Deal Inactivation

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing enables the relationship manager to create multiple deals and deal versions until he reaches the best-optimized deal for a customer. Most of the deals which are created to check multiple permutation combinations to reach the best deal are later not updated in the system. Oracle Revenue Management and Billing provides the ability to automatically inactivate such deals which are not active in the system for a long time. The system stamps the last updated date on a deal when an action is performed on the deal or when there is a change in the deal status.

To automatically inactivate the deals which are not updated in the system for a long time, you need to:

  • Attach an algorithm which is created using the C1-INACDEAL algorithm type to the Deal Inactivation system event in the required deal types.

  • Set the following fields in the required deal types:

    • Days to Inactivate Deal – Used to indicate the number of days after which the deal should be inactivated when it is not active in the system. Here, you must specify a numeric value greater than zero. The numeric value should be greater than the values specified in the To Do Reminder Days and To Do High Priority Days fields. This field is required when the deal inactivation algorithm is attached to the deal type.

    • To Do Reminder Days - Used to indicate the number of days using which the system calculates the first To Do reminder date.

    • To Do High Priority Days - Used to indicate the number of days using which the system calculates the date when the To Do reminder of highest priority should be sent.

The deal inactivation algorithm (i.e. C1-INACDEAL) does the following:

  • Calculates the following dates for the deal:

    • Deal Inactivation Date = Last Updated Date + Days to Inactivate Deal

    • First To Do Reminder Date = Deal Inactivation Date – To Do Remainder Days

    • Second To Do Remainder Date = Deal Inactivation Date – To Do High Priority Days

  • Creates two reminder notifications (i.e. To Dos) for the relationship manager which indicates that the system will inactivate the deal on a particular date if no actions are performed on it before the deal inactivation date. The reminder notifications are sent when the First To Do Reminder Date or Second To Do Remainder Date is equal to the system date.

  • Changes the status of the deal to Inactive when the deal inactivation date is equal to the system date.

This algorithm is triggered when the Deal Monitoring (C1_​DLMTR) batch is executed. The Deal Monitoring (C1_​DLMTR) batch considers all deals which are in the following status:

  • Draft

  • Error

  • Hierarchy Creation Deferred

  • Pending For Approval

  • Pending Simulation

  • Ready For Approval

  • Simulated

  • Simulation Deferred

For more information about the batch, refer to Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Batch Guide. Once a deal is inactivated, you can only view the profitability details of its deal version and extract the deal version information in the PDF and Excel formats. If the inactivated deal has simulation date, then its deal version is available for deal comparison. All other functionalities, such as viewing approval workflow, finalizing deal, accepting deal, rejecting deal, deal orchestration, reviewing deal, etc. are not available for an inactivated deal. Also, you cannot refer an inactivated deal or use an inactivated deal as a template deal.