracle.jdbc
Declares convenience methods to get non translating Statements, PreparedStatements or CallableStatements from a SQL Translation enabled connection.
OracleTranslatingConnection.SqlTranslationVersion - Enum in oracle.jdbc
Enumeration of various Translation versions of a query.
OracleType - Enum in oracle.jdbc
These are all the types documented in Oracle??? Database SQL Language Reference 12c Release 1.
OracleTypeMetaData - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This extension defines methods for meta data describing Oracle specific Types.
OracleTypeMetaData.Array - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This nested interfacet defines additional methods for array types
OracleTypeMetaData.ArrayStorage - Enum in oracle.jdbc
OracleTypeMetaData.Kind - Enum in oracle.jdbc
Identifies the kind of named type.
OracleTypeMetaData.Opaque - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This nested interface defines additional methods for opaque types
OracleTypeMetaData.Struct - Interface in oracle.jdbc
This nested interface defines additional methods for struct types
OracleTypes - Class in oracle.jdbc
Oracle types.
OracleTypes() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
OracleXAConnection - Class in oracle.jdbc.xa.client
An XAConnection object provides support for distributed transactions.
OracleXAConnection - Class in oracle.jdbc.xa
An XAConnection object provides support for distributed transactions.
OracleXAConnection - Interface in oracle.jdbc.datasource
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface XAConnection.
OracleXAConnection() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAConnection
Create an OracleXAConnection object.
OracleXAConnection() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAConnection
Create an OracleXAConnection object.
OracleXAConnection(Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAConnection
Create an OracleXAConnection object.
OracleXAConnection(Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAConnection
Create an OracleXAConnection object.
OracleXAConnectionBuilder - Interface in oracle.jdbc
A builder created from a OracleXADataSource object, used to establish a connection to the database that the OracleXADataSource object represents.
OracleXAConnectionBuilderImpl - Class in oracle.jdbc.xa
Oracle Implementation class for Connection Builder
OracleXAConnectionBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAConnectionBuilderImpl
OracleXADataSource - Class in oracle.jdbc.xa.client
A factory for XAConnection objects.
OracleXADataSource - Class in oracle.jdbc.xa
A factory for XAConnection objects.
OracleXADataSource - Interface in oracle.jdbc.datasource
This interface defines the Oracle extensions to the standard JDBC interface XADataSource.
OracleXADataSource - Interface in oracle.jdbc.replay
A data source that supports transparent failover replay of JDBC operations.
OracleXADataSource() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource
Create an OracleXADataSource instance.
OracleXADataSource() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXADataSource
Create an OracleXADataSource instance.
OracleXADataSourceImpl - Class in oracle.jdbc.replay
XADataSource implementation that provides Application Continuity protection for applications using only local transactions or local transactions that are promotable to global/XA transactions.
OracleXADataSourceImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleXADataSourceImpl
OracleXAException - Exception in oracle.jdbc.xa
OracleXAException extends XAException to leverage Oracle SQL Error number corresponding to the XA Exception.
OracleXAException() - Constructor for exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
Default OracleXAException class.
OracleXAException(int) - Constructor for exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
Default OracleXAException class that takes an error code which is a combination of Oracle Sql No.
OracleXAException(int, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
OracleXAException(SQLException, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
OracleXAHeteroCloseCallback - Class in oracle.jdbc.xa.client
This class implements the OracleCloseCallback interface that is defined in oracle.jdbc.driver.
OracleXAHeteroCloseCallback() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroCloseCallback
OracleXAHeteroConnection - Class in oracle.jdbc.xa.client
A factory for Connection objects.
OracleXAHeteroConnection() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroConnection
OracleXAHeteroConnection(Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroConnection
Constructor that takes a Connection parameter.
OracleXAHeteroResource - Class in oracle.jdbc.xa.client
Implements javax.transaction.xa.XAResource.
OracleXAHeteroResource(Connection, OracleXAConnection) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroResource
OracleXAResource - Class in oracle.jdbc.xa.client
Implements javax.transaction.xa.XAResource.
OracleXAResource - Class in oracle.jdbc.xa
An Oracle XA Resource.
OracleXAResource() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
OracleXAResource() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
OracleXAResource(Connection, OracleXAConnection) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
OracleXAResource(Connection, OracleXAConnection) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
OracleXAResource() -- The initializer.
OracleXid - Class in oracle.jdbc.xa
The OracleXid class:
OracleXid(int, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXid
OracleXid() -- The constructor that constructs an OracleXid with given formatId, global transacrion Id and branch qualifier.
OracleXid(int, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXid
OracleXid() -- The constructor that constructs an OracleXid with given formatId, global transacrion Id and branch qualifier, and transaction context.
ORAData - Interface in oracle.sql
Oracle interface for customized user-defined types.
ORADataFactory - Interface in oracle.sql
ORAData factory interface.
oraHash(long) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyBuilderImpl
Used to build the shard key with the known ORA HASH value.
ORAISOLATIONMASK - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
ORATMREADONLY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
ORATMREADWRITE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
ORATMSERIALIZABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
ORATRANSLOOSE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
ORDAUDIO - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
ORDDICOM - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
ORDDOC - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
ORDIMAGE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
ORDVIDEO - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
ORIGINAL_SQL - oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.SqlTranslationVersion
Original vendor specific sql.
OTHER - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
OTHER indicates that the SQL type is database specific and gets mapped to a Java object which can be accessed via getObject and setObject.
othersDeletesAreVisible(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData..
othersInsertsAreVisible(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData.othersInsertsAreVisible.
othersUpdatesAreVisible(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData..
ownDeletesAreVisible(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData.ownDeletesAreVisible.
ownInsertsAreVisible(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData.ownInsertsAreVisible.
ownUpdatesAreVisible(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData.ownUpdatesAreVisible.


parseFormat(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Converts the fmt string into tokens for use by toText().
password - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
password(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
password(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePooledConnectionBuilder
password(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleXAConnectionBuilder
PASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
PERSISTENT - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DeliveryFilter
PERSISTENT - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.DeliveryMode
The message is enqueued in a persistent manner (default).
PERSISTENT - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.DeliveryMode
This message was enqueued in persistent manner.
PERSISTENT_OR_BUFFERED - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DeliveryFilter
physicalConn - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
pi() - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of pi.
pingDatabase() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Ping Database server to see if both database and the connection are actively up.
pingDatabase() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
pingDatabase(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
pingDatabase(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
PLSQL_BOOLEAN - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
PLSQL_BOOLEAN binds BOOLEAN type for input/output parameters when executing a PLSQL function/procedure.
PLSQL_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
PLSQL_BOOLEAN binds BOOLEAN type for input/output parameters when executing a PLSQL function/procedure.
PLSQL_INDEX_TABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
pool_auto_commit_string - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
port(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectInfo
Configures port number of the Oracle Database in the connection string.
PORT_NUMBER - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
portNumber - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
posInf() - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to positive infinity.
position(byte[], long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Determine the byte position at which the given byte pattern
position(byte[], long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Determine the byte position at which the given byte pattern
position(byte[], long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Implements the Blob interface function.
position(String, long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Implements the Clob interface method.
position(Blob, long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Implements the Blob interface function.
position(Clob, long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Implements the Clob interface method.
position(OracleBfile, long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Determine the byte position at which the given pattern
position(OracleBfile, long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Determine the byte position at which the given pattern
position(BFILE, long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Determine the byte position at which the given pattern
post_Methods(Method, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishCallableStatement
Post interceptor.
post_Methods(Method, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Post interceptor.
post_Methods(Method, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishGenericProxy
Post method interceptor.
post_Methods(Method, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Post Methods interceptor.
post_Methods(Method, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
Post method interceptor.
pow(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to NUMBER value raised to the exp power.
pow(NUMBER) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value of NUMBER value raised to the exp power.
prepare(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroResource
Ask RM to prepare for a commit of the txn specified in xid.
prepare(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
prepare() -- Ask RM to prepare for a commit of the txn specified in xid.
prepare(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
prepare() -- Ask RM to prepare for a commit of the txn specified in xid.
prepareCall(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Translation enabled implementation of java.sql.Connection#prepareCall(java.lang.String)
prepareCall(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
prepareCall(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Similar to prepareCall(String sql) but with an additional translation flag.
prepareCall(String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
prepareCall(String, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Translation enabled implementation of java.sql.Connection#prepareCall(java.lang.String, int, int)
prepareCall(String, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
prepareCall(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Similar to prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) but with an additional translation flag.
prepareCall(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
prepareCall(String, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Translation enabled implementation of java.sql.Connection#prepareCall(java.lang.String, int, int, int)
prepareCall(String, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
prepareCall(String, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Similar to prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) but with an additional translation flag.
prepareCall(String, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
prepareCallWithKey(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This is same as prepareCall, except if a Callable Statement with the given KEY exists in the Cache, then the statement is returned AS IT IS when it was closed and cached with this KEY. An object returned from the Cache based on Key will have its state set to "KEYED". If no such Callable Statement is found, then null is returned. Key cannot be null.
prepareCallWithKey(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
prepareStatement(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Translation enabled implementation of java.sql.Connection#prepareStatement(java.lang.String)
prepareStatement(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
prepareStatement(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Similar to prepareStatement(String sql) but with an additional translation flag.
prepareStatement(String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Translation enabled implementation of java.sql.Connection#prepareStatement(java.lang.String, int)
prepareStatement(String, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
prepareStatement(String, int[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Translation enabled implementation of java.sql.Connection#prepareStatement(java.lang.String, int[])
prepareStatement(String, int[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
prepareStatement(String, int[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Similar to prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) but with an additional translation flag.
prepareStatement(String, int[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Similar to prepareStatement(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) but with an additional translation flag.
prepareStatement(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Translation enabled implementation of java.sql.Connection#prepareStatement(java.lang.String, int, int)
prepareStatement(String, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
prepareStatement(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Similar to prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) but with an additional translation flag.
prepareStatement(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Translation enabled implementation of java.sql.Connection#prepareStatement(java.lang.String, int, int, int)
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Similar to prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) but with an additional translation flag.
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Translation enabled implementation of java.sql.Connection#prepareStatement(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
prepareStatement(String, String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
prepareStatement(String, String[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Similar to prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames) but with an additional translation flag.
prepareStatement(String, String[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
prepareStatementWithKey(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This is same as prepareStatement, except if a Prepared Statement with the given KEY exists in the Cache, then the statement is returned AS IT IS when it was closed and cached with this KEY. An object returned from the Cache based on Key will have its state set to "KEYED". If no such Prepared Statement is found, a null is returned. Key cannot be null.
prepareStatementWithKey(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
printMPArgs() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleMultiPhaseArgs
printXML(PrintStream) - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
Print an XML representation of this type and all OracleTypes within.
printXML(PrintStream, boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
Print an XML representation of this type and all OracleTypes within.
private_data - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
PROCESSED - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.MessageState
The message has been processed.
protocol(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectInfo
Configures transport protocol type of the Oracle Database in the connection string.
PROTOCOL_TCP - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
PROTOCOL_TCPS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
PROTOCOL_WSS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
proxify(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
proxify(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
proxify(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
PROXY_CERTIFICATE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
PROXY_CERTIFICATE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
PROXY_DISTINGUISHED_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
PROXY_DISTINGUISHED_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
PROXY_NUM_ROLES - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
PROXY_PASSWORD - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
PROXY_ROLES - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
PROXY_ROLES - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
PROXY_SESSION - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Values used for close(int).
PROXY_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
PROXY_USER_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
PROXY_USER_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
PROXY_USER_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
proxyFor(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
proxyHost(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectInfo
Configures host name of proxy server to connect to the Oracle Database.
proxyPort(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectInfo
Configures port of proxy server to connect to the Oracle Database.
