Chapter 4 The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Command Line Interface (CLI)

Table of Contents

All Oracle Private Cloud Appliance command line utilities are consolidated into a single command line interface that is accessible via the management node shell by running the pca-admin command located at /usr/sbin/pca-admin. This command is in the system path for the root user, so you should be able to run the command from anywhere that you are located on a management node. The CLI provides access to all of the tools available in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard, as well as many that do not have a Dashboard equivalent. The design of the CLI makes it possible to script actions that may need to be performed more regularly, or to write integration scripts with existing monitoring and maintenance software not directly hosted on the appliance.

It is important to understand that the CLI, described here, is distinct from the Oracle VM Manager command line interface, which is described fully in the Oracle VM documentation available at

In general, it is preferable that CLI usage is restricted to the active management node. While it is possible to run the CLI from either management node, some commands are restricted to the active management node and return an error if you attempt to run them on the passive management node.

4.1 CLI Usage

The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance command line interface is triggered by running the pca-admin command. It can run either in interactive mode (see Section 4.1.1, “Interactive Mode”) or in single-command mode (see Section 4.1.2, “Single-command Mode”) depending on whether you provide the syntax to run a particular CLI command when you invoke the command line interpreter.

The syntax when using the CLI is as follows:

PCA> Command Command_Target <Arguments> Options


  • Command is the command type that should be initiated. For example list;

  • Command_Target is the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance component or process that should be affected by the command. For example management-node, compute-node, task etc;

  • <Arguments> consist of positioning arguments related to the command target. For instance, when performing a reprovisioning action against a compute node, you should provide the specific compute node that should be affected as an argument for this command. For example: reprovision compute-node ovcacn11r1;

  • Options consist of options that may be provided as additional parameters to the command to affect its behavior. For instance, the list command provides various sorting and filtering options that can be appended to the command syntax to control how output is returned. For example: list compute-node --filter-column Provisioning_State --filter dead. See Section 4.1.3, “Controlling CLI Output” for more information on many of these options.

The CLI includes its own internal help that can assist you with understanding the commands, command targets, arguments and options available. See Section 4.1.4, “Internal CLI Help” for more information on how to use this help system. When used in interactive mode, the CLI also provides tab completion to assist you with the correct construction of a command. See Section, “Tab Completion” for more information on this.

4.1.1 Interactive Mode

The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance command line interface (CLI) provides an interactive shell that can be used for user-friendly command line interactions. This shell provides a closed environment where users can enter commands specific to the management of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. By using the CLI in interactive mode, the user can avail of features like tab completion to easily complete commands correctly. By default, running the pca-admin command without providing any additional parameters causes the CLI interpreter to run in interactive mode.

It is possible to identify that you are in a CLI shell running in interactive mode as the shell prompt is indicated by PCA>.

Example 4.1 An example of interactive mode usage of the CLI
# pca-admin 
Welcome to PCA! Release: 2.4.1
PCA> list management-node

Management_Node IP_Address   Provisioning_Status  ILOM_MAC           Provisioning_State   Master
--------------- ----------   -------------------  --------           ------------------   ------
ovcamn05r1  RUNNING              00:10:e0:e9:1f:c9  running              Yes
ovcamn06r1  RUNNING              00:10:e0:e7:26:ad  running              None
2 rows displayed

Status: Success
PCA> exit

To exit from the CLI when it is in interactive mode, you can use either the q, quit, or exit command, or alternatively use the Ctrl+D key combination. Tab Completion

The CLI supports tab-completion when in interactive mode. This means that pressing the tab key while entering a command can either complete the command on your behalf, or can indicate options and possible values that can be entered to complete a command. Usually you must press the tab key at least twice to effect tab-completion.

Tab-completion is configured to work at all levels within the CLI and is context sensitive. This means that you can press the tab key to complete or prompt for commands, command targets, options, and for certain option values. For instance, pressing the tab key twice at a blank prompt within the CLI automatically lists all possible commands, while pressing the tab key after typing the first letter or few letters of a command automatically completes the command for you. Once a command is specified, followed by a space, pressing the tab key indicates command targets. If you have specified a command target, pressing the tab key indicates other options available for the command sequence. If you press the tab key after specifying a command option that requires an option value, such as the --filter-column option, the CLI attempts to provide you with the values that can be used with that option.

Example 4.2 Examples showing tab-completion
PCA> <tab>
EOF          backup       create       deprovision  exit         help         q
remove       rerun        shell        start        update       add          configure
delete       diagnose     get          list         quit         reprovision  set
show         stop

PCA> list <tab>
compute-node       lock               mgmt-switch-port   network-port       task
update-task        uplink-port-group  config-error       management-node    network
network-switch     tenant-group       uplink-port

PCA> list com<tab>pute-node

The <tab> indicates where the user pressed the tab key while in an interactive CLI session. In the final example, the command target is automatically completed by the CLI. Running Shell Commands

It is possible to run standard shell commands while you are in the CLI interpreter shell. These can be run by either preceding them with the shell command or by using the ! operator as a shortcut to indicate that the command that follows is a standard shell command. For example:

PCA> shell date
Wed Jun  5 08:15:56 UTC 2019
PCA> !uptime > /tmp/uptime-today
PCA> !rm /tmp/uptime-today

4.1.2 Single-command Mode

The CLI supports 'single-command mode', which allows you to execute a single command from the shell via the CLI and to obtain the output before the CLI exits back to the shell. This is particularly useful when writing scripts that may interact with the CLI, particularly if used in conjunction with the CLI's JSON output mode described in Section, “JSON Output”.

To run the CLI in single-command mode, simply include the full command syntax that you wish to execute as parameters to the pca-admin command.

An example of single command mode is provided below:

# pca-admin list compute-node
Compute_Node  IP_Address    Provisioning_Status  ILOM_MAC            Provisioning_State
------------  ----------    -------------------  --------            ------------------
ovcacn12r1   RUNNING              00:10:e0:e5:e6:d3   running
ovcacn07r1   RUNNING              00:10:e0:e6:8d:0b   running
ovcacn13r1  RUNNING              00:10:e0:e6:f7:f7   running
ovcacn14r1   RUNNING              00:10:e0:e7:15:eb   running
ovcacn10r1  RUNNING              00:10:e0:e7:13:8d   running
ovcacn09r1   RUNNING              00:10:e0:e6:f8:6f   running
ovcacn11r1  RUNNING              00:10:e0:e6:f9:ef   running
7 rows displayed


4.1.3 Controlling CLI Output

The CLI provides options to control how output is returned in responses to the various CLI commands that are available. These are provided as additional options as the final portion of the syntax for a CLI command. Many of these options can make it easier to identify particular items of interest through sorting and filtering, or can be particularly useful when scripting solutions as they help to provide output that is more easily parsed. JSON Output

JSON format is a commonly used format to represent data objects in a way that is easy to machine-parse but is equally easy for a user to read. Although JSON was originally developed as a way to represent JavaScript objects, parsers are available for a wide number of programming languages, making it an ideal output format for the CLI if you are scripting a custom solution that may need to interface directly with the CLI.

The CLI returns its output for any command in JSON format if the --json option is specified when a command is run. Typically this option may be used when running the CLI in single-command mode. An example follows:

# pca-admin list compute-node --json
    "00:10:e0:e5:e6:ce": {
        "name": "ovcacn12r1",
        "ilom_state": "running",
        "ip": "",
        "tenant_group_name": "Rack1_ServerPool",
        "state": "RUNNING",
        "networks": "default_external, default_internal",
        "ilom_mac": "00:10:e0:e5:e6:d3"
    "00:10:e0:e6:8d:06": {
        "name": "ovcacn07r1",
        "ilom_state": "running",
        "ip": "",
        "tenant_group_name": "Rack1_ServerPool",
        "state": "RUNNING",
        "networks": "default_external, default_internal",
        "ilom_mac": "00:10:e0:e6:8d:0b"
    "00:10:e0:e6:f9:ea": {
        "name": "ovcacn11r1",
        "ilom_state": "running",
        "ip": "",
        "tenant_group_name": "",
        "state": "RUNNING",
        "networks": "default_external, default_internal",
        "ilom_mac": "00:10:e0:e6:f9:ef"

In some cases the JSON output may contain more information than is displayed in the tabulated output that is usually shown in the CLI when the --json option is not used. Furthermore, the keys used in the JSON output may not map identically to the table column names that are presented in the tabulated output.

Sorting and filtering options are currently not supported in conjunction with JSON output, since these facilities can usually be implemented on the side of the parser. Sorting

Typically, when using the list command, you may wish to sort information in a way that makes it easier to view items of particular interest. This is achieved using the --sorted-by and --sorted-order options in conjunction with the command. When using the --sorted-by option, you must specify the column name against which the sort should be applied. You can use the --sorted-order option to control the direction of the sort. This option should be followed either with ASC for an ascending sort, or DES for a descending sort. If this option is not specified, the default sort order is ascending.

For example, to sort a view of compute nodes based on the status of the provisioning for each compute node, you may do the following:

PCA> list compute-node --sorted-by Provisioning_State --sorted-order ASC
Compute_Node  IP_Address    Provisioning_Status  ILOM_MAC             Provisioning_State
------------  ----------    ----------           --------             ----------
ovcacn08r1   RUNNING              00:10:e0:65:2f:b7    dead
ovcacn28r1  RUNNING              00:10:e0:62:31:81    initializing_stage_wait_for_hmp
ovcacn10r1   RUNNING              00:10:e0:65:2f:cf    initializing_stage_wait_for_hmp
ovcacn30r1   RUNNING              00:10:e0:40:cb:59    running
ovcacn07r1  RUNNING              00:10:e0:62:ca:09    running
ovcacn26r1  RUNNING              00:10:e0:65:30:f5    running
ovcacn29r1   RUNNING              00:10:e0:31:49:1d    running
ovcacn09r1   RUNNING              00:10:e0:65:2f:3f    running
8 rows displayed

Status: Success

Note that you can use tab-completion with the --sorted-by option to easily obtain the options for different column names. See Section, “Tab Completion” for more information. Filtering

Some tables may contain a large number of rows that you are not interested in, to limit the output to items of particular interest you can use the filtering capabilities that are built into the CLI. Filtering is achieved using a combination of the --filter-column and --filter options. The --filter-column option must be followed by specifying the column name, while the --filter option is followed with the specific text that should be matched to form the filter. The text that should be specified for a --filter may contain wildcard characters. If that is not the case, it must be an exact match. Filtering does not currently support regular expressions or partial matches.

For example, to view only the compute nodes that have a Provisioning state equivalent to 'dead', you could use the following filter:

PCA> list compute-node --filter-column Provisioning_State --filter dead
Compute_Node  IP_Address    Provisioning_Status  ILOM_MAC             Provisioning_State
------------  ----------    ----------           --------             ----------
ovcacn09r1  DEAD                 00:10:e0:0f:55:cb    dead           
ovcacn11r1   DEAD                 00:10:e0:0f:57:93    dead           
ovcacn14r1   DEAD                 00:10:e0:46:9e:45    dead           
ovcacn36r1  DEAD                 00:10:e0:0f:5a:9f    dead           
4 rows displayed
Status: Success

Note that you can use tab-completion with the --filter-column option to easily obtain the options for different column names. See Section, “Tab Completion” for more information.

