How Are Leads Discarded

When leads are sent to an external system for analysis prior to lead activation, a possible result of the analysis is that the lead is flagged as non-priority for activation. When this occurs, the lead is discarded.

Unsuccessful leads transition to the Discarded state after a certain amount of time has passed, as defined on the initiative. The initiative’s lead event type profile can include an event that automatically discards a lead after a designated number of days. If the initiative does not specify this auto-discard event, the lead remains in the active state until a user manually discards it.

Some types of lead events can also trigger a lead to be discarded when specific conditions are met; for example, a lead that is assigned to a third party representative can be automatically discarded when the third party representative finds that the account is ineligible for the initiative. Refer to The Lifecycle of a Third Party Representative for more details.

In addition, automatic lead discards capture a lead discard reason. Lead event types that support auto-discard define their respective default lead discard reasons. Refer to Setting Up Lead Event Types and Maintaining a Lead for more information