PROXYTYPE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
PROXYTYPE_CERTIFICATE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
PROXYTYPE_CERTIFICATE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
PROXYTYPE_DISTINGUISHED_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
PROXYTYPE_DISTINGUISHED_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
PROXYTYPE_USER_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
PROXYTYPE_USER_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
publisherOracle(long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBfile
Returns a Publisher that publishes the content of this BFile beginning at the specified position.
publisherOracle(long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Returns a Publisher that publishes the content of this Blob beginning at the specified position.
publisherOracle(long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleClob
Returns a Publisher that publishes the content of this Clob beginning at the specified position.
publisherOracle(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
publisherOracle(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
publisherOracle(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
publisherOracle(Function<? super OracleRow, T>) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Returns a Publisher that publishes the rows of this ResultSet beginning with the first row.
purgeExplicitCache() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Removes all existing statements from the explicit cache, after which it will be empty.
purgeExplicitCache() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
purgeExplicitCache Removes all existing statements from the explicit cache, after which it will be empty.
purgeExplicitCache() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
purgeExplicitCache() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
purgeExplicitCache Removes all existing statements from the explicit cache, after which it will be empty.
purgeImplicitCache() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Removes all existing statements from the implicit cache, after which it will be empty.
purgeImplicitCache() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
purgeImplicitCache Removes all existing statements from the implicit cache, after which it will be empty.
purgeImplicitCache() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
purgeImplicitCache() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
purgeImplicitCache Removes all existing statements from the implicit cache, after which it will be empty.
put(String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Associates the specified boolean value with the specified key.
put(String, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Associates the specified binary value with the specified key.
put(String, double) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Associates the specified double value with the specified key.
put(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Associates the specified integer value with the specified key.
put(String, long) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Associates the specified long value with the specified key.
put(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Associates the specified string value with the specified key.
put(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Associates the specified decimal value with the specified key.
put(String, LocalDateTime) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Associates the specified value with the specified key.
put(String, OffsetDateTime) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Associates the specified value with the specified key.
putBytes(long, byte[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
This method is deprecated -- use setBytes
putBytes(long, byte[], int) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
This method is deprecated -- use setBytes
putChars(long, char[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Oracle extension.
putChars(long, char[], int) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Oracle extension.
putChars(long, char[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Oracle extension.
putDescriptor(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Store the Object Descriptor for later usage.
putDescriptor(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
putNull(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonObject
Associates the OracleJsonValue.NULL with the specified key.
putString(long, String) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
This method is deprecated -- use setString.


QUERYCHANGE - oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.EventType
Event type: Query change notification.
QUERYCHANGE - oracle.jdbc.dcn.QueryChangeDescription.QueryChangeEventType
The regular query change event type.
QueryChangeDescription - Interface in oracle.jdbc.dcn
This interface describes a query result change.
QueryChangeDescription.QueryChangeEventType - Enum in oracle.jdbc.dcn


RADIUS - oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.AuthenticationAdaptorType
Authenticated by RADIUS.
RANGE - oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata.ShardingType
RAW - Class in oracle.sql
The RAW class is a representation of the Oracle RAW datatype.
RAW - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
RAW - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
RAW shares same value as BINARY as it is synonym defined for convenience when using the oracle.sql.RAW type.
RAW(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.RAW
Construct a RAW from a byte array.
RAW(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.RAW
in 9.2. The behavior of this constructor when passed a String argument will be changed in the next major release after 9.2. There will be no change in the behavior when passed an argument of any other type. The static methods newRAW and oldRAW capture the new and old behavior. It is deprecated only to warn of the impending change in behavior. The deprecation will be removed in the next major release after 9.2. The constructor will remain and will be supported. See release notes for more info.
RAWTOID - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
readObj(String) - Method in class oracle.sql.ConverterArchive
readObj(String, String) - Method in class oracle.sql.ConverterArchive
entryName is the name of the obj inside the zip file, include directory zipName is the name of the zip file.
readOnlyInstanceAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
Sets the read-only instance allowed value on this builder.
readOnlyInstanceAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePooledConnectionBuilder
Sets the read-only instance allowed value on this builder.
readOnlyInstanceAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleXAConnectionBuilder
Sets the read-only instance allowed value on this builder.
readPoolConfig(int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, int[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
read the properties into an integer array
readPoolConfig(Properties, int[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
READY - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.MessageState
The message is ready to be processed.
REAL - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
RECONNECT_DELAY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
RECONNECT_RETRIES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
reconnectDelay - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
reconnectRetries - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
recover(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
Obtain a list of prepared transaction branches from a resource manager.
REF - Class in oracle.sql
Use java.sql.Ref interface for declaration instead of using concrete class oracle.sql.REF.
REF - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
REF - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
REF_CURSOR - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
registerAQNotification(String[], Properties[], Properties) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Registers your interest into being notified when a message is enqueued in a particular queue (or array of queues).
registerAQNotification(String[], Properties[], Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
registerCloseCallback(OracleCloseCallback, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Registers a close callback.
registerConnectionCacheCallback(OracleConnectionCacheCallback, Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The Implicit Connection Cache (ICC) has been desupported since 12.1. This method throws UnsupportedOperationException, and will be removed soon in the future.
registerConnectionInitializationCallback(ConnectionInitializationCallback) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Registers a ConnectionInitializationCallback with the data source.
registerConnectionInitializationCallback(ConnectionInitializationCallback) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
Registers a connection initialization callback.
registerDatabaseChangeNotification(Properties) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
/ Creates a new database change registration.
registerDatabaseChangeNotification(Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
registerImplicitCacheConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
The Implicit Connection Cache (ICC) has been desupported since 12.1. This method throws UnsupportedOperationException, and will be removed soon in the future.
registerImplicitCacheConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
registerIndexTableOutParameter(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
since 18.1. Use java.sql.CallableStatement.registerOutParameter (int parameterIndex, int sqlType, String typeName).
registerMBean() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
registerOutParameter(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishCallableStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.CallableStatement#registerOutParameter(int, int)
registerOutParameter(int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishCallableStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.CallableStatement#registerOutParameter(int, int, int)
registerOutParameter(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Special Oracle version of registerOutParameter for registering CHAR, VARCHAR, LONG, RAW and LONG RAW columns.
registerOutParameter(int, int, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishCallableStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.CallableStatement#registerOutParameter(int, int, java.lang.String)
registerOutParameter(String, int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Special Oracle version of registerOutParameter for registering CHAR, VARCHAR, LONG, RAW and LONG RAW columns.
registerOutParameterAtName(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Special Oracle method to registerOutParameter by the parameterMarkerName of oracle style parameter markers instead of parameterIndex.
registerOutParameterAtName(String, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Special Oracle method to registerOutParameter by the parameterMarkerName of oracle style parameter markers instead of parameterIndex.
registerOutParameterAtName(String, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Special Oracle method to registerOutParameter by the parameterMarkerName of oracle style parameter markers instead of parameterIndex.
registerOutParameterBytes(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
As of Oracle 10g Release 1 all character values are measured in Java chars so this method is no longer supported. It now is the equivalent of calling registerOutParameter with the same args. Since the number of bytes is at least as large as the number of characters this will always work although it may waste memory. Use registerOutParameter with the number of Java chars instead.
registerOutParameterChars(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
As of Oracle 10g Release 1 all character values are measured in Java chars so this method is no longer needed. Call registerOutParameter with the same args instead.
registerReturnParameter(int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Registers return parameter for DML Returning.
registerReturnParameter(int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Registers return parameter for DML Returning.
registerReturnParameter(int, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Registers return parameter for DML Returning.
registerSQLType(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
registerSQLType(String, Class<?>) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
registerSQLType(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
registerSQLType(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
registerTAFCallback(OracleOCIFailover, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Register an application TAF Callback instance that will be called when an application failover occurs.
registerTAFCallback(OracleOCIFailover, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
REGULAR - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent.EventType
Event type: regular AQ event.
RELEASE_CONNECTION_CALLBACK - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
releaseConnection(OracleConnection, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheCallback
Use Oracle Universal Connection Pool instead.
releaseSavepoint(Savepoint) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
REMOVE - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DequeueMode
Read the message and update or delete it.
REMOVE_NODATA - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DequeueMode
Confirm receipt of the message, but do not deliver the actual message content.
removeConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
Remove an event listener.
removeListener(AQNotificationListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationRegistration
removeListener(DatabaseChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeRegistration
Remove a listener from the list of registered listeners.
removeLogicalTransactionIdEventListener(LogicalTransactionIdEventListener) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Deregisters the Logical Transaction Id event listener.
removeLogicalTransactionIdEventListener(LogicalTransactionIdEventListener) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
removeReplayStatistics(ReplayStatistics) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
removeStatementEventListener(StatementEventListener) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
removeXidFromList(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
ReplayableConnection - Interface in oracle.jdbc.replay
ReplayableConnection.StatisticsReportType - Enum in oracle.jdbc.replay
Statistics report type.
replayConn - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
replayInitiationTimeout - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
ReplayStatistics - Interface in oracle.jdbc.replay
Various runtime statistics about Application Continuity (AC), such as how many JDBC calls are affected by outages, how many replay attempts are made, how many replay succeed, etc.
ReplayStatisticsMXBean - Interface in oracle.jdbc.replay
An MXBean that exports various runtime statistics about Application Continuity (AC), such as how many JDBC calls are affected by outages, how many replay attempts are made, how many replay succeed, etc.
REQUEST_SIZE_LIMIT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
restoreAutoCommitModeForGlobalTransaction() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
Restore the auto-commit status of the Connection & the PooledConnection.
RESTRICT - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseStartupMode
Startup the database in the restrict mode: allow database access only to users with both the CREATE SESSION and RESTRICTED SESSION privileges (normally, the DBA).
resumeStacked(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
resumeStacked() - Resumes the current transaction after the possible suspension of the stacked transaction, if any.
retryCount(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Used to configure the value of RETRY_COUNT in the DESCRIPTION node.
retryDelay(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Used to configure the value of RETRY_DELAY in the DESCRIPTION node.
ROLE_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
rollback() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
rollback(Savepoint) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
rollback(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroResource
Ask RM to roll back work done on behalf of a txn branch.
rollback(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
rollback() -- Ask RM to roll back work done on behalf of a txn branch.
rollback(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
rollback() -- Ask RM to roll back work done on behalf of a txn branch.
rollbackAsyncOracle() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Undoes all changes made in the current transaction and releases any database locks currently held by this Connection object.
rollbackAsyncOracle() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
round(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the NUMBER value rounded to specified decimal place decimal_place.
round(String) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
returns a DATE object with date rounded to specified precision
RowChangeDescription - Interface in oracle.jdbc.dcn
This interface describes the row level information that can be retrieved from a database change event.
RowChangeDescription.RowOperation - Enum in oracle.jdbc.dcn
ROWID - Class in oracle.sql
The ROWID class is a representation of the Oracle ROWID datatype.
ROWID - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
ROWID - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
RU8BESTA_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
RU8PC855_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
RU8PC866_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet


S7DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
S7SIEMENS9780X_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
S8BS2000_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
S8EBCDIC1143_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
S8EBCDIC278_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
saveAndAlterAutoCommitModeForGlobalTransaction() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
Save the auto-commit status of the Connection & the PooledConnection.
savedConnectionAutoCommit - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
savedXAConnectionAutoCommit - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
scale(int, int, boolean[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the value determined by the rounding performed based on the right parameter below.
SDO_GEOMETRY - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
SDO_GEORASTER - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
SE8ISO8859P3_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
SecurityInformation - Interface in oracle.jdbc
Interface to retrieve security details of the underlying network connection.
SecurityInformation.AuthenticationAdaptorType - Enum in oracle.jdbc
The type of authentication used to access Oracle Database
SecurityInformation.DNMatchStatus - Enum in oracle.jdbc
The status of server DN matching used for TLS connections.
sendBatch() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Send the sets of parameters batched (for Oracle-style batching only).
sendBatch() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
As of 12.1 all APIs related to oracle-style statement batching are deprecated in favor of standard JDBC batching. We recommend using the standard model going forward as it is spec compliant and provides more information and control to the application.
SERVER - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation
OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation.NETWORK plus significant server processes are running.
SERVER_MODE_DEDICATED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
SERVER_MODE_POOLED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
SERVER_MODE_SHARED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
SERVER_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
serverDN(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Used to configure the value of SSL_SERVER_CERT_DN in the SECURITY node.
serverMode(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Used to configure the value of SERVER in the CONNECT_DATA node.
serverName - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
serviceName - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
serviceName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Used to configure the value of SERVICE_NAME of the CONNECT_DATA node.
