Designing Write Off Process Templates & Write Off Event Types

The following table illustrates the write-off process templates referenced in the previous section's matrix. In addition, it lists the events of each write-off process and when they should be triggered:
Write Off Process Template Write Off Event Type Triggered X Days From Start Of Write Off Process
Residential Refer to collection agency 0
Letter notifying customer of referral 0
Cancel collection agency referral 60
Write off 60
Non-Cash Deposit Exists To Do for non-cash deposit redemption 0
To Do to highlight unpaid contract(s) still exist (and they will be reconsidered for write-off processing) 10
Commercial Refer to collection agency 0
Letter notifying customer of referral 0
To Do to check up on collection agency's efforts 30
Cancel collection agency referral 60
Write off 60
The following table illustrates the write-off event types along with its specifications:
Write Off Event Type Event Type
Notification of write-off referral Send letter - Debt referred to a collection agency
Refer to collection agency Refer to collection agency
Cancel collection agency referral Cancel collection agency referral
Write off Write off
To Do for non-cash deposit redemption Generate To Do - Redeem non-cash deposit
To Do to highlight unpaid contract(s) still exist Generate To Do - contract(s) linked to a non-cash deposit remain unpaid (and will be reconsidered for write-off processing)
To Do to check up on collection agency's efforts Generate To Do - Check up on collection agency's efforts

And now you're ready to set up your write-off procedures.