
You can use a profile to create an invoice account while defining a construct. In a profile, you can define the default values for fields related to an entity. This helps you to quickly create an entity using the profile. Note that, at present, you can only define a profile for creating an invoice account.

While defining a construct, the default values appear (depending on how the UI map is defined for creating an entity) when you create an invoice account using the profile. You can edit these values, if required. If the fields are displayed on the UI map, you can edit the values through the UI map or through the respective base entity screen (once the entity is created). However, if the fields are not displayed on the UI map, you can edit the values only through the respective base entity screen (once the entity is created).

You can also associate algorithms with a profile. While associating an algorithm with a profile, you must indicate the system event on which you want to execute the algorithm. You can associate algorithms on the following system events:

  • Account Creation — Used to attach an algorithm which is triggered when you create an invoice account using the profile.

  • Contract Creation — Used to attach an algorithm which is triggered when contracts are created for an invoice account which is created using the profile.

Note: The invoice account and contract(s) are created for a construct when the construct is approved by the approver.

You can only use profiles which are active while defining or editing a construct. The Profile screen allows you to define, edit, and delete a profile. You can edit a profile even if it is used in any construct. However, any changes made to a profile will not be reflected in a construct where the profile is already used unless you create the account using the latest profile. This screen consists of the following zones:

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How to delete a profile Deleting a Profile
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