SESSION_STATE_CONSISTENCY_STATIC - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
SESSION_STATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
set(int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Replaces the value at the specified position in the array with the specified boolean.
set(int, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Replaces the value at the specified position in the array with the specified byte array.
set(int, double) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Replaces the value at the specified position in the array with the specified double.
set(int, int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Replaces the value at the specified position in the array with the specified integer.
set(int, long) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Replaces the value at the specified position in the array with the specified long.
set(int, String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Replaces the value at the specified position in the array with the specified string.
set(int, BigDecimal) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Replaces the value at the specified position in the array with the specified decimal value.
set(int, LocalDateTime) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Replaces the value at the specified position in the array with the specified LocalDateTime.
set(int, OffsetDateTime) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Replaces the value at the specified position in the array with the specified OffsetDateTime.
setACProxy(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
setAddress(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQAgent
Protocol-specific address of the recipient.
setApplicationContext(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This has been deprecated since 12.1 in favour of setClientInfo(). It is not recommended to use this API intermingled with get/setClientInfo APIs.
setApplicationContext(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setArray(int, Array) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setArray(int, java.sql.Array)
setArray(String, Array) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an java.sql.Arrayvalue.
setARRAY(int, ARRAY) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.ARRAY.
setARRAY(String, ARRAY) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.ARRAYvalue.
setArrayAtName(String, Array) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Array value.
setARRAYAtName(String, ARRAY) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.ARRAY value.
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setAsciiStream(int, java.io.InputStream)
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setAsciiStream(int, java.io.InputStream, int)
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setAsciiStream(int, java.io.InputStream, long)
setAsciiStream(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves a stream to be used to write Ascii characters to the CLOB value that this Clob object represents, starting at position pos.
setAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
setAsciiStreamAtName(String, InputStream) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java AsciiStream value.
setAsciiStreamAtName(String, InputStream, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java AsciiStream value.
setAsciiStreamAtName(String, InputStream, long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java AsciiStream value.
setAutoBuffering(boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Performance hint.
setAutoBuffering(boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Performance hint.
setAutoClose(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
set auto-close mode.
setAutoClose(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setAutoIndexing(boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Performance hint.
setAutoIndexing(boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Performance hint.
setBfile(int, BFILE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.BFILE value.
setBfile(String, BFILE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.BFILEvalue.
setBFILE(int, BFILE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.BFILE value.
setBFILE(String, BFILE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.BFILEvalue.
setBfileAtName(String, BFILE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.BFILEvalue.
setBFILEAtName(String, BFILE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.BFILEvalue.
setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBigDecimal(int, java.math.BigDecimal)
setBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value.
setBigDecimalAtName(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java BigDecimal value.
setBinaryDouble(int, double) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java double value.
setBinaryDouble(int, BINARY_DOUBLE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE value.
setBinaryDouble(String, double) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT value.
setBinaryDouble(String, BINARY_DOUBLE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT value.
setBinaryDoubleAtName(String, double) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Double value.
setBinaryDoubleAtName(String, BINARY_DOUBLE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE value.
setBinaryFloat(int, float) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java float value.
setBinaryFloat(int, BINARY_FLOAT) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT value.
setBinaryFloat(String, float) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value.
setBinaryFloat(String, BINARY_FLOAT) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT value.
setBinaryFloatAtName(String, float) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Float value.
setBinaryFloatAtName(String, BINARY_FLOAT) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT value.
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream)
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream, int)
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream, long)
setBinaryStream(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves a stream that can be used to write to the BLOB value that this Blob object represents.
setBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
setBinaryStreamAtName(String, InputStream) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java BinaryStream value.
setBinaryStreamAtName(String, InputStream, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java BinaryStream value.
setBinaryStreamAtName(String, InputStream, long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java BinaryStream value.
setBlob(int, InputStream) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBlob(int, java.io.InputStream)
setBlob(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBlob(int, java.io.InputStream, long)
setBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBlob(int, java.sql.Blob)
setBlob(String, Blob) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an java.sql.Blobvalue.
setBLOB(int, BLOB) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.BLOB value.
setBLOB(String, BLOB) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.BLOBvalue.
setBlobAtName(String, InputStream) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a stream value.
setBlobAtName(String, InputStream, long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a stream value.
setBlobAtName(String, Blob) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Blob value.
setBLOBAtName(String, BLOB) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.BLOB value.
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBoolean(int, boolean)
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java boolean value.
setBooleanAtName(String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Boolean value.
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setByte(int, byte)
setByte(String, byte) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java byte value.
setByteAtName(String, byte) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Byte value.
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Sets datum value using a byte array.
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBytes(int, byte[])
setBytes(long, byte[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
JDBC 3.0 Writes the given array of bytes to the BLOB value that this Blob object represents, starting at position pos, and returns the number of bytes written.
setBytes(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
JDBC 3.0 Writes all or part of the given byte array to the BLOB value that this Blob object represents and returns the number of bytes written.
setBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes.
setBytesAtName(String, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Bytes value.
setBytesForBlob(int, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java bytes value.
setBytesForBlob(String, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java byte[] value.
setBytesForBlobAtName(String, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java byte array value.
setCatalog(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setCHAR(int, CHAR) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.CHAR value.
setCHAR(String, CHAR) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.CHARvalue.
setCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader)
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader, int)
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader, long)
setCharacterStream(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves a stream to be used to write a stream of Unicode characters to the CLOB value that this Clob object represents, at position pos.
setCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader object, which is the given number of characters long.
setCharacterStreamAtName(String, Reader) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java CharacterStream value.
setCharacterStreamAtName(String, Reader, long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java CharacterStream value.
setCHARAtName(String, CHAR) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.CHAR value.
setCheckBindTypes(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Enable/disable bind type checking.
setClientInfo(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setClientInfo(Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setClob(int, Reader) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setClob(int, java.io.Reader)
setClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setClob(int, java.io.Reader, long)
setClob(int, Clob) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setClob(int, java.sql.Clob)
setClob(String, Clob) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an java.sql.Clobvalue.
setCLOB(int, CLOB) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.CLOB value.
setCLOB(String, CLOB) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.CLOBvalue.
setClobAtName(String, Reader) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a stream value.
setClobAtName(String, Reader, long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a stream value.
setClobAtName(String, Clob) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Clob value.
setCLOBAtName(String, CLOB) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.CLOB value.
setCondition(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Sets a conditional expression based on the message properties, the message data properties, and PL/SQL functions.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
setConnection(OracleConnection) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
setConnectionProperties(Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Sets the Connection Properties for the datasource
setConnectionProperties(Properties) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets the Connection Properties for the datasource
setConnectionProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Sets a connection property on the data source.
setConnectionProperty(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets a connection property on the data source.
setConnectionReleasePriority(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The Implicit Connection Cache (ICC) has been desupported since 12.1. This method throws UnsupportedOperationException, and will be removed soon in the future.
setConsumerName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Specifies a consumer name.
setCorrelation(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Specifies a correlation criterion (or search criterion) for the dequeue operation.
setCorrelation(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
Specifies the identification supplied by the producer for a message at enqueuing.
setCreateStatementAsRefCursor(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
When this is set to true, any new statements created from this connection will be created as a REF CURSOR.
setCreateStatementAsRefCursor(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setCursor(int, ResultSet) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
setCursor(String, ResultSet) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Cursor value.
setCursorAtName(String, ResultSet) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Cursor value.
setCustomDatum(int, CustomDatum) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
setCustomDatum(String, CustomDatum) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.CustomDatumvalue.
setCustomDatumAtName(String, CustomDatum) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java CustomDatum value.
setDatabaseChangeRegistration(DatabaseChangeRegistration) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Associate a Database Change Registration object with this statement.
setDatabaseName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the name of a particular database on a server.
setDatabaseName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets the name of a particular database on a server.
setDataSourceName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the DataSourceName.
setDataSourceName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets the datasource name.
setDate(int, Date) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setDate(int, java.sql.Date)
setDate(int, Date, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setDate(int, java.sql.Date, java.util.Calendar)
setDate(String, Date) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value.
setDate(String, Date, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value, using the given Calendar object.
setDATE(int, DATE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.DATE value.
setDATE(String, DATE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.DATEvalue.
setDateAtName(String, Date) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Date value.
setDateAtName(String, Date, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Date value.
setDATEAtName(String, DATE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.DATE value.
setDayOfWeek(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
returns a DATE object initialized to date advanced to the week of the day specified.
setDefaultExecuteBatch(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
As of 12.1 all APIs related to oracle-style statement batching are deprecated in favor of standard JDBC batching. We recommend using the standard model going forward as it is spec compliant and provides more information and control to the application.
setDefaultExecuteBatch(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setDefaultRowPrefetch(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Sets the value of row prefetch for all statements associated with this connection and created after this value was set.
setDefaultRowPrefetch(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setDefaultTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
The TimeZone to be used while creating java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time & java.sql.Timestamp.
setDefaultTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
The TimeZone to be used while creating java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time & java.sql.Timestamp.
setDelay(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
Specifies the number of seconds to delay the enqueued message.
setDeliveryFilter(AQDequeueOptions.DeliveryFilter) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Use this method to dequeue buffered messages only, persistent messages only or both.
setDeliveryMode(AQEnqueueOptions.DeliveryMode) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
Specifies the delivery mode: persistent or buffered.
setDequeueMessageId(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Specifies the message identifier of the message to be dequeued.
setDequeueMode(AQDequeueOptions.DequeueMode) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Specifies the locking behavior associated with the dequeue operation.
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the Desciption for this data source instance.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets the Description for this data source instance.
setDisableStmtCaching(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Don't Cache this object even when the corresponding Connection is Cache Enabled.
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setDouble(int, double)
setDouble(String, double) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java double value.
setDoubleAtName(String, double) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Double value.
setDriverType(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the JDBC driver type.
setEndToEndMetrics(String[], short) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
It has been deprecated since 12.1 in favor of setClientInfo(). It is not recommended to use this API intermingled with get/setClientInfo APIs.
setEndToEndMetrics(String[], short) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setExceptionQueue(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
Specifies the name of the queue to which the message is moved to if it cannot be processed successfully.
setExecuteBatch(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
setExecuteBatch(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
As of 12.1 all APIs related to oracle-style statement batching are deprecated in favor of standard JDBC batching. We recommend using the standard model going forward as it is spec compliant and provides more information and control to the application.
setExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Static method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleDataSource
Sets the thread pool for general use inside the Oracle JDBC driver.
setExpiration(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
Specifies the expiration of the message.
setExplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
setExplicitCachingEnabled Sets the value of the explicitCachingEnabled property, which enables or disables the explicit cache.
setExplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets the value of the explicitCachingEnabled property, which enables or disables the explicit cache.
setExplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Enables or disables the explicit cache.
setExplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
setExplicitCachingEnabled Enables or disables the explicit cache.
setExplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setExplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
setExplicitCachingEnabled Enables or disables the explicit cache.
setExplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
Sets the value of the explicitCachingEnabled property, which enables or disables the explicit cache.
setFixedCHAR(int, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the disignated parameter to a String and executes a non-padded comparison with a SQL CHAR.
setFixedCHAR(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a String See the javadoc for the setFixedChar(int, String) method in OraclePreparedStatement.
setFixedCHARAtName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java FixedCHAR value.
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setFloat(int, float)
setFloat(String, float) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value.
setFloatAtName(String, float) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Float value.
setFormOfUse(int, short) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Specifies if the data is bound for a SQL NCHAR datatype.
setHoldability(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setHostnameResolver(OracleHostnameResolver) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
setHostnameResolver(OracleHostnameResolver) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets a custom hostname resolver implementing OracleHostnameResolver used to provide a custom DNS name resolution strategy to locate the database host.
setImplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
setImplicitCachingEnabled Sets the value of the implicitCachingEnabled property, which enables or disables the implicit cache.
setImplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets the value of the implicitCachingEnabled property, which enables or disables the implicit statement cache.
setImplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Enables or disables the implicit cache.
setImplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
setImplicitCachingEnabled Enables or disables the implicit cache.
setImplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setImplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
setImplicitCachingEnabled Enables or disables the implicit cache.
setImplicitCachingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
Sets the value of the implicitCachingEnabled property, which enables or disables the implicit statement cache.
setIncludeSynonyms(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Turns on or off retrieval of synonym information in DatabaseMetaData.
setIncludeSynonyms(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setInt(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setInt(int, int)
setInt(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value.
setIntAtName(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Int value.
setINTERVALDS(int, INTERVALDS) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.INTERVALDS value.
setINTERVALDS(String, INTERVALDS) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.INTERVALDSvalue.
setINTERVALDSAtName(String, INTERVALDS) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.INTERVALDS value.
setINTERVALYM(int, INTERVALYM) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.INTERVALYM value.
setINTERVALYM(String, INTERVALYM) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.INTERVALYMvalue.
setINTERVALYMAtName(String, INTERVALYM) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.INTERVALYM value.
setLastAccessedTime(long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
The Implicit Connection Cache (ICC) has been desupported since 12.1. This method throws UnsupportedOperationException, and will be removed soon in the future.
setLastAccessedTime(long) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
setLobPrefetchSize(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Overrides the LOB prefetch size for this statement.
