Designing Write-Off Controls

Set up a matrix using the collection classes you designed when you were designing your collection procedures ( Designing Your Collection Procedures ).

The following table illustrates an example where different write-off debt class is defined for the collection class of an account.
Contract's Write-Off Debt Class Account's Collection Class
Residential Commercial/Industrial
Normal Write Off

Each cell should have a "write-off control" that defines what to do when the system detects final debt that hasn't been paid. This is true even of the "N/A" write-off debt class. Why? Because you may want the system to write-down these stopped contract's when they have a small balance. For example, if you have a write-off contract that subsequently receives a partial payment that leaves a small amount owing, you probably want the system to generate a write-down adjustment (so that the write-off contract will close). We'll initially fill in the matrix for the "N/A' write-off debt class.

The following table illustrates the information specified for the N/A write-off debt class.
Contract's Write-Off Debt Class Account's Collection Class
Residential Commercial/Industrial
Normal Write Off

Attempt to reduce the contract's balance to zero using the following methods:

Synchronize current balance with payoff balance.

If the debt is < $10 and > $-1, write down the debt using a write-down adjustment.

Attempt to reduce the contract's balance to zero using the following methods:

Synchronize current balance with payoff balance.

If the debt is < $10 and > $-1, write down the debt using a write-down adjustment.

Note: If the Write Off Monitor encounters debt associated with a non-defined collection class and write-off debt class, it will issue an error.

For each cell that isn't designated as N/A, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Are you allowed to transfer debt to other non-closed contracts linked to the account? If so, you need to define the algorithm used to do such. Refer to Setting Up Write-off Control for more information about this algorithm.
  • Are you allowed to write-down small amounts of debt (or small credits)? If so, you need to define the algorithm used to do such. Refer to Setting Up Write-off Control for more information about this algorithm.
  • Should you refund credit balances with a check? If so, you need to define the algorithm to do such. Refer to Setting Up Write-off Control for more information about this algorithm.
  • If debt remains after doing the above, how do you write it off (e.g., do you first refer the debt to a collection agency and only write it off after waiting 30 days)?

We'll fill in the above matrix with our assumptions:

The following table illustrates a write-off debt class example where the collection criteria is defined.
Contract's Write-Off Debt Class Account's Collection Class
Residential Commercial/Industrial
Normal Write-Off

Attempt to reduce the contract's balance to zero using the following methods:

Attempt to transfer debt to another active contract linked to the account.

If the debt is < $10 and > $-1, write down the debt using a write-down adjustment.

If the debt is <= $-1, create an A/P adjustment to refund the credit to the customer.

If debt remains:

Highest priority: If customer has a non-cash deposit, create the non-cash deposit write-off process.

Otherwise, create the default write-off process for residential debt.

Attempt to reduce the contract's balance to zero using the following methods:

Attempt to transfer debt to another active contract linked to the account.

If the debt / credit is < $10 and > $-10, write down the debt using a write-down adjustment.

If the debt / credit is <= $-10, create an A/P adjustment to refund the credit to the customer.

If debt remains:

Highest priority: If customer has a non-cash deposit, create the non-cash deposit write-off process.

Otherwise, create the default write-off process for commercial debt.


Attempt to reduce the contract's balance to zero using the following methods:

Synchronize current balance with payoff balance.

If the debt is < $10 and > $-1, write down the debt using a write-down adjustment.

Because this debt class isn't eligible for further write-off processing, criteria used to process debt are not necessary.

Attempt to reduce the contract's balance to zero using the following methods:

Synchronize current balance with payoff balance.

If the debt is < $10 and > $-1, write down the debt using a write-down adjustment.

Because this debt class isn't eligible for further write-off processing, criteria used to process debt are not necessary.

We can now use the information in the above matrix to design the necessary Write Off Process Templates and Write Off Event Types.