Deal Currency Conversion

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing enables you to view the division financial summary (i.e. revenue, cost, profit, and profitability of the division) in the deal currency or in the respective division currency. A toggle switch appears above the Division Financial Summary section. By default, the division financial summary is shown in the deal currency. On clicking the toggle switch, you can view the division financial summary in the division’s base currency.

In addition, the system enables you to:

  • View the original and proposed revenue and cost of a customer (in the customer hierarchy) in the deal currency or in the respective customer’s division currency

  • View the original and proposed revenue and cost of an account (in the customer hierarchy) in the deal currency or in the respective account’s invoice currency

  • View the original and proposed revenue and cost of a price item assigned to a customer in the deal currency or in the respective customer’s division currency

  • View the original and proposed revenue and cost of a price item assigned to an account in the deal currency or in the respective account’s invoice currency

  • View the average price of a price item assigned to a customer in the pricing currency or in the respective customer’s division currency

  • View the average price of a price item assigned to an account in the pricing currency or in the respective account’s invoice currency

A toggle switch appears above the respective section. By default, the original and proposed revenue and cost are shown in the deal currency and the average price of the price item is shown in the pricing currency. On clicking the toggle switch, you can view the original and proposed revenue and cost and average price of the price item in the customer’s division currency or account’s invoice currency.

During currency conversion, the system uses the currency conversion algorithm attached to the Currency Conversion For Bill Segments system event of the division. Note that the currency conversion happens when the Allow Multi-Currency Accounts option type of the C1_​MLTCURACC feature configuration is set to Y.