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the log writer for this data source.
setLong(int, long) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setLong(int, long)
setLong(String, long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java long value.
setLongAtName(String, long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Long value.
setMaximumBufferLength(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Sets the maximum number of bytes that will be allocated when dequeueing a message from a RAW queue.
setMaxStatements(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
setMaxStatements(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Specifies the value of the maxStatements property.
setMaxStatements(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
Specifies the value of the maxStatements property.
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQAgent
setNavigation(AQDequeueOptions.NavigationOption) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Specifies the position of the message that will be retrieved.
setNCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setNCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader)
setNCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setNCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader, long)
setNCharacterStreamAtName(String, Reader) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java CharacterStream value using the NCHAR character set.
setNCharacterStreamAtName(String, Reader, long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java CharacterStream value using the NCHAR character set.
setNClob(int, Reader) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setNClob(int, java.io.Reader)
setNClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setNClob(int, java.io.Reader, long)
setNClob(int, NClob) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setNClob(int, java.sql.NClob)
setNClobAtName(String, Reader) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.NClobvalue.
setNClobAtName(String, Reader, long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.NClobvalue.
setNClobAtName(String, NClob) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.NClobvalue.
setNetworkProtocol(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the network protocol for the connections.
setNetworkProtocol(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets the network protocol for the connections.
setNetworkTimeout(Executor, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setNString(int, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setNString(int, java.lang.String)
setNStringAtName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.Stringvalue using the NCHAR character set
setNull(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray
Replaces the value at the specified position in the array with OracleJsonValue.NULL.
setNull(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setNull(int, int)
setNull(int, int, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setNull(int, int, java.lang.String)
setNull(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
setNull(String, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
setNullAtName(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a SQL NULL value.
setNullAtName(String, int, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a SQL NULL value.
setNullDatumArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Set the variable null.
setNullObjArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
setNullObjectArray() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Set the variable null.
setNUMBER(int, NUMBER) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.NUMBER value.
setNUMBER(String, NUMBER) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.NUMBERvalue.
setNUMBERAtName(String, NUMBER) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.NUMBER value.
setObject(int, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setObject(int, java.lang.Object)
setObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setObject(int, java.lang.Object, int)
setObject(int, Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setObject(int, java.lang.Object, int, int)
setObject(Object) - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
JDBC 3.0 Sets the structured type value that this Ref object references to the given instance of Object.
setObject(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObject(String, Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObject(String, Object, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObjectAtName(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Object value.
setObjectAtName(String, Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Object value.
setObjectAtName(String, Object, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Object value.
setOPAQUE(int, OPAQUE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.OPAQUE value.
setOPAQUE(String, OPAQUE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.OPAQUEvalue.
setOPAQUEAtName(String, OPAQUE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.OPAQUEvalue.
setOracleObject(int, Datum) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.Datum value.
setOracleObject(String, Datum) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.Datumvalue.
setOracleObjectAtName(String, Datum) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.Datumvalue.
setORAData(int, ORAData) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.ORAData value.
setORAData(String, ORAData) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.ORADatavalue.
setORADataAtName(String, ORAData) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.ORADatavalue.
setPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the password with which connections have to be obtained.
setPassword(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets the password with which connections have to be obtained.
setPayload(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Sets a RAW payload.
setPayload(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Sets the payload in its linearized form.
setPayload(Struct) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Sets an ADT payload.
setPayload(ANYDATA) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Sets an ANYDATA payload.
setPayload(OracleJsonDatum) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Sets JSON type payload.
setPayload(RAW) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Sets a RAW payload.
setPayload(STRUCT) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Sets an ADT payload.
setPayload(XMLType) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Sets an XMLType payload.
setPlsqlIndexTable(int, Object, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
since 18.1. Use java.sql.PreparedStatement.setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x).
setPlsqlWarnings(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Enable/Disable PLSQL Compiler Warnings
setPlsqlWarnings(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setPoolConfig(Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
(Re-)Set the pool configuration for the Cache.
setPortNumber(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the port number where a server is listening for requests.
setPortNumber(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets the port number where a server is listening for requests.
setPrecision(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
setPriority(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
Specifies the priority of the message.
setProperties(Hashtable) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
setProtocol(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQAgent
Protocol to interpret the address and propagate the message.
setRAW(int, RAW) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.RAW value.
setRAW(String, RAW) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.RAWvalue.
setRAWAtName(String, RAW) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.RAWvalue.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setRecipientList(AQAgent[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
This parameter is only valid for queues which allow multiple consumers.
setRef(int, Ref) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setRef(int, java.sql.Ref)
setRef(String, Ref) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an jdbc.sql.Refvalue.
setREF(int, REF) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.REF value.
setREF(String, REF) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.REFvalue.
setRefAtName(String, Ref) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Ref value.
setREFAtName(String, REF) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.REFvalue.
setRefType(int, REF) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.REF value.
setRefType(String, REF) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.REFvalue.
setRefTypeAtName(String, REF) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.REFvalue.
setRelativeMessageId(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
setRemarksReporting(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Turns on or off the reporting of the REMARKS columns by the getTables and getColumns calls of the DatabaseMetaData interface.
setRemarksReporting(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setRestrictGetTables(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Turns on or off the restriction of the returned data in DatabaseMetaData.getTables.
setRestrictGetTables(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setRetrieveMessageId(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Set this to true in order to retrieve the message id during dequeue.
setRetrieveMessageId(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
Set this to true to retrieve the message id back from the server when the message has been enqueued.
setRoleName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Sets the datasource role name.
setRoleName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets the data source role name.
setRoleName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
Sets the data source role name.
setRowId(int, RowId) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setRowId(int, java.sql.RowId)
setROWID(int, ROWID) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.ROWID value.
setROWID(String, ROWID) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.ROWIDvalue.
setRowIdAtName(String, RowId) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.RowIdvalue.
setROWIDAtName(String, ROWID) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.ROWIDvalue.
setRowPrefetch(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
Sets the value of row prefetch for all result sets created from this statement.
setSavepoint() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setScale(byte) - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
setSchema(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setSender(AQAgent) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
Identifies the original sender of a message.
setSequenceDeviation(AQEnqueueOptions.SequenceDeviationOption) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
setServerName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the name of the Server on which database is running.
setServerName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets the name of the Server on which database is running.
setServiceName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the service_name of a database on a server.
setSessionTimeZone(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Set the session time zone.
setSessionTimeZone(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setShardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setShardingKey(ShardingKey, ShardingKey) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setShardingKey(OracleShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Sets the sharding key on this connection.
setShardingKey(OracleShardingKey) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setShardingKey(OracleShardingKey, OracleShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Sets the sharding key and the super sharding key on this connection.
setShardingKey(OracleShardingKey, OracleShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Sets the sharding key and the super sharding key on this connection.
setShardingKey(OracleShardingKey, OracleShardingKey) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setShardingKey(OracleShardingKey, OracleShardingKey) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
Sets the sharding key and the super sharding key on this connection.
setShardingKeyIfValid(ShardingKey, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setShardingKeyIfValid(ShardingKey, ShardingKey, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setShardingKeyIfValid(OracleShardingKey, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Checks the validity of the connection and also checks if the sharding key passed to this method is valid for the connection.If the sharding key is valid, it will be set on the connection.
setShardingKeyIfValid(OracleShardingKey, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setShardingKeyIfValid(OracleShardingKey, OracleShardingKey, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Checks the validity of the connection and also checks if the sharding keys passed to this method are valid for the connection.If the sharding keys are valid, it will be set on the connection.
setShardingKeyIfValid(OracleShardingKey, OracleShardingKey, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Checks the validity of the connection and also checks if the sharding keys passed to this method are valid for the connection.If the sharding keys are valid, it will be set on the connection.
setShardingKeyIfValid(OracleShardingKey, OracleShardingKey, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setShardingKeyIfValid(OracleShardingKey, OracleShardingKey, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
Checks the validity of the connection and also checks if the sharding keys passed to this method are valid for the connection.If the sharding keys are valid, it will be set on the connection's session.
setShareBytes(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Sets datum value using a byte array.
setShort(int, short) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setShort(int, short)
setShort(String, short) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java short value.
setShortAtName(String, short) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Short value.
setSingleShardTransactionSupport(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
setSingleShardTransactionSupport(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets single shard transaction support in auto commit OFF mode.
setSQLXML(int, SQLXML) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setSQLXML(int, java.sql.SQLXML)
setSQLXMLAtName(String, SQLXML) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.SQLXMLvalue.
setSSLContext(SSLContext) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
setSSLContext(SSLContext) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Specifies a SSLContext to use as a factory for SSLEngine objects that carry out the TLS protocol.
setStatementCacheSize(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OraclePooledConnection
Specifies the size of the size of the application cache (which will be used by both implicit and explicit caching).
setStatementCacheSize(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
setStatementCacheSize Specifies the size of the size of the application cache (which will be used by both implicit and explicit caching).
setStatementCacheSize(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setStatementCacheSize(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
setStatementCacheSize Specifies the size of the size of the application cache (which will be used by both implicit and explicit caching).
setStmtCacheSize(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use setStatementCacheSize() instead.
setStmtCacheSize(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setStmtCacheSize(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Set the statement cache size.
setStmtCacheSize(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
setStmtCacheSize(int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Use setStatementCacheSize() instead.
setStmtCacheSize(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setStmtCacheSize(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
Set the statement cache size.
setStmtCacheSize(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
setString(int, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setString(int, java.lang.String)
setString(long, String) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
JDBC 3.0 Writes the given Java String to the CLOB value that this Clob object designates at the position pos.
setString(long, String, int, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
JDBC 3.0 Writes len characters of str, starting at character offset, to the CLOB value that this Clob represents.
setString(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value.
setStringAtName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java String value.
setStringForClob(int, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java String value.
setStringForClob(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value.
setStringForClobAtName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java String value.
setSTRUCT(int, STRUCT) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to a oracle.sql.STRUCT value.
setSTRUCT(String, STRUCT) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.STRUCTvalue.
setSTRUCTAtName(String, STRUCT) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.STRUCTvalue.
setStructDescriptor(int, StructDescriptor) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the bind type of designated parameter from an oracle.sql.StructDescriptor.
setStructDescriptor(String, StructDescriptor) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
setStructDescriptorAtName(String, StructDescriptor) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.StructDescriptor value.
setTime(int, Time) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setTime(int, java.sql.Time)
setTime(int, Time, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setTime(int, java.sql.Time, java.util.Calendar)
setTime(String, Time) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value.
setTime(String, Time, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value, using the given Calendar object.
setTimeAtName(String, Time) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Time value.
setTimeAtName(String, Time, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Time value.
