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Complete Event
Sets the status of the current event to Complete. If the required fields (Remedy and Failure) have not been entered, this option will not be available. This option is not available for switching or planned outage events.
Sets the status of the current event to Maintenance Pending. If the required fields (Remedy and Case Note) have not been entered prior to selecting, an error will be displayed that will list the missing information.
Copies the case notes and details for the currently loaded event to all other events related to it based on its partial restoration.
Opens the Open or Create New Switching Sheet dialog box, which allows you to create a new switching sheet or open a switching sheet associated with the selected event. See “Open or Create New Switching Sheet” for more information.
Show asset associated with the event in the Viewer.
Refreshes the information in the window.
Understanding the Event Information Pane
The top section of the Event Details window contains event attributes:
The Event # is the number the system has assigned to the event.
The # Calls is the number of calls for the event.
Customers Out contains the estimated number of customers experiencing an outage for this event.
The # Emer., # Med., # Key, and # Sens. list the critical customers affected by the event.
Start Date contains the date and time when the event began. This field is editable except for switching events. For switching events, you must edit the Completed Date in the switching step itself. See “Steps Tab” for more information.
Est Restore Date contains the estimated restore date for the event. You may edit or clear the estimated restore date using standard Date/Time controls (see “Using Date/Time Pickers” for details).
Restore Date contains the date and time of event restoration (that is, when the outage area was restored). This field is editable except for switching events. For switching events, you must edit the Completed Date in the switching step itself. See “Steps Tab” for more information.
Est Time to Repair contains the estimated time to repair the event.
The Asset is the name and type of asset associated with the event
The Sheet # is the switching sheet number associated with the event, if any. The switching sheet number is prefixed by the switching sheet type.
Clues contains any clues contained in the customer calls.
Zone displays the control zone where the associated asset is located.
Updating the Estimated Restoration Time
Once a crew has arrived onsite and reported their assessment of when the event will be restored, you can update the estimated restoration time using Event Details. To update the estimated restoration time, complete these steps:
1. Select the event in the Work Agenda window.
2. Click the Event Details toolbar button or select Event Detail... from the Actions menu. The Event Details window opens.
3. On the Event Details pane, enter the amount of time (in hours and minutes) that the crew will take to restore the outage in the Est Time to Repair field.
4. Click the Save button. The updated time displays in the Est Restore Date fields, and other windows that display the Est Restore Date will be updated.
Understanding Event Details Tabs
The Event Details windows provides a tabbed user interface to provide the tools to work an event in discrete views. The tabs are described in the following sections:
Using the Job Actions Tab
The Job Actions tab lets you view detailed information about the event.
The Restoration Log pane contains a table that displays device operation information related to the restoration. The table is not populated when there are no device operations affecting the event (for example, with a PDO). The table is not displayed when the event is a non-outage. The Restoration Log table contains the following columns:
Stage: contains the restoration stage number
# Out Before: Contains the number of customers out before this operation
Start Date: Contains the time the customers were originally outaged.
Operation Date: Contains the date and time of the operation.
Duration: Contains the outage duration for this set of customers
CMI: Contains the CMI for this set of customers (the Duration times the # Restored).
Asset : Displays the asset operated at each stage.
# Restored: Contains the total number of customers that were restored at each stage.
# Added: Contains the total number of customers that were added at each stage.
# Out After: Contains total number of customers still isolated.
Remarks: Contains any comments or remarks entered by the user or external system.
The Event #: column contains the event number associated with each partial restoration step.
The Operations Event Note pane contains a text field that allows you to enter notes about the event and a table listing existing notes. The table contains the following columns:
Event #: The event for which the note was submitted.
Date/Time: The date and time when the note was submitted.
User: The user who added the note.
Note: The note text.
Versions: Whether older versions of the note exists or not (Yes/No).
See “Using the Operations Event Note Pane” for details on available actions.
Call Comments: The Call Comments table displays any comments contained in customer calls for the event.
The En Route/Onsite Crews Pane
The Next Crew Contact Required at table displays when the operator next anticipates receiving contact from associated crews. Use the Reset Selected Crew Contact Time button to reset the crew contact time to the date and time you enter in the Date field.
The En Route/Onsite Crews table contains the following columns:
Event #: Contains the event where the crew is working.
Crew ID: Contains the crew name.
Contact: Displays the contact name for the assignment.
Mobile #: The crew’s mobile phone number.
Assign Date: Contains the time at which the crew was first assigned to the event. This date can be edited.
Dispatch Date: Contains the time at which the event assignment was actually communicated to the crew. This column is empty if the crew has not been dispatched yet. This date can be edited.
En Route Date: Contains the time at which the crew was placed en route to the event. This column is empty if the crew has not started en-route yet. This date can be edited.
On Site Date: Contains the time at which the crew arrived on site. This date can be edited.
Contact Required By: Contains the date and time at which the next contact is expected.