4.1.4 Internal CLI Help

The CLI includes its own internal help system. This is triggered by issuing the help command:

PCA> help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
add        create       diagnose  list         rerun  start
backup     delete       get       remove       set    stop
configure  deprovision  help      reprovision  show   update

Undocumented commands:
EOF  exit  q  quit  shell

The help system displays all of the available commands that are supported by the CLI. These are organized into 'Documented commands' and 'Undocumented commands'. Undocumented commands are usually commands that are not specific to the management of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, but are mostly discussed within this documentation. Note that more detailed help can be obtained for any documented command by appending the name of the command to the help query. For example, to obtain the help documentation specific to the list command, you can do the following:

PCA> help list
Usage: pca-admin list <Command Target> [OPTS]

Command Targets:    
  compute-node          List computer node.
  config-error          List configuration errors.
  lock                  List lock.
  management-node       List management node.
  mgmt-switch-port      List management switch port.
  network               List active networks.
  network-port          List network port.
  network-switch        List network switch.
  task                  List task.
  tenant-group          List tenant-group.
  update-task           List update task.
  uplink-port           List uplink port.
  uplink-port-group     List uplink port group.

  --json                Display the output in json format.
  --less                Display output in the less pagination mode.
  --more                Display output in the more pagination mode.
  --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME  Export output to a file.
  --sorted-by=SORTEDBY  Sorting the table by a column.
                        Sorting order.
                        Table column that needs to be filtered.
  --filter=FILTER       filter criterion

You can drill down further into the help system for most commands by also appending the command target onto your help query:

PCA> help reprovision compute-node
  reprovision compute-node <compute node name> [options]

  reprovision compute-node ovcacn11r1

  Reprovision a compute node.

Finally, if you submit a help query for something that doesn't exist, the help system generates an error and automatically attempts to prompt you with alternative candidates:

PCA> list ta
Status: Failure
Error Message: Error (MISSING_TARGET_000): Missing command target for command: list.
Command targets can be: ['update-task', 'uplink-port-group', 'config-error', 'network', 
'lock', 'network-port', 'tenant-group', 'network-switch', 'task', 'compute-node', 
'uplink-port', 'mgmt-switch-port', 'management-node'].

4.2 CLI Commands

This section describes all of the documented commands available via the CLI.

Note that there are slight differences in the CLI commands available on Ethernet-based systems and InfiniBand-based systems. If you issue a command that is not available on your specific architecture, the command fails.

4.2.1 add compute-node

Adds a compute node to an existing tenant group. To create a new tenant group, see Section 4.2.17, “create tenant-group”.


add compute-node node tenant-group-name [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where tenant-group-name is the name of the tenant group you wish to add one or more compute nodes to, and node is the name of the compute node that should be added to the selected tenant group.


Use the add compute-node command to add the required compute nodes to a tenant group you created. If a compute node is currently part of another tenant group, it is first removed from that tenant group. If custom networks are already associated with the tenant group, the newly added server is connected to those networks as well.

During add compute-node operations, Kubernetes cluster operations should not be underway or started. If existing Kubernetes clusters are in the tenant group, there will be a period after the compute node is added and the K8S_Private network is connected that the existing Kubernetes private cluster networks are extended. The Kubernetes private network extension is done asynchronously outside of the compute-node add.

Use the command add network-to-tenant-group to associate a custom network with a tenant group.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.3 Adding a Compute Node to a Tenant Group
PCA> add compute-node ovcacn09r1 myTenantGroup

Status: Success

4.2.2 add initiator

Adds an initiator to an iSCSI LUN. This allows you to control access to the iSCSI LUN shares you created on the internal ZFS storage appliance.


add initiator initiator IQN LUN-name [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where LUN-name is the name of the iSCSI LUN share to which you are granting access using an initiator.


Use the add initiator command to add an initiator to an iSCSI LUN. This command creates an initiator with provided IQN in the ZFS storage appliance and adds it to initiator group associated with an iSCSI share.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



initiator IQN

List the initiator IQN from the virtual machine you want to have access to the LUN. Only virtual machines within the same subnet/network can have access to the filesystem.

LUN name

Specify the LUN you want to make available using an initiator.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.4 Adding an Initiator to a LUN
PCA> add initiator  myLUN 
Status: Success

4.2.3 add network

Connects a server node to an existing network. To create a new custom network, see Section 4.2.12, “create network”.


add network network-name node [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where network-name is the name of the network you wish to connect one or more servers to, and node is the name of the server node that should be connected to the selected network.


Use the add network command to connect the required server nodes to a custom network you created. When you set up custom networks between your servers, you create the network first, and then add the required servers to the network. Use the create network command to configure additional custom networks.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.5 Connecting a Compute Node to a Custom Network
PCA> add network MyNetwork ovcacn09r1
Status: Success

4.2.4 add network-to-tenant-group

Associates a custom network with an existing tenant group. To create a new tenant group, see Section 4.2.17, “create tenant-group”. To create a new custom network, see Section 4.2.12, “create network”.


add network-to-tenant-group network-name tenant-group-name [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where network-name is the name of an existing custom network, and tenant-group-name is the name of the tenant group you wish to associate the custom network with.


Use the add network-to-tenant-group command to connect all member servers of a tenant group to a custom network. The custom network connection is configured when a server joins the tenant group, and unconfigured when a server is removed from the tenant group.


This command involves verification steps that are performed in the background. Consequently, even though output is returned and you regain control of the CLI, certain operations continue to run for some time.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.6 Associating a Custom Network with a Tenant Group
PCA> add network-to-tenant-group myPublicNetwork myTenantGroup

Validating servers in the tenant group... This may take some time.

The job for sync all nodes in tenant group  with the new network myPublicNetwork has been submitted.
Please look into "/var/log/ovca.log" and "/var/log/ovca-sync.log" to monitor the progress.

Status: Success

4.2.5 add nfs-exception

Adds an NFS exception to allowed clients list for an NFS share. This allows you to control access to the internal ZFS storage appliance by granting exceptions to particular groups of users.


add nfs-exception nfs-share-name network or IP address [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where nfs-share-name is the name of the NFS share to which you are granting access using exceptions.


Use the add nfs-exception command to grant a client access to the NFS share.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



network or IP address

List the IP address or CIDR you want to have access to the share.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.7 Adding an NFS Share Exception
PCA> add nfs-exception MyNFSshare 
Status: Success

4.2.6 add node-pool

Adds a node pool to a Kubernetes cluster. When a cluster is first built, there are two node pools: master and worker. Additional worker node pools can be created. This is useful when a cluster needs worker nodes with more (or less) CPU and Memory or you possibly need to create the boot disks in an alternate repository.


The add node-pool software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


add node-pool cluster-name node-pool-name cpus memory repository virtual-appliance [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where cluster-name is the name of the Kubernetes cluster where you wish to add a node pool.


Use the add node-pool command to add a node pool to the Kubernetes cluster. A new node pool can be a different repository than the original cluster and can use a different virtual appliance if there is more than one available. The number of CPUs and memory must be within valid ranges.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



node pool name

Choose a name for the node pool you want to add. Once created the new node pool is empty. See Section 4.2.7, “add node-pool-node”.


Specifiy the number of CPUs. Node pools can have between 1 and 24 CPUs.


Specificy the amount of memory. Node pools can have between 8 and 393 GB of memory.


Enter the repository that contains the virtual appliance to be used and that will be used for the virtual machine boot disks. A cluster can have node pools in multiple repositories as long as they are all attached to all of the nodes in the tenant group. If not specified, the repository specified on the create kube-cluster command is used.

Note that tab completion on this field returns the default repository, not a full list of storage repositories available in Oracle VM.

virtual appliance

Enter one of the pre-configured virtual appliances names. If not specified, the virtual appliance name used by the cluster is assumed.

A new node pool can use a different virtual appliance from the original cluster, if there is more than one virtual appliance available.

You must add the virtual appliances (none default OVA-name) you use to the /etc/kubernetes.conf file before you execute this command.


Example 4.8 Adding a Node Pool
PCA> add node-pool MyCluster np0 1 8192
Status: Success

4.2.7 add node-pool-node

Adds a node to a Kubernetes cluster node pool. A host name is only required for a static network configuration. This command is used to scale up an existing worker node pool, or to replace a master node that was previously removed.


The add node-pool-node software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


add node-pool-node cluster-name node-pool-name hostname [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where cluster-name is the name of the Kubernetes cluster where you wish to add a node.


Use the add node-pool-node command to add a node to a node pool in the Kubernetes cluster. This command starts the node through an asynchronous job. Progress can be viewed through the show node-pool-node or list node-pool-node commands.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



node pool name

Choose the node pool where you want to add a node.

host name

For a static network, a host name is required, and that host name must be able to be resolved on the static network. For DHCP, this command does not require a host name unless you are replacing a master node.

In the case of a master node replacement, you must use the name of an existing host. You can determine the existing host names from the list node-pool-node command.


The following table shows the available states for this command. All states apply to worker nodes, some states also apply to master nodes.





This state is seen only in nodes in the master and worker node pools and typically only while the cluster is in CONFIGURED or BUILDING state. A node in the master node pool can return to the CONFIGURED state when a cluster is AVAILABLE if the master node is temporarily removed from the cluster in order to be re-built.



Awaiting resources to start building.


Building the node.


Building the virtual machine and applying settings.


Joining the Kubernetes control plane.



Stopping and removing the VM.


Stopping the node. The node will first be removed from the Kubernetes cluster, then the virtual machine will be stopped and removed from Oracle VM.


The node finished the build process.


A master node in this state is being used to interact with the Kubernetes cluster.


An error occurred with the node while it was being built. The node should be removed after the error is understood..


An error occurred while the virtual machine was being built. Checking the error message with show node-pool-node can help understand the issue, Oracle VM may have to be consulted directly for detailed information on the failure.


An error occurred while the virtual machine was joining the Kubernetes control plane. Consult with the Kubernetes administrator on potential Kubernetes issues.


Example 4.9 Adding a Node Pool Node
PCA> add node-pool-node MyCluster np0 myHost_1 
Status: Success

4.2.8 backup

Triggers a manual backup of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


The backup command can only be executed from the active management node; not from the standby management node.


backup [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]


Use the backup command to initiate a backup task outside of the usual cron schedule. The backup task performs a full backup of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance as described in Section 1.6, “Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Backup”. The CLI command does not monitor the progress of the backup task itself, and exits immediately after triggering the task, returning the task ID and name, its initial status, its progress and start time. This command must only ever be run on the active management node.

You can use the show task command to view the status of the task after you have initiated the backup. See Example 4.74, “Show Task” for more information.


There are no further options for this command.


Example 4.10 Running a backup task
PCA> backup

The backup job has been submitted. Use "show task <task id>" to monitor the progress.

Task_ID         Status  Progress Start_Time           Task_Name
-------         ------  -------- ----------           ---------
3769a13df448a2  RUNNING None     06-05-2019 09:21:36  backup
1 row displayed

Status: Success

4.2.9 configure vhbas

Configures vHBAs on compute nodes. This command is used only on systems with InfiniBand-based network architecture.


configure vhbas { ALL | node } [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where node is the compute node name for the compute node for which the vHBAs should be configured, and ALL refers to all compute nodes provisioned in your environment.


