Setting Up Write Off Process Templates

Write-off process templates define the write-off events that will be executed when a write-off criteria rule is violated. Select Admin Menu, Write Off Process Template to define your write-off process templates.

Description of Page

Enter a unique Write Off Process Template code and Description for the write-off process template.

The rows in the following grid define the events that will be created when a write off process is created using this template. The following fields display:

Event Sequence Sequence controls the order in which the write-off event is executed. The sequence number is system assigned and cannot be changed. If you need to insert a write-off event between two existing events, you must remove the latter events, insert the new event, and then re-enter the removed events.

Write-off Event Type Code Specify the type of write-off event to be generated. The event type's description is displayed adjacent.

Days After Process Creation Specify the number of days after the creation of the write-off process that the related write-off event will be triggered. Refer to Calendar vs Work Days for a description of how this system uses this information to set the trigger date on the respective write-off events.

Fastpath: For more information about write-off event types, see Setting Up Write Off Event Types . For more information about trigger dates, see Write-off Event Trigger Date .

Where Used

Follow this link to open the data dictionary where you can view the tables that reference CI_​WO_​PROC_​TMPL.