Copying an Auto Pay Instruction

Instead of creating an auto pay instruction from scratch, you can create a new auto pay instruction using an existing auto pay instruction. This is possible through copying an auto pay instruction. On copying an auto pay instruction, the details including the characteristics and rules are copied to the new auto pay instruction. You can then edit the details, if required.


To copy an auto pay instruction, you should have:

  • Auto pay instruction (whose copy you want to create) defined in the application

  • Auto pay sources and auto pay route types defined in the application

  • Rule types defined in the application


To copy an auto pay instruction:

  1. Search for the automatic payment option in the Auto Pay Instruction screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, select the check box corresponding to the automatic payment option whose copy you want to create.
  3. Click Duplicate.

    The Auto Pay Instruction screen appears. It contains the following sections:

    • Main - Used to specify basic details about the automatic payment option. It contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Account ID Indicates the account for which the automatic payment option is created. Not applicable
      Rule Type Used to indicate the rule type using which you want to create the rule based auto pay instruction. Yes (Conditional)
      Note: This field is required when you select the Regular option from the Auto Pay Type list.
    • Auto Pay Details - Used to define the bank or credit card account from which the customer's automatic payments are debited. It contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Start Date Used to specify the date from when the auto pay instruction is effective.
      Note: The start date cannot be later than the end date.
      End Date Used to specify the date till when the auto pay instruction is effective.
      Note: The end date cannot be earlier than the start date.
      Priority Used to indicate the priority in which the auto pay instruction should be considered when multiple auto pay instructions are effective on the bill’s due date.

      The priority cannot be less than or equal to zero.

      The priority of the default auto pay instruction for the account must be lowest within the given date range. For example, there are two rule based auto pay instructions defined for 01-01-2017 to 31-12-2017 — one with the priority 10 and another with the priority 20. Now, if you want to define the default auto pay instruction for the account, you must define it with the priority 30 (which is lower than 10 and 20).

      Auto Pay ID Displays the auto pay ID.
      Note: The data appears in this field when you are editing the details of an auto pay instruction.
      Not applicable
      Auto Pay Source Code Used to indicate the financial institution that receives the automatic payment request.
      Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Auto Pay Source Search window appears.
      Auto Pay Type Used to indicate the type of auto pay instruction. The valid values are:
      • Default - Used when you want to create a default auto pay instruction for the account. A default auto pay instruction is a non rule based auto pay instruction. You can only define one default auto pay instruction for the account within the given date range. The priority of the default auto pay instruction must be lowest compared to other rule based auto pay instructions. An effective default auto pay instruction is used when either none of the effective rule based auto pay instructions are satisfied on the bill’s due date or when none of the rule based auto pay instructions are effective on the bill’s due date.

      • Manual - Used when you want to create auto pay instructions which should not be automatically used when the financial transactions of the account are frozen.

      • Regular - Used when you want to create a rule based auto pay instruction.

      Auto Pay Route Type Used to indicate when and how automatic payment request of the account is routed to a financial institution.
      Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Auto Pay Route Type Search window appears.
      Auto Pay Method Used to indicate how you want to process the automatic payment request. The valid values are:
      • Direct Debit

      • Payment Advice

      Note: This field appears when the Payment Advice Functionality Supported option type in the DISTBRULE feature configuration is set to Y.
      Account Number Used to indicate the bank account number through which the automatic payment is made. Yes
      Expires On Used to specify the date when the tender type of the auto pay source will expire.
      Note: The expiration date cannot be earlier than the start date.
      Yes (Conditional)
      Note: This field is required when the Expiration Date Required check box is selected for the tender type.
      Name Used to specify the name of the person as it appears in the financial institution’s system. No
      Maximum Withdrawal Amount Used to specify the maximum amount that can be automatically debited from the bank account. It is used to set the limit on the withdrawal amount.
      Note: The maximum withdrawal amount cannot be less than zero.
      Comments Used to specify additional information about the automatic payment option. No
    • Characteristics - Used to define the characteristics for the automatic payment option.

    • Rules - Used to define one or more rules for a rule based auto pay instruction.

      Note: This section appears when you select a rule type in the Main section.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can copy an auto pay instruction by clicking the Duplicate button in the Auto Pay Instruction zone.
  4. Enter the required details in the Main and Auto Pay Details sections depending on whether you want to define a default, manual, or rule based auto pay instruction.
  5. Define, edit, or remove characteristics of the auto pay instruction, if required.
  6. Define, edit, or remove a criteria from the rule, if required.
  7. Define, edit, or remove rules from the rule based auto pay instruction, if required.

    You must define at least one rule when the Auto Pay Type field is set to Regular.

    The number of rules defined in the auto pay instruction must not exceed the maximum rule count defined in the rule type.

  8. Click Save.
    The new auto pay instruction is defined.
    Note: You cannot define multiple auto pay instructions for the account with the same priority and which are effective during the same date range.

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