This command creates the default virtual host bus adapters (vHBAs) for fibre channel connectivity, if they do not exist. Each of the four default vHBAs corresponds with a bond on the physical server. Each vHBA connection between a server node and Fabric Interconnect has a unique mapping. Use the configure vhbas command to configure the virtual host bus adapters (vHBA) on all compute nodes or a specific subset of them.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



ALL | node

Configure vHBAs for all compute nodes or for one or more specific compute nodes.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.11 Configuring the vHBAs for Specific Compute Nodes
PCA> configure vhbas ovcacn11r1 ovcacn14r1
Compute_Node         Status         
------------         ------         
ovcacn14r1           Succeeded      
ovcacn11r1           Succeeded      
2 rows displayed
Status: Success

4.2.10 create iscsi-storage

Creates a new iSCSI LUN share for a VM storage network.


create iscsi-storage iscsi-LUN-name storage_network_name LUN_size storage-profile [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where iscsi-LUN-name is the name of the iSCSI LUN share you wish to create.


Use this command to create an iSCSI LUN share associated with a particular network. This iSCSI LUN share can then be used by Virtual Machines that have access to the specified network.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




The name of the storage network where you wish to create the share.


The size of the share in Gigabytes, for example 100G.


Optionally, you can choose a pre-configured storage profile to maximize I/O performance for your environment.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.12 Creating an iSCSI LUN Share
PCA> create iscsi-storage my_iscsi_LUN myStorageNnetwork 100G general

Status: Success

4.2.11 create lock

Imposes a lock on certain appliance functionality.


Never use locks without consultation or specific instructions from Oracle Support.


create lock { all_provisioning | cn_upgrade | database | install | manufacturing | mn_upgrade | provisioning | service } [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]


Use the create lock command to temporarily disable certain appliance-level functions. The lock types are described in the Options.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Suspend all management node updates and compute node provisioning. Running tasks are completed and stop before the next stage in the process.

A daemon checks for locks every few seconds. Once the lock has been removed, the update or provisioning processes continue from where they were halted.


Prevent all compute node upgrade operations.


Impose a lock on the databases during the management node update process. The lock is released after the update.


Placeholder lock type. Currently not used.


For usage in manufacturing.

This lock type prevents the first boot process from initiating between reboots in the factory. As long as this lock is active, the ovca service does not start.


Prevent all management node upgrade operations.


Prevent compute node provisioning. If a compute node provisioning process is running, it stops at the next stage.

A daemon checks for locks every few seconds. Once the lock has been removed, all nodes advance to the next stage in the provisioning process.


Placeholder lock type. Behavior is identical to manufacturing lock.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.13 Imposing a Provisioning Lock
PCA> create lock provisioning
Status: Success

4.2.12 create network

Creates a new custom network, private or public, at the appliance level. See Section 2.6, “Network Customization” for detailed information.


create network network-name { rack_internal_network | external_network port-group | storage_network prefix netmask [zfs-ipaddress] | host_network port-group prefix netmask [route-destination gateway] } [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where network-name is the name of the custom network you wish to create.

If the network type is external_network, then the spine switch ports used for public connectivity must also be specified as port-group. For this purpose, you must first create an uplink port group. See Section 4.2.18, “create uplink-port-group” for more information.

If the network type is storage_network, then mandatory additional arguments are expected. Enter the prefix, netmask and the [zfs-ipaddress] that is assigned to the ZFS storage appliance network interface.

If the network type is host_network, then additional arguments are expected. The subnet arguments are mandatory; the routing arguments are optional.

  • prefix: defines the fixed part of the host network subnet, depending on the netmask

  • netmask: determines which part of the subnet is fixed and which part is variable

  • [route-destination]: the external network location reachable from within the host network, which can be specified as a single valid IPv4 address or a subnet in CIDR notation.

  • [gateway]: the IP address of the gateway for the static route, which must be inside the host network subnet

The IP addresses of the hosts or physical servers are based on the prefix and netmask of the host network. The final octet is the same as the corresponding internal management IP address. The routing information from the create network command is used to configure a static route on each compute node that joins the host network.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



{ rack_internal_network | external_network | storage_network | host_network }

The type of custom network to create. The options are:

  • a network internal to the rack

  • a network with external connectivity

  • a network with external connectivity, accessible for physical hosts

  • a network with internal connectivity to the ZFS storage appliance

external_network port-group

To create a custom network with external connectivity, you must specify the ports on the spine switch as well. The ports must belong to an uplink port group, and you provide the port group name as an argument in this command.

storage_network prefix netmask [zfs-ipaddress]

To create a storage network, you must specify the prefix, netmask, and the ip address that is assigned to the ZFS storage appliance network interface.

host_network port-group prefix netmask [route-destination gateway]

To create a custom host network, you must specify the ports on the spine switch as with an external network. The ports must belong to an uplink port group, and you provide the port group name as an argument in this command.

In addition, the host network requires arguments for its subnet. The routing arguments are optional. All four arguments are explained in the Syntax section above.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.14 Creating an Internal Custom Network
PCA> create network MyPrivateNetwork rack_internal_network
Status: Success

Example 4.15 Creating a Custom Network with External Connectivity
PCA> create network MyPublicNetwork external_network myUplinkPortGroup
Status: Success

Example 4.16 Creating a Storage Network
PCA> create network MyStorageNetwork storage_network 10.10.10

Status: Success

4.2.13 create nfs-storage

Creates a new NFS storage share for a VM storage network.


create nfs-storage nfs-share-name storage_network_name share_size storage-profile [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where nfs-share-name is the name of the NFS share you wish to create.


Use this command to create an NFS share accosciated with a particular network. This NFS share can then be used by Virtual Machines that have access to the specified network.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




The name of the storage network where you wish to create the share.


The size of the share in Gigabytes, for example 100G.


Optionally, you can choose a pre-configured storage profile to maximize I/O performance for your environment.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.17 Creating an NFS Share
PCA> create nfs-storage myShare myStorageNnetwork 100G general

Status: Success

4.2.14 create kube-cluster

Creates a new Kubernetes cluster definition. Once you create a cluster definition, you start that cluster to make it active. See Section 2.13.3, “Create a Kubernetes Cluster on a DHCP Network” and Section 2.13.4, “Create a Kubernetes Cluster on a Static Network” for detailed information.


The create cube-cluster software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


create kube-cluster cluster-name tenant-group external_network load_balancer_IP_address repository virtual-appliance

where cluster-name is the name of the Kubernetes cluster you wish to create.


Use the create kube-cluster command to set up a new cluster configuration for a viable Kubernetes cluster.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



tenant group

Choose the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance tenant group where you want to build your cluster. See Section 2.8, “Tenant Groups”.

external network

Choose an external network to connect to the cluster master node. This network should provide access to your nameserver and DHCP server, and enables the master node to act as a gateway for the worker nodes if needed.

load balancer IP address

The load balancer IP address is a floating IP address that uses Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) to fail over to other master nodes when the host of the address can no longer be contacted. The VRRP address is auto-selected by the create kube-cluster command as the next available on the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.

If other resources on the network use VRRP, assign a specific VRRP ID to the cluster to avoid VRRP collisions. See Section 4.2.45, “set kube-load-balancer”.


Assign a storage repository to the cluster. Note that tab completion on this field returns the default repository, not a full list of storage repositories available in Oracle VM.

virtual appliance

Optionally, you can enter a virtual appliance, that you have downloaded, to use as a template for your Kubernetes cluster. See Section 2.13.2, “Prepare the Cluster Environment”.


Example 4.18 Creating a Cluster
PCA> create kube-cluster MyCluster Rack1_ServerPool vm_public_vlan Rack1-Repository 
Kubernetes cluster configuration (MyCluster) created
Status: Success

4.2.15 create oci-backup

Creates an on-demand Oracle Cloud Infrastructure dataset backup. For more information, see Section 2.12.2, “Configuring a Manual Cloud Backup”.


create oci-backup target-name target-name-2

where target-name is the name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure target where you wish to locate the backup.


Use this command to create an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure backup. You can push a backup to multiple configured targets by listing mutlitple targets with this command. To configure targets, see Section 2.12.1, “Configuring the Cloud Backup Service”.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.19 Creating an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Backup
PCA> create oci-backup OCItarget_1 OCItarget_2

Status: Success

4.2.16 create oci-target

Creates an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure target, which is the location on your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy where you want to store backups.


create oci-target target-name target-location target-user target-bucket target-tenancy keyfile

where target-name is the name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure target where you wish to locate the backup.


Use this command to create an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure target, and to send scheduled backups to that target. This command creates a cronjob which pushed this backup to the configured target weekly. For more information see Section 2.12.1, “Configuring the Cloud Backup Service”.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




The object storage endpoint. For a list of available endpoints, see


A user that has access to your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy.


A logical container for storing objects. Users or systems create buckets as needed within a region. To create a bucket for Cloud Backup feature, see Section 2.12.1, “Configuring the Cloud Backup Service”.


Your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy where you wish to store backups.


An API key required to access your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy. For more information see


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.20 Creating an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Target
PCA> create oci-target MyTarget ocid1.user.oc1..oos /root/oci_api_key.pem

Status: Success

4.2.17 create tenant-group

Creates a new tenant group. With the tenant group, which exists at the appliance level, a corresponding Oracle VM server pool is created. See Section 2.8, “Tenant Groups” for detailed information.


create tenant-group tenant-group-name [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where tenant-group-name is the name of the tenant group – and server pool – you wish to add to the environment.


Use the create tenant-group command to set up a new placeholder for a separate group of compute nodes. The purpose of the tenant group is to group a number of compute nodes in a separate server pool. When the tenant group exists, add the required compute nodes using the add compute-node command. If you want to connect all the members of a server pool to a custom network, use the command add network-to-tenant-group.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.21 Creating a Tenant Group
PCA> create tenant-group myTenantGroup

Status: Success

4.2.19 delete config-error

The delete config-error command can be used to delete a failed configuration task from the configuration error database.


delete config-error id [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where id is the identifier for the configuration error that you wish to delete from the database.


Use the delete config-error command to remove a configuration error from the configuration error database. This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.

Once a configuration error has been deleted from the database, you may not be able to re-run the configuration task associated with it. To obtain a list of configuration errors, use the list config-error command. See Example 4.49, “List All Configuration Errors” for more information.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.23 Removing a Configuration Error
PCA> delete config-error 87
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success

4.2.20 delete iscsi-storage

Deletes an iSCSI LUN share for a VM storage network.


delete iscsi-storage iscsi-LUN-name

where iscsi-LUN-name is the name of the iSCSI LUN share you wish to delete.


Use this command to permanently delete an iSCSI LUN share.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.24 Deleting an iSCSI LUN Share
PCA> delete iscsi-storage my_iscsi_LUN

Status: Success

4.2.21 delete kube-cluster

Deletes a Kubernetes cluster configuration. The cluster must be stopped and in a CONFIGURED state for this command to work. See Section 2.13.7, “Stop a Cluster”.


The delete cube-cluster software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


delete kube-cluster cluster-name

where cluster-name refers to the name of the cluster configuration to be deleted.


