Using the User Administration Tab
The Configuration Assistant User Administration tab allows an administrator to add and remove users, modify user types associated with users, and view user login activity. The User Administration tab contains the following panes:
From this tab, you can perform the following tasks:
Understanding the Current Users Pane
The Current Users pane lists all of the users currently configured to use one or more modules of Oracle Utilities Network Management System, and allows you to add, edit, and remove users.
Each time you select a row in the Current Users table, the User Type Memberships and User Log panes populate with information that pertains to the selected user.
The Current Users pane displays the following fields and buttons:
The Username column contains the Oracle Utilities Network Management System login name of the user.
The Full Name column contains the full name of the user.
The Last Logon column contains the date and time the user last logged on.
The Last Logoff column contains the date and time the user was last logged off.
The Add button allows you to create a new user.
The Remove button allows you to remove an existing user.
The Edit button allows you to modify the Username and Full Name of the user.
The Refresh button refreshes the table with the current contents of the database.
The Service Recache button causes the Oracle Utilities Network Management System services to recache with the changes you made in the Configuration Assistant window. If you do not do this, many of your changes may not be recognized until Oracle Utilities Network Management System services are restarted. For example, you may be able to log in as a new user without recaching, but certain device operations will fail to be recognized and will generate errors.
The Export Configuration... button generates SQL statements for the current state of the configuration associated with the User Administration tab. These SQL statements may then be saved to a file and/or printed.