Deal Monitoring

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing enables the relationship manager to assess the deal at regular intervals using the Deal Monitoring feature. The system sends the To Do reminders to the relationship manager at predefined intervals to review the deal. On assessing a deal, the relationship manager can accordingly add the review comments for the deal.

To send the To Do reminders for deal review, you need to set the following fields in the required deal types:

  • To Do Reminder Days – Used to indicate the number of days using which the system calculates the To Do reminder date.

  • To Do High Priority Days – Used to indicate the number of days using which the system calculates the date when the To Do reminder of highest priority should be sent.

  • Deal Monitor To Do Type – Used to indicate the To Do type using which the To Do should be created for the deal review.

The Deal Monitoring (C1_​DLMTR) batch is used to monitor or check whether there is any deal in the Fully Orchestrated status. If there is a deal in the Fully Orchestrated status, the system considers its deal version which is in the Fully Orchestrated status. It then does the following:

  • Calculates the review date and To Do reminder date for the deal

  • Create a To Do for deal review and changes the status of the deal to Pending For Review when the To Do reminder date is equal to the system date

If the deal is not yet reviewed even once, the batch calculates the first review date using the deal effective start date and deal review frequency. For example, if there is a deal which is effective from 07-01-2020 to 12-31-2021 and where the deal review frequency is set to Biannually, the system sets the first review date to 01-01-2021 (i.e. 07-01-2020 + 6 months). However, if the deal is already reviewed in the past, the batch calculates the subsequent review date using the last review date and deal review frequency. For example, if there is a deal which is effective from 07-01-2020 to 12-31-2021 and where the last review date is set to 01-01-2021 and the deal review frequency is set to Biannually, the system sets the subsequent review date to 07-01-2021 (i.e. 01-01-2021 + 6 months). Note that if the calculated review date is later than the deal effective end date, then the batch sets the review date to the deal effective end date. For example, if there is a deal which is effective from 07-01-2020 to 12-31-2021 and where the last review date is set to 07-01-2021 and the deal review frequency is set to Biannually, the system sets the subsequent review date to 12-31-2021. This is because the calculated review date (i.e. 01-01-2022) is later than the deal effective end date (i.e. 12-31-2021).

In addition, the batch calculates the To Do reminder date which is review date minus the To Do reminder days. For example, if the review date is 12-31-2021 and To Do reminder days is 60, the system sets the To Do reminder date to 11-01-2021. For more information about the batch, refer to Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Batch Guide. After executing the Deal Monitoring (C1_​DLMTR) batch, you need to execute the Recalculate To Do Priority (F1-TDCLP) batch. The Recalculate To Do Priority (F1-TDCLP) batch recalculates and changes the priority of the To Do reminder using the following formula:

(To Do Reminder Days - To Do High Priority Days)/Number of Priority

For example,

The following table lists the parameters and their values which are used for calculating the priority of the To Do reminders:
To Do Reminder Days 90
To Do High Priority Days 30
To Do Reminder Date 01-April-20
Deal Review Date 30-June-20
Number of Priority 8

In this case, the system changes the priority of the To Do reminder after every 8 days (i.e. (90-30)/8=7.5) as mentioned in the below table:

System Date Priority
1-April-2020 Lowest - Priority 9
9-April-2020 Priority 8
17-April-2020 Priority 7
25-April-2020 Priority 6
02-May-2020 Priority 5
10-May-2020 Priority 4
18-May-2020 Priority 3
26-May-2020 Priority 2
01-June-2020 Highest Priority 1

The system changes the To Do priority from Priority 9 to Priority 1 where 9 is the lowest and 1 is the highest. The system always ensures that the priority of the To Do reminder to highest is set 10 days before the deal review date. However, if the output of the above formula is zero, the system changes the priority of the To Do reminder every day.

If a deal is in the Pending For Review status, the Review Deal icon appears corresponding to the deal in the Search Deal zone of the Deal Dashboard screen. On clicking the Review Deal icon, the Deal Review window appears. Here, the relationship manager can add the review comments for the deal after assessing its performance. On adding the review comments, the status of the deal is changed from Pending For Review to Fully Orchestrated.