Use the delete kube-cluster command to delete a cluster configuration file and remove the cluster from the master configuration.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.25 Deleting a Cluster
PCA> delete kube-cluster MyCluster
Status: Success

4.2.22 delete lock

Removes a lock that was previously imposed on certain appliance functionality.


delete lock { all_provisioning | cn_upgrade | database | install | manufacturing | mn_upgrade | provisioning | service } [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]


Use the delete lock command to re-enable the appliance-level functions that were locked earlier.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



{ all_provisioning | cn_upgrade | database | install | manufacturing | mn_upgrade | provisioning | service }

The type of lock to be removed.

For a description of lock types, see Section 4.2.11, “create lock”.


Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.26 Unlocking Provisioning
PCA> delete lock provisioning
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success

4.2.23 delete network

Deletes a custom network. See Section 2.6, “Network Customization” for detailed information.


delete network network-name [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where network-name is the name of the custom network you wish to delete.


Use the delete network command to remove a previously created custom network from your environment. This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.

A custom network can only be deleted after all servers have been removed from it. See Section 4.2.36, “remove network”.

Default Oracle Private Cloud Appliance networks are protected and any attempt to delete them will fail.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.27 Deleting a Custom Network
PCA> delete network MyNetwork
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success

Example 4.28 Attempting to Delete a Default Network
PCA> delete network default_internal
Status: Failure
Error Message: Error (NETWORK_003): Exception while deleting network: default_internal.
['INVALID_NAME_002: Invalid Network name: default_internal. Name is reserved.']

4.2.24 delete nfs-storage

Deletes an NFS storage share for a VM storage network.


delete nfs-storage nfs-share-name

where nfs-share-name is the name of the NFS storage share you wish to delete.


Use this command to permanently delete an NFS storage share.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.29 Deleting an NFS Storage Share
PCA> delete nfs-storage myStorageShare

Status: Success

4.2.25 delete oci-backup

Deletes an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure dataset backup. For more information, see Section 2.12.3, “Deleting Cloud Backups”.


delete oci-backup oci-backup-name

where oci-backup-name is the name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure backup you wish to delete.


Use this command to permanently delete an Oracle Cloud Infrastructurebackup.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.30 Deleting an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Backup
PCA> delete oci-backup myOCIbackup

Status: Success

4.2.26 delete oci-target

Deletes an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure target from your ZFS storage appliance. For more information see Section 2.12.4, “Deleting Oracle Cloud InfrastructureTargets” .


delete oci-target oci-target-name

where oci-target-name is the name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure target you wish to delete.


Use this command to permanently delete an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure target.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.31 Deleting an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Target
PCA> delete nfs-storage myStorageShare

Status: Success

4.2.27 delete task

The delete command can be used to delete a task from the database.


delete task id [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where id is the identifier for the task that you wish to delete from the database.


Use the delete task command to remove a task from the task database. This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.32 Removing a Task
PCA> delete task 341e7bc74f339c
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success

4.2.28 delete tenant-group

Deletes a tenant group. The default tenant group cannot be deleted. See Section 2.8, “Tenant Groups” for detailed information.


delete tenant-group tenant-group-name [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where tenant-group-name is the name of the tenant group – and server pool – you wish to add to the environment.


Use the delete tenant-group command to remove a previously created, non-default tenant group from your environment. All servers must be removed from the tenant group before it can be deleted. When the tenant group is deleted, the server pool file system is removed from the internal ZFS storage.

This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.33 Deleting a Tenant Group
PCA> delete tenant-group myTenantGroup
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success

4.2.30 deprovision compute-node

Cleanly removes a previously provisioned compute node's records in the various configuration databases. A provisioning lock must be applied in advance, otherwise the node is reprovisioned shortly after deprovisioning.


deprovision compute-node compute-node-name [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where compute-node-name is the name of the compute node you wish to remove from the appliance configuration.


Use the deprovision compute-node command to take an existing compute node out of the appliance in such a way that it can be repaired or replaced, and subsequently rediscovered as a brand new component. The compute node configuration records are removed cleanly from the system.


For deprovisioning to succeed, the compute node ILOM password must be the default Welcome1. If this is not the case, the operation may result in an error. This also applies to reprovisioning an existing compute node.

By default, the command does not continue if the compute node contains running VMs. The correct workflow is to impose a provisioning lock before deprovisioning a compute node, otherwise it is rediscovered and provisioned again shortly after deprovisioning has completed. When the appliance is ready to resume its normal operations, release the provisioning lock again. For details, see Section 4.2.11, “create lock” and Section 4.2.22, “delete lock”.

This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.35 Deprovisioning a Compute Node
deprovision compute-node ovcacn29r1
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Shutting down dhcpd:                                [ OK ]
Starting dhcpd:                                     [ OK ]
Shutting down dnsmasq:                              [ OK ]
Starting dnsmasq:                                   [ OK ]

Status: Success

4.2.31 diagnose

Performs various diagnostic checks against the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance for support purposes.


The diagnose software command is deprecated. It will be removed in the next release of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software. Diagnostic functions are now available through a separate health check tool. See Section 2.10, “Health Monitoring” for more information.

The other diagnose commands remain functional.


diagnose { ilom | software | hardware | rack-monitor } [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

The following table describes each possible target of the diagnose command.

Command Target

Information Displayed


The hardware diagnostic has two further options:

  • The rack option displays status information for rack components that were pingable at least once in the lifetime of the rack. The command output is real-time information.

    If required, the results can be filtered by component type (cn, ilom, mn, etc.) Use tab completion to see all component types available.

  • The reset option must be followed by a component host name. The command resets the event counters in the monitor database to zero for the component in question.

    If a component is or was in critical state, the reset command re-enables monitoring for that component.


The ilom diagnostic checks that the ILOM for each component is accessible on the management network.

leaf-switch (Ethernet-based systems only)

The leaf-switch diagnostic performs health checks on the leaf switches.

leaf-switch-resources (Ethernet-based systems only)

The leaf-switch-resource diagnostic checks the CPU and memory status of each leaf switch.

link-status (Ethernet-based systems only)

The link-status diagnostic returns the status of the leaf switch link ports.


The rack-monitor diagnostic checks for errors that may have been registered by the monitor service. Optionally these can be filtered per component category.

If required, the results can be filtered by component type (cn, ilom, mn, etc.) Use tab completion to see all component types available.


The software diagnostic triggers the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software acceptance tests.

spine-switch (Ethernet-based systems only)

The spine-switch diagnostic performs health checks on the spine switch.

spine-switch-resources (Ethernet-based systems only)

The spine-switch-resource diagnostic checks the CPU and memory status of the spine switch.

switch-logs (Ethernet-based systems only)

The switch-logs diagnostic has two further options:

  • The process option displays information for the processes run on the switches.

  • The core option displays information about core dumps.

    Access the switch directly for log details.

uplink-port-statistics (Ethernet-based systems only)

The uplink-port-statistics diagnostic displays north-south data traffic statistics for the spine switches.


Use the diagnose command to initiate a diagnostic check of various components that make up Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.

A large part of the diagnostic information is stored in the inventory database and the monitor database. The inventory database is populated from the initial rack installation and keeps a history log of all the rack components. The monitor database stores rack component events detected by the monitor service. Some of the diagnostic commands are used to display the contents of these databases.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Returns the output of specific tests you designate, rather than running the full set of tests.


Defines what version of software the command will run on. The default version is 2.4.2, but you can run the command on other version you specify here.


Example 4.36 Running the ILOM Diagnostic
PCA> diagnose ilom
Checking ILOM health............please wait..

IP_Address      Status          Health_Details
----------      ------          --------------   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   OK              None   OK              None   Faulty          Mon Nov 25 14:17:37 2013  Power    PS1 (Power Supply 1) 
                                A loss of AC input to a power supply has occurred. 
                                (Probability: 100, UUID: 2c1ec5fc-ffa3-c768-e602-ca12b86e3ea1, 
                                Part Number: 07047410, Serial Number: 476856F+1252CE027X, 
                                Reference Document:   OK              None   OK              None   OK              None   OK              None   OK              None   Not Connected   None   OK              None   OK              None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None   Not Connected   None
27 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 4.37 Running the Software Diagnostic
PCA> diagnose software
PCA Software Acceptance Test runner utility
Test -  01 - OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 Heartbleed bug Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  02 - PCA package Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  03 - Shared Storage Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  04 - PCA services Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  05 - PCA config file Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  06 - Check PCA DBs exist Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  07 - Compute node network interface Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  08 - OVM manager settings Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  09 - Check management nodes running Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  10 - Check OVM manager version Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  11 - OVM server model Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  12 - Repositories defined in OVM manager Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  13 - Management Nodes have IPv6 disabled [PASSED]
Test -  14 - Bash Code Injection Vulnerability bug Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  15 - Check Oracle VM 3.4 xen security update Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  16 - Test for ovs-agent service on CNs Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  17 - Test for shares mounted on CNs Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  18 - All compute nodes running Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  19 - PCA version Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -  20 - Check support packages in PCA image Acceptance [PASSED]

Status: Success

Example 4.38 Running the Leaf-Switch Diagnostic
PCA> diagnose leaf-switch

Switch      Health Check Name                   Status
------      -----------------                   ------
ovcasw15r1  CDP Neighbor Check                  Passed
ovcasw15r1  Virtual Port-channel check          Passed
ovcasw15r1  Management Node Port-channel check  Passed
ovcasw15r1  Leaf-Spine Port-channel check       Passed
ovcasw15r1  OSPF Neighbor Check                 Passed
ovcasw15r1  Multicast Route Check               Passed
ovcasw15r1  Leaf Filesystem Check               Passed
ovcasw15r1  Hardware Diagnostic Check           Passed
ovcasw16r1  CDP Neighbor Check                  Passed
ovcasw16r1  Virtual Port-channel check          Passed
ovcasw16r1  Management Node Port-channel check  Passed
ovcasw16r1  Leaf-Spine Port-channel check       Passed
ovcasw16r1  OSPF Neighbor Check                 Passed
ovcasw16r1  Multicast Route Check               Passed
ovcasw16r1  Leaf Filesystem Check               Passed
ovcasw16r1  Hardware Diagnostic Check           Passed
16 rows displayed

Status: Success

4.2.32 get log

Retrieves the log files from the selected components and saves them to a directory on the rack's shared storage.


Currently the spine or data switch is the only target component supported with this command.


get log component [ --confirm ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where component is the identifier of the rack component from which you want to retrieve the log files.


Use the get log command to collect the log files of a given rack component or set of rack components of a given type. The command output indicates where the log files are saved: this is a directory on the internal storage appliance in a location that both management nodes can access. From this location you can examine the logs or copy them to your local system so they can be included in your communication with Oracle.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.39 Collecting the Log Files from the Spine Switch

Note that the CLI uses 'data_switch' as the internal alias for a spine Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switch.

PCA> get log data_switch
Log files copied to: /nfs/shared_storage/incoming
Status: Success

4.2.33 list

The list command can be used to list the different components and tasks within the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. The output displays information relevant to each component or task. Output from the list command is usually tabulated so that different fields appear as columns for each row of information relating to the command target.


list { backup-task | compute-node | config-error | iscsi-storage | kube-cluster | lock | management-node | mgmt-switch-port | network | network-card | network-port | network-switch | nfs-storage | node-pool | node-pool-node | oci-backup | oci-target | ofm-network | opus-port | server-profile | storage-network | storage-profile | task | tenant-group | update-task | uplink-port | uplink-port-group | wwpn-info } [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ] [ [ --sorted-by SORTEDBY | --sorted-order SORTEDORDER ] ] [ [ --filter-column FILTERCOLUMN | --filter FILTER ] ]

where SORTEDBY is one of the table column names returned for the selected command target, and SORTEDORDER can be either ASC for an ascending sort, or DES for a descending sort. See Section, “Sorting” for more information.

where FILTERCOLUMN is one of the table column names returned for the selected command target, and FILTER is the text that you wish to match to perform your filtering. See Section, “Filtering” for more information.

