Viewing the Log of a Write Off Request


To view the log of a write off request:

  1. Search for the write off request in the Refund/Write Off Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Refund/Write Off Request Information column corresponding to the write off request whose log you want to view.

    The Write Off Request screen appears. It consists of the following tabs:

    • Main – Displays information about the write off request. It contains the following zones:

      • Write Off Request – Displays the details of the write off request.

      • Write Off Details – Lists the debit bill line items (such as debit bill segments and adjustments) of the account which must be written off.

      • Bill Line Items — Displays the details of the bill which must be written off.


        This zone appears when you click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the entity type as Bill in the Write Off Details zone.

    • Bills — Used to search bills with debit line items, such as debit bill segments and adjustments, that you want to write off. This tab appears when the write off request is in the Draft status.

    • Log – Lists the complete trail of actions performed on the write off request.

  3. Click the Log tab
  4. View the log of the write off request in the Write Off Request Log zone.
    Note: You can manually add a log entry for the write off request by clicking the Add Log Entry link in the upper right corner of the Write Off Request Log zone.

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