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setTimestamp(int, java.sql.Timestamp)
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setTimestamp(int, java.sql.Timestamp, java.util.Calendar)
setTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
setTimestamp(String, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value, using the given Calendar object.
setTIMESTAMP(int, TIMESTAMP) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP value.
setTIMESTAMP(String, TIMESTAMP) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPvalue.
setTimestampAtName(String, Timestamp) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Timestamp value.
setTimestampAtName(String, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java Timestamp value.
setTIMESTAMPAtName(String, TIMESTAMP) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP value.
setTIMESTAMPLTZ(int, TIMESTAMPLTZ) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ value.
setTIMESTAMPLTZ(String, TIMESTAMPLTZ) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZvalue.
setTIMESTAMPLTZAtName(String, TIMESTAMPLTZ) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ value.
setTIMESTAMPTZ(int, TIMESTAMPTZ) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Binds the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ value.
setTIMESTAMPTZ(String, TIMESTAMPTZ) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZvalue.
setTIMESTAMPTZAtName(String, TIMESTAMPTZ) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ value.
setTNSEntryName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the TNS entry name.
setTokenSupplier(Supplier<? extends AccessToken>) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
setTokenSupplier(Supplier<? extends AccessToken>) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets a supplier function that generates an access token when creating a connection with this DataSource.
setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setTransactionTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
Set the current transaction timeout value for this XAResource instance.
setTransformation(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Specifies a transformation that will be applied after dequeuing the message.
setTransformation(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
Specifies a transformation that will be applied before enqueuing the message.
setTypeMap(Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setUnicodeStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setUnicodeStream(int, java.io.InputStream, int)
setUnicodeStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java UnicodeStream value.
setUnicodeStreamAtName(String, InputStream, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java UnicodeStream value.
setupACSpecificProperties(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
setURL(int, URL) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Translation compliant implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement#setURL(int, java.net.URL)
setURL(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the URL from which connections have to be obtained.
setURL(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Sets the URL from which connections have to be obtained.
setURL(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXADataSource
setURL(String, URL) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.net.URL object.
setURLAtName(String, URL) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a Java URL value.
setUser(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Set the user name with which connections have to be obtained.
setUser(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleCommonDataSource
Set the user name with which connections have to be obtained.
setUsingXAFlag(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
setUsingXAFlag(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
Oracle extension.
setVariableLength(boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Sets a flag to indicate if this instance represents a fixed or variable length character sequence.
setVisibility(AQDequeueOptions.VisibilityOption) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Specifies whether the message is dequeued as part of the current transaction.
setVisibility(AQEnqueueOptions.VisibilityOption) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions
Specifies the transactional behavior of the enqueue request.
setWait(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions
Specifies the wait time if there is currently no message available which matches the search criterion.
setWrapper(OracleConnection) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Set the wrapping object.
setWrapper(OracleConnection) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Set a connection wrapper as the wrapper of this connection.
setXAErrorFlag(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
setXAErrorFlag(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
SEZERO - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Zero valued second
SF7ASCII_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
SF7DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
SHARDING_KEY_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata
shardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
shardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePooledConnectionBuilder
shardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleXAConnectionBuilder
shardingKey(OracleShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
shardingKey(OracleShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePooledConnectionBuilder
shardingKey(OracleShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleXAConnectionBuilder
ShardingMetadata - Class in oracle.jdbc.pool
Holds the Sharded Database metadata that is required during encoding and decoding of sharding keys.
ShardingMetadata(int, ShardingMetadata.ShardingType, ShardingMetadata.ShardingType, List<ShardingMetadata.SubKeyMetadata>, List<ShardingMetadata.SubKeyMetadata>) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata
Constructs an immutable object with all the metadata information.
ShardingMetadata.ShardingType - Enum in oracle.jdbc.pool
Enum to hold the different sharding methods supported for shard keys and shard groups in the Oracle sharded database.
ShardingMetadata.SubKeyMetadata - Class in oracle.jdbc.pool
Holds the shard sub key metadata information extracted from the database.
shardKeyOraHash(ShardingMetadata) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
Computes the hash value of the Sharding key as per Oracle's internal hash function.
shareBytes() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Retrieve the data bytes.
shift(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized the NUMBER value shifted digits decimal places.
shortValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Calls toShort to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java short.
shutdown(OracleConnection.DatabaseShutdownMode) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Shuts the database server down.
shutdown(OracleConnection.DatabaseShutdownMode) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
SHUTDOWN - oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.EventType
Event type: instance shutdown.
SHUTDOWN_ANY - oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.EventType
Event type: any instance shutdown - Real Application Clusters (RAC).
SI_AVERAGE_COLOR - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
SI_COLOR - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
SI_COLOR_HISTOGRAM - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
SI_FEATURE_LIST - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
SI_POSITIONAL_COLOR - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
SI_STILL_IMAGE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
SI_TEXTURE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
sign() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns -1 if the sign of NUMBER is negative, 0 if NUMBER is 0, and > 0 if NUMBER is positive.
SIGNED_YEAR_OF_ERA - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTemporalField
The field that represents the signed year of the era as used by Oracle Database.
sin() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the sine of the NUMBER.
sinh() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the hyperbolic sine of NUMBER.
SIZE_DATE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
SIZE_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
SIZE_TIMESTAMP_NOFRAC - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
skipArray() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Skips the current array value, advancing the parser to the corresponding END_ARRAY.
skipObject() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Skips the current array value, advancing the parser to the corresponding END_OBJECT.
SMALLINT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
SOCKET - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation
OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation.LOCAL plus the server isn't obviously unreachable (dead socket).
sql_exception_string - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
sqlEscapePattern - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
sqlEscapeRegex - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
sqlWildcardPattern - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
sqlWildcardRegex - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
SQLXML - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
sqroot() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the square root of NUMBER.
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
Specifies a SSLContext to use as a factory for SSLEngine objects that carry out the TLS protocol.
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePooledConnectionBuilder
Specifies a SSLContext to use as a factory for SSLEngine objects that carry out the TLS protocol.
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleXAConnectionBuilder
Specifies a SSLContext to use as a factory for SSLEngine objects that carry out the TLS protocol.
start(Xid, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAHeteroResource
Starts work on behalf of a transaction branch.
start(Xid, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource
start() -- Starts work on behalf of a transaction branch.
start(Xid, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
start() -- Starts work on behalf of a transaction branch.
START_ARRAY - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
START_OBJECT - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
startup(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
This method will be removed in a future version.
startup(String, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
startup(OracleConnection.DatabaseStartupMode) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Starts the database server up.
startup(OracleConnection.DatabaseStartupMode) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
startup(OracleConnection.DatabaseStartupMode, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Starts the database server up.
startup(OracleConnection.DatabaseStartupMode, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
STARTUP - oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.EventType
Event type: database startup.
statement_cache_size - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
stateRestorationType - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does the database treat mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and store them in lower case?
storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and store them in lower case?
storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does the database treat mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and store them in mixed case?
storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and store them in mixed case?
storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does the database treat mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and store them in upper case?
storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and store them in upper case?
STRING - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonString
string32UTF8Length(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Returns the number of bytes in the UTF-8 representation of a String
stringToAL16UTF16Bytes(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a String to an array of bytes this function will allocate the bytes array
stringToAL16UTF16LEBytes(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a String to an array of bytes this function will allocate the bytes array
stringToAL32UTF8(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
stringToASCII(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
convert a String to a byte array in ascii.
stringToUTF(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert the str to a byte array that in UTF8 representation.
stringUTFLength(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Returns the number of bytes in the UTF8 representation of a String
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.ANYDATA
Returns a string representation of this ANYDATA.
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE
Convert this data object into a String.
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT
Convert this data object into a String.
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert this data object into a String.
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Convert to a String representation of the datum object
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Calls toString to convert internal Oracle DATE to a Java String.
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a String representation of the datum object
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALDS
Returns String for this INTERVALDS object
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALYM
Returns String for this INTERVALYM object
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Calls toString to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java String.
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.OPAQUE
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.RAW
Convert this data object into a String.
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.ROWID
Convert this data object into a String.
stringValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Calls toString to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMP to a Java String.
stringValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.ANYDATA
Returns a string representation of this ANYDATA.
stringValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Some Datum subclass such as TIMESTAMPTZ will override this default implementation which simply ignores the the connection.
stringValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Calls toString(Connection, byte[]) to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java String.
stringValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Calls toString to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ to a Java String.
stringValue(Connection, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Calls toString(Connection, byte[], Calendar) to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java String.
stripSqlEscapes(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
STRUCT - Class in oracle.sql
Use java.sql.Struct interface for declaration instead of using concrete class oracle.sql.STRUCT.
STRUCT - oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Kind
STRUCT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
STRUCT(StructDescriptor, Connection, Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.STRUCT
STRUCT(StructDescriptor, Connection, Map) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.STRUCT
StructDescriptor - Class in oracle.sql
Use factory method Connection.createStruct to create an instance of java.sql.Struct directly.
StructMetaData - Interface in oracle.jdbc
An interface to get information about structured column types.
sub(NUMBER) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the difference of NUMBER and n.
subkey(Object, SQLType) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleShardingKeyBuilder
This method is called to include a subkey into a sharding Key object being built.
subkey(Object, SQLType) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyBuilderImpl
This method is called to include a subkey into a sharding key object being built.
SubKeyMetadata(int, SQLType, int) - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata.SubKeyMetadata
subscriberOracle(long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Returns a Subscriber that will append the published bytes to this Blob beginning at the specified position.
subscriberOracle(long) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleClob
Returns a Subscriber that will append the published characters to this Clob beginning at the specified position.
subscriberOracle(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
subscriberOracle(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
subscriberOracle(long, Flow.Subscriber<Long>) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Returns a Subscriber that will append the published bytes to this Blob beginning at the specified position.
subscriberOracle(long, Flow.Subscriber<Long>) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleClob
Returns a Subscriber that will append the published characters to this Clob beginning at the specified position.
subscriberOracle(long, Flow.Subscriber<Long>) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
subscriberOracle(long, Flow.Subscriber<Long>) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
SUPER_SHARDING_KEY_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata
superShardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
superShardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePooledConnectionBuilder
superShardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleXAConnectionBuilder
superShardingKey(OracleShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
superShardingKey(OracleShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePooledConnectionBuilder
superShardingKey(OracleShardingKey) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleXAConnectionBuilder
supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is "ALTER TABLE" with add column supported?
supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is "ALTER TABLE" with drop column supported?
supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is the ANSI92 entry level SQL grammar supported? All JDBC compliant drivers must return true.
supportsANSI92FullSQL() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is the ANSI92 full SQL grammar supported?
supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is the ANSI92 intermediate SQL grammar supported?
supportsBatchUpdates() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData::supportBatchUpdates.
supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can a catalog name be used in a data manipulation statement?
supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can a catalog name be used in a index definition statement?
supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can a catalog name be used in a privilege definition statement?
supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can a catalog name be used in a procedure call statement?
supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can a catalog name be used in a table definition statement?
supportsColumnAliasing() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is column aliasing supported?
supportsConvert() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is the CONVERT function between SQL types supported?
supportsConvert(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is CONVERT between the given SQL types supported?
supportsCoreSQLGrammar() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is the ODBC Core SQL grammar supported?
supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are correlated subqueries supported? A JDBC compliant driver always returns true.
supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are both data definition and data manipulation statements within a transaction supported?
supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are only data manipulation statements within a transaction supported?
supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
If table correlation names are supported, are they restricted to be different from the names of the tables?
supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are expressions in "ORDER BY" lists supported?
supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is the ODBC Extended SQL grammar supported?
supportsFullOuterJoins() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are full nested outer joins supported?
supportsGetGeneratedKeys() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves whether auto-generated keys can be retrieved after a statement has been executed.
supportsGroupBy() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is some form of "GROUP BY" clause supported?
supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can a "GROUP BY" clause add columns not in the SELECT provided it specifies all the columns in the SELECT?
supportsGroupByUnrelated() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can a "GROUP BY" clause use columns not in the SELECT?
supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is the SQL Integrity Enhancement Facility supported?
supportsLikeEscapeClause() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is the escape character in "LIKE" clauses supported? A JDBC compliant driver always returns true.
supportsLimitedOuterJoins() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is there limited support for outer joins? (This will be true if supportFullOuterJoins is true.)
supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is the ODBC Minimum SQL grammar supported? All JDBC compliant drivers must return true.
supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does the database treat mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case sensitive and as a result store them in mixed case? A JDBC compliant driver will always return false.
supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case sensitive and as a result store them in mixed case? A JDBC compliant driver will always return false.
supportsMultipleOpenResults() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves whether it is possible to have multiple ResultSet objects returned from a CallableStatement object simultaneously.
supportsMultipleResultSets() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are multiple ResultSets from a single execute supported?
supportsMultipleTransactions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can we have multiple transactions open at once (on different connections)?
supportsNamedParameters() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves whether this database supports named parameters to callable statements.
supportsNonNullableColumns() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can columns be defined as non-nullable? A JDBC compliant driver always returns true.
supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can cursors remain open across commits?
supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can cursors remain open across rollbacks?
supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can statements remain open across commits?
supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can statements remain open across rollbacks?
supportsOrderByUnrelated() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can an "ORDER BY" clause use columns not in the SELECT?
supportsOuterJoins() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is some form of outer join supported?
supportsPositionedDelete() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is positioned DELETE supported? NOTE: Though Oracle supports positional delete through the use of ROWID positional delete as specified by SQLJ92 standard is not supported which is being followed by JDBC 2.1 API Spec.
