Editing a Scheduler Chain


To edit a scheduler chain:

  1. Search for the scheduler chain in the Scheduler Chain screen whose details you want to edit.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the Edit () icon in the Edit column corresponding to the scheduler chain whose details you want to edit.
    The Scheduler Chain screen appears. It contains the following fields:
    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Chain Name Displays the name of scheduler chain. No
    Detailed Description Used to specify the description of the scheduler chain. No
    Step Name Used to specify the name of the step which you want to edit for that particular chain.

    The step refer to the program, which executes for that step.

    A rule is attached to each step to identify the dependency to other step and to the condition for when the step should be executed.

    For Example:

    C1-PNDBL, C1-BLGE, and C1-BLPPR are the programs which should be executed in a specific sequence. The second program should be executed only when first program is completed successfully. Below are the steps to define the condition:

    • The condition of the first step should always true. So that the scheduler understands that this step need to execute first before second step start for execution.

    • The condition for first program is mentioned as “STEP1” SUCCEEDED

    • In case, if you want to execute the second program even if the first program is failed to execute. The condition is mentioned as “STEP1” SUCCEEDED OR “STEP1” FAILED

    • The step names could be anything only the name of the last step should be mentioned as END.

    Program Name Used to indicate the name of scheduler program.
    Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Scheduler Program Search window appears.
    Execution Condition Used to specify the condition for the particular step. Yes
  3. Click Add (The Add Icon icon corresponding to the respective step, to add the next step.
  4. Click Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the respective step, to delete the step.
  5. Click Save.
    The scheduler chain is modified.

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