Setting Up Write Off Debt Classes

Every contract type has a write-off debt class. This class is one of several fields that control the write off criteria applied to the contract's debt. Select Admin Menu, Write Off Debt Class to define your debt classes.

Fastpath: For more information about debt classes, see Designing Your Write-Off Debt Classes .

Panel controls

To modify a write-off debt class, simply move to a field and change its value. To add a new write-off debt class, click + to insert a row, then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:

Write Off Debt Class Code The unique identifier of the write off debt class.

Eligible for Write Off Indicates if contracts belonging to this write off debt class are eligible for write-off processing. This should only be turned off if this debt cannot be written off, e.g., write off debt.

Description The description of the write off debt class.

Where Used

Follow this link to open the data dictionary where you can view the tables that reference CI_​WO_​DEBT_​CL.