supportsPositionedUpdate() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is positioned UPDATE supported? NOTE: Though Oracle supports positional updates through the use of ROWID positional updates as specified by SQLJ92 standard is not supported which is being followed by JDBC 2.1 API Spec.
supportsResultSetConcurrency(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData.supportsResultSetConcurrency.
supportsResultSetHoldability(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves whether this database supports the given result set holdability.
supportsResultSetType(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData.supportsResultSetType.
supportsSavepoints() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0 Retrieves whether this database supports savepoints.
supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can a schema name be used in a data manipulation statement?
supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can a schema name be used in an index definition statement?
supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can a schema name be used in a privilege definition statement?
supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can a schema name be used in a procedure call statement?
supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Can a schema name be used in a table definition statement?
supportsSelectForUpdate() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is SELECT for UPDATE supported?
supportsSharding() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports sharding.
supportsStatementPooling() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
JDBC 3.0
supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Oracle supports using the JDBC escape syntax to call PLSQL functions.
supportsStoredProcedures() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are stored procedure calls using the stored procedure escape syntax supported?
supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are subqueries in comparison expressions supported? A JDBC compliant driver always returns true.
supportsSubqueriesInExists() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are subqueries in exists expressions supported? A JDBC compliant driver always returns true.
supportsSubqueriesInIns() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are subqueries in "in" statements supported? A JDBC compliant driver always returns true.
supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are subqueries in quantified expressions supported? A JDBC compliant driver always returns true.
supportsTableCorrelationNames() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are table correlation names supported? A JDBC compliant driver always returns true.
supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does the database support the given transaction isolation level?
supportsTransactions() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Are transactions supported? If not, commit is a noop and the isolation level is TRANSACTION_NONE.
supportsUnion() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is SQL UNION supported?
supportsUnionAll() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Is SQL UNION ALL supported?
suspendStacked(Xid) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
suspendStacked() - Suspends the stacked transaction, if any.


TableChangeDescription - Interface in oracle.jdbc.dcn
This interface describes a database change at the table level.
TableChangeDescription.TableOperation - Enum in oracle.jdbc.dcn
tan() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the tangent of NUMBER.
tanh() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the hyperbolic tangent of Number.
target - Variable in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
target - Variable in class oracle.sql.BFILE
target - Variable in class oracle.sql.BLOB
target - Variable in class oracle.sql.CLOB
target - Variable in class oracle.sql.REF
target - Variable in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
targetDatum - Variable in class oracle.sql.Datum
targetDatumWithConnection - Variable in class oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection
TCPS - oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.AuthenticationAdaptorType
Authenticated by a TLS certificate.
textToPrecisionNumber(String, boolean, int, boolean, int, String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a NUMBER object initialized to the value in num as described below.
TH8MACTHAI_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
TH8MACTHAIS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
TH8TISASCII_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
TH8TISEBCDIC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
TH8TISEBCDICS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
TIME - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
timeout - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
TIMEOUT - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent.AdditionalEventType
Addtional event type: timeout.
TIMEOUT - oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.AdditionalEventType
Addtional event type: timeout.
TIMESTAMP - Class in oracle.sql
TIMESTAMP - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
TIMESTAMP - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonTimestamp
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
TIMESTAMP() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Constructs a TIMESTAMP object initialized to 1/1/1970.
TIMESTAMP(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMP object represented by the given Oracle Timestamp
TIMESTAMP(String) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Create a TIMESTAMP object given a Java String object.
TIMESTAMP(Date) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMP object represented by the Java Date
TIMESTAMP(Time) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMP object represented by the given Java Time
TIMESTAMP(Timestamp) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMP object represented by the Java Timestamp
TIMESTAMP(Timestamp, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMP object represented by the Java Timestamp and Calendar
TIMESTAMP(DATE) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMP object represented by the Oracle DATE
TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
TIMESTAMPLTZ - Class in oracle.sql
TIMESTAMPLTZ - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
TIMESTAMPLTZ() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Constructs a TIMESTAMPLTZ object initialized to 1/1/1970.
TIMESTAMPLTZ(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the given Oracle Timestampltz
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, String) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, String, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, Date) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the Java Date
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, Date, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, Time) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the given Java Time
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, Time, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, Timestamp) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the Java Timestamp
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, Timestamp, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, LocalDateTime) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the LocalDateTime
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, OffsetDateTime) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the OffsetDateTime
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, OffsetTime) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the OffsetTime
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, ZonedDateTime) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the ZonedDateTime
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, Calendar, String) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, Calendar, Date) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the Java Date
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, Calendar, Time) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the given Java Time
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, Calendar, Timestamp) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the Java Timestamp
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, Calendar, DATE) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the Oracle DATE
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, DATE) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object represented by the Oracle DATE
TIMESTAMPLTZ(Connection, DATE, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
TIMESTAMPNS - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
since 9.2.0. Use OracleTypes.TIMESTAMP instead.
TIMESTAMPTZ - Class in oracle.sql
TIMESTAMPTZ - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonTimestampTZ
TIMESTAMPTZ - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
TIMESTAMPTZ() - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Constructs a TIMESTAMPTZ object initialized to 1/1/1970.
TIMESTAMPTZ(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ object represented by the given Oracle Timestamptz
TIMESTAMPTZ(Connection, String) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create a TIMESTAMPTZ object given a Java String object.
TIMESTAMPTZ(Connection, String, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create a TIMESTAMPTZ object given a Java String object.
TIMESTAMPTZ(Connection, Date) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ object represented by the Java Date
TIMESTAMPTZ(Connection, Date, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ object represented by the Java Date and the Java Calendar object
TIMESTAMPTZ(Connection, Time) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ object represented by the given Java Time
TIMESTAMPTZ(Connection, Time, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ object represented by the given Java Time and the Java Calendar object
TIMESTAMPTZ(Connection, Timestamp) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ object represented by the Java Timestamp
TIMESTAMPTZ(Connection, Timestamp, ZoneId) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ object represented by the Java Timestamp with the specified ZoneId.
TIMESTAMPTZ(Connection, Timestamp, Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ object represented by the Java Timestamp and the Java Calendar object
TIMESTAMPTZ(Connection, LocalDateTime) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create a TIMESTAMPTZ object given a Java LocalDateTime object.
TIMESTAMPTZ(Connection, DATE) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create an Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ object represented by the Oracle DATE
TIMESTAMPTZ(OffsetDateTime) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create a TIMESTAMPTZ object given a Java OffsetDateTime object.
TIMESTAMPTZ(OffsetTime) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create a TIMESTAMPTZ object given a Java OffsetTime object.
TIMESTAMPTZ(ZonedDateTime) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Create a TIMESTAMPTZ object given a Java ZonedDateTime object.
timestampValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert to a Timestamp representation of the datum object
timestampValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Calls toTimestamp to convert internal Oracle DATE to a Java Timestamp.
timestampValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a Timestamp representation of the datum object
timestampValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Calls toTimestamp to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMP to a Java Timestamp.
timestampValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
timestampValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Calls toTimestamp to convert internal Oracle Date to a Java Timestamp.
timestampValue(Connection, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Calls toTimestamp to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java Timestamp.
timestampValue(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Calls toTimestamp to convert internal Oracle DATE and Calendar to a Java Timestamp.
timestampValue(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
timestampValue(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Calls toTimestamp to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMP and Calendar to a Java Timestamp.
timeValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert to a Time representation of the datum object
timeValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Calls toTime to convert internal Oracle DATE to a Java Time.
timeValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert to a Time representation of the datum object
timeValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Calls toTime to convert internal Oracle Date to a Java Time.
timeValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Calls toTime to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java Time.
timeValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Calls toTime to convert internal Oracle Date to a Java Time.
timeValue(Connection, Calendar) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Calls toTime to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java Time.
timeValue(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Calls toTime to convert internal Oracle DATE and Calendar to a Java Time.
timeValue(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
TimeZoneAdjust(Connection, Calendar, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
TimeZoneAdjustUTC(Connection, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
TimeZoneConvert(Connection, TIMESTAMP, TimeZone, TimeZone) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Converts the TIMESTAMP object from one timezone to the other
TINYINT - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
TMENDRSCAN - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
TMFAIL - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
TMJOIN - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
TMMIGRATE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
TMNOFLAGS - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
TMNOMIGRATE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
TMONEPHASE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
TMPROMOTE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
TMRESUME - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
TMSTARTRSCAN - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
TMSUCCESS - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
TMSUSPEND - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
tnsEntry - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
toBigDecimal(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts an Oracle Number into a Java BigDecimal.
toBigInteger(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts an Oracle Number into a Java BigInteger.
toBoolean(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Convert an Oracle Number to a Java boolean.
toByte(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts an Oracle Number into a Java byte.
toByteArray() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleMultiPhaseArgs
toByteArrayOS() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleMultiPhaseArgs
toBytes() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
toBytes() - Method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALDS
Convert Oracle INTERVALDS object into a byte array
toBytes() - Method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALYM
Convert Oracle INTERVALYM object into a byte array
toBytes() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns the internal Oracle Number byte array.
toBytes() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Convert Oracle TIMESTAMP object into a byte array
toBytes() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ object into a byte array
toBytes() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Oracle Timestamptz object into a byte array
toBytes(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts a Java boolean to an Oracle Number byte array.
toBytes(byte) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts a Java byte to an Oracle Number byte array.
toBytes(double) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts a Java double to an Oracle Number byte array.
toBytes(float) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts a Java float to an Oracle Number byte array.
toBytes(int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts a Java int to an Oracle Number byte array.
toBytes(long) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts a Java long to an Oracle Number byte array.
toBytes(short) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts a Java short to an Oracle Number byte array.
toBytes(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Java String to Oracle DATE.
toBytes(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALDS
Convert Java String to Oracle INTERVALDS.
toBytes(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALYM
Convert Java String to Oracle INTERVALYM.
toBytes(String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Convert Java String to Oracle TIMESTAMP.
toBytes(String, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts a Java String to an Oracle Number byte array.
toBytes(String, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Java String to Oracle DATE.
toBytes(BigDecimal) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts a Java BigDecimal to an Oracle Number byte array.
toBytes(BigInteger) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts a Java BigInteger to an Oracle Number byte array.
toBytes(Connection, String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java String to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ.
toBytes(Connection, String, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert Java String to Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ.
toBytes(Connection, String, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java String to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ.
toBytes(Connection, Date) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java Date to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ.
toBytes(Connection, Date, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
toBytes(Connection, Date, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java Date to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ.
toBytes(Connection, Time) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java Time to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ.
toBytes(Connection, Time, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
toBytes(Connection, Time, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java Time to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ.
toBytes(Connection, Timestamp) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java Timestamp to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ
toBytes(Connection, Timestamp, ZoneId) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java Timestamp to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ
toBytes(Connection, Timestamp, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
toBytes(Connection, Timestamp, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java Timestamp to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ
toBytes(Connection, LocalDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert Java LocalDateTime to Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ.
toBytes(Connection, LocalDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java LocalDateTime to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ.
toBytes(Connection, OffsetDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert Java OffsetDateTime to Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ.
toBytes(Connection, OffsetTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert Java OffsetTime to Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ.
toBytes(Connection, ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert Java ZonedDateTime to Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ.
toBytes(Connection, Calendar, String) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert Java String to Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ.
toBytes(Connection, Calendar, Date) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert Java Date to Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ.
toBytes(Connection, Calendar, Time) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert Java Time to Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ.
toBytes(Connection, Calendar, Timestamp) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert Java Timestamp to Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ
toBytes(Connection, Calendar, DATE) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert Oracle DATE to Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ
toBytes(Connection, DATE) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Oracle DATE to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ
toBytes(Connection, DATE, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
toBytes(Date) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Java Date to Oracle DATE.
toBytes(Date) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Convert Java Date to Oracle TIMESTAMP.
toBytes(Date, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Java Date and Calendar to Oracle DATE.
toBytes(Time) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Java Time to Oracle DATE.
toBytes(Time) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Convert Java Time to Oracle TIMESTAMP.
toBytes(Time, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Java Time and Calendar to Oracle DATE.
toBytes(Timestamp) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Java Timestamp to Oracle DATE.
toBytes(Timestamp) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Convert Java Timestamp to Oracle TIMESTAMP
toBytes(Timestamp, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Java Timestamp and Calendar to Oracle DATE.
