
This manual is designed to help you quickly get acquainted with the Oracle Banking Branch Current Account and Savings Account Services. It provides an overview of the module and provides information on using the Current and Savings Account sub-module of Oracle Banking Branch Current Account and Savings Account Services.


This manual is for the Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) and staff in charge of setting up new products in your bank.


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning


Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Symbols, Definitions and Abbreviations

The following are some of the Symbols you are likely to find in the manual:

Table -1 Symbols

Icons and Buttons Description
Edit icon Edit Icon
Delete icon Delete Icon
Exit icon Exit Icon
Search icon Search Icon
Customer Information icon Customer Information Icon
Add Tiles to Dashboard icon Add Tiles to Dashboard
Add New Event icon Add New Event
Calender icon Calender Icon
Filter icon Filter
First icon First
Last icon Last
Previous icon Previous
Next icon Next
Expand icon Expand
Collapse icon Collapse
View icon View
Modify icon Modify
Close icon Close
Bell icon Bell
Attachments icon Attachments
Alert icon Alert
Information icon Information

Table -2 Common Icons and its Definitions

Icon Names Applicable Stages Operation
Document Initiation, Approval and Hand-off Retry The maker of the transaction can click on ‘Document’ to upload documents that are relevant to the transaction. Once uploaded, the documents are available for viewing during authorization or by the maker.
Change Log Approval When the authorizer clicks on the Change Log button, the system displays the changes made to the transaction in a pop-up window. By default, the change log is set to display only modified values. The Change Log button has two options, All and Updated. All button displays both modified and non-modified fields and the Updated button displays only the modified fields. All the modified values are displayed in red that helps the authorizer to compare and simplify the authorization process.
Remarks Initiation, Approval and Hand-off Retry ‘Remarks’ can be used either by the maker or the authorizer of the transaction to optionally capture useful information about the transaction.
Host Error Hand Off Retry Hand off Retry’ comes into use whenever a transaction input from the mid-office system fails authorization due to Host System rejection. The authorizer of the transaction can view the reason for Host rejection and take appropriate action.
i icon Initiation, Approval and Hand-off Retry To view the Customer details such as the photograph, signature, customer ID, Account Branch, and balance, the ‘i’ icon is used. The ‘i’ icon becomes active once the maker of the transaction inputs the account number and tabs out of the field. The ‘i’ icon is useful to inquire customer information about both the debit and the credit account numbers.
Minimize Initiation, Approval and Hand-off Retry Users can minimize the transaction input screen. When the screen is minimized, it appears as to a separate tab within the same web page.
Maximize Initiation, Approval and Hand off Retry User can maximize the transaction input screen.
Close Initiation, Approval and Hand off Retry Users can close the transaction input screen. The system displays a warning message to the user that any unsaved data would be lost. User can either choose to ignore the message and close the screen or choose to ‘save and close’ the transaction.
Save and Close Initiation In case a transaction has to be closed midway due to a lack of sufficient information, the maker of the transaction can choose this option.

On 'Save & Close’, the input details are saved and the transaction screen is closed. Saved transaction details will be available in 'My task’. Users can select the transaction from ‘My Task’ and proceed with the transaction or delete it.

Submit Initiation On completion of input of all parameters for a particular transaction, click the 'Submit' icon to move the transaction from the initiation stage to the approval stage. Authorizer can select the transaction from 'Free Task' for approval.
Cancel Initiation, Approval and Hand off Retry Cancel operation cancels the transaction input midway without saving any data. The user is alerted that the input data would be lost before confirming the cancellation.
Approve Approval Click Approval. The system displays a pop-up screen where approval remarks if any can be input. Click OK to submit the transaction to the Host for approval through Oracle Banking Routing Hub.
Reject Approval and Hand off Retry When an authorizer chooses to reject a transaction, the 'Reject' icon is used. The system displays a pop-up screen to capture the Rejection remarks if any. Click OK for the transaction to be routed back to the initiation stage. Subsequently, the maker can modify or delete the transaction details.
Retry Hand off Retry The possibility of retrying a transaction arises when transaction input from the mid-office system fails authorization due to Host System rejection. Such host-rejected transactions will be present in the Hand off Retry queue in the Task Wizard. The Retry option is available only to the authorizer. Upon ‘Retry’, the transaction is sent to the host once again through Oracle Banking Routing Hub. Optionally, the authorizer can also ‘Reject’ the transaction in which case it is routed back to the maker.
Audit Initiation, Approval and Hand off Retry Audit details provide the logs of users who have acted on the transaction, the transaction date, and the time for all stages that the transaction has passed through.
Reset Hand off Retry The reset button clears all the details displayed on the screen and allows input or selection of a different customer number.
Overrides Initiation, Approval and Hand-off Retry After submitting the initiation stage, the system validates the transaction with the host and displays an errors/overrides if any. In case of an error, the user can modify and resubmit or cancel the transaction. In case of an override, the user can modify and resubmit or proceed with the transaction by accepting the overrides.

On the Override Details pop-up window, click Decline button to go back to the transaction screen to modify or cancel it, or click the Accept button to complete the initiation stage and move the transaction to the approval stage.

If there are any overrides present, then the Overrides button is displayed in the approval and hand-off retry stage. With a click of the Overrides button, the system displays the latest overrides accepted by the maker. After verifying the transaction and override details, the authorizer can approve or reject it. The existing Approve Transaction pop-up window is modified to display the overrides if any overrides are raised during the initiation submits.

When the authorizer confirms the approval, the transaction is sent to the host through OBRH. The host validates the transaction again and the transaction is created if all the validations are succeeded. If the transaction is failed, the system displays an error message and the transaction is moved to the hand-off retry stage. In this stage, the authorizer can retry or reject the transaction. On reject, the transaction is sent back to the maker to modify or delete it.

List of Topics

This manual is organized as follows:

Table -3 List of Topics

Topics Description
Preface This topic provides the general information about the manual. It also list the various topics covered in the User Manual.
Dashboard The Dashboard provides an overview of the goings-on at the bank to its users, which helps the user in managing the transaction life cycle of different activities in an efficient manner.
Standing Instruction Maintenance The topics which are part of Standing Instructions are:
Cheque Book The topics which are part of Cheque Book are:
Debit Card The topics which are part of Debit Card are:
Status Update The topics which are part of Status update are:
Others The topics which are part of Others are:
Statement The topics which are part of Statement are:
Limits The topics which are part of Limits are:
Amount Block The topics which are part of Amount Block are:
Maintenance The topics which are part of Maintenance are:
Inquiry The topics which are part of Inquiry are:
Track Receivables This topic describes about the Track Receivables

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Personal information used in the interface or documents are dummy and does not exist in the real world. It is only for reference purposes.