The following table describes each possible target of the list command.

Command Target

Information Displayed


Displays basic information about all backup tasks.


Displays basic information for all compute nodes installed.


Displays all configuration tasks that were not completed successfully and ended in an error.

iscsi-storage (Ethernet-based systems only)

Displays all iSCSI LUNs for storage.

kube-cluster (Ethernet-based systems only)

Displays all the Kubernetes clusters.


This option is no longer supported.


Displays all locks that have been imposed.


Displays basic information for both management nodes.


Displays connection information about every port in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance environment belonging to the internal administration or management network. The ports listed can belong to a switch, a server node or any other connected rack component type.


Displays all networks configured in the environment.

network-card (InfiniBand-based systems only)

Displays information about the I/O modules installed in the Fabric Interconnects.


Displays the status of all ports on all I/O modules installed in the networking components.

network-switch (Ethernet-based systems only)

Displays basic information about all switches installed in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance environment.

nfs-storage (Ethernet-based systems only)

Displays NFS shares for storage.

node-pool (Ethernet-based systems only)

Displays all the Kubernetes node pools.


This option is no longer supported.

node-pool-node (Ethernet-based systems only)

Displays all the Kubernetes nodes.


This option is no longer supported.


Displays all the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure backups.


Displays all the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure targets.

ofm-network (InfiniBand-based systems only)

Displays network configuration, read directly from the Oracle Fabric Manager software on the Fabric Interconnects.

opus-port (InfiniBand-based systems only)

Displays connection information about every port of every Oracle Switch ES1-24 in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance environment.

server-profile (InfiniBand-based systems only)

Displays a list of connectivity profiles for servers, as stored by the Fabric Interconnects. The profile contains essential networking and storage information for the server in question.


Displays a list of known storage clouds on InfiniBand-based systems. The configuration of each storage cloud contains information about participating Fabric Interconnect ports and server vHBAs.

Displays a list of known storage networks on Ethernet-based systems.

storage-profile (Ethernet-based systems only)

Displays all the storage profiles.


Displays a list of running, completed and failed tasks.


Displays all configured tenant groups. The list includes the default configuration as well as custom tenant groups.


Displays a list of all software update tasks that have been started on the appliance.

uplink-port (Ethernet-based systems only)

Displays information about spine switch port configurations for external networking.

uplink-port-group (Ethernet-based systems only)

Displays information about all uplink port groups configured for external networking.

wwpn-info (InfiniBand-based systems only)

Displays a list of all World Wide Port Names (WWPNs) for all ports participating in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Fibre Channel fabric. In the standard configuration each compute node has a vHBA in each of the four default storage clouds.

Note that you can use tab completion to help you correctly specify the object for the different command targets. You do not need to specify an object if the command target is system-properties or version.


Use the list command to obtain tabulated listings of information about different components or activities within the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. The list command can frequently be used to obtain identifiers that can be used in conjunction with many other commands to perform various actions or to obtain more detailed information about a specific component or task. The list command also supports sorting and filtering capabilities to allow you to order information or to limit information so that you are able to identify specific items of interest quickly and easily.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



list { backup-task | compute-node | config-error | iscsi-storage | kube-cluster | lock | management-node | mgmt-switch-port | network | network-card | network-port | network-switch | nfs-storage | node-pool | node-pool-node | oci-backup | oci-target | ofm-network | opus-port | server-profile | storage-network | storage-profile | task | tenant-group | update-task | uplink-port | uplink-port-group | wwpn-info } [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ] [ [ --sorted-by SORTEDBY | --sorted-order SORTEDORDER ] ] [ [ --filter-column FILTERCOLUMN | --filter FILTER ] ]

The command target to list information for.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.

[ --sorted-by SORTEDBY ]

Sort the table by the values within a particular column in the table, specified by replacing SORTEDBY with the name of the column that should be used to perform the sort.

[ --sorted-order SORTEDORDER ]

Used to specify the sort order, which can either be ASC for an ascending sort, or DES for a descending sort. You must use the --sorted-by option in conjunction with this option.

[ --filter-column FILTERCOLUMN ]

Filter the table for a value within a particular column in the table, specified by replacing FILTERCOLUMN with the name of the column that should be used to perform the sort. You must use the --filter option in conjunction with this option.

[ --filter FILTER ]

The filter that should be applied to values within the column specified by the --filter-column option.


Example 4.40 List all management nodes
PCA> list management-node

Management_Node IP_Address   Provisioning_Status  ILOM_MAC           Provisioning_State   Master
--------------- ----------   -------------------  --------           ------------------   ------
ovcamn05r1  RUNNING              00:10:e0:e9:1f:c9  running              None
ovcamn06r1  RUNNING              00:10:e0:e7:26:ad  running              Yes
2 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 4.41 List all compute nodes
PCA> list compute-node
Compute_Node  IP_Address    Provisioning_Status  ILOM_MAC            Provisioning_State
------------  ----------    -------------------  --------            ------------------
ovcacn10r1   RUNNING              00:10:e0:65:2f:4b   running
ovcacn08r1   RUNNING              00:10:e0:65:2f:f3   initializing_stage_wait_...
ovcacn09r1  RUNNING              00:10:e0:62:98:e3   running
ovcacn07r1   RUNNING              00:10:e0:65:2f:93   running
4 rows displayed
Status: Success

Example 4.42 List All Tenant Groups
PCA> list tenant-group

Name                 Default      State
----                 -------      -----
Rack1_ServerPool     True         ready
myTenantGroup        False        ready
2 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 4.43 List Appliance Networks
PCA> list network

Network_Name          Default      Type                    Trunkmode    Description
------------          -------      ----                    ---------    -----------
custom_internal       False        rack_internal_network   None         None
default_internal      True         rack_internal_network   None         None
storage_net           False        host_network            None         None
default_external      True         external_network        None         None
4 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 4.44 List the Network Ports Configured on the Spine Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches
PCA> list network-port

Port      Switch          Type                   State           Networks
----      ------          ----                   -----           --------
1         ovcasw22r1      40G                    up              storage_net
2         ovcasw22r1      40G                    up              storage_net
3         ovcasw22r1      auto-speed             down            None
4         ovcasw22r1      auto-speed             down            None
5:1       ovcasw22r1      10G                    up              default_external
5:2       ovcasw22r1      10G                    down            default_external
5:3       ovcasw22r1      10G                    down            None
5:4       ovcasw22r1      10G                    down            None
1         ovcasw23r1      40G                    up              storage_net
2         ovcasw23r1      40G                    up              storage_net
3         ovcasw23r1      auto-speed             down            None
4         ovcasw23r1      auto-speed             down            None
5:1       ovcasw23r1      10G                    up              default_external
5:2       ovcasw23r1      10G                    down            default_external
5:3       ovcasw23r1      10G                    down            None
5:4       ovcasw23r1      10G                    down            None
16 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 4.45 List Ports on the Management Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch Using a Filter

Note that the CLI uses the internal alias mgmt-switch-port. In this example the command displays all internal Ethernet connections from compute nodes to the Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch. A wildcard is used in the --filter option.

PCA> list mgmt-switch-port --filter-column=Hostname --filter=*cn*r1

Dest       Dest_Port  Hostname        Key        MGMTSWITCH RACK  RU    Src_Port   Type
----       ---------  --------        ---        ---------- ----  --    --------   ----
07         Net-0      ovcacn07r1      CISCO-1-5  CISCO-1    1     7     5          compute
08         Net-0      ovcacn08r1      CISCO-1-6  CISCO-1    1     8     6          compute
09         Net-0      ovcacn09r1      CISCO-1-7  CISCO-1    1     9     7          compute
10         Net-0      ovcacn10r1      CISCO-1-8  CISCO-1    1     10    8          compute
11         Net-0      ovcacn11r1      CISCO-1-9  CISCO-1    1     11    9          compute
12         Net-0      ovcacn12r1      CISCO-1-10 CISCO-1    1     12    10         compute
13         Net-0      ovcacn13r1      CISCO-1-11 CISCO-1    1     13    11         compute
14         Net-0      ovcacn14r1      CISCO-1-12 CISCO-1    1     14    12         compute
34         Net-0      ovcacn34r1      CISCO-1-15 CISCO-1    1     34    15         compute
35         Net-0      ovcacn35r1      CISCO-1-16 CISCO-1    1     35    16         compute
36         Net-0      ovcacn36r1      CISCO-1-17 CISCO-1    1     36    17         compute
37         Net-0      ovcacn37r1      CISCO-1-18 CISCO-1    1     37    18         compute
38         Net-0      ovcacn38r1      CISCO-1-19 CISCO-1    1     38    19         compute
39         Net-0      ovcacn39r1      CISCO-1-20 CISCO-1    1     39    20         compute
40         Net-0      ovcacn40r1      CISCO-1-21 CISCO-1    1     40    21         compute
41         Net-0      ovcacn41r1      CISCO-1-22 CISCO-1    1     41    22         compute
42         Net-0      ovcacn42r1      CISCO-1-23 CISCO-1    1     42    23         compute
26         Net-0      ovcacn26r1      CISCO-1-35 CISCO-1    1     26    35         compute
27         Net-0      ovcacn27r1      CISCO-1-36 CISCO-1    1     27    36         compute
28         Net-0      ovcacn28r1      CISCO-1-37 CISCO-1    1     28    37         compute
29         Net-0      ovcacn29r1      CISCO-1-38 CISCO-1    1     29    38         compute
30         Net-0      ovcacn30r1      CISCO-1-39 CISCO-1    1     30    39         compute
31         Net-0      ovcacn31r1      CISCO-1-40 CISCO-1    1     31    40         compute
32         Net-0      ovcacn32r1      CISCO-1-41 CISCO-1    1     32    41         compute
33         Net-0      ovcacn33r1      CISCO-1-42 CISCO-1    1     33    42         compute
25 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 4.46 List All Tasks
PCA> list task

Task_ID         Status  Progress Start_Time           Task_Name
-------         ------  -------- ----------           ---------
376a676449206a  SUCCESS      100 06-06-2019 09:00:01  backup
376ce11fc6c39c  SUCCESS      100 06-06-2019 04:23:41  update_download_image
376a02cf798f68  SUCCESS      100 06-05-2019 21:00:02  backup
376c7c8afcc86a  SUCCESS      100 06-05-2019 09:00:01  backup
4 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 4.47 List Uplink Ports to Configure External Networking
PCA> list uplink-port

