Search Bills

The Search Bills zone lists completed bills of the account which are either with credit balance or have one or more credit line items, such as bill segments and adjustments. You can filter the bills using various search criteria. This zone contains the following two sections:

  • Search Criteria — The Search Criteria section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Search By Used to indicate whether you want to search for a bill using bill or bill and price item details. The valid values are:
    • Bill Details

    • Bill and Price Item Details

    Note: By default, the Bill Details option is selected.
    Bill ID Used to search a particular bill. No
    Bill Date From Used to search bills which are created from a particular date onwards. No
    To Used to search bills which are created till a particular date. No
    Price Item Used to search bills which are created for a particular price item.

    This field appears when you select Bill and Price Item Details option from the Search By list.

    You can search for a price item by clicking the search (The Search Icon) icon corresponding to the field.

  • Search Results — On clicking the Search button, the search results are filtered based on the specified search criteria. The Search Results section contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Bill ID Displays the bill ID.
    Bill Information Displays additional information about the bill. In addition, this column has a context menu which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Bill screen appears with the details of the respective bill.
    Amount Displays the total bill amount.

    If you want to refund a bill with credit balance and all credit line items, you need to select the check box corresponding to the bill and then click the Add button in the Search Results section. All credit bill segments and adjustments of the bill are added in the Refund Details zone on the Main tab. However, if you select a bill (with credit balance) which contains one or more debit line items or if you select a bill (with debit balance) which contains one or more credit line items, the system will not allow you to add the credit line items by directly adding the bill. In such case, you need to individually select the credit bill segments and adjustments of the bill and then add them to the refund request.

Note: If a refund request is currently in progress for a credit bill segment or adjustment of a bill, those bills of the account are not listed in the Search Bills zone. In addition, a bill with all debit line items are not listed in the Search Bills zone.

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