toBytes(Timestamp, Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Convert Java Timestamp and Java Calendar to Oracle TIMESTAMP
toBytes(OffsetDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java OffsetDateTime to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ.
toBytes(OffsetTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java OffsetTime to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ.
toBytes(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert Java ZonedDateTime to Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ.
toBytes(OracleArray, Datum, boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
Side Effect: array.datumArray, array.bytes may be modified if 'keepLocalCopy' is true
toBytes(DATE) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Convert Oracle DATE to Oracle TIMESTAMP
toClass(Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Convert this datum to an instance of the specified type if possible.
toClass(Class, Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
Returns the required object based on the class to which the SQL structured type is mapped to.
toDate(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Oracle DATE to Java Date.
toDate(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMP object to a Java Date Object
toDate(byte[], Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Oracle DATE and Calendar to Java Date.
toDate(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPLTZ object to a Java Date Object
toDate(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPTZ object to a Java Date Object
toDate(Connection, byte[], Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
toDATE(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMP object to a Oracle DATE Object
toDATE(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPLTZ object to a Oracle DATE Object
toDATE(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPTZ object to a Oracle DATE Object
toDATE(Connection, byte[], Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
toDate2(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPTZ object to a Java Date Object in accordance with java.sql.Date specification.
toDatum(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.ANYDATA
toDatum(Connection) - Method in interface oracle.sql.ORAData
Extract an oracle.sql.Datum object.
toDatum(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
toDatum(OracleConnection) - Method in interface oracle.sql.CustomDatum
Called by setOracleObject to extract a Datum.
toDouble(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts an Oracle Number into a Java double.
toFloat(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts an Oracle Number into a Java float.
toFormattedText(String, String) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new String based on the format specified in fmt and NUMBER.
toInt(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts an Oracle Number into a Java int.
toJavaArray(OracleArray, Datum, long, int, Map, boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
Side Effect: array.datumArray, array.bytes, s.objectArray may be modified if 'keepLocalCopy' is true
toJdbc() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleArray
Oracle extension.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.BFILE
Convert this data object into its default Java object type.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.BINARY_DOUBLE
Convert this data object into its default Java object type.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT
Convert this data object into its default Java object type.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Oracle extension.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Convert this data object into its default Java object type.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Convert this data object into its default Java object type.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Returns the JDBC representation of the datum object
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.Datum
Returns the JDBC representation of the datum object
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALDS
Returns the JDBC representation of the INTERVALDS object
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALYM
Returns the JDBC representation of the INTERVALYM object
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.JAVA_STRUCT
Oracle extension.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDatum
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns the JDBC representation of the datum object
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.OPAQUE
Returns the JDBC representation of the datum object
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.RAW
Convert this data object into its default Java object type.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
Convert this data object into its default Java object type.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.ROWID
Convert this data object into its default Java object type.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Oracle extension.
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Returns the JDBC representation of the datum object
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Returns the JDBC representation of the datum object
toJdbc() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Returns the JDBC representation of the timestamptz object
toJdbc(Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.ARRAY
Oracle extension.
toJdbc(Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.REF
Convert this data object into the Java object as defined in map if the data object type is not mapped to any class then its converted into default Java object type
toJdbc(Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.STRUCT
Oracle extension.
toJDBCObject(Connection) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleData
Extract a jdbc Object.
toJDBCObject(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.ANYDATA
toJDBCObject(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
toJulianDays(int[], int[]) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert to Julian days and seconds from the given date.
toLocalDate() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Converts DATE to LocalDate.
toLocalDateTime() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Converts DATE to LocalDateTime.
toLocalDateTime() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Converts TIMESTAMP to LocalDateTime.
toLocalDateTime() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Converts TIMESTAMPTZ to LocalDateTime.
toLocalDateTime(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Converts TIMESTAMPTZ to LocalDateTime.
toLocalDateTime(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPLTZ object to a Java LocalDateTime Object
toLocalDateTime(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPLTZ object to a Java LocalDateTime Object
toLocalTime() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Converts DATE to LocalTime.
toLong(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts an Oracle Number into a Java long.
toNumber() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Converts date to an Oracle Number.
toNumericArray(OracleArray, Datum, long, int, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
toOffsetDateTime() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Converts TIMESTAMPTZ to OffsetDateTime.
toOffsetDateTime(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPLTZ object to a Java OffsetDateTime Object
toOffsetDateTime(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Converts a TIMESTAMPTZ to an OffsetDateTime
toOffsetTime() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Converts a TIMESTAMPTZ to an OffsetTime
toOffsetTime(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPLTZ object to a Java OffsetTime Object
toOracleArray(Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.StructDescriptor
toOracleArray(OracleArray, Datum, long, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
Side Effect: array.datumArray, array.bytes may be modified if 'keepLocalCopy' is true
toOracleType(int) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleType
Returns the OracleType corresponding to the int constant defined in OracleTypes.
toOracleType(SQLType) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleType
Returns the OracleType corresponding to SQLType.
TOP - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.SequenceDeviationOption
The message is enqueued ahead of any other messages.
toResultSet(OracleArray, Datum, long, int, Map, boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
toResultSet(ARRAY, long, int, Map, boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
toResultSetFromImage(OracleArray, long, int, Map) - Method in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
toShort(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Converts an Oracle Number into a Java xemacs short.
toSQLXML() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Returns an object which impements java.sql.SQLXML with content take from this Clob.
toSQLXML() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleClob
Returns an object which impements java.sql.SQLXML with content taken from this Clob.
toSQLXML() - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Returns an object which impements java.sql.SQLXML with content take from this Clob.
toSQLXML() - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Returns an object which impements java.sql.SQLXML with content take from this Clob.
toSQLXML(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleBlob
Returns an object which impements java.sql.SQLXML with content taken from this Blob.
toSQLXML(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
Returns an object which impements java.sql.SQLXML with content taken from this Blob.
toSQLXML(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleClob
Returns an object which impements java.sql.SQLXML with content taken from this Clob.
toSQLXML(String) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
Returns an object which impements java.sql.SQLXML with content taken from this Clob.
toString() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQAgent
toString() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage
Returns the String description of this message.
toString() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties
toString() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent
toString() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent
toString() - Method in exception oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseException
toString() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
toString() - Method in class oracle.sql.CHAR
Converts the characters to a String.
toString() - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
The official name of the character set.
toString() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
toString() - Method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALDS
Converts a INTERVALDS to a string
toString() - Method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALYM
Converts a INTERVALYM to a string
toString() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns the JSON text for this value.
toString() - Method in class oracle.sql.ROWID
Implements the java.sql.RowId.toString()
toString() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
toString(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Converts a DATE to a string
toString(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALDS
Converts a INTERVALDS to a string
toString(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.INTERVALYM
Converts a INTERVALYM to a string
toString(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Convert an Oracle Number to a Java String.
toString(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Converts a TIMESTAMP to a string
toString(byte[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert bytes in oracleId representation to a String.
toString(byte[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSetWithConverter
toString(Connection) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleShardingKeyImpl
toString(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Converts a TIMESTAMPLTZ to a string
toString(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Converts a TIMESTAMPTZ to a string
toString(Connection, byte[], Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
toStringWithReplacement(byte[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert bytes in oracleId representation to a String.
toStringWithReplacement(byte[], int, int) - Method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSetWithConverter
toText(byte[], String) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert date to text as specified by fmt.
toText(int, String) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a String with the unformatted representation of NUMBER.
toText(String, String) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert date to text as specified by fmt.
toTime(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Oracle DATE to Java Time.
toTime(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMP object to a Java Time Object
toTime(byte[], Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Oracle DATE and Calendar to Java Time.
toTime(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPLTZ object to a Java Time Object
toTime(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPTZ object to a Java Time Object
toTime(Connection, byte[], Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
toTimestamp(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Oracle DATE to Java Timestamp.
toTimestamp(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMP object to a Java Timestamp Object
toTimestamp(byte[], Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Convert Oracle DATE and Calendar to Java Timestamp.
toTimestamp(byte[], Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMP object to a Java Timestamp Object given Calendar object
toTimestamp(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPLTZ object to a Java Timestamp Object
toTimestamp(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE object to a Java Timestamp Object
toTimestamp(Connection, byte[], Calendar) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
toTIMESTAMP(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPLTZ object to a Oracle TIMESTAMP Object
toTIMESTAMP(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPTZ object to a Oracle TIMESTAMP Object
toTimestamp2(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPTZ object to a Java Timestamp Object
toTIMESTAMPTZ(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPLTZ object to a Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ Object
toXMLString() - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
Creates a String which is an XML representation of this type and all OracleTypes within.
toXMLString(boolean) - Method in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
Creates a String which is an XML representation of this type and all OracleTypes within.
toZonedDateTime() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Converts TIMESTAMPTZ to ZonedDateTime.
toZonedDateTime(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Converts TIMESTAMPTZ to ZonedDateTime.
toZonedDateTime(Connection, byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Convert a byte array representing a TIMESTAMPLTZ object to a Java ZonedDateTime Object
TR7DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
TR8DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
TR8EBCDIC1026_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
TR8EBCDIC1026S_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
TR8MACTURKISH_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
TR8MACTURKISHS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
TR8MSWIN1254_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
TR8PC857_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
trace(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
TRACE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
TRACE - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleMultiPhaseArgs
transaction_isolation - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
TRANSACTIONAL - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseShutdownMode
Further connects are prohibited and no new transactions are allowed.
TRANSACTIONAL_LOCAL - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseShutdownMode
Further connects are prohibited and no new transactions are allowed.
TRANSACTIONS_DISTRIBUTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool
TRANSLATED - oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.SqlTranslationVersion
The translated query returned from the server.
translateError(Method, SQLException) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishCallableStatement
Interceptor for translation of errors.
translateError(Method, SQLException) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishConnection
Interceptor for translation of errors.
translateError(Method, SQLException) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishGenericProxy
Error interceptor.
translateError(Method, SQLException) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishPreparedStatement
Error interceptor.
translateError(Method, SQLException) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.BabelfishStatement
Error interceptor.
translateError(SQLException) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.Translator
Translate the error codes.
TranslationManager - Class in oracle.jdbc.babelfish
Provides the translator for a connection.
TranslationManager() - Constructor for class oracle.jdbc.babelfish.TranslationManager
Translator - Class in oracle.jdbc.babelfish
Translates queries and errors.
transportConnectTimeout(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Used to configure the value of TRANSPORT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT in the DESCRIPTION node.
trim(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
This method id deprecated -- use truncate
trim(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
This method is deprecated. Use truncate().
TRUE - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
An instance of OracleJsonValue equal to OracleJsonValue.TRUE
TRUE - Static variable in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
JSON true.
truncate(int) - Method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to the NUMBER value truncated to specified decimal place decimal_place.
truncate(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.BLOB
JDBC 3.0 Truncates the BLOB value that this Blob object represents to be len bytes in length.
truncate(long) - Method in class oracle.sql.CLOB
JDBC 3.0 Truncates the CLOB value that this Clob designates to have a length of len characters.
truncate(String) - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
returns a DATE object with date truncated to specified precision
TYPE - oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Kind
TYPE_NESTED_TABLE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
TYPE_VARRAY - Static variable in class oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor
TYPECODE_BDOUBLE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_BFILE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_BFLOAT - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_BLOB - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_CFILE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_CHAR - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_CLOB - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_DATE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_DECIMAL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_ERRHP - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_FLOAT - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_INTEGER - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_INTERVAL_DS - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_INTERVAL_YM - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_ITABLE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_JDBC_ARRAY - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_JDBC_JOBJECT - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_JDBC_JOPAQUE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_JDBC_JSTRUCT - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_JDBC_REF - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_JDBC_STRUCT - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_MLSLABEL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_NAMEDCOLLECTION - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_NCHAR - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_NCLOB - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_NONE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_NUMBER - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_NVARCHAR2 - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_OBJECT - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_OCTET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_OPAQUE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_OTMFIRST - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_OTMLAST - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_PLS_INTEGER - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_PTR - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_RAW - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_REAL - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_RECORD - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_REF - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_SIGNED16 - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_SIGNED32 - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_SIGNED8 - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_SMALLINT - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_SQLXML - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_SYSFIRST - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_SYSLAST - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_TABLE - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_TIME - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_TIME_TZ - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_TZ - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_UNSIGNED16 - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_UNSIGNED32 - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_UNSIGNED8 - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_UROWID - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_VARCHAR - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_VARCHAR2 - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TYPECODE_VARRAY - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TypeDescriptor - Class in oracle.sql
The descriptor of pre-defined types.