Interface Name  Switch       Status    Admin_Status  PortChannel  Speed
--------------  ------       ------    ------------  -----------  -----
Ethernet1/1     ovcasw22r1   up        up            111          40G
Ethernet1/1     ovcasw23r1   up        up            111          40G
Ethernet1/2     ovcasw22r1   up        up            111          40G
Ethernet1/2     ovcasw23r1   up        up            111          40G
Ethernet1/3     ovcasw22r1   down      down          None         auto
Ethernet1/3     ovcasw23r1   down      down          None         auto
Ethernet1/4     ovcasw22r1   down      down          None         auto
Ethernet1/4     ovcasw23r1   down      down          None         auto
Ethernet1/5/1   ovcasw22r1   up        up            151          10G
Ethernet1/5/1   ovcasw23r1   up        up            151          10G
Ethernet1/5/2   ovcasw22r1   down      up            151          10G
Ethernet1/5/2   ovcasw23r1   down      up            151          10G
Ethernet1/5/3   ovcasw22r1   down      down          None         10G
Ethernet1/5/3   ovcasw23r1   down      down          None         10G
Ethernet1/5/4   ovcasw22r1   down      down          None         10G
Ethernet1/5/4   ovcasw23r1   down      down          None         10G
16 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 4.48 List Uplink Port Groups
PCA> list uplink-port-group

Port_Group_Name    Ports      Mode    Speed    Breakout_Mode    Enabled   State
---------------    -----      ----    -----    -------------    -------   -----
default_5_1        5:1 5:2    LAG     10g      10g-4x           True      (up)* Not all ports are up
default_5_2        5:3 5:4    LAG     10g      10g-4x           False     down
2 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 4.49 List All Configuration Errors
PCA> list config-error
ID        Module                      Host             Timestamp           
--        ------                      ----             ---------           
87        Management node password      Mon Jun 03 02:45:42 2019
54        MySQL management password    Mon Jun 03 02:44:54 2019
2 rows displayed
Status: Success

Example 4.50 List All Storage Profiles
PCA> list storage-profile

Name             Type               Default
----             ----               -------
dbms_demo        iscsi              N
general          iscsi              Y
bkup_basic       iscsi              N
general          nfs                Y
bkup_basic       nfs                N
dbms_demo        nfs                N
6 rows displayed

Status: Success

4.2.34 remove compute-node

Removes a compute node from an existing tenant group.


remove compute-node node tenant-group-name [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where tenant-group-name is the name of the tenant group you wish to remove one or more compute nodes from, and node is the name of the compute node that should be removed from the selected tenant group.


Use the remove compute-node command to remove the required compute nodes from their tenant group. Use Oracle VM Manager to prepare the compute nodes first: make sure that virtual machines have been migrated away from the compute node, and that no storage repositories are presented. Custom networks associated with the tenant group are removed from the compute node, not from the tenant group.

This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.51 Removing a Compute Node from a Tenant Group
PCA> remove compute-node ovcacn09r1 myTenantGroup
Are you sure [y/N]:y

Status: Success

4.2.35 remove initiator

Removes an initiator from an iSCSI LUN, thereby removing access to the iSCSI LUN from that initiator.


remove initiator initiator IQN LUN-name [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where LUN-name is the name of the iSCSI LUN share to which you are revoking access for the listed initiator.


Use the remove initiator command to remove an initiator from an iSCSI LUN.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



initiator IQN

List the initiator IQN from the virtual machine that should no longer have access to the LUN.

LUN name

Specify the LUN you want remove the initiator from.


Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.52 Removing an Initiator From a LUN
PCA> remove initiator  myLUN 
Status: Success

4.2.36 remove network

Disconnects a server node from a network.


remove network network-name node [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where network-name is the name of the network from which you wish to disconnect one or more servers, and node is the name of the server node that should be disconnected from the selected network.


Use the remove network command to disconnect server nodes from a custom network you created. In case you want to delete a custom network from your environment, you must first disconnect all the servers from that network. Then use the delete network command to delete the custom network configuration. This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.53 Disconnecting a Compute Node from a Custom Network
PCA> remove network MyNetwork ovcacn09r1
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success

4.2.37 remove network-from-tenant-group

Removes a custom network from a tenant group.


remove network-from-tenant-group network-name tenant-group-name [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where network-name is the name of a custom network associated with a tenant group, and tenant-group-name is the name of the tenant group you wish to remove the custom network from.


Use the remove network-from-tenant-group command to break the association between a custom network and a tenant group. The custom network is unconfigured from all tenant group member servers.

This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.54 Removing a Custom Network from a Tenant Group
PCA> remove network-from-tenant-group myPublicNetwork myTenantGroup
Are you sure [y/N]:y

Status: Success

4.2.38 remove nfs exceptions

Removes an NFS exception, thereby removing access to the NFS share from the listed machine.


remove nfs-exception nfs-share-name network or IP address [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where nfs-share-name is the name of the NFS share to which you are granting access using exceptions.


Use the remove nfs-exception command to remove an nfs-exception from a share.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



network or IP address

List the IP address or CIDR that should no longer have access to the share.


Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.55 Removing an NFS Exception From a Share
PCA> remove nfs-exception myNFSshare 
Status: Success

4.2.39 remove node-pool

Removes a node pool definition from a Kubernetes cluster.


The remove node-pool software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


remove node-pool cluster-name node-pool-name

where cluster-name is the name of the Kubernetes cluster from which you wish to remove a node pool.


Use the remove node-pool command to remove a node pool from the Kubernetes cluster. The node pool must be empty before it can be removed. See Section 4.2.40, “remove node-pool-node”.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



node pool name

Choose the node pool you want to remove. A nodepool must be empty to remove it. The worker and master node pools cannot be removed.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state or contains nodes. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort. In the case that there are nodes in the node pool, the command will attempt to gracefully remove workers from Kubernetes. The Kubernetes administrator should be notified of all worker nodes that were run with this option.


Example 4.56 Removing a Node Pool
PCA> remove node-pool MyCluster np0 
Status: Success

4.2.40 remove node-pool-node

Removes a node from the Kubernetes cluster and deletes the virtual machine.


The remove node-pool-node software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


remove node-pool-node cluster-name node-pool-name hostname

where cluster-name is the name of the Kubernetes cluster from which you wish to remove a node.


Use the remove node-pool-node command to remove a node from the Kubernetes cluster. Once a node is removed from the Kubernetes cluster, the virtual machine will be stopped and destroyed and the configuration information will be removed from the cluster unless the node is in the master node that the node was removed from the Kubernetes cluster.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



node pool name

Choose the node pool where you want to remove a node. Nodes can be removed from any node pool. Only two nodes can be removed from the master node pool.

host name

Enter the host name you want to remove from the node pool.


If your first try to remove a master or worker node fails, perform a retry without the --force option first for a clean cleanup. If all means fails, then use --force option to remove the Kubernetes node.

Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. When completed, the Kubernetes administrator should be informed of the node removed as it may be left in a Not Ready state in the Kubernetes cluster. If this is the case, the Kubernetes administrator must delete the node. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Example 4.57 Removing a Node Pool Node
PCA> remove node-pool-node MyCluster np0 myHost_1  
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Node (myHost_1) removed
Status: Success

Example 4.58 Removing a Node Pool Master Node
PCA> remove node-pool-node MyCluster master cluster_master_1   
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Node (myHost_1) removed

Status: Success

4.2.41 reprovision

The reprovision command can be used to trigger reprovisioning for a specified compute node within the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


Reprovisioning restores a compute node to a clean state. If a compute node was previously added to the Oracle VM environment and has active connections to storage repositories other than those on the internal ZFS storage, the external storage connections need to be configured again after reprovisioning.


reprovision { compute-node } node [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ] [ --force ] [ --save-local-repo ]

where node is the compute node name for the compute node that should be reprovisioned.


Use the reprovision command to reprovision a specified compute node. The provisioning process is described in more detail in Section 1.4, “Provisioning and Orchestration”.

The reprovision command triggers a task that is responsible for handling the reprovisioning process and exits immediately with status 'Success' if the task has been successfully generated. This does not mean that the reprovisioning process itself has completed successfully. To monitor the status of the reprovisioning task, you can use the list compute-node command to check the provisioning state of the servers. You can also monitor the log file for information relating to provisioning tasks. The location of the log file can be obtained by checking the Log_File parameter when you run the show system-properties command. See Example 4.73, “Show System Properties” for more information.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




The command target to perform the reprovision operation against.


Skip the HMP step in the provisioning process in order to save the local storage repository.


Return the output of the command in JSON format.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.59 Reprovisioning a Compute Node


Do not force reprovisioning on a compute node with running virtual machines because they will be left in an indeterminate state.

PCA> reprovision compute-node ovcacn11r1
The reprovision job has been submitted.
Use "show compute-node <compute node name>" to monitor the progress.
Status: Success

4.2.42 rerun

Triggers a configuration task to re-run on the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


rerun { config-task } id [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where id is the identifier for the configuration task that must be re-run.


Use the rerun command to re-initiate a configuration task that has failed. Use the list config-error command to view the configuration tasks that have failed and the associated identifier that you should use in conjunction with this command. See Example 4.49, “List All Configuration Errors” for more information.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




The command target to perform the rerun operation against.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.60 Re-run a configuration task
PCA> rerun config-task 84
Status: Success

4.2.43 set system-property

Sets the value for a system property on the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


set system-property { ftp_proxy | http_proxy | https_proxy | log_count | log_file | log_level | log_size | timezone } value [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where value is the value for the system property that you are setting.


Use the set system-property command to set the value for a system property on the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


The set system-property command only affects the settings for the management node where it is run. If you change a setting on the active management node, using this command, you should connect to the passive management node and run the equivalent command there as well, to keep the two systems synchronized. This is the only exception where it is necessary to run a CLI command on the passive management node.

You can use the show system-properties command to view the values of various system properties at any point. See Example 4.73, “Show System Properties” for more information.


Changes to system-properties usually require that you restart the service for the change to take effect. To do this, you must run service ovca restart in the shell of the active management node after you have set the system property value.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Set the value for the IP address of an FTP Proxy


Set the value for the IP address of an HTTP Proxy


Set the value for the IP address of an HTTPS Proxy


Set the value for the number of log files that should be retained through log rotation


Set the value for the location of a particular log file.


Make sure that the new path to the log file exists. Otherwise, the log server stops working.

The system always prepends /var/log to your entry. Absolute paths are converted to /var/log/<path>.

This property can be defined separately for the following log files: backup, cli, diagnosis, monitor, ovca, snmp, and syncservice.


Set the value for the log level output. Accepted log levels are: CRITICAL, DEBUG, ERROR, INFO, WARNING.

This property can be defined separately for the following log files: backup, cli, diagnosis, monitor, ovca, snmp, and syncservice. Use tab completion to insert the log file in the command before the log level value.


Set the value for the maximum log size before a log is rotated


Set the time zone for the location of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.

There are several hundred options, and the selection is case sensitive. It is suggested to use tab completion to find the most accurate setting for your location.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.61 Changing the location of the sync service log file
PCA> set system-property log_file syncservice sync/ovca-sync.log
Status: Success

PCA> show system-properties
Backup.Log_File      /var/log/ovca-backup.log
Backup.Log_Level     DEBUG
Cli.Log_File         /var/log/ovca-cli.log
Cli.Log_Level        DEBUG
Sync.Log_File        /var/log/sync/ovca-sync.log
Sync.Log_Level       DEBUG
Diagnosis.Log_File   /var/log/ovca-diagnosis.log
Diagnosis.Log_Level  DEBUG
Status: Success


Log configuration through the CLI is described in more detail in Section 7.1, “Setting the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Logging Parameters”.

