Control Tool Actions
Control Tool operations and functions are performed by clicking their corresponding buttons. The following table describes common Control Tool buttons and the actions that they perform.
Allows you to perform device operations; options available depend on the device, device state, and whether it is part of a set of devices:
Instruct Open
Instruct Close
Open and Tag
Instruct Open and Tag
Remove Tag and Close
Instruct Remove Tag and Close
Inhibit Topology
Un-Inhibit Topology
Inhibit All
Un-Inhibit All
Undo Open
Secondary Device Actions
Open Backfeed
Instruct Open Backfeed
Close Backfeed
Instruct Close Backfeed
Open Main & Close Backfeed
Instruct Open Main & Close Backfeed
Open Backfeed & Close Main
Instruct Open Backfeed & Close Main
Phase Wire Down
Inserts a wire down condition into the model.
Put Up Wire
Removes wire down condition from the model.
Cut Cable
Inserts a cut cable condition into the model.
Repair Cable
Removes a condition from the model.
Allows you to Place Tag, Instruct Place Tag, Remove Tag, and Instruct Remove Tag.
Allows you to Place Ground, Instruct Place Ground, Remove Ground, and Instruct Remove Ground.
Model Edits...
Allows you to select a type of jumper to place. See “Placing Jumpers”.
Allows you to enable or disable optimization for that device.
Regulation Device...
Allows you to display the Regulation Device Parameters dialog box for the selected Shunt Devices, Distributed Generator, Equivalent Source, or Transformer.
The dialog box allows you to change regulation device parameters and can be invoked from the Control Tool or Feeder Load Management Details for applicable devices. The dialog box has the additional advantage of allowing you to submit manual entries for SCADA measurements or send the instruction to SCADA, if available.
Note: The option to adjust regulation settings for Equivalent Sources will only be present while in study mode. These devices represent pseudo points in the model and it would not be realistic to adjust these in a real-time setting. In study mode, a user will have the ability to alter the settings to try "what-if" scenarios and see how changes would affect the model.
Fault Current...
Displays the Fault Current dialog box to allow you to change the fault current for the feeder. See “Manually Entering Fault Current from the Control Tool”.
Change Load...
Change Load has two options:
Change - Displays the Change Load Dialog to allow you to change the total load for a particular device in your study session. Only available in Study Mode.
Revert - Reverts a changed load on a particular device in your study session to its original value.
Highlight Event
Displays the event in the Work Agenda. You must have the correct view of the Work Agenda window open in order to see the highlighted event (for example, the In Progress list).
Repredict Upstream
Allows you to manually repredict the outage to the next predictable upstream device.
Repredict Downstream
Allows you to manually repredict the outage to downstream predictable devices.
Repredict to Here
Allows you to manually repredict downstream outages to the selected device.
Repredict PMO to Here
Allows you to manually repredict downstream momentary outages to the selected device.
View Documents...
Allows you to view documents associated with device.
Allows you to place notes on devices.
Displays the Device Attributes window, which lists information about the selected device's properties. See “Viewing Device Attribute Information”.
Line Catalog Info...
Displays the Line Catalog Information dialog box, which displays the power engineering characteristics for a selected conductor. See “Line Catalog Information”.
Note: This option is only available when Power Flow Extensions are licensed.
Damage Assessment…
Opens the Damage Assessments window, which displays a list of damage assessments associated with the device selected in the Viewer and allows you to add new damage assessments. See “Using the Damage Assessments Tab”.
Allows you to place assessment conditions on the device.
Quarantine: The quarantine assessment means that the area downstream is quarantined. Current and future events on all downstream devices will go into the QUAR (Quarantine) work queue.
Start Patrolling: The area downstream should be flagged as needing patrolling. Events will receive the PTRL work queue.
Device Assessed: This device was assessed.
Assessed Downstream: The area downstream has been assessed.
Toggle Call Display
Toggles the call display on or off. When enabled, a symbol is displayed in the Viewer window for any transformers that have calls associated with the event. This option is only available on Control Tools that are opened from a predictable outage device, such as a switch or fuse, which has an open associated event.
Customer List...
Displays the customers downstream from a device.
AMI Customer List...
Displays meters downstream from a device.
Switching Plans...
Allows you to open a switching plan associated with the device. If multiple plans are associated with the device, the Device to Sheet Operation List displays a list of switching sheets and associated operations. Each operation represents a step in the switching sheet. Select a sheet operation and click Open. See “Web Switching Management” for more information on using Web Switching Management.
Generate Steps...
Allows you to generate a set of steps in the active switch sheet to either isolate or tag the selected conductor. These steps will appear in new Isolate or Place Tags step blocks, respectively. Sub-options allow you to ignore devices with certain conditions on them.
Safety Documents...
Allows you to open or create safety documents associated with the device. See “Opening Existing Safety Documents” or “Creating a New Safety Document from the Control Tool”.
Device Violations History...
Displays the Device Violations History on the selected device.
See “Device Violations History Window” for more information.
SCADA Summary...
Opens the SCADA Summary window. See “Using the SCADA Summary” for more information.
Operate Phases
Allows you to operate all or specific phases of a device by toggling All or any combination of A, B, and C phases. Any phases not applicable to the device are disabled (for example, the Control Tool for an A phase transformer will have B and C disabled). This option is disabled if the selected device is ‘gang-operated.'
Date and Time
Allows you to record the date and time an operation was performed. The field defaults to the current date and time, but you can adjust the date using standard date/time control actions (see “Using Date/Time Pickers” for details). The date and time of the operation displays in the Event Recorder window. Note that this will also affect reported outage times.
Displays Control Tool help.
Closes the Control Tool.
Highlighting Events in the Work Agenda
If an event is associated with a selected device, you can find it in the Work Agenda window using the Control Tool's Highlight Event button. You must have the correct view of the Work Agenda window open in order to see the highlighted event (for example, the In Progress list).
Note: If there are multiple events associated with a device, only the first one found will be highlighted. See also “Work Agenda Interaction with Event Condition Symbols”.
Viewing Documents Associated with a Device
To view documents associated with a device, complete these steps:
1. Open a Viewer window. Locate a device that has an associated document you wish to view. (Devices with associated documents have a "DOC" condition symbol.)
2. Open the device's Control Tool.
3. Select the Control Tool's View Documents… option. The Manage Documents window will open listing any associated documents for the selected device.
4. Select the document and click View Document; the document will open for viewing.
5. Click Exit to close the Manage Documents window.
For instructions on associating documents to devices, see “Associating Documents with Devices”; note that this function is available only to administrative users.
Adding Notes
The Control Tool allows you to place notes on devices. Notes may be created or opened by clicking the Control Tool Note... button, which will open the Notes dialog box. Existing notes for the selected device are listed in the Notes pane.
Note: Note text is also displayed in the Device Details balloon (see “Displaying Device Details”)