TypeDescriptor(short) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TypeDescriptor(short, String, Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TypeDescriptor(short, OracleTypeADT, Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TypeDescriptor(short, SQLName, Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor
TypeDescriptor(short, SQLName, OracleTypeADT, Connection) - Constructor for class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor


UNAUTHORIZED - oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet.AuthorizationIndicator
The access to the data isn't authorized (data is hidden).
UNICODE_1_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
UNICODE_2_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
This unicode is a "true UTF8".
UNKNOWN - oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet.AuthorizationIndicator
Part of the value returned for this column may be hidden.
UNKNOWN - oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData.SecurityAttribute
The Column Security (XDS) policy for this column is unknown.
unregisterAQNotification(AQNotificationRegistration) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Deletes a given AQ registration.
unregisterAQNotification(AQNotificationRegistration) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
unregisterConnectionInitializationCallback(ConnectionInitializationCallback) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Removes the ConnectionInitializationCallback registered with the data source, if any.
unregisterConnectionInitializationCallback(ConnectionInitializationCallback) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
Unregisters a specified connection initialization callback.
unregisterDatabaseChangeNotification(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
unregisterDatabaseChangeNotification(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
unregisterDatabaseChangeNotification(int, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
unregisterDatabaseChangeNotification(int, String, int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
unregisterDatabaseChangeNotification(long, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Deletes a given database change registration in the server.
unregisterDatabaseChangeNotification(long, String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
unregisterDatabaseChangeNotification(DatabaseChangeRegistration) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Deletes a given database change registration.
unregisterDatabaseChangeNotification(DatabaseChangeRegistration) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
unregisterMBean() - Static method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
unwrap() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Return the wrapped object if any else null.
unwrap() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Unwrap one level.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
Since this class is not a wrapper, just check to see if this implements the requested interface.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
Return an object that implements the requested interface.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Since this class is not a wrapper, just check to see if this implements the requested interface.
unwrapConnectionProxy(OracleConnection) - Static method in class oracle.sql.ConcreteProxyUtil
UPDATE - oracle.jdbc.dcn.RowChangeDescription.RowOperation
UPDATE - oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription.TableOperation
updateARRAY(int, ARRAY) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateARRAY(String, ARRAY) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateBfile(int, BFILE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateBfile(String, BFILE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateBFILE(int, BFILE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateBFILE(String, BFILE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateBLOB(int, BLOB) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateBLOB(String, BLOB) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateCHAR(int, CHAR) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateCHAR(String, CHAR) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateCLOB(int, CLOB) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateCLOB(String, CLOB) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateCustomDatum(int, CustomDatum) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
updateCustomDatum(String, CustomDatum) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
updateDATE(int, DATE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateDATE(String, DATE) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateINTERVALDS(int, INTERVALDS) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateINTERVALDS(String, INTERVALDS) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateINTERVALYM(int, INTERVALYM) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateINTERVALYM(String, INTERVALYM) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateNUMBER(int, NUMBER) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateNUMBER(String, NUMBER) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateOracleObject(int, Datum) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateOracleObject(String, Datum) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateORAData(int, ORAData) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateORAData(String, ORAData) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateRAW(int, RAW) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateRAW(String, RAW) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateREF(int, REF) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateREF(String, REF) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateReplayStatistics(ReplayStatistics) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
updateROWID(int, ROWID) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateROWID(String, ROWID) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updatesAreDetected(int) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Implements JDBC 2.0 DatabaseMetaData.updatesAreDetected.
updateSTRUCT(int, STRUCT) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateSTRUCT(String, STRUCT) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateTIMESTAMP(int, TIMESTAMP) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateTIMESTAMP(String, TIMESTAMP) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateTIMESTAMPLTZ(int, TIMESTAMPLTZ) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateTIMESTAMPLTZ(String, TIMESTAMPLTZ) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateTIMESTAMPTZ(int, TIMESTAMPTZ) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateTIMESTAMPTZ(String, TIMESTAMPTZ) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
Oracle extension.
updateXidList(Xid, boolean[]) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
updateXidList() - Update the Xid status in the list
url - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
URL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
url_string - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.pool.OraclePooledConnection
UROWID - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
US16TSTFIXED_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
US7ASCII_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
US8BS2000_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
US8ICL_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
US8NOOP_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
US8PC437_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
useNativeXA - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXADataSource
user - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.datasource.impl.OracleDataSource
user(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionBuilder
user(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePooledConnectionBuilder
user(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleXAConnectionBuilder
USER - Static variable in interface oracle.jdbc.replay.OracleDataSource
usesLocalFilePerTable() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does the database use a file for each table?
usesLocalFiles() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
Does the database store tables in a local file?
UTF8_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
UTFE_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
UTFToJavaChar(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of bytes in UTF8 to an array of char's.
UTFToJavaChar(byte[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of bytes in UTF8 to an array of char's.
UTFToJavaCharWithReplacement(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of bytes in UTF8 to an array of char's.
UTFToString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of bytes in UTF8 to a String this function will to allocate the chars array
UTFToString(byte[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
Convert a sequence of bytes in UTF8 to a String this function will to allocate the chars array


VALUE_BINARY - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
VALUE_DATE - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
VALUE_DECIMAL - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
VALUE_DOUBLE - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
VALUE_FALSE - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
VALUE_FLOAT - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
VALUE_INTERVALDS - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
VALUE_INTERVALYM - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
VALUE_NULL - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
VALUE_STRING - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
VALUE_TIMESTAMP - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
VALUE_TIMESTAMPTZ - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
VALUE_TRUE - oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DeliveryFilter
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DequeueMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.NavigationOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.VisibilityOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.DeliveryMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.SequenceDeviationOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.VisibilityOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.DeliveryMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.MessageState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent.AdditionalEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.AdditionalEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.QueryChangeDescription.QueryChangeEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.RowChangeDescription.RowOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription.TableOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.LargeObjectAccessMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.NotificationRegistration.RegistrationState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.CommitOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseShutdownMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseStartupMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DRCPState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData.DataTypeSource
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet.AuthorizationIndicator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData.SecurityAttribute
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.SqlTranslationVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.ArrayStorage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata.ShardingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayableConnection.StatisticsReportType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.AuthenticationAdaptorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.DNMatchStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDecimal.TargetType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DeliveryFilter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.DequeueMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.NavigationOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQDequeueOptions.VisibilityOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.DeliveryMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.SequenceDeviationOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.VisibilityOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.DeliveryMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.MessageState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent.AdditionalEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.aq.AQNotificationEvent.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.AdditionalEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.DatabaseChangeEvent.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.QueryChangeDescription.QueryChangeEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.RowChangeDescription.RowOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.dcn.TableChangeDescription.TableOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.LargeObjectAccessMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.NotificationRegistration.RegistrationState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.CommitOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.ConnectionValidation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseShutdownMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DatabaseStartupMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.DRCPState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData.DataTypeSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet.AuthorizationIndicator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData.SecurityAttribute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.SqlTranslationVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.ArrayStorage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.pool.ShardingMetadata.ShardingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.replay.ReplayableConnection.StatisticsReportType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.AuthenticationAdaptorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.DNMatchStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonDecimal.TargetType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser.Event
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue.OracleJsonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VARBINARY - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
VARCHAR - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
VARCHAR2 - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
VARRAY - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
VARRAY - oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.ArrayStorage
VERIFIED_MATCHING_CONFIG - oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.DNMatchStatus
Server's DN is verified, and it is matching the DN configured either via URL or connection property.
VERIFIED_MATCHING_HOSTNAME - oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.DNMatchStatus
Server's DN is verified, and it is matching the host name specified in the URL.
VERIFIED_MATCHING_SERVICENAME - oracle.jdbc.SecurityInformation.DNMatchStatus
The CN from the server's certificate DN matches the database service name specified in the connection string.
VN8MSWIN1258_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
VN8VN3_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet


WAIT - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.CommitOption
"Wait" commit option.
WAITING - oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties.MessageState
The message delay has not yet completed.
walletDirectory(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder
Used to configure the value of MY_WALLET_DIRECTORY in the SECURITY node.
WE8BS2000_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8BS2000E_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8BS2000L5_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8DEC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8DECTST_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8DG_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC1047_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC1047E_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC1140_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC1140C_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC1145_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC1146_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC1148_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC1148C_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC284_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC285_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC37_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC37C_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC500_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC500C_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC871_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8EBCDIC924_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8GCOS7_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8HP_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8ICL_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8ISO8859P1_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8ISO8859P15_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8ISO8859P9_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8ISOICLUK_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8MACROMAN8_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8MACROMAN8S_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8MSWIN1252_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8NCR4970_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8NEXTSTEP_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8PC850_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8PC858_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8PC860_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
WE8ROMAN8_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
webSocketURI(String) - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectInfo
Used to configure the web-socket URL for the "WSS" connections.
withCode(int) - Static method in enum oracle.jdbc.OracleTypeMetaData.ArrayStorage
wrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Returns a JSON-P (javax.json.stream) wrapper around this value.
wrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonParser
Returns a JSON-P wrapper around this value.
wrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonValue
Returns a JSON-P (javax.json) wrapper around this value.
write(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as JSON true or false.
write(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as a SQL/JSON binary value.
write(double) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as a JSON double.
write(float) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as a JSON float.
write(int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as a JSON number.
write(long) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as a JSON number.
write(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified string value as a JSON string.
write(String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, double) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, float) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, long) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, BigInteger) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, Duration) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, LocalDateTime) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, OffsetDateTime) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, Period) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(String, OracleJsonValue) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then write(value).
write(BigDecimal) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as a JSON number.
write(BigInteger) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as a JSON number.
write(Duration) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as a SQL/JSON day/second interval.
write(LocalDateTime) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as a SQL/JSON timestamp.
write(OffsetDateTime) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as a SQL/JSON timestamp with timezone.
write(Period) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as a SQL/JSON year/month interval.
write(OracleJsonValue) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value.
WRITEBATCH - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.CommitOption
"Batch logging" commit option.
writeEnd() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the end of the current object or array.
writeId(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the specified value as a SQL/JSON binary value.
WRITEIMMED - oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.CommitOption
"Batch logging" commit option.
writeKey(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes a JSON name/value pair in the current object context.
writeNull() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes JSON null.
writeNull(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then writeNull().
writeParser(Object) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Writes the events from the specified parser to this generator.
writeStartArray() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Begins a new JSON array.
writeStartArray(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then writeStartArray().
writeStartObject() - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
Begins a new JSON object.
writeStartObject(String) - Method in interface oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonGenerator
A convenience method that is equivalent to calling writeKey(name) and then writeStartObject().


XA_OK - Static variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
xaconnection - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
xaResource - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAConnection
XDBURITYPE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
xidHash - Variable in class oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource
XMLTYPE - oracle.jdbc.OracleType
XMLTYPETOID - Static variable in class oracle.sql.TypeDescriptor


YR0 - Static variable in class oracle.sql.DATE
Year zero does not exist
YUG7ASCII_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet


zero() - Static method in class oracle.sql.NUMBER
Returns a new NUMBER object initialized to zero.
zeroTime() - Method in class oracle.sql.DATE
Zero out the time from a DATE object.
ZHS16CGB231280_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHS16DBCS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHS16GBK_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHS16MACCGB231280_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHS32GB18030_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHT16BIG5_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHT16CCDC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHT16DBCS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHT16DBT_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHT16HKSCS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHT16HKSCS31_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHT16MSWIN950_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHT32EUC_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHT32SOPS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
ZHT32TRIS_CHARSET - Static variable in class oracle.sql.CharacterSet
zonedDateTimeValue() - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ
Calls toZonedDateTime to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPTZ to a Java ZonedDateTime.
zonedDateTimeValue(Connection) - Method in class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
Calls toZonedDateTime(Connection, byte[]) to convert internal Oracle TIMESTAMPLTZ to a Java ZonedDateTime.


_getPC() - Method in interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
Return the underlying physical connection if this is a logical connection.
_getPC() - Method in class oracle.jdbc.OracleConnectionWrapper
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