Example 4.62 Configuring and unconfiguring an HTTP proxy
PCA> set system-property http_proxy
Status: Success

PCA> set system-property http_proxy ''
Status: Success


Proxy configuration through the CLI is described in more detail in Section 7.2, “Adding Proxy Settings for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Updates”.

Example 4.63 Configuring the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Time Zone
PCA> set system-property timezone US/Eastern
Status: Success

4.2.44 set kube-dns

Configures the DNS information for a static network.


The set kube-dns software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


set kube-dns cluster-name name-servers search-domains

where cluster-name is the name of the cluster where you wish to configure external network settings.


Use the set kube-dns command to set the DNS name servers and search domains.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



name servers

Specify the domain name server address. If you use more than one domain name server, use a comma to separate the addresses.

search domains

Specifiy one or more search domains. DNS searches require a fully qualified domain name. Listing your often-used domains in the search domains field lets you search just a machine name, without using the fully-qualified domain name.


Example 4.64 Set DNS Information for a Static Network
PCA> set kube-dns MyCluster,,
Status: Success

4.2.45 set kube-load-balancer

Sets the VRRP ID parameter for the Kubernetes load balancer. Use this setting to avoid VRRP conflicts on your network.


The set kube-load-balancer software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


set kube-load-balancer cluster-name VRRP_ID

where cluster-name is the name of the Kubernetes cluster where you set the load balancer VRRP ID.


Use the set kube-load-balancer command to manually set the VRRP ID on your cluster when other systems in your network use VRRP.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Generally, the VRRP address is auto-selected during the create kube-cluster command. If other resources on the same network as your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance use VRRP this randomize method could cause conflicts. In that case, find what VRRP IDs are available on your network for you to use, and assign one to the cluster using this command.


Example 4.65 Setting a VRRP ID on a Cluster
PCA> create kube-load-balancer MyCluster 232
Status: Success

4.2.46 set kube-master-pool

Configures the host names for the Kubernetes master nodes, these must be resolveable names on the external network.


The set kube-master-pool software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


set kube-master-pool cluster-name primary-hostname,ipv4address host-name host-name

where cluster-name is the name of the cluster where you wish to configure host names for the master nodes.


Use the set kube-master-pool create a list of valid host names for the master nodes in the cluster.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



primary host name,IPv4 address

The first host name must have an IP address associated with it. This command must be run if the external network is static, it is an invalid command if the external network is DHCP.

host name

Specifiy one or more additional host names for the master nodes, no IPv4 addresses required for additional hosts.


Example 4.66 Set DNS Information for a Static Network
PCA> set kube-master-pool MyCluster Master_host1,  MasterHost2 MasterHost3 
Status: Success

4.2.47 set kube-network

Configures the external network for either DHCP or static IP addressing.


The set kube-network software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


set kube-network cluster-name DHCP | static netmask gateway

where cluster-name is the name of the cluster where you wish to configure external network settings.


Use the set kube-network command to set up either DHCP or static IP addressing for the selected cluster.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



dhcp | static

Choose the either DHCP or static IP addressing for the selected cluster. If you choose static, you must provide the netmask and gateway information. For static networks, you must also set this information:


Netmask for the interface.


IP address for the gateway.


Example 4.67 Set a Cluster Network to DHCP
PCA> set kube-network MyCluster dhcp 
Status: Success

Example 4.68 Set a Cluster Network to Static
PCA> set kube-network MyCluster static 
Status: Success

4.2.48 set kube-vm-shape

Changes the profile of the virtual machines that are part of the default node pool for masters or workers.


The set kube-vm-shape software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


set kube-vm-shape cluster-name master | worker cpus memory

where cluster-name is the name of the cluster where you wish change the virtual machine profile.


Use the set kube-vm-shape to optionally set the virtual machine shapes for either the master or worker nodes in a cluster.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



master | worker

Choose which virtual machine shape to customize, the master or worker shape.


Master nodes can have between 4 and 24 CPUs. The default is 8 CPUs.

Worker nodes can have between 1 and 14 CPUs. The default is 4 CPUs.


Master nodes can have between 16 and 393 GB of memory, if available. The default is 32 GB.

Worker nodes can have between 8 and 393 GB of memory, if available. The default is 16 GB.


Example 4.69 Set the kube-vm-shape for a Master Node
PCA> set kube-vm-shape MyCluster master 4 16384 
Status: Success

Example 4.70 Set the kube-vm-shape for a Worker Node
PCA> set kube-vm-shape MyCluster worker 16 64000
Status: Success

4.2.49 set kube-worker-pool

Resizes the Kubernetes cluster worker pool.


The set kube-worker-pool software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


set kube-worker-pool cluster-name quantity [ | ] host-name host-name

where cluster-name is the name of the cluster where you wish to resize the worker pool.


Use the set kube-worker-pool to change the size of a cluster worker pool.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




If the external network is DHCP, then the quantity of workers required in the worker pool may be specified, instead of specifying the list of host names. A quantity of 0 is valid for either DHCP and static networks. While quantity is not required for static cluster, if specified, it must be set to 0, to allow no workers to be created.

host name

For static networks, the list of host names is required and the cluster configuration is invalid without them. Specifiy the host names for the worker nodes in a static network.


Example 4.71 Set the Worker Pool Size for a Static Network
PCA> set kube-worker-pool MyCluster  WorkerHost1 WorkerHost2 WorkerHost3
Status: Success

Example 4.72 Set the Worker Pool Size for a DHCP Network
PCA> set kube-worker-pool MyCluster  2
Status: Success

4.2.50 show

The show command can be used to view information about particular objects such as tasks, rack layout or system properties. Unlike the list command, which applies to a whole target object type, the show command displays information specific to a particular target object. Therefore, it is usually run by specifying the command, the target object type and the object identifier.


show { cloud-wwpn | compute-node | iscsi-storage | iscsi-storage-profile | kube-cluster | network | node-pool | node-pool-node | nfs-storage | nfs-storage-profile | oci-backup | oci-target | rack-layout | rack-type | server-profile | storage-network | system-properties | task | tenant-group | version | vhba-info } object [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

Where object is the identifier for the target object that you wish to show information for. The following table provides a mapping of identifiers that should be substituted for object, depending on the command target.

Command Target

Object Identifier

cloud-wwpn (InfiniBand-based systems only)

Storage Network/Cloud Name


Compute Node Name

iscsi-storage (Ethernet-based systems only)


iscsi-storage-profile (Ethernet-based systems only)

Storage Profile Name

kube-cluster (Ethernet-based systems only)

Kubernetes Cluster Name


This option is no longer supported.


Network Name

nfs-storage (Ethernet-based systems only)

NFS Share Name

nfs-storage-profile (Ethernet-based systems only)

NFS Storage Profile Name

node-pool (Ethernet-based systems only)

Node Pool Name


This option is no longer supported.

node-pool-node (Ethernet-based systems only)

Node Pool Node Name


This option is no longer supported.

oci-backup (Ethernet-based systems only)

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Backup Name

oci-target (Ethernet-based systems only)

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Target Name


Rack Architecture or Type



server-profile (InfiniBand-based systems only)

Server Name


Storage Network/Cloud Name




Task ID


Tenant Group Name



vhba-info (InfiniBand-based systems only)

Compute Node Name

Note that you can use tab completion to help you correctly specify the object for the different command targets. You do not need to specify an object if the command target is system-properties or version.


Use the show command to view information specific to a particular target object, identified by specifying the identifier for the object that you wish to view. The exception to this is the option to view system-properties, for which no identifier is required.

Frequently, the show command may display information that is not available using the list command in conjunction with its filtering capabilities.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



show { cloud-wwpn | compute-node | iscsi-storage | iscsi-storage-profile | kube-cluster | network | node-pool | node-pool-node | nfs-storage | nfs-storage-profile | oci-backup | oci-target | rack-layout | rack-type | server-profile | storage-network | system-properties | task | tenant-group | version | vhba-info } object [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

The command target to show information for.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.73 Show System Properties


This command only displays the system properties for the management node where it is run. If the system properties have become unsynchronized across the two management nodes, the information reflected by this command may not apply to both systems. You can run this command on either the active or passive management node if you need to check that the configurations match.

PCA> show system-properties

HTTP_Proxy           None
HTTPS_Proxy          None
FTP_Proxy            None
Log_File             /var/log/ovca.log
Log_Level            DEBUG
Log_Size (MB)        250
Log_Count            5
Timezone             Etc/UTC
Backup.Log_File      /var/log/ovca-backup.log
Backup.Log_Level     DEBUG
Cli.Log_File         /var/log/ovca-cli.log
Cli.Log_Level        DEBUG
Sync.Log_File        /var/log/ovca-sync.log
Sync.Log_Level       DEBUG
Diagnosis.Log_File   /var/log/ovca-diagnosis.log
Diagnosis.Log_Level  DEBUG
Monitor.Log_File     /var/log/ovca-monitor.log
Monitor.Log_Level    INFO
Snmp.Log_File        /nfs/shared_storage/logs/ovca_snmptrapd.log
Snmp.Log_Level       DEBUG

Status: Success

Example 4.74 Show Task
PCA> show task 341e7bc74f339c

Task_Name            backup
Status               RUNNING
Progress             70
Start_Time           05-27-2019 09:59:36
End_Time             None
Pid                  1503341
Result               None

Status: Success

Example 4.75 Show Rack Layout
PCA> show rack-layout x8-2_base

RU  Name         Role             Type         Sub_Type     Units
--  ----         ----             ----         --------     -----
42  ovcacn42r1   compute          compute                   [42]
41  ovcacn41r1   compute          compute                   [41]
40  ovcacn40r1   compute          compute                   [40]
39  ovcacn39r1   compute          compute                   [39]
38  ovcacn38r1   compute          compute                   [38]
37  ovcacn37r1   compute          compute                   [37]
36  ovcacn36r1   compute          compute                   [36]
35  ovcacn35r1   compute          compute                   [35]
34  ovcacn34r1   compute          compute                   [34]
33  ovcacn33r1   compute          compute                   [33]
32  ovcacn32r1   compute          compute                   [32]
31  ovcacn31r1   compute          compute                   [31]
30  ovcacn30r1   compute          compute                   [30]
29  ovcacn29r1   compute          compute                   [29]
28  ovcacn28r1   compute          compute                   [28]
27  ovcacn27r1   compute          compute                   [27]
26  ovcacn26r1   compute          compute                   [26]
25  N / A        infrastructure   filler                    [25, 24]
24  N / A        infrastructure   filler                    [25, 24]
23  ovcasw23r1   infrastructure   cisco-data   cisco4       [23]
22  ovcasw22r1   infrastructure   cisco-data   cisco3       [22]
21  ovcasw21r1   infrastructure   cisco                     [21]
20  N / A        infrastructure   zfs-storage  disk-shelf   [20, 19, 18, 17]
19  N / A        infrastructure   zfs-storage  disk-shelf   [20, 19, 18, 17]
18  N / A        infrastructure   zfs-storage  disk-shelf   [20, 19, 18, 17]
17  N / A        infrastructure   zfs-storage  disk-shelf   [20, 19, 18, 17]
16  ovcasw16r1   infrastructure   cisco-data   cisco2       [16]
15  ovcasw15r1   infrastructure   cisco-data   cisco1       [15]
14  ovcacn14r1   compute          compute                   [14]
13  ovcacn13r1   compute          compute                   [13]
12  ovcacn12r1   compute          compute                   [12]
11  ovcacn11r1   compute          compute                   [11]
10  ovcacn10r1   compute          compute                   [10]
9   ovcacn09r1   compute          compute                   [9]
8   ovcacn08r1   compute          compute                   [8]
7   ovcacn07r1   compute          compute                   [7]
6   ovcamn06r1   infrastructure   management   management2  [6]
5   ovcamn05r1   infrastructure   management   management1  [5]
4   ovcasn02r1   infrastructure   zfs-storage  zfs-head2    [4, 3]
3   ovcasn02r1   infrastructure   zfs-storage  zfs-head2    [4, 3]
2   ovcasn01r1   infrastructure   zfs-storage  zfs-head1    [2, 1]
1   ovcasn01r1   infrastructure   zfs-storage  zfs-head1    [2, 1]
0   ovcapduBr1   infrastructure   pdu          pdu2         [0]
0   ovcapduAr1   infrastructure   pdu          pdu1         [0]
44 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 4.76 Show the Configuration Details of the default_external Network
PCA> show network default_external

Network_Name         default_external
Trunkmode            None
Description          None
Ports                ['5:1', '5:2']
vNICs                None
Status               ready
Network_Type         external_network
Compute_Nodes        ovcacn12r1, ovcacn07r1, ovcacn13r1, ovcacn14r1, ovcacn10r1, ovcacn09r1, ovcacn11r1
Netmask              None
Route_Destination    None
Route_Gateway        None

Status: Success

Example 4.77 Show Details of a Tenant Group
PCA> show tenant-group myTenantGroup

Name                 myTenantGroup
Default              False
Tenant_Group_ID      0004fb0000020000155c15e268857a78
Servers              ['ovcacn09r1', 'ovcacn10r1']
State                ready
Tenant_Group_VIP     None
Tenant_Networks      ['myPublicNetwork']
Pool_Filesystem_ID   3600144f0d29d4c86000057162ecc0001

Status: Success

Example 4.78 Show Details of a Custom Network
PCA> show network myHostNetwork

Network_Name         myHostNetwork
Trunkmode            None
Description          None
Ports                ['1', '2']
vNICs                None
Status               ready
Network_Type         host_network
Compute_Nodes        ovcacn42r1, ovcacn01r2, ovcacn02r2
Prefix               10.10.10

Status: Success

Example 4.79 Show the WWPNs for a Storage Network
PCA> show cloud-wwpn Cloud_A

Cloud_Name       Cloud_A              
WWPN_List        50:01:39:70:00:58:91:1C, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:1A, 
                 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:18, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:16, 
                 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:14, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:12, 
                 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:10, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:0E, 
                 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:0C, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:0A,
                 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:08, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:06, 
                 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:04, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:02, 

Status: Success

Example 4.80 Show the vHBA configuration for a Compute Node
PCA> show vhba-info ovcacn10r1

vHBA_Name      Cloud        WWNN                      WWPN                      
-------------  -----------  -------------             -------------             
vhba03         Cloud_C      50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:04   50:01:39:70:00:58:B1:04   
vhba02         Cloud_B      50:01:39:71:00:58:91:05   50:01:39:70:00:58:91:05   
vhba01         Cloud_A      50:01:39:71:00:58:91:04   50:01:39:70:00:58:91:04   
vhba04         Cloud_D      50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:05   50:01:39:70:00:58:B1:05   
4 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 4.81 Show Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Version Information
PCA> show version

Version              2.4.1
Build                819
Date                 2019-06-20

Status: Success

Example 4.82 Show Cluster Information
PCA> show kube-cluster MyCluster

Cluster              MyCluster
Tenant_Group         Rack1_ServerPool    
State                CONFIGURED
Sub_State            VALID
Ops_Required         None
Vrrp_ID              15
External_Network     vm_public_vlan
Cluster_Network_Type dhcp
Gateway              None
Netmask              None
Name_Servers         None
Search_Domains       None
Repository           Rack1-Repository
Assembly             PCA_K8s_va.ova
Masters              3
Workers              3
Cluster_Start_Time   None
Cluster_Stop_Time    None
Job_ID               None
Error_Code           None
Error_Message        None

Status: Success

4.2.51 start

Starts up a rack component.


The start command is deprecated. It will be removed in the next release of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software.


start { compute-node CN | management-node MN } [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where CN refers to the name of the compute node and MN refers to the name of the management node to be started.


Use the start command to boot a compute node or management node. You must provide the host name of the server you wish to start.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



compute-node CN | management-node MN

Start either a compute node or a management node. Replace CN or MN respectively with the host name of the server to be started.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.83 Starting a Compute Node
PCA> start compute-node ovcacn11r1
Status: Success

4.2.52 start kube-cluster

Builds a Kubernetes cluster from a cluster definition created using Section 4.2.14, “create kube-cluster”. Depending on the size of the cluster definition, this process can take from 30 minutes to hours.


The start kube-cluster software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


start kube-cluster cluster-name

where cluster-name refers to the name of the cluster to be started.


Use the start kube-cluster command to submit the Kubernetes cluster definition to be started through an asynchronous job. Progress can be viewed through the show kube-cluster or list kube-cluster commands.


The following table shows the available states for this command. Note these are the Kubernetes cluster states, not the Oracle VM Kubernetes virtual machine states (stopped, suspended, etc.). View the states using the show kube-cluster command while the custer is starting, or with the list kube-cluster command.






The cluster is valid.


The cluser is invalid and cannot be started.



Awaiting resources to start building.



Building the network.


Buildin the virtual machines for the control plane.


Applying the loadbalancer changes.


Joining the control plane.


Building the workers.



Stopping and removing the master VMs.


Stopping and removing the network.



Stopping VMs in a node pool: nodepoolname


Stopping the network.


The cluster has finished the build process.


Error occurred during build of the worker nodes.


Cluster build is clear.



The cluster was fully torn down.


The cluster needs to be stopped and likely have manual intervention.


Example 4.84 Starting a Cluster
PCA> start kube-cluster MyCluster
Status: Success

4.2.53 stop

Shuts down a rack component or aborts a running task.


The stop commands to shut down rack components are deprecated. It will be removed in the next release of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software.

The other stop commands, to abort tasks, remain functional.


stop { compute-node CN | management-node MN | task id | update-task id } [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where CN or MN refers to the name of the server to be shut down, and id refers to the identifier of the task to be aborted.


Use the stop command to shut down a compute node or management node or to abort a running task. Depending on the command target you must provide either the host name of the server you wish to shut down, or the unique identifier of the task you wish to abort. This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



compute-node CN | management-node MN

Shut down either a compute node or a management node. Replace CN or MN respectively with the host name of the server to be shut down.


These options are deprecated.

task id | update-task id

Aborts a running task.

Use the update-task target type specifically to abort a software update task. It does not take a task ID as an argument, but the management node IP address.


Stopping an update task is a risky operation and should be used with extreme caution.


Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.85 Aborting a Task
PCA> stop task 341d45b5424c16
Are you sure [y/N]:y

Status: Success

4.2.54 stop kube-cluster

Stops a Kubernetes cluster.


The stop kube-cluster software command is no longer supported. Kubernetes functions are now available through Oracle Cloud Native Environment.


stop kube-cluster cluster-name

where cluster-name refers to the name of the cluster to be stopped.


Use the stop kube-cluster command to stop an available Kubernetes cluster through an asynchronous job. Progress can be viewed through the show kube-cluster or list kube-cluster commands.


The following table shows the available states for this command. View the states using the show kube-cluster command while the custer is starting.

Cluster Substate




Status of network configuation.

Possible states are: build_network, build_control_pane, remove_network







Example 4.86 Stopping a Cluster
PCA> stop kube-cluster MyCluster
Status: Success

4.2.55 update appliance

This command is deprecated. Its functionality is part of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader.


Release 2.4.1 is for factory installation only. It cannot be used for field updates or upgrade operations on existing appliance environments.

4.2.56 update password

Modifies the password for one or more components within the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


update password { LeafSwitch-admin | MgmtNetSwitch-admin | SpineSwitch-admin | mgmt-root | mysql-appfw | mysql-ovs | mysql-root | ovm-admin | spCn-root | spMn-root | spZfs-root | system-root | wls-weblogic | zfs-root } [ PCA-password target-password ] [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where PCA-password is the current password of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance admin user, and target-password is the new password to be applied to the target rack component.


Use the update password command to modify the password for one or more components within the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.

Optionally you provide the current Oracle Private Cloud Appliance password and the new target component password with the command. If not, you are prompted for the current password of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance admin user and for the new password that should be applied to the target.


Password changes are not instantaneous across the appliance, but are propagated through a task queue. When applying a password change, allow at least 30 minutes for the change to take effect. Do not attempt any further password changes during this delay. Verify that the password change has been applied correctly.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Sets a new password for the admin user on the leaf Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches.


Sets a new password for the admin user on the Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch.


Sets a new password for the admin user on the spine Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches.


Sets a new password for the root user on the management nodes.


Sets a new password for the appfw user in the MySQL database.

The mysql-appfw, mysql-ovs, mysql-root and wls-weblogic passwords are synchronized automatically, because these must always be identical.


Sets a new password for the ovs user in the MySQL database.

The mysql-appfw, mysql-ovs, mysql-root and wls-weblogic passwords are synchronized automatically, because these must always be identical.


Sets a new password for the root user in the MySQL database.

The mysql-appfw, mysql-ovs, mysql-root and wls-weblogic passwords are synchronized automatically, because these must always be identical.


Sets a new password for the admin user in Oracle VM Manager.


Sets a new password for the root user in the compute node ILOMs.


Sets a new password for the root user in the management node ILOMs.


Sets a new password for the root user on the ZFS storage appliance as well as its ILOM.


Sets a new password for the root user on all compute nodes.


Sets a new password for the weblogic user in WebLogic Server.

The mysql-appfw, mysql-ovs, mysql-root and wls-weblogic passwords are synchronized automatically, because these must always be identical.


Sets a new password for the root user on the ZFS storage appliance as well as its ILOM.


Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.87 Changing the Oracle VM Manager Administrator Password
PCA> update password ovm-admin
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Current PCA Password:
New ovm-admin Password:
Confirm New ovm-admin Password:
Status: Success

4.2.57 update compute-node

Updates the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance compute nodes to the Oracle VM Server version included in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance ISO image.


update compute-node { node } [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]

where node is the identifier of the compute node that must be updated with the Oracle VM Server version provided as part of the appliance software ISO image. Run this command for one compute node at a time.


Running the update compute-node command with multiple node arguments is not supported. Neither is running the command concurrently in separate terminal windows.


Use the update compute-node command to install the new Oracle VM Server version on the selected compute node or compute nodes. This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be used as a last resort.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux command line. This option allows both forward and backward navigation through the command output.


Return the output of the command one screen at a time for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux command line. This option allows forward navigation only.


When returning the output of the command, also write it to the specified output file.


Example 4.88 Upgrade a Compute Node to Oracle VM Server Release 4.2.x
PCA> update compute-node ovcacn10r1
Are you sure [y/N]:y

Status: Success